ࡱ> RTQ -bjbjFF _$$%EWWWWWkkkk8$kn(')))))) )W)?WW>??? WW'?'??:O,WWڞkj{ 4T0R!?!?W :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XX/14.0 29 January 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XIX) Beijing, China, 4-8 May 2009 Cooperation between IODE and JCOMM through ETDMP and the JCOMM DMPA J.R. Keeley Integrated Science Data Management, Canada Summary of the document This document provide an overview of the cooperation between DMPA and IODE during the last intersessional and proposes closer cooperation into the future. Appendices: Background information on intersessional cooperation and future directions DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT The meeting was provided with a comprehensive list of the many areas of increased cooperation between IODE and the Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) of JCOMM over the last 3 years. Of particular importance was the administrative step by IODE to have the chair of the DMPA serve as an Officer, and by JCOMM to have IODE chair serve as a member of the Data Management Coordination Group. Programmatically, IODE and DMPA took the important step to agree to use its jointly sponsored Expert Team on Data Management Practices as the vehicle to evaluate and recommend standards and best practices to both IODE and JCOMM communities. Another important step was to link the objectives and developments of the IODE Ocean Data Portal to the WMO sponsored WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Pilot Project for JCOMM. This will build interoperability in access to ocean and atmospheric data and information but also address improving documentation of best practices and standards for marine data. JCOMM-III will take place in November of 2009 and the present chair of DMPA will step down. Because IODE formed co-chairs at its last session, the opportunity for one co-chair to manage DMPA has arisen. This is a logical step in consolidating the cooperation between DMPA and IODE. It has the support of the JCOMM Management meeting. Therefore recommendation ? has been prepared for IODE consideration. Appendix A: Background information on intersessional cooperation and future directions JCOMM-II took place in September, 2005 and IODE-XIX in March 2007. Since the beginning of the JCOMM intersessional a number of activities have taken place that has increased the cooperation between IODE and the Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) of JCOMM. These include the following: The DMPA chair became an IODE Officer and IODE chair became member of the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG), the coordinating body of DMPA. ETDMP is a shared committee with members from JCOMM and from IODE. Membership rules have been regularized so that the ET is composed of 8 members and a chair. The chair and 4 members are nominated by JCOMM and IODE nominates 4 members. A jointly sponsored Standards Forum was held in Jan 2008 resulting in a modified ToR for ETDMP to support the evaluation and recommendation of community wide standards and best practices. A web site to manage the standards process has been established and is maintained at the IODE Project Office DMPA and IODE are collaborating on a WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) Pilot project. This builds interoperability between the WMO Information System and the Ocean Data Portal of IODE. The WIGOS activity also has a focus to provide documentation on standards and best practices. WIGOS participants are reviewing and updating the various documents that pertain. DMPA has started a manual that explains in a very step by step process how in-situ data can be provided to the international data systems of JCOMM and IODE. IODE members are contributing in writing portions of this document. A new Task Team for managing Volunteer Observing Ship data has recently been formed in DMPA under the ET Marine Climatologies. The experience of the IODE sponsored GTSPP played an important role in configuring the new data system. The chair of the DMCG as well as ETDMP contributed to the formulation of the IOC Data Strategy adopted in 2007. This list of cooperative activities is a indicator of the strong links that exist between IODE and DMPA activities. To present, JCOMM has been more concerned with physical oceanographic observations and especially those that support the implementation of GOOS. But GOOS also includes non-physical variables. IODE has a history of dealing with the data management issues of all kinds of data. As JCOMM needs to deal with these non-physical variables it makes sense to draw on the expertise of IODE. JCOMM also has a strong focus on real-time or near-real-time delivery of data. This focus was born out of the inclusion of the old IGOSS program in IOC in the formation of JCOMM. IODE had built ties to IGOSS through such programmes as GTSPP and so now, there are crossovers of GTSPP activities playing a role both in JCOMM and IODE. Other examples can also be named. There are still differences between activities of DMPA and IODE. These exist in the non-physical domain mostly (from the IODE