ࡱ>  Bbjbj22 $nPkPkX:?kGkGkG8G4GtPjKHpHHHHIIIfPhPhPhPhPhPhP-RTrhPIIIIIhPMHH}PMMMI*HHfPMIfPMM"PJP0>YkGJ:PfPP0PBPAUMAUJPMJPIII1kGkG :   IODE National Reports 2007-2008 - Data Management For many years we have requested you to submit detailed national reports that were then made available as a working document for IODE Sessions. As from IODE-XIX we have tried to analyze the reports to identify changes at the national level. As from IODE-XX we are collecting your information online through a web-based survey. Through the web page  HYPERLINK "http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=iZlRakk0oAgc7m1TLbBUNQ_3d_3d" http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=iZlRakk0oAgc7m1TLbBUNQ_3d_3d you will now be able to submit your national report on IODE activities for the years 2007 and 2008. The information now collected will be used as a baseline to be compared with in future years. The information provided will be analyzed and summarized in Document 9 of the IODE-XX Session. If you prefer then you can use this paper copy of the reporting format to prepare your answers. However please submit your report only electronically through the above-mentioned URL. Note: Questions marked with * are mandatory. Note: You can respond to the survey only once If you need any assistance then please do not hesitate to contact the IODE Secretariat ( HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org) The reporting survey is sub-divided in 8 sections: Section A: institutional information (11 questions) Section B: data centre activities (2 questions) Section C: data received by your data centre (6 questions) Section D: data management procedures (3 questions) Section E: user services (5 questions) Section F: cooperation with world data centres (2 questions) Section G; IODE training and education (3 questions) Section H: assistance to IODE (3 questions) This reporting survey should be filled by either the IODE national coordinator for oceanographic data management or by the head of another oceanographic data centre in the case of a distributed national data system (with multiple data centres in that country). If in doubt then please contact  HYPERLINK "mailto:p.pissierssens@unesco.org" p.pissierssens@unesco.org PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR INFORMATION ONLINE NOT LATER THAN 15 JANUARY 2009. The system will be closed on 15 January 2009. SECTION A: INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION 1. Please provide some information on yourself so we can contact you again. Name: .. Institution: .. City/Town: .. Country: .. Email Address: .. 2. Your position (job title): .. 3. Have you entered your information in OceanExpert? ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanexpert.net" http://www.oceanexpert.net ) O Yes O No If you answered "No" then please enter your information in  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanexpert.net" http://www.oceanexpert.net 4. In what type of data centre do you work? O an IODE national oceanographic data centre (NODC) O another national data centre 5. Does your country formally have a centralized (single centre) data management system or a distributed (multiple centres) data management system? O centralized (single centre) O distributed (multiple centres) Comments: .. .. .. .. .. 6. Does your country and/or data centre have a documented data management strategy? O Yes O No O I don't know If you answered yes then please provide details: .. .. .. .. .. 7. Has your country applied (in 2007 and/or 2008) the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy adopted as Resolution IOC-XXII-6 in 2003? (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/policy" http://www.iode.org/policy ) O Yes O No O I don't know Comments: .. .. .. .. .. 8. What type and how many staff were working at your data centre in 2007/2008 (averaged): Management Scientific Technical IT support Administrative Temporary support Students and interns Volunteers 9. How has this number changed year by year since 2005-2006: O Remained the same O Increased O Decreased O I don't know 10. What is the annual operational budget for your data centre (excluding staff cost) [converted into US Dollars]: O less than US$ 1,000 O between US$ 1,000 and US$ 10,000 O between US$ 10,001 and US$ 50,000 O between US$ 50,001 and US$ 100,000 O between US$ 100,001 and US$ 500,000 O between US$ 500,001 and US$ 1,000,000 O between US$ 1,000,001 and US$ 5,000,000 O more than US$ 5,000,000 O I don't know 11. How has this number changed year by year since 2005-2006: O Remained the same O Increased O Decreased O I don't know 3. SECTION B: DATA CENTRE ACTIVITIES 1. Global IODE activities in which your data centre participated in 2007 and/or 2008 (data management): (choose one per row) Started in Continued Stopped 2007 or 2008 in 2007 and 2008 in 2007 or 2008 GODAR O O O GTSPP O O O GOSUD O O O GOSUD O O O Marine XML (SeaVox) O O O MEDI O O O OceanDataPortal O O O OceanTeacher O O O Standards Pilot Project O O O Data Citation O O O JCOMM/IODE ETDMP O O O GE-BICH O O O GE-MIM O O O WIGOS Pilot Project for JCOMM O O O Comments: .. .. .. .. .. 2. List the most important national data activities/projects in which your centre is involved. PLEASE ADD THE URL IF AVAILABLE .. .. .. 