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Data management practices in the marine domain recognises the interaction of real-time and delayed mode data systems, adopting dedicated and ad-hoc developed principles and aiming at producing interoperable data. JCOMM/IODE ETDMP acknowledges and disseminates existing standards and data management practices for the real-time and delayed mode domain, to strengthen the common elements for the interest of JCOMM users. Following these principles with the aim to keep activities aligned with current existing systems, JCOMM/IODE ETDMP terms of reference were modified by JCOMM MAN (JCOMM Meeting Report No. 141, 2018, Annex V). The updated JCOMM/IODE ETDMP terms of reference proposed to IODE assembly for approval (see page 6). Accordingly, JCOMM/IODE ETDMP activities focuses in particular on: Manage the process of adopting and documenting standards and best practices to be used in IODE-JCOMM data management by complementing the Ocean Best Practices (OBP) Process. JCOMM/IODE ETDMP will focus on the future relationship between the IODE ODSBP and the OceanBestPractices (OBP) repository. The ODSBP objective is to achieve broad agreement and commitment to adopt a number of standards and best practices related to ocean data management and exchange ( HYPERLINK "http://www.oceandatastandards.org/" http://www.oceandatastandards.org/). Project outputs and Best Practices can be submitted at a higher level e.g. the IODE ODSBP project for global dissemination and adoption. To this aim, information needs to be updated and attractive. The update of JCOMM/IODE ETDMP web pages on IODE and JCMM portals is a priority, to align information, increase visibility, impact and future activities. Assist in the further integration of the IODE system of projects (OBIS, GODAR/WDC, GTSPP, GOSUD), with IODE GDACs, NODCs, ADUs and with other ocean data systems (e.g. SeaDataNet, IMOS, EOOS, EMODnet) for the benefit of IOC Ocean Data and Information Sources (ODIS). JCOMM/IODE ETDMP will assist in the process of development of ODIS, representing the main component providing interoperability with the WMO Information System (WIS), to ensure full participation of Members/Member States. Provide recommendations in the process of connecting the Data Management frameworks of WMO and IOC/IODE such as WIS and IOC Ocean Data Information System (ODIS) (under development); In close cooperation with the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), assist with the development, review and update the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) strategy, implementation plan and performance indicators in the next two years for achieving the Vision for a new MCDS; Liaise, collaborate and provide advice to the IODE and the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) and other groups of JCOMM as needed, to ensure access to required expertise, appropriate coordination and to avoid duplication. To undertake its activities, JCOMM/IODE ETDMP relies on three Task Teams: (a) Task Team for Ocean Data Standards Mr. Paul Oloo chair Mr Toru Suzuki Ms Clousa Maueua Chevane Ms. Elena Tel (b) Task Team for the Ocean Data and Information Sources Mr Tobias Spears chair Mr. Denis Melnikov Ms. Alessandra Giorgetti Ms Yue Xinyang (c) Task Team for Metadata Ms. Anna Milan - chair Ms. Elena Tel Mr Tobias Spears Ms Yue Xinyang JCOMM/IODE ETDMP benefits from the dialogue between existing regional and international marine data infrastructures promoted by Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP) project, having the objective to support the development of a common global framework for marine data management, addressing the barriers that inhibit sharing of marine data across disciplines, domains and international boundaries. ODIP demonstrated this coordinated approach by establishing interoperability between regional data infrastructures in Europe, USA and Australia and also with global systems e.g. IODE Ocean Data Portal, GEOSS, POGO. URL of the page in the IODE web site:  HYPERLINK "http://iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59&Itemid=100052" http://iode.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59&Itemid=100052 Activities implemented between April 2017 and March 2019 (based on work plan adopted during previous sessions): The JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices has: 1. Contributed to strengthen the coordination between existing data management initiatives dealing with ocean data standards and best practices, metadata and data management in general, data portals; 2. Contributed to manage the process of identifying, developing, adopting, recommending and documenting standards and best practices to be used in IODE-JCOMM data management by complementing the OceanBestPractices (OBP) Process; 3. Contributed to identify common standards for metadata to facilitate data discovery and access, including controlled vocabularies, and the development of ODIS, keeping link and providing input to TT for ODIS; The ETDMP established a joint ETDMP/ETMC working group to revise the ToRs of structural elements of the MCDS for both IODE and WMO, in cooperation with the ETMC. This should also include mapping of data streams of projects (GTSPP, GOSUD, IQuOD,...). The Task Team will prepare a working document for IODE-XXV (deadline 15/11/2018). The ETDMP agreed on the following membership for the working group: - David Berry, Eric Freeman (tentative), Alessandra Giorgetti, Tobias Spears The ETDMP recommended that the proposed revisions should be submitted to IODE-XXV for consideration (deadline 15/11/2018). Problems experienced during April 2017-March 2019 and measures taken: During the reporting period, no critical problems are reported. All Members of the Group, elected during JCOMM-5th Session, participated in person to the 6th Session with exception of USA, participating remotely due to travelling limitations. As a result, the interaction of the Group was very positive and good contacts are initiated with ETMC and IPET-MOIS for further collaboration in the definition and development of the MCDS. The only critical aspect relies on the uncertainty of the future settings of the Expert Teams (and ETDMP in particular being a joint JCOMM