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This effort is the countries response to the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, building on the commitments and recommendations of the ASEAN Leaders Meeting on the Aftermath of the Earthquake and Tsunami on 6 January 2005 in Jakarta, Ministerial Meeting on Regional Cooperation on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements on 28 January 2005 in Phuket, and International Coordination Meetings by UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO/IOC) to establish an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS) in March 2005 in Paris and in April 2005 in Mauritius. The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, based on bilateral agreements with the countries, facilitates this regional cooperation on multi-hazard early warning. Bilateral agreements are currently being worked out with , East Timor, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Seychelles, Somalia, and Tanzania. Regional Program on End-to-End Multi-Hazard Warning In July 2006, member countries adopted a regional program to establish and operate the system. The regional program has five inter-related components: Regional tsunami observation, evaluation, prediction, and advisory communication to member countries, including regional research support in hydro-meteorological risk information generation and application Strengthening national capacities in early warning, disaster preparedness and emergency response Enhancing local capacities to assess disaster risks, respond to warnings, and undertake local risk reduction Regional exchanges of information, best practices, and lessons learned Research in all aspects and elements of the end-to-end early warning system Institutional Mechanism for Regional Program Implementation Member countries established, in their July 2006 meeting, the following institutional mechanism to implement the regional program: A Regional Steering Committee of national focal points for hazard warning, to provide policy guidance and technical inputs. Myanmar is the elected Chair, Sri Lanka and Thailand are the Vice-Chairs, and Maldives serves as Secretariat. A Working Group, consisting of Lao PDR, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, was constituted in January 2008 to evolve and implement action plans for resource mobilization and system administration to ensure system sustainability. A Regional Technical Committee of experts to provide technical guidance. Current members include Dr. Charles McCreery (Pacific Tsunami Warning Center), Dr. Bernard Kilonsky (University of Hawaii Sea Level Center), Dr. Eddie Bernard (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory), Dr. Renato Solidum Jr. (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology), Dr. Yang Dake (China Earthquake Administration), Dr. Pennung Warnitchai (Asian Institute of Technology), Prof. U.C. Mohanty (Indian Institute of Technology), and Prof. Sam Hettiarachchi (University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka). National Steering Committees of early warning stakeholders to guide program implementation at national and local levels Local Steering Committees to implement projects that address locally-specific problems/ needs Ongoing Projects Ongoing projects to implement the regional program include: Establishing a network of 6 near real-time sea level stations under the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) program, with financial support from the UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund being administered by UNESCAP, in collaboration with the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center. Stations have been established in the Philippines (1), Thailand (2) and Vietnam (2), and soon to be established in Myanmar (1). Establishing a network of 4 real-time broadband seismic stations, with financial support from the UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund being administered by UNESCAP. The stations are being established in Myanmar (1), Philippines (1), and Vietnam (2). Establishing a regional facility at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center for data receipt, processing and evaluation, and provision of tsunami watch according to the standards of UNESCO/IOC for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System. This project is being supported by the UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund, through UNESCAP. Establishing a data exchange system between the regional data center and member countries, with support from the UNESCAP-administered UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund. Research support to national hydro-meteorological services of member countries to address locally specific hydro-meteorological risk concerns, with funding support from Danida (for Cambodia and Vietnam) and USAID (for Bangladesh). Capacity building of national early warning centers in concept of operations and tsunami alert rapid notification system, with funding support from the UNESCAP-administered UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund. Capacity building of national emergency management offices in systematic emergency quick response through the US-IOTWS tool Incident Command System, with funding support from the UNESCAP-administered UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund. On-the-job training of NTWC operational staff at the regional data center, with funding support from the UNESCAP-administered UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund. Capacity building of local communities, institutions and authorities in building coastal community resilience, with funding support from the UNESCAP-administered UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund. Tsunami risk mapping in select locations in member countries, with support from the UNESCAP-administered UN Tsunami Regional Trust Fund. The Regional Facility for Tsunami and Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Risk Information Center for Regional Tsunami Watch Provision The center for regional tsunami watch provision aims to determine and provide timely initial earthquake and tsunami risk information to member countries and support the development and provision of enhanced tsunami warning services by national tsunami warning centers. Specifically, it will: Develop a regional network of earthquake and sea level observing stations and exchange observing data with member countries Develop a