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The group should investigate and recommend data transmission codes and content, storage and distribution of data, for specific data streams. February 2007 The group and interested parties (directed to the META-T webpage HYPERLINK http://marinemetadata.org/metat http://marinemetadata.org/metat by group members) will read the data stream reports. Action: Feedback to chair with comments or corrections required by Friday 16th March. Next steps March 2007: Confirm agreement from all members on the metadata categorisation documents available on the META-T website:-  HYPERLINK "http://marinemetadata.org/examples/external/meta-t/META-T-user_req-v2/view" Categorization of metadata and requirements, v2  HYPERLINK "http://marinemetadata.org/examples/external/meta-t/META-T-matrix-v2/view" Requirements matrix, v2 I know we have already reviewed these documents, and I received no feedback disagreeing with them. However, I also did not receive any comments agreeing with the documents, so I would like a formal acceptance of the 2 documents listed above from each person on the email distribution list. Action: Email Chair confirmation of acceptance of documents by Friday 16th March. For each of the data streams documented, use the matrix agreed above, to define the metadata needed in each metadata category. Action: Each data stream group (plus additional members who currently arent in a data stream group) should discuss and produce a document linking the metadata matrix to their particular data type by end April 2007. April 2007: Provide the META-T project requirements that will allow the U.S. and China to develop the META-T servers' technical specifications. The specifications should include: network bandwidth to support data throughput database requirements storage requirements for the entire project availability (24x7x365?) other technical specifications Action: Email Chair thoughts and ideas answering the above questions by 20th April, for collation and feedback to the US and China. Recommendations need to be made to enable the distribution of category 1 (real-time) metadata (BUFR template for each data stream). We could also consider OGC standards in particular the Sensor Web Enablement Activity, which includes SensorML. With SensorML we can express all of the metadata needed for Category 1 HYPERLINK http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/groups/sensorweb http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/groups/sensorweb. Another possibility is OGC WFS HYPERLINK http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wfs http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/wfs. In a short timescale I would like the VOS data group to review the existing BUFR template for VOS data, and make recommendations for change. Action: VOS team to provide draft to Chair by early April (Tuesday 10th at the latest), to be presented to the 4th meeting of the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (Geneva, 16th 21st April 2007). Also by the mid of April I would like each of the other data templates to be considered, and recommendations for adjustments / additions based on the need for water temperature metadata to be documented. This means that Hester can put forward these BUFR proposals to the meeting of the Expert Team on Data Representation and Codes on 23 to 27 April in EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany. Action: Argo, Moored buoy, Drifting buoy and SOOP (XBT) groups to provide report to Chair by Friday 13th April. Further tasks - Timescale to be determined. Method of transmission of category 2 and 3 XML suggested for category 2 - is this agreed by all? Any other suggestions? Also consider the transport protocol (e.g. SOAP/WSDL). Consider subscriptions or update of the data and metadata from data providers to data centres. Documentation of issues Strengths and weaknesses of current metadata centres Identification of duplicate data Agreed quality control standards / methods / storage centres / access to data / etc. Trial. Implementation of the distributed data system. Standards all fully agreed Development of servers Demonstration using one or more data-stream This could be the difficult section, trying to co-ordinate many different areas and people to bring everything together. I think it is important for all the team to decide if a trial of the system is a good task to perform as part of this group, as it will need a great deal of effort from a small number of people, and the support of everyone to make it work. ________________     META-T2/Doc.  REF DOC_NO \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 6.1, p.  PAGE 3 META-T2/Doc.  REF DOC_NO \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 6.1, p.  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