ࡱ> $&!"#` -bjbjss .9` NNN"p&  8| |""""&(((((($h~L( L""a""&&6j"p @NЌR"ҹT w0tRRDjjh"7KLL^  >tGD>  tG     META-T categorization for XBT data The list of metadata below was discussed at the XBT Fall Rate workshop, Miami, 10-12 March 2008 by a sub-group comprised of the following individuals: Joaquin Trinanes ( HYPERLINK "mailto:joaquin.trinanes@noaa.gov" joaquin.trinanes@noaa.gov ), Charles Sun ( HYPERLINK "mailto:charles.sun@noaa.gov" charles.sun@noaa.gov), Ann Thresher ( HYPERLINK "mailto:ann.thresher@csiro.au" ann.thresher@csiro.au), John Gilson ( HYPERLINK "mailto:jgilson@ucsd.edu" jgilson@ucsd.edu), Derrick Snowden ( HYPERLINK "mailto:derrick.snowden@noaa.gov" derrick.snowden@noaa.gov), Hester Viola ( HYPERLINK "mailto:viola@jcommops.org" viola@jcommops.org), Gustavo Goni ( HYPERLINK "mailto:gustavo.goni@noaa.gov" gustavo.goni@noaa.gov), Juan Delgado ( HYPERLINK "mailto:juan.delgado@noaa.gov" juan.delgado@noaa.gov ) Etienne Charpentier ( HYPERLINK "mailto:echarpentier@wmo.int" echarpentier@wmo.int ) Once approved by the group above, the list will be passed to the META-T Pilot Project and the SOT Task Team on Codes. It will then go to the JCOMM Data Management Programme Area Task Team on Table Driven Codes which will make a consolidated proposal to the CBS Expert Team on Data Representation and Codes (ET/DRC). 1) Category 1 metadata The Group agreed that separate XBT and XCTD BUFR templates should eventually be designed to take into account the following XCTD specificities: Salinity measured by XCTD, not by XBTs; specific water conductivity requirements Different sampling rates leading to different resolutions for the depth. Higher accuracy temperature sensors for XCTDs The Group therefore agreed to focus on the XBT template requirements. The Group agreed that the following META-T category 1 metadata should be included in the new future BUFR template for XBT data: FieldCodingCommentGTSPP flag for global water pressure profile[008080] (qualifier, value= 0 total water pressure profile) [033050] A value should be added in the corresponding code table [033050] to code the descriptor with a value alerting users about the quality of XBT data, e.g. caution; good for operational use; check literature for other usesGTSPP flag for global water temperature profile[008080] (qualifier, value=1 total water temperature profile) [033050]Same as aboveUnique ID for the profileNew descriptor 32ASCII charactersHash-function vs. CRC to be investigated for computing the unique ID.Ships call sign [001011]9 characters maxIMO Number. Unique identifying number assigned by Lloyd's Register to the hull of the shipNew descriptor Numeric (integer), 0 to 99999999999Optional additional ship identifierShip transect number according to SOOP[005036]Speed of motion of moving observing platform[001013]Direction of motion of moving observing platform[001012]Method of removing platform direction and speed from current[002040]Height of the XBT/XCTD launcherNew descriptor meters, resolution 5m 0 to 50mWater temperature profile recorder type[022068]Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement[022067]XBT/XCTD launcher typeNew descriptor and code tableJoaquin to provide for a code table as soon as the information is available to himSoftware version of profile recorder New descriptor 6 ASCII characterAutolauncher software version numberNew descriptor 6 ASCII characterInstrument manufacturer's serial numberNew descriptor32 characters max. Obtained from Bar code informationXBT manufacturing date[008021] (time significance; qualifier value= new value in code table XBT manufacturing date) [301011] (date) Batch date obtained from Bar code information made available by the manufacturer on the probes packageSOOP Line number [001080]Indicator for digitization[002032]Method of current measurement[002030]Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform)[007032]Method of sea surface temperature measurement [002038]Note part of the sequence [002056] in the observational data 2) Category 2 metadata (not for inclusion in BUFR template): The Group agreed that the following Category 2 metadata should be considered by META-T (not for inclusion in the BUFR template but to be provided in delayed mode via the META-T servers): Telecommunication system used Recorder version number Ship name Telecommunication ID number Fall rate equation coefficients 3) Observational data: The Group also agreed that the following observational data should be included in the BUFR template for XBT data: FieldCodingCommentDate[301011]Time [301012]Lat/lon, high accuracy [301021]10-5 resolutionWind speed [011002]Wind direction [011001]Direction of current [022004]Speed of current [022031]Waves [302021][022001] Direction of waves [022011] Period of waves [022021] Height of wavesSea Surface Temperature[302056][0 02 038] Method of sea surface temperature measurement [0 22 043] Sea/water temperatureWater temperature profile[106000] Delayed replication of 6 descriptors [031001] Replication factor [008080] (qualifier, value=new value in code table depth at a level) [033050] GTSPP flag for depth [007063] Depth below sea surface [008080] (qualifier, value=11 water temperature at a