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A copy of the Provisional Agenda for this meeting is attached for your information and reference. The meeting will be followed, in the same venue, by a Meeting of the GOOS Regional Alliance for the Southeast Pacific (GRASP), June 7 8, 2007, for which the Provisional Agenda is also attached. The main objective of the Eleventh Session will be to consider present developments of El Nio Phenomenon and review the Terms of Reference of the Joint IOC/WMO/CPPS Working Group and its involvement with GOOS activities in the Southeast Pacific Region. The Meeting is being organized by the Permanent Commission for the Southeast Pacific (CPPS) with the kind collaboration of WMO and the Government of Peru through IMARPE in Lima, Peru. / Sessions of the joint working group traditionally include participants from both meteorological and oceanographic agencies and institutions. We therefore, invite you to nominate one or more experts from your service to participate in both meetings. The CPPS will provide financial support by covering participation of two experts per country to attend both meetings. Moreover, funds may be available on request to cover the costs of some additional attendees. It is expected that participants from the host country and outside the region will cover their own costs. In view of the limited funds available for the meetings, this support will be a lump sum to cover travel cost (lowest airfare available locally) and a subsistence allowance. Kindly notify the CPPS Secretariat (attention Mr. Mario Palacios, Director de Asuntos Cientificos CPPS, dircient@cpps-int.org copied to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ecabrera@wmo.int" ecabrera@wmo.int and  HYPERLINK "mailto:c.toro@unesco.org" c.toro@unesco.org or by fax: 593-4 2221201), as soon as possible but no later than 15 May, 2007, whether you will be able to be represented at the meetings, as well as the name(s) of your representatives. I would further appreciate it if you could indicate whether any financial assistance will be required for one of your experts, and if so, the details of this assistance. If you have any questions, please call to 593-4 2221202 or write to the CPPS Secretariat. I very much hope that you will be able to be represented in these meetings. Further information and documentation for both meetings will be communicated in due course directly to your nominated experts(s) by the IOCARIBE of IOC (UNESCO) Secretariat. Yours Sincerely, Patricio Bernal Assistant Director-General, UNESCO Executive Secretary, IOC     -  PAGE 2 - INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION COMMISSION OCANOGRAPHIQUE INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE COMISIN OCEANOGRFICA INTERGUBERNAMENTAL  ",!"/  $'!/ !!/ 'DD,F) 'D/HDJ) 'D-CHEJ) D9DHE 'DE-J7'* ?e^wm mf[YXTOUNESCO - 1, rue Miollis - 75732 Paris Cedex 15 cable address: UNESCO Paris - telex: 204461 Paris - fax: (33) (0)1 45 68 58 12 - contact phone: (33) (0) 1 45 68 39 83/84 E-mail: p.bernal@unesco.org ChairpersonVice-ChairpersonsProf.D.T. Pugh National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton Empress Dock Southampton SO14 32H UNITED KINGDOM Executive Secretary DrP. Bernal Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 FRANCEProf.M. Ruivo Chairman, Portuguese Committee for IOC Av. Infante Santo 42/4th Floor Lisbon 1350 PORTUGAL DrA. Frolov Deputy Head, Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology & Environmental Monitoring (ROSGIDROMET) 12, Novovagankovsky Pereulok 123242 Moscow RUSSIAN FEDERATIONCapt. de Navo J.A. Valladares Jefe Departamento Asuntos Martimos Armada Argentina Comodoro Py 2055 Piso 12 - Ofic. 103 (C1104BEA) Buenos Aires ARGENTINA DrNeville Smith Acting Chief of Division Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre G.P.O. Box 1289 Melbourne, VIC. 3001 700, Collins St., Docklands VIC AUSTRALIADrAlfonse M. Dubi Director, Senior Research Fellow =wx{ g j r t }  " : A B h i j W v йƹ†vhbWhI1hI1CJaJ ht @hI1hI15@mH sH hI1hI16@]mH sH hI1hI1@mH sH hI156@]hI1hI156@]hI1hI156@\]hI1hI1@hI1hI1hI15@ hI1hI1hI1hI15hI1PJmH nHsH tHhI1mH sH hI15\mH sH  =wx g i j q$ 0S@`*$]^``a$gdI1 $]a$gdI1$n]^n`a$gdI1$ n@@]a$gdI1 $ @a$gdI1$ n@@0]^`0a$gdI1gdI1  9r gdI1 7gdI1 k8m8 i j z { wx|}~yzi$a$gdI1 $a$gdI1 $a$gdQA$ 0*$]a$gdI1 "$a$gdI1 $ 0*$a$gdI1$ 0*$]a$gdI1$ ^a$gdI1 X_`wx{ZxyziƶxjYSF6jhI1hI1@UjhI1hI1@U hI1@!hI1hI1B*CJ^JaJphhI1B*CJ^JaJph%hI1hI1B*OJQJmH phsH hI1B*OJQJphhI1hI1B*OJQJphhI1B*OJQJmH phsH hQAB*OJQJmH phsH hI1hI1@hI1ht CJaJmH sH hI1hI1CJaJmH sH hI1hI1CJaJht CJaJ*+01WXYjk*+=>?@AKPQڵگڢc^cVOGjhr8vU hI1h hI1hK\ hI1\OHhKfhI1ha5CJ\aJmH sH ςf*5CJaJmH sH hI1h"\hI1h:5\ hI1hI1hI1hI1@CJaJ hI1@hI1hI156@\] hQA@jhI1hI1@UhI1hI1@hI1hI10J@B*phjhI1hI1@Ui./*+,=>?@AQt$ 77$8$H$^a$gdI1 $^a$gdQA$1$^`a$gdQA$ 0H*$]H^a$gdI1$ 0*$]a$gdI1$ 0*$]a$gdI1n.0þo_Qjh UmHnHuh @B*OJQJo(ph"h B*^JaJ$mH o(phsH !h B*Z^J_HaJ$o(phh 5@\^JmH sH h 5@\^J"h @B*\^JmH phsH  h o(jh Uht 0JmHnHu h 0Jjh 0JUh HhXh jhr8vUhr8vn2 $If^ $If^ 7$If^ 7x$If^ 7<$If]$ 7a$24Dabcpw xx$If 7dtxx$Ifx$If  x$If $<a$  xIkd1?$$IfT0}&a@'4 aT 046abcd8f8g8h8i8j8k8m8n8õÛnln\TPI hI1h hr8vh CJaJh B*CJ\^JaJphU#h B*CJ^JaJmH phsH #h B*CJ^JaJmH phsH h h B*CJ^JaJphh B*CJ^Jphh B*CJ\^Jphh h CJOJQJ^J h @h @mH sH )jh CJUhmHnHsH tH uh mH sH @GVky$If$Ifj$If^`jlkd?$$If\  %r o o 3%4 akrQo} ",->W}j$If^`j898O8g8h8i8j8k8l8m8~~~~nkd@$$If\  %r o o 3%4 aj$If^`j University of Dar es Salaam Institute of Marine Sciences P.O. 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