tsunami model output database Determine and provide timely initial earthquake information and tsunami watch information, and coordinate updates and cancellation advice to member countries Continuously develop the system through regular testing and exercise, calibration and validation, and research Exchange information with other regional tsunami watch providers Support member countries in developing and providing locally-specific tsunami warning information through hazard mapping, inundation modeling, and risk assessments Support member countries in enhancing emergency management and disaster preparedness capacities Center for Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Risk Information The center for hydro-meteorological disaster risk information aims to support member countries in the transition of severe weather forecast research and development into improved operational forecast products and application. Specifically, it: Assesses scientific breakthroughs and new techniques that have potential for a direct influence on national meteorological services operations Assists national meteorological services in the synthesis and implementation of these advances into operational forecasts Develops new tools and applications in a quasi-operational environment that meet the criteria of good scientific performance, ease of use, and timely delivery to users Stimulates model improvements in climate analysis and forecasting applications Facilitates the transfer of tested software to national meteorological services, incorporating adjustments necessary for the generation of forecast products that are user-friendly and time efficient Documents, prepare training materials, and performance evaluations of successful products to facilitate their use by national meteorological services Ongoing collaborative programs with member countries address: Riverine and flash floods in Bangladesh Meso-scale severe winds and floods in Cambodia Floods and landslides in Myanmar Floods and water resource management in Philippines Typhoon, coastal inundation, flash floods and landslides in Vietnam 2. Progress in Establishing Regional Tsunami Watch Provider Capabilities Regional Observing Network Establishment of remote telemetered broadband seismic stations in Myanmar (Sittwe), Philippines (Santa in Ilocos Sur), and Vietnam (Dalat and Son La) is ongoing. Installations are scheduled for completion in mid-November for Philippines, late November for Vietnam, and early 2009 in Myanmar. Station details (name, location, etc.) were communicated to ICG/IOTWS Working Group 1, as these stations contribute to the Indian Ocean Core Seismic Network. Final site survey and sea level station installation in Vung Tau, Vietnam was undertaken in October 2007 in collaboration with Vietnams Marine Hydro-Meteorological Centre (MHMC). MHMC staff were trained by University of Hawaii Sea Level Center in station operation and maintenance. This brings the total number of sea level stations established to five (Subic in Philippines, Koh Taphao Noi and Koh Miang in Thailand, and Qui Nhon and Vung Tau in Vietnam) Myanmars National Commission on Environmental Affairs certified in March 2008 that installation of a near real-time sea level station at Thamihla Kyun (aka Diamond Island, a sea turtle conservation site) will not have any impact on ongoing environmental conservation efforts, but would greatly contribute to natural disaster prevention in the country. Myanmars Department of Meteorology and Hydrology in collaboration with Myanmar Navy conducted a survey of potential sea level station sites in April 2008. Data center for tsunami watch provision Technical Expert Committee Meeting, January 2008, Bangkok. Experts included Dr. Charles McCreery of PTWC and Dr. Renato Solidum of PHIVOLCS who provided expert guidance on seismic subsystem and regional facility operation, Dr. Yang Dake of CEA who provided inputs into the seismic subsystem, Dr. Bernard Kilonsky of UHSLC who provided expert guidance on sea level and deep ocean subsystem, Dr. Pennung Warnitchai of AIT who provided expert guidance on numerical modeling and system development, and Prof. U.C. Mohanty of IITD who provided expert guidance on multi-hazard integration. Antelope seismic monitoring system installed and tested Five (5) regional facility staff were trained in the U.S. from April May 2008 on handling and configuration of seismic hardware, configuration and setting up of Antelope Seismic Real-time System, database design and management, interactive seismic data processing, and development of real-time seismic information web pages. Collaboration with the Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Indias national tsunami warning center, was detailed, which included data exchange, joint tsunami bulletins, capacity building of member countries, and operational capacity enhancement. Workshop from 19-21 November 2008 will develop standard operating procedures between the ADPC-facilitated data center, INCOIS and member countries. Dialogues with national focal points for secondment of scientists to the data center at ADPC. A total of 6 secondments are needed to complement the 7 full-time staff at the data center. All 13 would be rotating in 8-hour shifts once the center becomes operational. Two seconded scientists from Myanmar started on 1 November 2008. Development of database of pre-computed tsunami simulations. Tsunami simulations are currently being run on pre-identified forecast points along the Indian Ocean and South China Sea. Simulation results are then archived in a database for use during operations. Participated in the Workshop on Issuing, Receiving and Utilizing Tsunami Watches in the Indian Ocean, 4-6 September 2007, Jakarta, convened by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (ICG-IOTWS) Secretariat and hosted by the State Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia. The workshop reviewed national capabilities to receive and respond to tsunami warnings and to evaluate interim service performance and capabilities in providing tsunami warning, among other topics. Technical Expert Committee meeting scheduled from 24-26 November 2008 will evaluate the operational readiness of the regional facility Capacity building Concept of Operations (CONOPS), Tsunami Alert Rapid Notification System (TARNS), and Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) CONOPS Workshop, 8-10 August 2007, Sri Lanka. Government and non-government agencies involved in the generation and