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The system is to be operational in nature and designed to yield products and services that meet the needs of users (managers, decision-makers, policy-makers, industry,the public, and the scientific community). It will provide information on the past, present and future state of the marine and coastal environment, on marine ecosystems and biodiversity, and on weather and climate variability. It will also be a tool for integrated management of the coastal zone.” (The Case for IOCARIBE-GOOS, 2002 / GOOS Report 115) Background Towards these ends, a committee was formed by IOCARIBE in 1999 (approved at IOCARIBE VI, following the First GOOS Users Forum) to develop a component of the GLOBAL OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions. With support from IOC of UNESCO, the GOOS Project Office, and several IOCARIBE states, a nominated Group of Experts drafted an IOCARIBE-GOOS Strategic Plan (GOOS Report 115, 2002) that was accepted at IOCARIBE VII in 2002. Later IOCARIBE-GOOS was accepted as a GOOS Regional Alliance by I-GOOS in 2003, and the Group of Experts Co-chairs were charged with establishing a Steering Committee to address implementation of the plan. With extremely limited funding (notably including a contribution from the US White Water to Blue Water initiative) a Steering Committee was formed, met, and developed an implementation plan in 2003 and was able to develop two initiatives – one for all-hazard coastal modeling, another for an all-hazard coastal sea level system – by 2005. The latter initiative contributed significantly to the initiation and development of the Caribbean Tsunami and Coastal Hazards Warning System. IOCARIBE-GOOS specifically funded a 2004 Coastal Modeling and Observing workshop, the 2005 Report to GLOSS IX on Caribbean Sea Level activities, a meeting of Sea Level Interests in conjunction with the first CAR-EWS WG 1 meeting, and the publication Strategic Geographic Position of Sea Level Gauges to Aid in Early Detection of Tsunamis in the Intra-Americas Sea (2007, Science of Tsunami Hazards, 25(3), pp. 173-207) presently used by CAR-EWS to determine Sea Level monitoring priorities. The resulting Sea Level Network for the Caribbean Pilot Project Proposal, endorsed by IOCARIBE IX and the CAR-EWS ICG, has also been accepted by the Global Climate Observing System as a component of their Caribbean Regional Action Plan. Unfortunately, no new funding has been available since 2005 for IOCARIBE-GOOS. While the GOOS landscape evolves – the formation of OCEATLAN and GRASP GRAs in South America, the US-IOOS system, GEO and GEOSS (and GEOSS-Americas), PICO and RCOOS’s–IOCARIBE-GOOS is unable to represent the region within that landscape. Once a leader in the hemisphere in developing a strategic plan for the Caribbean Regional Alliance, IOCARIBE-GOOS is not presently able to effectively collaborate with the new activities in the Americas. The 4th GRA Forum will be held adjacent to the Region (Guayaquil, Ecuador) in 2008, and IOCARIBE-GOOS needs to be able to attend with a renewed commitment and preparations in place to update the implementation plan and move forward in this new environment. Recommended Activities: IOCARIBE-GOOS recognize and positively note that there has been a steady increase in national commitments to ocean and coastal observing. We also recognize that the value of those observations to member nations and the region as a whole would be greatly enhanced by a more active GOOS Regional Alliance. The IOCARIBE-GOOS Steering Committee co-chairs propose an IOCARIBE-GOOS workshop to renew regional and Member State commitments to IOCARIBE-GOOS, to update the IOCARIBE-GOOS governance structure and implementation plans, and re-evaluate IOCARIBE-GOOS goals and objectives in the new regional observing system landscape that will be better defined following GRA-4 in November 2008. There must be a renewed call to member nations to provide NATIONAL contacts for their GOOS or Operational Oceanography programs. These contacts should: Be able to provide complete inventories of their national operational GOOS, observational, and appropriate modeling and forecast activities; Recommend national representation to participate in IOCARIBE-GOOS steering, planning, and implementation activities, via the IOCARIBE-GOOS Steering Committee; Work with IOCARIBE GOOS and IOCARIBE staff to promote the development of national GOOS mechanisms and programs, and their participation in the IOCARIBE-GOOS Regional Alliance. IOCARIBE-GOOS especially recognize the support of the Government of Canada working with the IOCARIBE Secretariat to provide administrative support via provision of an intern for IOCARIBE-GOOS staff support. Actions such as the US availability of a GOES satellite data channel for Caribbean Sea Level Network are also noteworthy and exemplary of future implementation contributions. An IOCARIBE-GOOS Steering Committee Meeting is planned to be held some time during the first quarter of 2009, with the purpose of: Consider ways and means for a practical implementation of an initial observing system. Determine concrete in-place services that could be proposed to support the existing CLME and Tsunamis projects. Identify national activities that could be considered and contributed by Member States and institutions to the initial observing system. Consider ideas on project proposals to be presented to the existing funding mechanisms. Adopt a short term Action Plan that could be adjusted to the real possibilities of member states and to the funding available. Consider alternatives for better governance and implementation mechanisms, including an updating of the membership of the Steering Committee and its Board. Budget Implications It will be important to provide an adequate level of support for the (re)organization of IOCARIBE-GOOS. Continued administrative support within the Secretariat is critical, as is adequate funding to form and task an effective Steering Committee to develop the implementation plan. Commitments – funding and in-kind contributions - are sought for both the present organizational and future implementation needs of IOCARIBE-GOOS. 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