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Leads (GEO Member or PO, Entity carrying out the work, Contact: e-mail): Morocco (DMN) - noureddine Filali Boubrahmi,  HYPERLINK "mailto:nour.filali@gmail.com" nour.filali@gmail.com Germany (BGR) Spain (INM) UNESCO/IOC Joanns Berque,  HYPERLINK "mailto:j.berque@unesco.org" j.berque@unesco.org Motivation/Background (Why should this Task or sub-task be implemented? What relevance to society? What is the state of the art? 3-5 lines) Capacity-building is essential for GEO to truly benefit the societies of all countries. There is a large diversity of groups conducting capacity development activities in space observations and applications, and one of the role of GEO is to ensure that these efforts are coordinated. Indicators are one of the tools that are useful in this respect, to help identify how much capacity building is conducted, in which area and where it is missing, and how effective it is. At present, the development of a unified framework of indicators to measure effectiveness of capacity development activities is still an open are of research. There is currently little harmonisation and coordination of their use among the many organisations participating in GEO. Outputs (e.g. products and services which result from the activities of the Task/sub-task; outlined in the form of deliverables with timelines) Planned: Standardized methodologies GEO Capacity building indicators Produced (current status):  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=50" website on indicators for GEO capacity development now available default scorecard for capacity development indicators in GEO (available from website) draft framework document for measuring capacity-building in GEO (available from website) Activities (operations or work processes through which resources are mobilized to produce specific outputs; outlined in the form of milestones including timelines) Planned: Develop indicators to measure the implementation of GEO capacity building strategy and the achievement of its objectives. Compile & develop indicators that could be adopted/already adopted by GEO members and participating organisations to provide information on the impact and outcome of Earth observation capacity building programmes. Compile and develop methodologies standardizing the collection of data for these indicators. Encourage the GEO community in developing these indicators and build on existing capacity building indicator frameworks used by international organisations. Monitor and assess Task CB-07-01c implementation. Progress (current status): [Note: Updates on outputs and activities will be formally provided twice a year, according to the GEO schedule for 2009] Oct 06 First draft version of this Task Sheet compiled by the GEO Secretariat. Sep 07 Kickoff meeting of the TF in charge of the Task (Seville, in connection with the CB Symposium and CBC5). Task leaders identified (BGR, also POC, UNESCO-IOC, DMN-Morocco). Reflection on aspects concerning the introduction of performance indicators & clarification of the scope and priorities of the Task. Collection of initial reference materials from UNESCO-IOC; ITC; among others. Oct 07 Web site to report progress on this task sheet operational ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=50" http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=50) Nov 07 First draft of a methodology for the development of performance indicators circulated to and commented on by the task team. Feb-Apr 08 Second meeting of the task team prior to the 6th Meeting of the CBC. BGR presented its experience with capacity development, and a score-card approach to capacity development evaluation was proposed. During the 6th CBC meeting (Hannover 13-14 Feb) it was proposed that a few simple questions be added to GEO task sheets to have a first order survey of ongoing capacity development within GEO, identify corresponding gaps and priorities, and