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0UCaolan80 ,(+ 5Ml4Tl4  2  !X J|X  ODINCARSA MIM REPORT TO GEMIM MEETING X IN REFERENCE TO Medium Term Strategy and Work Plan 2008-2011 By Patricia Muoz Palma Strategic Main Lines of action Project Information Management, promotion and fund raising Web based Discussion forum for quality control and ocean modeling experiences. ICAM-Teacher Development E-Repository/Ocean Docs for Latin America. Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) software application (open source) for libraries in the ODINCARSA region. To improve and promote Portal Oceanic Preparation of Project Proposals to ISDR, START, PROVENTION, JCOMM, CPPS. ODINCARSA Coordination and web site maintenance. Newsletters, Brochures and Promotion 2.  ACTIVITIES 2008 ODINCARSA component MIM: (informed by Rodney Martnez) 1. - Contributions to Ocean Docs, Gabriela Silvoni (Argentina) and Andrea Cristiani (Uruguay), have accomplished the expected amount of validated contents to the Repository. 2. - A small coordination and training meeting was held in Panama in April 2008. This Workshop allowed to recruit new Libraries for Ocean Docs especially from Panama and the Caribbean. In addition some basic agreements were assumed about the constitution of a regional working group on Marine information management in the Caribbean islands. 3. - Two new Editors were joined to Ocean docs efforts and are working, Clara Ramirez (Mexico) and Enma Fonseca (Cuba) 4. - E-Repository Ocean Docs on Line (648 records) 5. - 15 IAMSLIC memberships for Caribbean and Latin American Libraries 3.- ILMS for ODINCARSA 1.- The more relevant to find solutions in a broader framework where library work is integrated in a general information management policy, including repositories, ASFA database ,etc. This is required and hope from MIM Latino. 2.- Moldules, while more complete and services will be better, but, in a first stage is necesary that this system give this services: OPAC/WEB Interloan Service Statistics ILMS funtions Repository Metadata exchange Technical Support 4.- Current situation. Analysis of OCEANDOCS LATINO 1.1.- Antecedents: The repository OCEANDOCS Latino, began to build during the year 2005 as a result of the meeting held in Ostend, coordinated by Rodner Martinez from ODINCARSA and with the participation of 9 countries, Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago. The results were: Learnning about repositories, information cycle, open acces initiative, metadata, copyrights and the basic guidelines to start developing the OCEANDOCS Latino. We currently have 9 institutions from 6 countries and operational from 2007 begins with the admission of documents to the repository, reaching a total of 648 documents by October 2008. It is worth mentioning that most of this population is due to the work done by external validation and control. (IODE contracts the payaments by revenue, control and validation of documents issued in OCEANDOCS). STRENGHTHS: 1. - To belong to ODIN network, which has enabled and encouraged progress in the development of the Marine information management, in Latin America as well as in other continents. 2. - Oceandocs Latino is operational, with collections of 6 countries, corresponding mainly to goverment documents from their Oceanographic and Fisheries department. Therefore we still have to touch basis in the rest of the research institutions of each country. 3 - Start of the input since 2007, an action taken place in a very recent period of time. 4. - To have financial and technical support from IODE, thanks to Marc Goovaerts for his unconditional support to our members of OCEANDOCS Latino. 5. - To have a group of trained professionals to conduct further training courses in the region (Andrea Cristiani, Gabriela Silvoni, Patricia Muoz, Catalina Lopez.). 6. It can give visibility to the research done by latin american institutions, such as articles , technical documents, reports, thesis,etc. 7. Support receive from ODINCARSA-IODE-IOC for the development of 3 training courses in digital repositories. 8. Most of the librarians in the marine science libraries have the technical and professional skills to participate in OCEANDOCS. OPPORTUNITIES: 1. - There is a greater interest and awareness about open access to scientific and technical publications, than there was in 2005. We need to remember that 2003 was the beginning of digital repositories, but the boom started until 2006. 