ࡱ>  [Hbjbj22 4PkPk[@33333G 5 5 5 55\GNh{5{5{5{5{5^6^6^6LNNNNNNNNNNNNNPRNN3^6^6^6^6b6NN833{5{5cN888f663{53{5LN8^6LN88@L330NoIY 57jLLNyN0NL6S8S,0N830N^6^6^6GG! 5GG 5 :   ODIN-PIMRIS Project Meeting USPL Conference Room, Friday, September 19, 2008 Meeting Record Present: (EM) Eddie Marahare FFA, (ATK) Ataban T. Kapule MFMR, SIG, Solomon Islands, (AG) Anne Gibert SPC, (GR) Ganeshan Rao Griffith University, (ELT) Emeline L. Tupou Fisheries Division, Tonga, (PC) Pip Cohen WorldFish Center, (JPG) Jean-Paul Gaudechoux SPC, (RD) Rebekah Daniel MMR, Cook Islands, (AS) Akosita Seru Fisheries Dept., Fiji, (SD Suzie Davies, IOC/IODE ( Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority), (DN) Dorene Naidu- SOPAC Library, (PM) Peter Murgatroyd SPREP, (MK) Maria Kalenchits PIMRIS/USP, (RT) Raikaon Tumoa Fisheries Division Kiribati, (FE) Florence Edwards Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, (VT) Vaasa Taamu Dept. Marine and Wildlife Resources, American Samoa, (LP) Lusila Patu - Dept. Marine and Wildlife Resources, American Samoa, (UT) Ulusapeti Tiitii Fisheries Division, Samoa (JYS) Joan Yee USP Library (joined meeting for one hour) Maria Kalenchits welcomed everyone to the meeting and proceeded to present the Review of the Project Document. Comments follow Ganeshan Rao reiterated Peters earlier point to include points 2 + 3 from the presentation E-Repository Creation of collections and readymade structure of Greenstone to be used as a standard around the region. SD Twining programs such as the law libraries twinning programs between Australia and the Pacific to be implemented by the Marine Libraries in the Pacific. The Australian libraries are in the middle of writing a proposal to AusAid for funding for this project. The PIMRIS ODIN Pilot Project will be the recipient of this program when it comes through. The Twinning Proposal will be ready by May 2009 after current discussions with the Law libraries give some ideas towards it. It was suggested to include the American Libraries in this Twinning Programs as well. ODIN-PIMRIS Pilot Project- Work Plan Objective 1 MK explained about the legal status of PIMRIS. There is no formal agreement however an informal agreement/paper exists to clarify the above G.R elaborated as a previous PIMRIS Coordinator that there was an overall MOU agreement amongst the opening partners for PIMRIS. But when the official funder completed their term of funding, this agreement continued to informally exist partnering with the Marine Sector Working Group which is part of the CROP Agencies agreement. GR also suggested approaching Joeli Veitayaki who is part of the MSWG for the CROP Agency Documents relating to PIMRIS and creating a linking document to the MSWG sector agreement would be enough to start of the PIMRIS- ODIN Project It was suggested that a committee work with MSWG achieving this. PM suggested that it was important to clarify specifically the responsibilities and obligations this project will have. JPG also supported this statement that whatever equipment etc is given to the fisheries department stays with it and is not taken away by other departments. PM at this point suggested Action Item to write formal letters of agreement to the responsibilities and obligations between countries and ODIN and stress how the countries would benefit from this cooperation MK Letters to be done by PIMRIS/IOC SD Added that the draft letters be done and then sent over to Peter P would then add the IODE part MK- Would these letters be sent to all the countries or just the Pilot 4 countries GR Suggested to include all countries PM Would be very challenging if all countries need to be looked after, focus on the Pilot Projects, after assessing and reviewing the capacity building etc AG- suggested including the French Territories, Vanuatu, New Caledonia. These would be good ways to increase the funding pool for the projects apart from the Pilots. PC Continuation of a Project already in progress GP French docs already in the SPC digital library MK/PM The intended Portal will include the above database eventually Mergers between CROPS are pointing toward one digital resource framework ODIN-PIMRIS Portal identifies unique resources; harvests across the region and integrate these SD Are we including the Territories? ACTION ITEM Explore IRD as the funding source