help harmonise member organisations activities. The CBC agreed to propose this to the C4. The C4 and Executive Committee agreed that the questions could be added, but stipulated that they should not be overly burdensome. After discussion within the task team and secretariat, and bearing in mind the need to keep the extra time requested from task teams to the minimun while obtaining useful information, it was agreed to propose the following questions: Does this Task have a capacity-building component (refer to definition below)? If so, please provide a short description, including a list of beneficiaries, of these activities. Have you identified any unmet CB needs for this task? Sep 08 GEO Performance Indicators workshop is attended by Task Team members. Possibilities to harmonise task activities within the general framework of GEO performance indicators will be discussed within the Task Team. Resources (indication of resources e.g. financial, human contributed by GEO Members or Participating Organizations to produce outputs) The Task Team members have contributed in-kind, although at present this contribution is not evaluated precisely. Capacity Building Component (capacity building is defined to include the development of capacity related to: (i) Infrastructure and technology transfer (Hardware, Software and other technology required to develop, access and use EO); (ii) Individuals (education and training of individuals to be aware of, access, use and develop EO) and (iii) Institutions building policies, programs & organizational structures to enhance the value of EO data and products). 1) In accordance with the above definition does this Task have a capacity-building component? If so, please provide a short description of this component including a description of end users. The task is within capacity-building activities by nature. End-users: the GEO communitys actors in capacity-building, for whomthe metrics and tools to measure capacity-building to be harmonised or developed are intended for 2) Have any additional CB needs for this Task been identified? Please provide a short description. At present the task objectives seem ambitious in light of available resources. In this context a focus on key aspects is proposed. User Engagement Component (please briefly describe to what extent end users are engaged in this Task and influence the nature of the outputs produced) Task team members include several users of earth observation data and provide appropriate guidance in this way towards the nature of outputs to be focussed on. When specific indictors and/or monitoring frameworks for capacity development are produced, it will become important to include project beneficiaries in the conception and development of the indicators. Members and POs Contributions to Outputs and Activities above: (Input is optional. This section gives the chance to Members and POs to provide more details (3-5 lines) on their individual activities, making a clear connection with the Outputs and Activities outlined above). Participation (Table to be filled in 2009): TypeMember or PORepresentingContact NameEmailAddressTask Lead & POCBundesanstalt fr Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeGermanyUlrich RankeUlrich.ranke@bgr.deTask LeadDirection de la Mtorologie Nationale MoroccoNoureddine FilaliNour.filali@gmail.comTask LeadUNESCO-IOCUNESCO-IOCJoannes Berquej.berque@unesco.orgContributorDeutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)GermanyStefan Rsnerstefan.roesner@dwd.deContributor Deutches Zentrum fr Luft & Raumfahrt (DLR) GermanyWieland Knzelwieland.kuenzel@dlr.de Contributor Bundesanstalt fr Geowissenschaften und RohstoffeGermany Michael Kosinowskim.kosinowski@bgr.deContributorMinistry of EnvironmentNigeriaAdeniran Akanniadeniranakanni@yahoo.comContributorUmvotoSouth AfricaAndiswa Mlisaandiswa@umvoto.comContributorINMSpainMarta Angolotimangoloti@inm.esContributorITCThe NetherlandsYola Georgiadougeorgiadou@ITC.NLContributorDEFRAUnited KingdomAdina Gillespieadina.gillespie@defra.gsi.gov.uk     GEO 2009-2011 Work Plan Draft Task Sheet Last Updated: Feb 2009 ,.VWgiҿshYhC/'h4%hBkO6OJPJQJaJnHtH*h4%hBkO56OJPJQJaJnHtHh4%hDQYOJQJmH sH h4%h/OJQJ$h4%h/OJPJQJaJnHtH$h4%hDQYOJPJQJaJnHtH$h4%hPOJPJQJaJnHtH$h4%hTOJPJQJaJnHtH$h4%h/OJPJQJaJnHtH*h4%h/56OJPJQJaJnHtH-h4%hBkO5CJOJQJ\aJmHnHu W+ n o ld$a$gdcmE+$<$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd?+$<$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd_0$a$gdSm 7$8$H$gd9$a$gdI$a$gdBkO $xa$gd/$a$gd/$a$gdXR z**ip\pE.-h4%h956OJPJQJ\aJnH tH -h4%h56OJPJQJ\aJnH tH 'h4%h/6OJPJQJaJnHtH'h4%hI6OJPJQJaJnHtH*h4%hI56OJPJQJaJnHtH$h4%h/OJPJQJaJnHtH$h4%h/OJPJQJaJnHtH*h4%h/56OJPJQJaJnHtH$h4%hBkOOJPJQJaJnHtH,h4%hPOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tH   ѻycM7& h4%hTXOJPJQJnHtH*h4%hTX56CJOJPJQJnHtH*h4%hBkO56CJOJPJQJnHtH*h4%h.56CJOJPJQJnHtH*h4%h6OJPJQJ\aJnH tH *h4%h{h#6OJPJQJ\aJnH tH *h4%hri6OJPJQJ\aJnH tH *h4%h6OJPJQJ\aJnH tH -h4%h{h#56OJPJQJ\aJnH tH -h4%h#E56OJPJQJ\aJnH tH   ) * + m n o t u v ɸzfR@.@@#h4%h@s~6OJPJQJnHtH#h4%hSm 6OJPJQJnHtH'h4%h@s~6CJOJPJQJnHtH'h4%hcmE6CJOJPJQJnHtH*h4%h@56CJOJPJQJnHtH*h4%h56CJOJPJQJnHtH#h4%hmB6OJPJQJnHtH h4%hDQYOJQJaJmH sH #h4%h36OJPJQJnHtH#h4%hB6OJPJQJnHtH#h4%h#E6OJPJQJnHtH    ( ) * + c d ´´wfU@U)jh4%hqOJQJUaJmH sH  h4%hqOJQJaJmH sH  hqh+/OJQJaJmH sH $hqhq0JOJQJaJmH sH /jhqhqOJQJUaJmH sH #jhqOJQJUaJmH sH hqOJQJaJmH sH  h4%h+/OJQJaJmH sH h4%hmBOJQJaJh4%hVu9OJQJaJ#h4%hcmE6OJPJQJnHtHo + 9 F 1 2  $%ijk7$gdr@F7$gd; & F 7$gd|? $<a$gd4%gd4% x7$8$H$gdGz 7$8$H$gdq 7$8$H$gdGz$<gd_0 ҿҮs^I5!&h4%h6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h{h#6OJPJQJ\nH tH )h4%h56OJPJQJ\nH tH )h4%h5=56OJPJQJ\nH tH )h4%h9+56OJPJQJ\nH tH 1h4%h/56OJPJQJ\mH nH sH tH h4%hqOJQJaJ h4%hqOJQJaJmH sH $h4%hq0JOJQJaJmH sH )jh4%hqOJQJUaJmH sH /jh4%hqOJQJUaJmH sH    % & / 0 1 2  $%İtbP>P*&h4%h+/6OJPJQJ\nH tH #h4%ht4OJPJQJ\nH tH #h4%h+/OJPJQJ\nH tH #h4%hQOJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h 6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h5=6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h Q6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h\A6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h#O6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h\6OJPJQJ\nH tH %,-3ijq`O=+#h4%hPOJPJQJ\nH tH #h4%h4%OJQJ^JmHnHu h4%hQ6B*OJQJph h4%hM/6B*OJQJphh4%hM/B*OJQJph h4%h0rO6B*OJQJph h4%hXp6B*OJQJph h4%h#6B*OJQJph h4%hG6B*OJQJph&h4%hG6OJPJQJ\nH tH #h4%hGOJPJQJ\nH tH )h4%hG56OJPJQJ\nH tH stuOhijkuvǻǗǻp^L=h4%hQnmB*OJQJph#h4%hd56B*OJQJph#h4%hQ56B*OJQJphh|?h;B*OJQJphh B*OJQJphh|?B*OJQJphh;h;0JOJQJ,jh;hyWB*OJQJUphh;B*OJQJph jh;B*OJQJUph&h4%hQ6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%hP6OJPJQJ\nH tH vw ͼo[G5#h4%h+{OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%hn6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h 6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h0rO6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h]L6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%hl6OJPJQJ\nH tH  h4%h0rO6B*OJQJph h4%h]L6B*OJQJph h4%hr@F6B*OJQJph h4%h6B*OJQJph h4%hQnm6B*OJQJphkni34<  & Fgd4%gd4%7$gd]L7$gdri & Fgd4% xx7$8$H$gdmx7$gdGz1234:ķĥؑ{eO{O@+)h4%h4%5OJQJ\^JmHnHuh4%h.B*OJQJph+h4%hri6B*CJOJQJ]aJph+h4%h?E6B*CJOJQJ]aJph+h4%hM/6B*CJOJQJ]aJph&h4%hM/6OJPJQJ\nH tH #h4%hM/OJPJQJ\nH tH h4%h4%OJQJ^J&h4%h4%6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%hQ6OJPJQJ\nH tH &h4%h+{6OJPJQJ\nH tH :VW ik, ”uuuuiuiuZh4%h4%B*OJQJphh4%h4%5OJQJh4%h4%OJQJ&h4%h4%H*OJQJ^JmHnHu'h4%h4%0JOJQJ^JmHnHu2jh4%h4%OJQJU^JmHnHu,jh4%h4%OJQJU^JmHnHu&h4%h4%5OJQJ^JmHnHu#h4%h4%OJQJ^JmHnHu ]r&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd@:b7$gdGz7$gd]Lgd4% & Fgd4% & F H^`Hgd4%gd4% $/3=>\]hpr̻wfUF7Fh5OJQJmHnHuh4%5OJQJmHnHu h4%h4B6B*OJQJph h4%h 6B*OJQJph h4%hm6B*OJQJph h4%ht6B*OJQJph h4%hK6B*OJQJph h4%h $6B*OJQJph h4%h56B*OJQJphh4%h5B*OJQJph#h4%h556B*OJQJph#h4%hQ56B*OJQJph. 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