dissemination of tsunami warning met to initiate CONOPS, and be briefed on the practical applications of the end-to-end tsunami warning system framework in developing and identifying gaps at national, national, and regional levels. The workshop also discussed potential technology and service options to address existing gaps in the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning. Shared the Incident Command System (ICS) for faster disaster responses in the Indian Ocean countries in the UN-SPIDER Workshop, 29-31 October 2007, Bonn, Germany. Back-to-back workshop on CONOPS and TARNS, 21-22 November 2007, Myanmar. Representatives of government organizations involved in the generation and dissemination of tsunami warning were briefed on the CONOPS and TARNS initiatives and prepared an implementation plan. CONOPS assists national tsunami warning centers (NTWCs) in mapping the operational flow of hazard and non-hazard information between organizations, defines the intra-department reporting relationships within the NTWC, and develops a robust decision-making process for the generation of tsunami warnings. TARNS is a set of protocols and procedures for quick and accurate dissemination of tsunami advisories or warnings from the NTWC to all relevant national and local officials and the public. National consultation workshop on CCR, 15 February 2008, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology brought together 40 representatives from various government and non-government organizations concerned with coastal resource management for updates on current status of disaster risk reduction in coastal areas and how the CCR initiative can assist in building institutional capacities. Assessment of tsunami warning center operation, 16-17 February 2008, Mandalay, Myanmar. The assessment was undertaken to improve the Concept of Operations of the tsunami early warning system in Myanmar. Presented the CCR framework and related activities in the Workshop on Approaches to Coastal Community Resilience, 26-29 February 2008, Seychelles. The workshop was organized by the UNESCO/IOC and International Federation of the Red Cross as an event at the inter-sessional meeting of the ICG/IOTWS Working Group 6. Assessment of tsunami warning center operation, March 2008, Colombo. Results of the assessment will guide the development of Sri Lankas Concept of Operations for tsunami warning. National consultation workshop on Coastal Community Resilience, March 2008, Maldives. The workshop brought together representatives from government agencies and non-governmental organizations concerned with coastal resource management. The Coastal Community Resilience initiative promotes tsunami and other hazard readiness through the collaboration of national and local emergency management agencies, coastal managers, training institutions, and local communities. Scoping mission for Coastal Community Resilience implementation in Sri Lanka, March 2008, Colombo. The mission identified partner agencies, and their mandates and activities in coastal resource management. Results of the activity guided the development of CCR implementation plan for Sri Lanka. Workshop on local level early warning dissemination system, 10-11 July 2008, Colombo. Organized in collaboration with the Disaster Management Center, the workshop developed district level early warning dissemination procedures for tsunami alert rapid notification, for incorporation into national tsunami warning system. Establishing national forums for early warning Supported Myanmars Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) in establishing in April 2007 the national forum for early warning. Timed around a regular event, the monsoon, the forum was called the Monsoon Forum. It was participated by 67 representatives of forecast producer and user agencies, non-government organizations and select communities to provide a platform for dialogue and inter-agency coordination. Provided technical support to DMH in the second Monsoon Forum, 23-27 November 2007, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. Supported Indonesias BMG in establishing the first national forum for early warning, October 2008. Held a dialogue with Philippines PHIVOLCS, PAGASA (national meteorological service), Office of Civil Defense, and Philippine National Red Cross Society on establishing a national forum for early warning in the Philippines, October 2008. Institution building Regional Steering Committee meeting, 24-25 January 2008, Bangkok. The 13-member countries that consist the Regional Steering Committee of the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System met and reviewed the progress of regional program implementation, updated on the status of development of national early warning systems, and developed a strategic plan to sustain regional early warning system operations. Member countries collectively agreed to take responsibility to sustain the regional arrangements, and established a Working Group to evolve and implement a resource generation and management plan to ensure system sustainability. System sustainability Regional Steering Committee Working Group, established in January 2008 to evolve and implement institutional and financial sustainability plans, met in April 2008. The Working Group agreed to submit a proposal to UNESCAP to mobilize resources to support regional facility operation while member countries incorporate support into national budgets, work out international agreements to formalize system ownership, and detail a management plan for system operation, including personnel and financial management. Maldives, as Secretariat, submitted a proposal to UNESCAP to support efforts by member countries to sustain the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System and received approval of around US$ 375,000 . Working Group meeting in August 2008 in Male deliberated on institutional and financial mechanisms for the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System Maldives, as Secretariat, submitted another proposal to UNESCAP to mobilize support for regional facility operations for two years after current funding to support system establishment ends in July 2009. Full support was requested to fund operations in the first year (August 2009 July 2010), and partial support (50%) was requested to fund operations in the second year (August 2010 July 2011); the other 50% will come from member country contributions.     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