PC - spoke about streamlining their ReefBase project into ODIN PIMRIS it will be naturally in time for this to happen PM we should include Reef Base as a contributing member of ODIN GR suggested that the AUSAID project PMB carried out a project to digitize the PNG docs. -PNG Fisheries Agency Explore these to access the scanned docs. to go into the Portal since there might be issues with PAMBU re; these provide support to make this discreet (PNGNFA) but accessible. MK suggested harvesting these references; GP said they might already exist in the SPC catalogue RD requested that the Cook Islands need to be part of this project SD- suggested identifying the small core island countries and start with this. Another result will be that it is low cost. RT said that funding is available for equipment for next year PM- said it would be valuable to include Cook Islands JPG mentioned attachments at the SPC Library for Rebekah Daniel of Cook Islands Fisheries Ministry followed by USPL and SPREP MK Cook Islands to be included Visit planned for next years budget, SPC has agreed to cover the costs It was decided that Cook Islands will be part of the Pilot Project from 2008-2010 It was questioned that Samoa had a lot of Divisions like Environment but only the Fisheries Division was going to be included in this project It was agreed by all present that ReefBase would become a co-partner on the ODIN-PIMRIS project. AG also offered that IRD would be interested in becoming a major donor theyre always enthusiastic regarding research Susie said that it should include other agencies over time for ODIN to grow stronger JPG- mentioned that IRD was facilitating opportunities about AIDS and is a major research partner Susie said if IRD was enthusiastic it would be good to see them become part of ODIN PIMRIS Partners decided that ReefBase/WorldFISH and IRD would be invited to become major collaborating partners in this project Objective 2 Establish e-repositories of grey literature for countries (marine & fisheries departments) Greenstone was the most popular software being used by SPC in the region Training documents/templates funding would be applied to IODE for this Objective 3 Support establish OAI complaint e-repositories for regional agencies- FFA, SPC, SOPAC, SPREP, PIMRIS Updates on the software being taken up FFA (Eddie M.) Digitization is almost ready to begin. Pdf documents already exist. SPC will assist with the above project PM suggested to get a Greenstone template for all Pacific Island Countries Objective 5 Develop capacity building opportunities GR suggested using the Government Structure/Education Scholarships in place to the advance of the Ministry of Fisheries This would also be part of ODIN-PIMRISs role as on every country visit they could meet the Minister in charge of the Ministry of Fisheries to promote the above. MK raised the question of Minimum Qualifications needed for recruitment Discussions ensured saying that different countries required different levels of qualifications so it would need to be a case by case GR said a Certificate/Diploma in Library Services for Fisheries Libraries PM suggested a crash course for instance summer school intensive be used while USP can be a long term 2 year. At this PM asked what kind of library training did the Cook Islands and Samoa libraries want? RD replied that it was mostly PR and working with multimedia training and more on the Fisheries Officer capacity that they needed. Sapeti replied saying that they needed training in database usage and shelving PM then said that the USP Diploma in Libraries was good but not viable for the Fisheries Officers. There was a need to be flexible with the Vocational Studies GR said it would be good to add the above to the CROP librarians Agenda meeting later in the day. Would include - Vocational Courses revamped course for special libraries Courses could be run in countries SD at this point mentioned the Ocean Teacher which was a product of IODE, expanded by IODE at the moment. This could be used for Regional training PM said that it would be good to remember to have workshops/training for all sectors in Countries at a National/International level. JPG- agreed with the above SPECIAL NOTE: Agreed by all that Northern Pacific Territories to be included in the outreach. GR elaborated on the above point that