level) [033050] GTSPP flag for water temperature [022043] Subsurface sea temperatureResolution of depth: 0.01m Resolution of T: 0.01CTotal depth of water [022063]Dry-bulb temperature (scale 2) [012101]Dew-point temperature (scale 2) [012103]Height of anemometer above station platform [007032] ______________________ Annex existing BUFR template for XBT/XCTD data DescriptorOrderForced valueForced missingNameComment0010031WMO region0010202WMO region sub-area0010053Buoy/platform identifier0010114Ship call sign0010195Ship name0010806Ship line number according to SOOP0050367Ship transect number according to SOOP0010368Agency in charge of operating the observing platformImportant field3010119Date30101210Time30102111Latitude and longitude (high accuracy)00703012Height of station above MSL00204013Method of removing platform direction and speed from current02206714Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement02206815Water temperature profile recorder type008080160Qualifier for quality classValue: 0=global water pressure profile03305017Global GTSPP quality classFor global water pressure profile as qualified above008080181Qualifier for quality classValue: 1=global water temperature profile03305019Global GTSPP quality classFor global water temperature profile as qualified above008080202Qualifier for quality classValue: 2=global water salinity profile03305021Global GTSPP quality classFor global water salinity profile as qualified above008080223Qualifier for quality classValue: 3=global water conductivity profile03305023Global GTSPP quality classFor global water conductivity profile as qualified above02510024XBT/XCTD fall rate equation coefficient a02510125XBT/XCTD fall rate equation coefficient b02206326Total depth of water30202127Waves30600428Sea temperature and salinity profileSequence containing the profile itself00203029Method of current measurement30600530Time/duration of current measurement, depths/directions/speeds00703231Height of thermometer above station platformHere height of thermometer01210132Dry-bulb temperature (scale 2)01210333Dew-point temperature (scale 2)00703234Height of anemometer above station platformHere height of anemometer01100135Wind direction01100236Wind speed Note: A supplementary descriptor for a unique observation identifier may be added later after definition in coordination with DBCP/SOOP. _____________________  This unordered list does not constitute a BUFR template  BUFR descriptors are indicated in brackets, e.g. [008080]  integer, assigned by the operator, incremented for each new transect (i.e. all drop have the same transect number while the ship is moving from one end point of the line to the other end point; as soon as the ship arrived to port and goes back to start a new transect then transect number is incremented), initial value and subsequent values for transect numbers do not matter provided that each new transect by a ship on a line has a transect number higher than previous transect numbers for the same line and the same ship. In case a single cruise follows more than one SOOP line in a row, then transect number should be incremented each time the cruise changes line.  Note to be added in the BUFR template to indicate that this is the XBT probe serial number.  Height of sensor above local ground (or deck of marine platform) is the actual height of sensor above ground (or deck of marine platform) at the point where the sensor is located. We are referring to the air temperature sensor here.     This field is indeed to be computed in quasi real-time and this is practically difficult to do. It is used in relation with the height of the typical weather instruments (e.g. air temp). It is not related to the height of the XBT recorder as this would be meaningless (the XBT depth is being provided anyway with each data point). In practice it can be left empty. On the other hand, this annex presents the existing template which we are going to deprecate and replace by the new one we are working at. $    , - θuYuBu-u(hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,hAh>0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 7jhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 1jhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hH"hg|CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +hAh>;CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJh+yOJQJ^JhAh>OJQJ^JhdOJQJ^J$% q  n  f   @no78 & F 9'++-- V W X l m q   ϶늶nW;W7jhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH ,hAh>0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 7jhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,hAh>0JCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1jhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 7jhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH  ! " O P Q i j n | } ҟҊnWҊBB(hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH ,hAh>0JCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH7jKhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH,hAh>0JCJOJQJ^JaJmHsH7jdhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 1jhAh>CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH (hAh>CJOJQJ^JaJmHsH    ! 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