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ФФФ„HфФФФHФФФААААААџџџџ Securing stable economic development of the coastal zones of Central Africa in the context of climate change CONCEPT NOTE Add that: coupled with infrastructure pilot projects in different countries could be funded by the same or another funding source The Republic of Congo has requested UNESCO/IOC to assist in the development of a proposal for a project on managing coastal erosion. Congo also obtained the official endorsement of Cameroun and Gabon for a regional approach to this issue. Rapid coastal erosion in Central Africa has large and growing economic costs. Climate and environmental changes will likely aggravate this problem, and heighten risks on livelihoods and safety in the coastal zone. Addressing this problem will necessitate significant investments, which, to make economic sense, must be guided by appropriate studies of both existing and predicted causes and solutions, and accompanied by capacity development. Three central African countries, driven by Congo, requested UNESCO/IOC to assist in developing a proposal to an appropriate funding source, by a letter from the Ministry of Higher Education. Prior to this the Ministry of Maritime Transports and Merchant Shipping collected previous studies revealing alarming rates of coastal erosion in several areas in the country, and secured endorsement of the relevant ministries in Cameroun and Gabon for a regional approach to this issue. Coastal erosion already has large economic costs in Congo that will be aggravated with climate change. A high proportion of investments in the country (construction, infrastructure, industrial and tourism development) is going near the shore, and much of these assets, including key roads, are now vulnerable to the rapidly retreating shoreline. Studies indicate that climate change will aggravate such issues, with sea-level rise, changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, in the wave climate and in the nearshore circulation. Combined with an ever-growing proportion of the population living near the coast, this means that many more in developing countries will fall victim to coastal flooding, with resulting risk for displacement and potential instabilities. The response to this challenge must include a thorough study of the available options for coastal defences and other mitigation strategies. The envisaged project would identify the main causes of erosion in the region, estimate their evolution in the future, and present the different options available for mitigation to governments. The long term effectiveness and impact of these options will be calculated and presented. Innovative, income-generating alternatives to classic defences (seawalls, gabions, etc.) will be studied, such as the preservation or restoration of protective and income generating ecosystems, use of commercially valuable tree species that retain soil, and tourism infrastructures of reduced or positive impact on erosion. Benefits for the longer term must be secured by improved planning of coastal zone development and coordination at the regional scale, which takes into account sound scientific results for predicted changes in severity of erosion and flood risk. Participating national or regional experts will communicate these effectively to communities, decision-makers and other stakeholders, with the help of decision support tools showing the longer-term scenario for different options. These experts will also participate actively in the development of management plans together with stakeholders suitably informed of the stakes and the long term consequences of each option to allow for a rational discussion. Finally, a regional consensus will be sought for transboundary issues that affect sources or transport of sediments. Capacity development will be important to ensure that benefits are maintained and enhanced after project completion. National and/or regional expertise will be used and/or developed whenever possible, with external consultants resorted to only when strictly necessary. Regional sharing of experience will be fostered and ministerial drive harnessed to grow the performance of relevant institutes. nop}~  ( / ^ b g l w ” Й  1 ? 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