4. SECTION C: DATA RECEIVED BY YOUR DATA CENTRE 1. For measurements from vessels (research, ships of opportunity,etc) for which data types do you manage data: Biology Chemistry Geology/ Marine Physics Geophysics meteorology Profiles (eg CTD) O O O O O Underway measurements O O O O O (eg thermosalinograph) Towed instruments O O O O O (eg towed CTD, net trawl, camera,...) Seabed sampling O O O O O (eg grabs, dredges, cores) 2. For measurements from fixed stations/platforms for which data types do you manage data: Biology Chemistry Geology/ Marine Physics Geophysics meteorology Moored buoys O O O O O (e.g. met. or wave buoy) Sub-surface moorings O O O O O Structures/rigs O O O O O O (e.g. sea level stations) Beach/inter-tidal O O O O O zone structures 3. For measurements from moving platforms for which data types do you manage data: Biology Chemistry Geology/ Marine Physics Geophysics meteorology Drifting buoys/floats O O O O O Profiling Floats (e.g. Argo) O O O O O Marine mammals/birds O O O O O Autonomous submersible O O O O O 4. Any other platforms, instruments, etc ? .. 5. Did you handle (incoming) (tick one or more): O delayed-mode data O real-time data 6. Did your data centre have links with, and/or manage data from major science programmes (e.g., CLIVAR, IMBER, Argo, GLOBEC, SOLAS, OBIS, etc) in 2007 and/or 2008? O Yes O No If yes please specify: .. .. .. .. .. 5. SECTION D: DATA MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES 1. Did you maintain a discovery metadatabase (like MEDI) for the data received by your data centre in 2007 and/or 2008: O Yes O No O I don't know Comment: .. .. .. .. .. 2. If you answered yes to the previous question, then is the database openly available online: O Yes O No O I don't know Provide URL: .. 3. What kind of quality control procedures (if any) are used in your institution? (add bibliographic references, if possible): .. .. .. .. .. 6. SECTION E: USER SERVICES 1. What spectrum of services (e.g. data and products) were started/continued/ended by your centre in 2007 and/or 2008? (choose one per row) Started Continued Stopped in 2007 or 2008 in 2007 and 2008 in 2007 or 2008 quality-controlled O O O delayed-mode data sets access to real-time data O O O maps O O O GIS layers O O O statistics O O O data atlases O O O numerical modelling outputs O O O Other (please specify): .. .. .. .. .. 2. List the most important products and services (up to 10) provided by your data centre in the period 2007-2008. These may be new (started in 2007/08) or ongoing products/services. If they are online products/services then please also provide the URL. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 .. 3. How were data made available (e.g. by request, on-line access, etc.) in 2007 and/or 2008? (you can tick multiple rows but only 1 per row) Started Continued Stopped in 2007 or 2008 in 2007 and 2008 in 2007 or 2008 online without charge O O O online with charge O O O offline upon request without charge O O O offline upon request with charge O O O not at all O O O Comment: .. .. .. .. .. 4. Indicate the average number of requests and services your centre provides in a year: (for each you can choose between: less than 1000 between 1001 and 10,000 between 10,001 and 50,000 between 50,001 and 100,000 between 100,001 and 500,000 over 500,000 2007 2008 Number of requests per year . (online and offline combined) For online requests: . number of visits to the online data service/portal per year 5. Who are your users? (tick one or more) O Unknown O Researchers (including academics/students) O Government policy/decision makers O Environmentalist groups O Private sector O Private individuals/ general public O Other (please specify) 7. SECTION F: COOPERATION WITH WORLD DATA CENTRES 1. Did you provide data to WDCs Oceanography in 2007 and/or 2008 (you can select more than one or none): O Silver Spring O Obninsk O Tianjin O WDC-MARE Other (please specify): .. .. .. .. .. 2. Did you send data to global specialized data centres (that are not ICSU WDCs) in 2007-2008? (you can tick as many as relevant) Argo O GTSPP O GOSUD O CDIAC O OBIS O GLOSS O OceanSites O CLIVAR O Other (please specify) .. .. .. .. 8. SECTION G: IODE TRAINING AND EDUCATION 1. In how many IODE training courses did you participate in 2007 and/or 2008: O none O 1 O 2 O 3 O more than 3 2. Did the IODE training assist you in your work after you returned home? O Yes O No O Not applicable Comment: .. .. .. .. .. 3. In how many other training courses did you participate in 2007 and/or 2008 organized by national or other organizers: O none O 1 O 2 O 3 O more than 3 Please specify: .. .. .. .. .. 9. SECTION H: ASSISTANCE TO IODE 1. At how many working days would you estimate the contribution of your data centre to IODE through participation in IODE activities (e.g. participation in IODE meetings for which your data centre or country funded your trip) during the period 2007-2008 (2007 and 2008 added together)? O 0 days O 1 - 5 days O 5 - 10 days O 10 - 20 days O 20 - 30 days O 30 - 50 days O 50 - 75 days O 75 - 100 days O 100 - 150 days O More than 150 days Other (please specify) .. .. .. .. .. 2. Will your country be providing direct financial support to IODE in 2009-2010 through the IOC (confirmed)? O I don't know O no O less than US$ 1,000 O between US$ 1,001 and US$ 10,000 O between US$ 10,001 and US$ 50,000 O between US$ 50,001 and US$ 100,000 O between US$ 100,001 and US$ 500,000 O more than US$ 500,000 Comment: .. .. .. .. .. 3. Would your country/data centre be able to provide a visiting expert to the IOC Project Office for IODE in 2009-2010 for a period of 3-12 months? O I don't know O no O yes, for 3 months, costs of travel and local expenses to be covered by IODE O yes, for 3 months, cost fully covered by your country O yes, for 6 months, costs of travel and local expenses to be covered by IODE O yes, for 6 months, cost fully covered by your country O yes, for 6 months, costs of travel and local expenses to be covered by IODE O yes, for 6 months, cost fully covered by your country O yes, for 12 months, costs of travel and local expenses to be covered by IODE O yes, for 12 months, cost fully covered by your country Comment: .. .. .. .. .. 10. end of the survey Thank you for your cooperation. 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