ࡱ> RTQ $bjbjFF '8$$MD D 8S4(\^^^^^^ I#^^~s~~~f\~\~~\*T <0#~#~D :   Limited distribution IOC/IODE-XX/25 3 February 2009 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twentieth Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XIX) Beijing, China, 4-8 May 2009 Report on the follow-up to the IODE Review IODE Co-Chairs Summary of the document This document summarizes the recommendations of the external evaluation of the IODE conducted in 2007 and the response from the IODE Officers. DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT An external evaluation of the IODE was conducted by UNESCOs Internal Oversight Service Unit (IOS) in 2007. The review covered the activities of the IODE from 2002-2006. The evaluation process identified the strengths and weaknesses of the IODE programme and presented 12 recommendations. These recommendations, with the response from the IODE Officers, are listed below. Recommendation 1. IODE should consider establishing an inter-session working group to assess and recommend approaches to address the issue of lack of awareness by the ocean sciences community with respect to the capacities of IODE already in place in terms of data management. Response from Officers. The IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management will raise awareness of IODE and should attract new user communities. The OceanDataPortal should increase visibility of, and appreciation for IODE. The Officers decided not to set up a new group for this subject at this time. Recommendation 2. Considering the use that Atlases, such as the African Atlas of the Ocean, can have with respect to the planning and utilization of resources in coastal areas in the context of integrated environment management; the IODE Committee should assess how best to transfer the lessons learned from the approach coordinated by ODINAFRICA to ODINCARSA, ODINCINDIO, ODINWESTPAC, ODINBLACK SEA and ODINCET, which are being established at this time. Response from Officers. The Caribbean Marine Atlas, currently under development, will serve the needs of small island states in the Caribbean region as well as those of regional projects in that region such as the Caribbean LME project (see Agenda Item 6.2.2). The African Marine Atlas will be further developed under the ODINAFRICA IV project (see Agenda Item 6.2.1) Recommendation 3: IODE to promote the replication of efforts related to ocean and marine data and information in other regions of the world where oceanographic networks are being established, such as in the cases of the Indian Ocean, Countries in Economic Transition (CET), and the Black Sea. Response from Officers. The Officers noted that each region presents different challenges in terms of language, culture, level of development and needs. ODINs have now been established in the Indian Ocean, CET and Black Sea regions (see Agenda Items 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.6). Recommendation 4: Only 24 States have made explicit comments on the policy thus far. The IODE Secretariat should therefore analyze the extent to which the IOC Policy on Data Exchange is having the desired impact. Response from Officers. The new format for the IODE National Report asks this question (see Agenda Item 4.1). Recommendation 5: The IODE Committee should review the issue of translation of OCEAN TEACHER or some of its main segments into other languages such as Spanish and Russian. Response from Officers. The Officers recognize the importance of having OceanTeacher materials available in all IOC working languages. Shortage of funds is the main constrain to translation of OceanTeacher translation. This issue may be addressed in the framework of the OceanTeacher-2 project (see Agenda Item 6.1). Recommendation 6: The IPOI in Oostend should explore options, which could be foreseen to manage this concern regarding the current size of Ocean Teacher linked to the slow speed of Internet in some developing countries. Response from Officers. The OceanTeacher training resources are in the process of being rewritten and converted to a wiki system, similar to Wikipedia, that allows for maximum flexibility in the creation of new documents (see Agenda Item 6.1). Recommendation 7: The IODE Committee should assess how best to proceed with respect to the issue of reduced capacity of the Secretariat considering the fact that IOC is not able to enhance the staff of