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From the outset Australia has taken a "total system" approach so that from day one the ATWS could deliver the best possible warning service to the Australian community at any time. So an end to end warning system was put in place, using best available inputs from earthquake analysis, ocean modelling, coastal tsunami threats and warning messages, acknowledging that there would be enhancements to all of these inputs as the ATWS project progressed. The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC), which is operated by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and Geoscience Australia, became operational in July 2007. The service was enhanced in December 2007 with new versions of national warnings. The JATWC was formally launched on 31 October 2008. This was accompanied by the roll-out of the stratified and streamlined warning system, together with a comprehensive new suite of warning messages. The new product set uses terminology to convey tsunami threat stratified into three levels based on deep ocean tsunami scenario modelling. The threat levels relate to effects on coastal communities – a land inundation threat where community evacuations would be necessary, a marine threat of danger in the water and to coastal infrastructure such as ports, harbours and marinas, where people would need to move away from the water, and low level effects which would be clearly noticeable but would not warrant public warnings. The new ATWS products are described in Attachment 1. The product table at the front of the document illustrates the very extensive range of products. Then Attachment 1 contains several example warning messages. Consider IDY68031 on page 6 of attachment 1 as an example. The comment right at the top about the Standard Emergency Warning Signal (SEWS) refers to an attention grabbing siren which the media play before broadcasting critical warnings if instructed to do so. The Summary section is a shorter version for media if they don't want to repeat the full message, and is also the section that the JATWC Text to Speech software converts to a sound file for the recorded telephone service message. The action prompts contained in the COMMUNITY RESPONSE ADVICE section are the result of very extensive liaison between the Bureau of Meteorology and emergency response agencies in Australia. Referring back to the table of products at the front of Attachment 1, note that there is a cancellation bulletin for every product. The wording and issue criteria of these bulletins represent the culmination of extensive deliberations about cancellation with detailed criteria included in the JATWC SOPs. It should be noted that cancellation of tsunami watches and warnings is a very complex issue, with timing anything but self-evident.   The major launch on 31 October 2008 also saw the introduction of a Tsunami Decision Support Tool (TDST), The JATWC TDST has been developed in-house. It is an absolutely essential software package which prepares watch and warning messages almost totally automatically. It enables the preparation of multiple messages for different states very quickly, including a national summary. The initial round of bulletins are of course issued as soon as possible after the detection of the earthquake, then after the first round bulletin issue times are synchronised to catch news broadcasts on the hour. The TDST puts draft bulletins on a restricted web site for consultations between the JATWC, Bureau state offices, and state emergency response agencies. Then when the final texts are agreed the TDST distributes the bulletins to emergency response agencies and the media, and also instantly puts the issued versions up on the public Bureau web site for all to see. The Australian Tsunami Warning System (ATWS) comprises a comprehensive national seismic network, tsunameter network and coastal tide gauge network. The JATWC utilises and exchanges these data and other data in real-time provided by the IOTWS to the international community via the GTS. In November 2008 Australia’s tsunameter network comprises two units in the Indian Ocean off NW Australia, one in the Coral