2. - The possibility of inviting new institutions. 3. - Potential growth in the number of digital publications to enter OCEANDOCS. 4.- The interest shown by institutions for the development of institutional repositories. I 5.-In Latin America exists a big interest in digital repositories in order to promote open access and the preservation of scientific and technological knowledge. 6. - The future implementation in LA of  A federated network of repositories Institutional Scientific Documentation in Latin America with the participation of Mxico, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay and Chile, with support of the IDB Inter-American Development Bank and Scientific and Technical Governmental Agencies. (I am member of this Working Group). 7.- WEAKNESSES: 1.-Poor communication and interaction between the ODINCARSA Coordination and OCEANDOCS coordination. Due to the lack of calendar planning for meeting and projects It is important we schedule 2009 with more precise Group of Activities, their costs and commitments. 2.  Due to limited funds for Training courses, outreach work and so on, we need a better control on the commitment made by institutions or individuals to participate in OCEANDOCS. (Example: As a result of the training carried out in Ecuador and Panama, only two new collections have been created. Considering the participants commitments, we need to reinforced the criteria for personnel selection and follow up for future training. 3. - Limited funds for Training courses, outreach work and so on. 4 .- Limited autonomy for the Coordination OCEANDOCS to manage existing funds and that all are managed by ODINCARSA Coordination, which is not allowed to develop a work plan with activities aimed at developing and positioning of the project. 5. - Different levels of commitment among OCEANDOCS members. 6. - Lack of control over the quality and content of files that are entered into OCEANDOCS depart from the same institutions. 7. - There is not effective binding of the agreement by institutions belonging to IODE who made a commitment to be members of OceanDocs and had trained people in OceanDocs input procedures or other exchanges. THREATS: 1.- Completion of the project in risk for lack of growth on it. Do not attract new institutions. For the lack of integration and growth of the project, partner institutions dissociate the project. Do not overlap activities with other international marine related organizations. New strategy to position the product OCEANDOCS, that is currently decreasing input taskforce. Preservation (constant TIC changes) Costs Sustainability of Repositories in the long run. 2. - SOME SOLUTIONS FOR OCEANDOCS MANAGEMENT/ SUSTANTIBILTY 1. - To define roles and responsibilities within the coordination ODINCARSA OCEANDOCS. 2. - To review policies and regulations for the repository. 3. - To make a plan for positioning OCEANDOCS in Latin America that includes activities and costs. 4. - To make an agreement between IODE / ODINCARSA / OCEANDOCS and partner institutions to ensure that commitments are met OCEANDOCS entrance. 5. - To start with initiatives for the promotion and use of self archive. 6. - To get funding for validation work contract. 7. - To obtain funding to support digitalization projects in Latin America. 8.- Seek support from agencies of science and technology in Latin American governments so as to enhance the agreements as an agreement at the national level rather than institutional, so that the participation of the institutions is a commitment at the country level. 9.- Possibility to obtain financial support from HUMBOLDT CURRENT LARGE MARINE ECOSYSTEM Project to Trainning course for Chilean Librarians and LA Librarians, for OCEANDOCS Methodology. Also they want to have a collections in oceandocs repository. 3.- INPUT PROGESS OCEANDOCS SOUTH AMERICAN 2007 - 2008 INPUT FOR COUNTRY ArgentinaChileCubaColombiaEcuadorUruguayTotalsJuly 2007225100330August 2007114200017September 200716431800077October 200738012330891November 2007450100046December 20070300003January 20080000000February 20080014077091March 20080010044054April 2008006068075May 20081401044059June 2008150003018July 2008800101587TOTAL24155663323716648 Source: Statistics of OceanDocs LA validation work contracts. Andrea Cristiani & Gabriela Silvoni, 2007-2008.  