perspective) and in managing marine meteorological data (from the DMPA perspective). Despite these differences, the data managed by both organizations have strong complementarity. There had been informal discussions by some IODE and JCOMM members about having the chair of DMPA also operate as the chair of IODE. At the last JCOMM Management meeting, there were discussions about the selection of a new chair for DMPA and this idea again surfaced. The management of both IODE and DMPA entails a significant amount of work and is perhaps larger than any member/member state of IODE and JCOMM can provide. However, with the election of co-chairs for IODE, the opportunity to share work is present. With some discussions, it was determined that at least one country is prepared to offer a candidate to serve as co-chair of IODE, and as chair of DMPA. This is the next logical step in consolidating the cooperation between IODE and DMPA. 15 Dec 2008, Dear Peter, Greg, Following up on the idea coming out of MAN, Greg and I were kicking around some names for possible IODE co-chairs in case Malika declines to stand. We talked about Ken Casey or Terry Tielking from the US, but in looking around the IODE community it seems to me that people like Gwen Moncoiffe from BODC, or Sissy from Greece, or Vladymir might be candidates to consider. I also thought Jan Szaron might be okay except I think he is close to retirement. The important question to settle first would be if Malika can step up to the required increased work load that would be required. Greg tells me that you are in contact with her. If you want me to talk to anyone I would be happy to do so; only Greg and I have discussed this so far. Below you will find some draft text to go to IODE proposing co-chairs for IODE and DMPA. It needs some work to get the ideas in order and perhaps discuss what might be disadvantages, but I think it is a starting point. If you and Greg want to improve this I would be happy to let you do so, or I can try to do better if that is your wish. Let me know what you would like me to do. Evolution of IODE and JCOMM Cooperation At a recent JCOMM Management meeting, Bob Keeley, chair of the Data Management Programme Area of JCOMM reported on the increasing cooperation between IODE and DMPA. He noted that a co-chair of IODE is also co-chairing the ODP JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS. Also, IODE is a member of the DM Coordination Group and the chair of DMPA is an IODE Officer. DMPA and IODE share the Expert Team on Data Management Practices with 50% of their members being nominated from IODE. The Management meeting was pleased with the increased cooperation and welcomed further joint activities. A logical next step and one that will help to ensure even greater cooperation would be for IODE and DMPA to share chairs. At the last IODE meeting, co-chairs were elected. JCOMM Mona suggested that with a DMPA-IODE co-chair, one would bear most responsibility for DMPA and the other for IODE. The advantage is increasing cooperation on matters of data management of all types of data, with DMPA benefiting directly from the experience of NODCs in management of certain data types. In particular, as coastal GOOS develops, JCOMM will need to deal with biological variables in both real-time and delayed mode. IODE experience in managing these variables would be helpful. From the JCOMM side, progress has been made in developing facility to transmit all kinds of ocean data using Master Table 10, an alternate set of BUFR tables developed some years ago under IGOSS and IOC. This recently has been updated to conform to current WMO rules and was approved with some minor corrections for use on the GTS. Additionally, JCOMM has been pursuing the use of netCDF in the WIS. NetCDF if an important data formatting structure for ocean data and its use within WIS would provide greater ease for the exchange of ocean data with meteorological groups. The development of the WIGOS-PP provides an avenue through the Ocean Data Portal for easy access to meteorological data as well for ocean data users. The proposal, therefore is for IODE to endorse a co-chair of IODE assuming the role of chair of DMPA. If this is agreed to by IODE, it is highly likely to be affirmed by JCOMM-III in November 2009. If for some reason, JCOMM-III does not choose to accept the offer, IODE will continue with the current arrangements with DMPA and continue to improve cooperation between DMPA and IODE. Regards, Bob IOC/IODE-XX/14.0 Page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XX/14.0 Page  PAGE 3  +,;NOyz   W C D R S JKL]ǥrrh3[h@5OJQJ^Jh@OJQJ^Jhuf,h@OJQJ^Jhuf,h@5OJQJ^Jh@5OJQJ^J hEph@hh@5huf,h@6hh@6 h@6hg_h@5 h@5CJ$h@OJQJ^J h@5\h@h^shzP(NOz  D E F S  & Fgd@gd@ &d P gd@$&d P a$gd@$a$gd@$&d P a$gd@"$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd@$a$gd@ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\] 7$8$H$gd@gd@$a$gd@8^8gd@iU~D,- "8$9$a$b$&gd@ 7$8$H$gd@ & F7$8$H$gd@--------------h@0JmHnHu h@0Jjh@0JUh@hh@OJQJ^Jh&h@5OJQJ^J&,,------------$a$gd@gd@5 01h:p@{. 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