Sea off NE Australia, and two in the Southern Ocean off SE Australia. A tsunami scenario data base from a deep ocean tsunami model is at present available for a restricted domain covering the eastern half of the Indian Ocean and the western half of the Pacific Ocean. The scenarios provide tsunami amplitudes for forecast zones around the coast of Australia. The JATWC is therefore currently operating at RTWP Service Level 2 for Australia, and commenced sharing earthquake information for the Indian Ocean with other potential RTWPs in July 2008. An upgraded tsunami scenario data base covering the whole of the Indian and Pacific Oceans is currently being constructed and will become operational in early 2009. The JATWC expects to commence regional tsunami watches later in 2009. The JATWC currently also reports earthquake magnitudes over a limited domain and only for events with magnitudes of at least 6.5. Other potential RTWPs report over a wider domain, and for events down to 5.8 so have had quite a lot more events on which to prepare performance statistics. Australia will not change its earthquake reporting thresholds, but internally records and analyses events over a wider area and to a lower magnitude. In future all solutions will be included for statistical analysis so the JATWC will have results for a greater number of events. In early 2009 Australia will be introducing a new tsunami scenario data base with an extended domain covering the whole of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. At the same time Australia will also expand its domain for earthquake analysis, which will further increase the number of events both reported and captured for statistical analysis. Examples of Earthquake Bulletins are included in Attachment 2. For countries with a very close tsunami source, such as Indonesia and India, there is a need to put out an earthquake bulletin as quickly as possible so their bulletins include the Mb solution. But for MS with more time, and as the basis for selecting the appropriate tsunami scenario for trans-oceanic tsunami predictions, the most suitable earthquake magnitude is Mwp, which takes about twice as long to determine. Earthquake bulletins from JATWC and PTWC include the Mwp solution. It should be noted that bulletin issue times from INCOIS and InaTEWS cannot be compared with those from JATWC or PTWC because they are doing different things. The JATWC will be ready to shadow the Interim Advisory Service and commence Service Level 2 to other Indian Ocean countries under bilateral arrangements, as per the schedule outlined in the RTWP Implementation Plan. 4?Я а E O  ” І Ї Љ н о ч = > R s А к л ќ § ў  €‚ƒ—Жац№ёBRSU]jkqялЪМЪЎЪЎЪЎЪЎЪЎЪМЪЎ М ~ ~ ~ Ъ Ъ Ъ Ъ Ъ Ъp p h&LхCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%h0ЭCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hг%CJOJQJ^JaJh0ЭCJOJQJ^JaJhг%CJOJQJ^JaJh‚MsCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hХ%CJOJQJ^JaJ&hХ%hŸBs5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h&Lх5CJOJQJ\^JaJ,34>?Ћ Ќ Ј Љ ‚YZ@AЖИ  xy—˜YZ8ііііііёёёёшшёёёёёёёёёіііііі 7$8$H$gd0ЭgdХ% 7$8$H$gdŸBsI#ўqZ[no–—йтфыьё @BS˜Ув (;<Y„‡ЉЌЖвў*1?UuЕЖИ  9ђфђфгХгђгЗгЉгЉгЉгђЉгЉгЉгЉгЉђЉгЉђЉђЉгЉгЉгЉгЉгЉгЉгЉгЉгЉ›hYЋCJOJQJ^JaJh="`CJOJQJ^JaJhѓCJOJQJ^JaJh‚MsCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hХ%CJOJQJ^JaJh0ЭCJOJQJ^JaJh&LхCJOJQJ^JaJ69@BKRk{‚‰ŠЗИФХЭт5ЈПШдж  ЊЪЮЯг#wx7#$%ЈясасасаТасасасасасаДясасасасасасаІ•Т•‡vhhЦЎCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hЦЎCJOJQJ^JaJhŸBsCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hŸBsCJOJQJ^JaJhХ%CJOJQJ^JaJhѓCJOJQJ^JaJh&LхCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hХ%CJOJQJ^JaJhYЋCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hYЋCJOJQJ^JaJ(89$%Ќ­o"p"H#I#іііёшууіоgdтKЈgdЦЎ 7$8$H$gdЈ[™gdЈ[™ 7$8$H$gdŸBs ЈЌЛїќ$+<BDR^a˜™ЅІЇфђ )@[\iw‡ˆѕCЉ­ьэ< C x y … ˆ Š ‹ œ Ь Э ! !/!0!W!X!f!j!Œ!Я!а!ч!"-"N"n"p"ясясясясясясясясясясясясгсяХДХДХДХДХДХсясягясХсХягягягясясяХясясясХ hХ%hЈ[™CJOJQJ^JaJhЈ[™CJOJQJ^JaJh‚MsCJOJQJ^JaJhЦЎCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hЦЎCJOJQJ^JaJCp"(#G#H#I#ясая hХ%h‚MsCJOJQJ^JaJh‚MsCJOJQJ^JaJ hХ%hŸBsCJOJQJ^JaJ,1hА‚. 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