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Need for the Workshop As global and basin scale oceanographic observing and forecasting systems become fully operational there is a growing need to exchange the experiences of building and running such systems. It is critical that all nations see the advantages of playing an active part in supporting them, understand the mutual benefits to be realized, and engage in coordinated advocacy for sustained public funding. It is especially important that the benefits of global and basin scale systems to regional and local applications are realised and that global and basin scale systems in turn benefit from systematic regional observations. This is the second of a series of workshops involving operators from different regions of the globe. It aims to build on the outcomes of the workshop held at UNESCO IOC Paris on 7 April 2008, which covered operational and pre-operational systems in Europe and the USA. Goal of the Workshop The overall goal of the workshop is to explore how the principal groups in the Indian Ocean, Asian, SW Pacific and Australian regions can best cooperate to realize the benefit of integrated global, basin, regional and local scale systems. The workshop outcomes are intended to provide an input to the preparation of updated implementation plans for GOOS. Outcomes of the workshop The following outcomes are sought: Exchange of operational best practice Improved coordination of outreach activities Improved coordination of capacity building Improved links between global/basin scale systems and regional and local applications Improved links to weather and seasonal forecasting applications Improved coordination of advocacy for sustained funding Organization The workshop is designed to foster practical collaboration of mutual benefit to participants. Presentations will increase collective understanding of the plans and achievements of existing initiatives and breakout sessions will identify areas of collaboration that can yield practical benefits. The workshop will tackle these objectives through an agenda structured around regions. For each region, GOOSs status and contribution in respect to improving the bio-physical oceanographic characterisation, predictability of key processes, and operational applicability across societal, economic and ecological spheres, will be updated through key presentations. This information will then be used as a basis for breakout sessions with the objective of fostering practical collaboration and improved linkages between the open ocean and coastal components of GOOS.     Restricted distribution IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU/GSSC-XII/WS/02 Agenda Item: All Perth, 23-24 February 2009 English only +,89Z[    & A B ллth_VhFhThT5CJ OJQJaJ hT6OJQJh6OJQJhThT6OJQJhT5CJOJQJaJ&hThT5OJPJQJ\mH sH  hT5OJPJQJ\mH sH (hThTCJOJPJQJaJmH sH (hThTCJOJPJQJaJmH sH .hThT5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH .hThT5CJOJPJQJ\aJmH sH ,89[ eXXX $da$gdTukd$$Ifx\0%   U(44 xa$d$7$8$Ifa$gdT$d$Ifa$gdT \I   A B N e [\u^'\$a$gds$a$gdsgd$mW $@&a$gdO8 $@&a$gds $a$gd$a$gd$mWB " 4    L M N c d e n ~ }  ƽƢzrzjzzh4OJQJh=OJQJhp OJQJhsOJQJhOJQJhO8OJQJhNOJQJhS)h$mWOJQJhsOJQJh-OJQJhs5OJQJhS)h$mW5OJQJh=fdh$mW5CJOJQJaJh=5CJ OJQJaJ hTh$mW5CJ OJQJaJ ) 6jqYZ~ Z[\tu<P]^-5;HR[\]͹jh?OUhs5OJQJhW5OJQJhp OJQJhS)h$mW5OJQJhO8OJQJh4OJQJhsOJQJh$mWOJQJhS)h$mWOJQJh=OJQJ=\^_abdeghFGHIJ$a$gdsgdT$ $da$gd9k$ $d^a$gd9k &d]^gdy]_`bcefh}EFGHIJůřřřjf^h$mWOJQJh0hThY]XCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH*hGjCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH*hCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH*hY]XCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH0hThCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH*hyCJOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tHjh?OUh?O901hP:pGj. 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