the Secretariat of IODE. Response from Officers. The Officers concluded that they are not in a position to respond to this recommendation as this was within the purview of the IOC Executive Secretary. Recommendation 8: The IODE Committee should assess how best to proceed in order to reduce the existing gaps in terms of efforts in various regions of the world. Response from Officers. IODE national coordinators should investigate the bilateral and multilateral priorities of their own countries and to assist in submission of relevant projects to the relevant agencies. Recommendation 9: IODE should consider establishing an inter-sessional working group to develop indicators and benchmarks to assess the amount of data and information being exchanged for the different types of data to track the progress being made over the years. Response from Officers. An intersessional working group was established to discuss this matter and to provide guidelines on provision of metrics by NODCs on received/processed data. The working group expressed difficulties in establishing the metrics to assess data flow through the NODCs mainly due to the different types of data stored in each data centre and in the definition of the units to be used for each data type. Nevertheless, the group has completed a first draft, which will test whether the results provided by the NODCs are appropriate and especially inter-comparable between different data centres. Recommendation 10: IODE should facilitate networking activities among the WDCs so that issues related to quality control of data, management of duplicate data sets, flagging of particular data sets, and partition of data to be archived within the WDCs are addressed. Response from Officers. See Agenda Item 7.3. Recommendation 11: IODE should set up an inter-sessional working group to assess the potential problem of loss of data within NODCs, to identify corrective actions to manage the problem. Response from Officers. This issue is partly addressed in the revised IOC Manuals and Guides No. 5. Relevant guidelines should be drafted addressing issues of closure of data centres, disaster recovery, backup systems, and media conversion. Recommendation 12: IODE should conduct a global survey to address the issue of the metadata catalogues, and to identify needs to be approached in the guidelines to be developed with respect to such catalogues. It should also stress the issue of placing such catalogues on the web pages as indicators that the process can be reviewed externally and by IODE. Response from Officers. Metadata standards and implementation of a metadata tool will be addressed by the JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards Pilot Project (see Agenda Item The External Evaluation report is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=1677" http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=1677     IOC/IODE-XX/25 page  PAGE 2 IOC/IODE-XX/25 page  PAGE 3 Nxy   = M e $ X C E  òízf]hGh4maJ&hGh4m5PJ\mH nHsH tH h4m5PJ\mH nHsH tH&hafPh4m5PJ\mH nHsH tHh4mPJmH nHsH tH h4m] hafPh4mPJmH nHsH tHhafPh4m]hh4m5 h4m6hg_h4m5 h4m5CJ$h4mOJQJ^Jh4m5OJQJ\h4m"MNy  M e $ $x1$7$8$H$a$gd4m$a$gd4m &d P gd4m$a$gd4m$&d P a$gd4m$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd4m$a$gd4m / 6 = T W  -%]im&'7KLbdq|[]m23IJKNȷȷȷu&hafPh4m5PJ\mH nHsH tHhn!ih4m\aJ h4m\hn!ih4m\h4mPJmH nHsH tHhCIUh4maJ hGh4mPJmH nHsH tH&hGh4m5PJ\mH nHsH tHhafPh4maJhafPh4m5\aJhGh4maJ h4maJ- 'L]3Mg^Adl !### 7$8$H$gd4m$x1$7$8$H$a$gd4m$1$7$8$H$a$gd4mLMcder{fg}(]^opͼᴯl[TPTPTPFh{_h4m\aJh4m h{_h4m h{_h4mPJmH nHsH tH&h{_h4m5PJ\mH nHsH tH h4m\aJhafPh4m\aJhafPh4m5\aJ#h0=h4mPJ\mH nHsH tH h4m\h0=h4m\ hGh4mPJmH nHsH tH&hGh4m5PJ\mH nHsH tHh4mPJmH nHsH tH hafPh4mPJmH nHsH tHp?AWXYbcdvkl"%-gp̡̡̾xnxndxdxdxdxhKh4m\aJh{_h4m\aJ h4m\aJ h4m5PJ\mH nHsH tH hafPh4mPJmH nHsH tH&hafPh4m5PJ\mH nHsH tHh{_h4maJh4mPJmH nHsH tH h{_h4mPJmH nHsH tH&h{_h4m5PJ\mH nHsH tH h4maJhafPh4maJ'  ! !*!+!>!E!P!d!!!!!##4#6#7#o####͹ͫގ|slblbZh/"h4m]hXrh4m\aJ h4m\aJhafPh4maJhafPh4m5\aJ h4maJh>Hh4maJ&h{_h4m5PJ\mH nHsH tHh4mPJmH nHsH tH&hafPh4m5PJ\mH nHsH tH hafPh4mPJmH nHsH tH h>Hh4mPJmH nHsH tH h4m5PJ\mH nHsH tH!##$$$S$\$^$_$`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ྺh4m0JmHnHu h4m0Jjh4m0JUh4mjh4mUhxkNh4m0J]jhxkNh4mU]h Mh4m]jh4mU]h/"h4m] h4m]"#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$a$gd4mgd4mgd4m% 0:p4m|. 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