any help from PIMRIS will be beyond USP member countries MK spoke about specific Marine tools for librarians and fisheries officers SD said that the basic principles are going to remain the same except the applications may be different according to the specific needs of the different countries JPG- mentioned that there was large amount of material available in the Fisheries Ministry in the Northern Marianas (FSM) PC- mentioned that JICA could be approached for volunteers to work on this project- definitely a prospect for exploring (the material is in Japanese) Note: it was important to collaborate with PIMRIS and SPC to avoid duplication SD showed the ODINPIMRIS project proposal that was now submitted to the IOC + Flanders (State of Belgium) Objective 6 Manage ODIN-PIMRIS Network pilot Project Country Visits structure of the database, training, assistance towards E-Repository - It was decided that Maria would be the Primary Country visitor. - July will see the start of the Country visits Sapeti requested that they have a Greenstone training done by Maria during the country visit PM said it was important to have the basic training needed and not focus on the databases only At this point the question was asked if Maria or Peter is suitable to travel to Cook Islands for providing training. JPG said it was important for MK as the PIMRIS Coordinator to travel since it would be easier to provide justification for SPC funding this trip then when PM travels as a SPREP Coordinator General comments from around the room was that the Budget looked pretty small for the size of the Project It was noted that the Budget is in USD 2009 /30 000 2010 /20 000 GR made a serious comment about the PIMRIS Coordinator position and said that a Staff position has to be secured to run this project which is extensive. SD mentioned that it would be a good idea to secure funding from a range of places rather than just IOC. PM said there needs to be some exploration into the EU funding for substantial resource. PM asked JPG to present briefly about the recent Project being embarked on by SPC JPG - as part of the Pacific Islands Regional Coastal Fisheries Management Policy and Strategic Actions (Apia Policy) (2008-2013) Principle 6 states: Enhancing regional exchange and sharing of information on areas of common interest relating to the management of ecosystems and fisheries. The above being endorsed by the Governments in the Pacific SPC has embarked on a project to have a digital database with Marine Fisheries Information from the Pacific into this portal. GR suggested that the above could tie into the ODIN PIMRIS project and instead of duplication there will be enhancement and growth of the ODIN- PIMRIS Project. PM reiterated the need to formalize the Coordinator position (2 positions) SPC/PIMRIS. The software for this would be Greenstone something that SPC is already using so as to avoid reinventing the wheel SD- said it was vital the above be defined well in the meeting. Discussions on the Work Plan for 2008 Drafting of formal invites asking for collaboration from the Ministry of Fisheries/ Countries Statement of support sent to the Countries will be the PIMRIS-ODIN letter from IOC which will go after the letters of collaboration is from PIMRIS first GPG said it would be good for MK as the PIMRIS Coordinator to attend the 2009 Head of Fisheries meeting in Noumea to present to the Ministers who will be attending the meeting SD said to include the letter of support from IOC as well MK agreed that a Face to Face meeting will be good standing for the Project with the Pacific Countries Ministers. Website start with putting information up Create awareness of the project before training is provided for all to see whats available for the countries and the benefits of collaboration on this project Note : Dates on the WORK PLAN are revised after discussions. Objective 4 Development of Promotional Materials Discussions on Work Plan 2008 continues Development of promotional materials Maria to attend the Heads of Fisheries Meeting in Noumea, New Caledonia and to be funded by SPC as offered by GPG PM observed that the Timelines were quite tight to work with and would be quite challenging. Florence from Marshall Islands showed interest and asked if they could take part in the Future project. She also gave a brief