EMBED Microsoft Excel 97-Tabelle  INPUT by Ecuador is a result of Training Course made in August 2007 For Institution and Country. / The state of higher productivity coincides with the work done by validation team. (September 2007 to July 2008.) INIDEPSHOAIFOPCIPCEBIMARACUARIOINVEMARINOCARIIPTotal(Argentina)(Chile)(Chile)(Cuba)(Cuba)(Cuba)(Colombia)(Ecuador)(Uruguay)July 2007225010000330August 2007110420000017September 200716043180000077October 20073800903330891November 2007450010000046December 20070030000003January 20080000000000February 20080001202077091March 20080001000044054April 2008000600068075May 20081400100044059June 2008150000003018July 2008800001001587TOTAL24155060153323716648 Decressing INPUT& WHY? 31 records in Three months INIDEPSHOAIFOPCIPCEBIMARACUARIOINVEMARINOCARIIPTotale(Argentina)(Chile)(Chile)(Cuba)(Cuba)(Cuba)(Colombia)(Ecuador)(Uruguay)August 20081005000107September 200800033400010October 200800032300614TOTAL100115701631 Reasons: COULD BE.... Changes in the responsibilities INPUT to Oceandocs not mandatory for the Institution or Libraries Institutions do not have digital documents Others. @BZ ^ ` b  T X Z b `bj洴洴朂jj/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ2B*CJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ2B*CJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ2B*CJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ("$,4 0F̴mmR7775B*phCJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ5B*phCJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ+B*CJmH sH PJ^JaJ_HtHOJQJ1B*CJmH sH 5PJ^JaJ_HtH\OJQJ.B*CJmH sH 5PJ^JaJ_HtHOJQJ2B*CJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ2B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtH\OJQJ Fbx04Z26N " "$$%%2%'|'(ƭgLggggggggggLLggg5B*CJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtH\OJQJ/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ+B*CJmH sH PJ^JaJ_HtHOJQJ.B*CJmH sH 5PJ^JaJ_HtHOJQJ1B*CJmH sH >*5PJ^JaJ_HtHOJQJ5B*CJmH sH >*5PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ;B*phCJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtH\OJQJ( (((($*&*,,,,,,-&/112"3$3 5566,8.8@8D8F88889999|:~::;<;;;;;;;;;;v<x<&@(@@@&A(A@CBCDCC紴紴5B*CJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtH\OJQJ/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ5B*CJmH sH 5PJnH^JaJ_HtH\OJQJ/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJE@EBEDEFEHEJELENEPERETEVEXEZE\E^EEEEEEEEFF&F8FHFXFfF|FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGG GGGG6GIDIHILIPITIXI^IlItIzIIIIIIII~JJJJJJJ UjUj VU/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJUJJJ^K`KdKfKhKjKlKnKpKrKLLLLLLLLLLLM MMM6MFMVMdMrMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN$N(N,N0N4N8NQBQFQJQNQTQbQ/B*CJmH sH PJnH^JaJ_HtHOJQJ[bQjQnQtQzQ~QQQQQQQQ R RRR R*R4RE@EBEDEFEHEJELENEPERETEVEXEZE\E^EEEEEEEEEFF&F8FHFXFfF$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$$G$ fFhF|FFFFFVQLGB=$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$$4ִK )s $4444 PFFFFFFFGB=$G$$G$$$4ִK )s $4444 P$G$$G$$G$FFFFFFF$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$FFFFGG GVQLGB=$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$$4ִK )s $4444 P GGGGG6GIDIHILIPIVQLGB=$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$$4ִK )s $4444 PPITIXI^I`IlItIGB=$G$$G$$$4ִK )s $4444 P$G$$G$$G$tIzIIIIII$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$IIII~JJJJJVTRPNLJH$$4ִK )s $4444 PJ^K`KdKfKhKjKlKnKpKrKLLLLLLLLLL$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$ & F ^]`LLM MM$G$$G$$G$$G$MMM#$G$$$4 S7 / Okd#&4 4 44 nM6MFMVMdMrMMMMMM$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$ MMM#$G$$$4 S7 / Okd#&4 4 44 nMMMMMMMMMMN$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$ NNN#$G$$$4 S7 / Okd#&4 4 44 nN$N(N,N0N4N8NQBQFQJQNQTQ$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$ TQVQbQ#$G$$$4 S7 / Okd#&4 4 44 nbQjQnQtQzQ~QQQQQQ$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$$G$ QQQQ#!$$4 S7 / Okd#&4 4 44 nQ R RRR R*R4R?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]`ab&?'?('}'}?)'}'}?" d,, ` `? ` `?U }  (  p  6NMM?# "]`  "<~?<~?323   M4  3Q:Q ; Q ; Q3_  M 43_  M4E4  3Q:Q ; Q ; Q3_  3fM 4E4  3Q:Q ; Q ; Q3_  M 4E4  3Q:Q ; Q ; Q3_  M 4E4  3Q:Q ; Q ; Q3_  ffM 4E4  3Q:Q ; Q ; Q3_  M 4E4D$% M3&Q4FAk } 33 b&! 4% g3&Q Months23   M4'43*N&! ! 4% P=Z3&Q inputs23   M4'4523  M43 0[?3%  0[?3&Q423   M443_  ,M444% |O|3&Q N%Inputs by country: July 2007-July200823   M4'4% M3&Q'4% M3&Q'4% M3&Q'4% M3&Q'4% M3&Q'4% M3&Q'4% M3&Q'4% M3&Q'44 >$@   dMbP?_%*+&?'?('}'}?)'}'}?"d,, ` `? ` `?U } }               0Zz 0. 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