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ACTION PROPOSED The Group will address issues and opportunities that need action or discussion by the Coordination Group to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies. ____________ Appendix: None Discussion Issues and Opportunities that need action or discussion by the Coordination Group to be recommended to both WMO and IOC Executive Bodies 1 It must be noted that at present the IOC governing body has maintained a reporting and decision-making structure based largely on programmes [GOOS, JCOMM, etc.] rather than High-level Objectives although this may change in the future. The secretariats of WMO and IOC have agreed that proposed decisions put before the governing bodies concerning JCOMM will be harmonized. 2. The following actions or recommendations are proposed to be submitted to the WMO and IOC Executive Councils: WMO and IOC ECs to provide appropriate funding to the WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM for 2009 and 2010 - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM, IODE) - WMO & IOC ECs to re-iterate support to the JCOMM Observing System Implementation Goals for Building a Sustained Global Ocean Observing System in Support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems; Invites Members/Member States to commit resources to ensure full implementation of the plan and sustainability of the observing components - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (GOOS, JCOMM, GCOS) - WMO and IOC ECs to urge Members to cooperate in the development of the JCOMM Pilot Project for WIGOS in (i) providing assistance to oceanographic data centres for the development of interoperable arrangements with the WIS (similar item proposed in document 4.2(2) - DMPA), and (ii) applying for becoming regional marine instrument centres - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM, IODE) - IOC EC urging Member States to cooperate with WMO and develop interoperability between their Ocean Data systems and the ODP and/or WIS - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM, IODE) - WMO & IOC ECs to request JCOMM to take an active role in the implementation of the IPY legacy roadmap and the development of the IPY legacy implementation plan. Invites Members to participate in the development of the iAOOS and the SOOS - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (GOOS, OOPC) - WMO & IOC ECs to support the development of the [ocean] Observing Programme Support Centre (OPSC) in cooperation with the IOC; Invites Members/Members States to commit resources through voluntary contributions to support the implementation and operations of the Centre - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM) - WMO & IOC ECs to note and encourage further DBCP efforts to initiate stronger cooperation with the International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP) in the view to better formalized, improve and understand synergies in incorporating the tsunami warning buoys into the Global Ocean Observing System - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 1 (Tsunami) and HLO 2 (JCOMM) - WMO EC to urge Members participating in the VOSClim to make sure that the required additional metadata and quality elements are properly recorded and distributed, and to urge appropriate contact with the shipping industry to maintain and increase the flow of VOS information WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM) - WMO EC to urge Members to participate in the DBCP barometer upgrade scheme and install barometers on all drifting buoys - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 2 (JCOMM) - WMO EC to invites Members to participate in the ASAP Programme and provide for Aerological soundings from ships in data sparse regions as complementary data to AMDAR - WMO ER4 - WMO EC to request JCOMM to coordinate the development of cost-effective global in situ wave observing technology in support of wave modeling; invites Members to assist in the development of technology through deployment, testing of prototypes, and evaluation of wave measuring instruments - WMO ER4, IOC HLO 1 and 2 (JCOMM) - WMO EC to note with interest and approval that JCOMM had prepared a Certificate of Appreciation (together with issuing guidelines) for ships participating in the various voluntary observing programmes, and that agencies operating these ships were invited to present to them as appropriate and as they saw fit - WMO ER4 - ________________     OCG-III/Doc. 7(2), Appendix D, p.  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