presentation about the status of the School Library and Office Library. Theres 2 staff at the libraries. Theyre still sorting through the materials at the library; MK asked how the sorting is working out? Florence explained that there is separation of Office Reports, Dept. Reports, Drafts, regional office publications; they still have some questions like not being sure of the value of the materials in the office; what to do after sorting; the collection holds about 60 documents. The office Library has been turned to a mini library for office needs while the School library functions have now been expanded for students to use instead of the office as this was seen to be quite distracting for the office workers. There is currently no professional staff in charge of the library. MK asked if there was any alternative funding available from America. This could be a possible venue to explore. Florence explained that she is in the middle of negotiating a change to her job description which should allow her to explore the above option and get some capacity building. PM said to identify the actual job requirements as there might not be a need for the traditional Library training applicable to Florence and her staff. American Samoa was asked to briefly report on their Library There are no reports from the previous trips in the library. There are plans to convert the library into a resource centre through Grants 2009 that are part of the 5yr plan. However, they have to start from scratch to build the Resource Centre. There was no passing of information about the library when there was a change in staff and new staff started. There is no knowledge of the databases existence. PM commented that this was totally inefficient way of doing things and especially now with a resource centre being planned. The Department has to take responsibility for this and avoid such catastrophes. JY stated the importance of documentation in the Department to avoid such scenarios PM then updated American Samoa of the Database which is in DB Textworks and that PEIN and PIMRIS did the resource buildup Additional Agenda 1 Scope of PIMRIS NGO Materials PM - Scope of MOANA to include NGO documents and country Additional Agenda 2 PIMRIS facilitation of ACCESS to ASFA for all PIMRIS Partners Discussions saw that Richard Pepe of the ASFA has agreed in principle to provide access to Partners with PIMRIS. This requires PIMRIS to send a letter of request to Richard Pepe of ASFA. The request would include Internet and CD access. This letter will formalize the agreement between PIMRIS and its partners with ASFA. There will also be need of feedback to ASFA from the Countries who are part of this agreement. SD suggested that PIMRIS write to FAO, explain the need for the above since there are limitations; make a case by case proposal to FAO. PM said that PIMRIS Partners have a right to the ASFA database There isnt any commercial interest from the Pacific countries for the Publisher so it shouldnt affect them Data exchange via ASFA For research purposes use ASFA Bib. and then request articles from IAMSLIC is one way to solve problems re: access to the database ACTION Item PIMRIS Partners and Countries to compile list to send to Richard Pepe at FAO/ASFA for full access to ASFA Secretary: Dorene Naidu End of ODIN-PIMRIS Meeting 13pm. iX {  = J j k s {e p q b!m!n!!""v))8,<,,-+-9---Y2ܹܫܝܑ܅ܑ܅܅yymamh^UhEP5mH sH hBhEP5mH sH  *h=}<hEPmH sH h=}<hEP5mH sH h}hEP5mH sH hwhEP5>*mH sH hLDhEP5>*mH sH h(hEP5mH sH h&ihEP5mH sH h?dhEPmH sH hEPmH sH hEP5mH sH hbo5mH sH hF 5mH sH &NO^_i4 X {  = ] D j k $a$gdEPk { | U V 67LM;<89$a$gdEP9R+_`Sz{()kl9:$a$gdEP:,jk[\*+c d e $a$gdEP !a!b!!!!O"w"""""q#r#$$]$$$/%%%%% $ & Fa$gdEP $h^ha$gdEP$a$gdEP $ & Fa$gdEP%&&&&p'q'''(>(?(((X)Y)u)v)))5*6***%+&+++ $ & Fa$gdEP$a$gdEP+7,8,,,,,*-+-----S....)///Q00000 $^a$gdEP $^a$gdEP$^`a$gdEP$a$gdEP0.1/111C2D22f3g3"4#44455555555Z6677O8{8 $ & Fa$gdEP$a$gdEPY22222d35555O8W8Y8^8_8z8{899[99dCCC$DGG'H2H3HCHDHHHIHPHQHZH[HɲɚɚvhF hEPmH sH h hEPmH sH h-hEP5>*mH sH h-hEP5mH sH h1q=hEP5mH sH hhOhEPmH sH hhOhEP5mH sH hEP5mH sH hQ^hEP5mH sH hthEP5mH sH hEPmH sH hthEP5>*mH sH %{8999[9999M::::?>_???4@ABBcCdCCCC$DE $ & Fa$gdEP$a$gdEP $ & Fa$gdEPELFFFG]GGGG HH&H'HHHIHJHKHLHMHNHOHPHQHRHSHTH $^a$gdEP$0^`0a$gdEP$a$gdEPTHUHVHWHXHZH[H$a$gdEP21h:pEP. 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