and IODE initiative) due to JCOMM restructuring. The ETDMP called on WMO and IOC to ensure, through the consultation group, that the close relationship between the oceanographic and marine meteorological communities through JCOMM and its ETDMP, and their achievements, will not be lost when JCOMM becomes JCOM. Results achieved between April 2017 and March 2019 and Deliverables produced between April 2017 and March 2019: Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices: The ETDMP requested Prof Michida to contact all authors of remaining OBSBP submissions with the suggestion to submit their document to the OBP-S. [deadline: December 2018] The ETDMP recommended the review of the current standards (ODSBP) process as it is shown to be very lengthy and not very efficient and consider whether the OBP-S should support the standards review process. [deadline: document for IODE-XXV, 15/11/2018] The ETDMP recommended that the OBP-S should become an IODE Project and invited JCOMM to join or participate in the project. [deadline: 15/11/2018] The ETDMP recommended that the OBP-S proposal should take into account interaction and collaboration with the ODSBP standards process. The ETDMP offered to be an expert panel for review of data management practices deposited into OBP-S The ETDMP recommended to the IPET-MOIS to document on OBP-S any procedure related to data discovery and metadata prescription [deadline: January 2019 - tentative]. Ocean Data Portal The ETDMP decided to review the ODP and provide feedback to the Task Team for ODP in order to assist the regional nodes and the Partnership Centre in developing its work plan [by: ETDMP members; deadline: 15/11/2018]. The ETDMP recommended to ODP and ODINAFRICA that a link to the ODINAFRICA ODP node should be included in the ODINAFRICA.org web site, which will also contribute to ODIS. IODE Ocean Data and Information System The ETDMP recommended that agreement should be reached by the Task Team of the IWG-ODIS on using a standard metadata schema and controlled vocabularies as these need to be correct from the start. No additional work should be done on entering content until such agreement has been reached. [deadline 1/10/2018] The ETDMP further recommended that the technology work done within the framework of the OBP-S (specifically the Oceanknowledge Tagger) should be considered. The ETDMP recommended to the TT-ODIS to work with the OBP-S system and use its automated keyword tagging strategy, review the assigned keywords and use them in the ODIS prototype. The ETDMP further recommended that an agreed set of controlled keywords built from a fusion of ocean-related ontologies and vocabularies should be used across all IODE products. The ETDMP instructed its Task Team on ODIS to offer its assistance to the IWG-ODIS by identifying suitable metadata elements and scheme [deadline: 01/10/2018] The ETDMP offered to support and assist the development of the ODIS concept paper [deadline: February 2019]. The ETDMP offered to inform IPET-MOIS of any activity related to ODIS. The ETDMP recommended to the IPET-MOIS and IWG-ODIS to consider developing and using ODIS as a broker to buffer data for WIS and to provide WIS required metadata. The ETDMP recommended to IPET-MOIS and IWG-ODIS to have ODIS act as a metadata mediator between CMOCs, DCPCs, and NCs and WMO/WIS could really benefit the community in several ways and also seems like a reasonably actionable item for ODIS to achieve in near term. The ETDMP recommended that the IWG-ODISs TT for the proof of concept should take into account the suggestions made by Roger Proctor in his presentation (A mechanism for improving data access would be to engage with the successful WMO JCOMM OCG pilot project Open Access to GTS and encourage the installation of a network of ERDDAP servers, which has been shown to enable easy integration of multiple data sources. AODN is currently implementing an ERDDAP server). The ETDMP recommended that the ODINWESTPAC data access system should apply the IOC data policy The ETDMP recommended to make the data in the ODINWESTPAC web site available to all Member States as well as through the ODINWESTPAC ODP regional node. The ETDMP recommended that information on the ODINWESTPAC data system as well as other Chinese data systems should be made available to the ODIS catalogue of data sources. Metadata The ETDMP instructed the TT on metadata to revise its work plan and re-prioritize activities, which were including 9 items. The ETDMP recommended to include ISO metadata training materials in the OceanTeacher platform. In this regard, Ms Milan was invited to contact the NCEI colleagues who developed the materials with the view of sharing them with OceanTeacher. Ms Milan was invited to discuss further with Ms Claudia Delgado. [deadline: 01/11/2018] The ETDMP requested the TT-metadata to submit US NCEI netCDF templates through OBP-S. (including submission of an article to the e-journal).[deadline: submission to OBP-S repository: 01/11/2018] Deliverables: The ETDMP provided the IODE Session with documented information on the ToRs of structural elements of the MCDS for both IODE and WMO, in cooperation with the ETMC. This should also include mapping of data streams of projects (GTSPP, GOSUD, IQuOD,...). The ETDMP provided the IODE Session with documented information on IODE GDACs (formally established by IODE-XXII) and JCOMM GDACs, to identify common elements, avoid duplication of efforts by proposing to establish joint GDACs; The ETDMP provided advice to the Data Management Coordination Group and other groups of JCOMM, as required, on data management practices; The ETDMP strengthen liaison and collaborated with other groups where possible to ensure access to required expertise and appropriate coordination, and to avoid duplication. The ETDMP recommended that data monitoring networks should have a strategy and clear pathway to ensure the long-term archiving and stewardship of real-time and delayed mode data. The ETDMP invited regional systems to provide submissions on data citation to OBP-S and to liaise with the TT-OBSBP and TT-metadata. The ETDMP invited regional systems to actively collaborate in IODE activities and to share their data through JCOMM and IODE data systems. Should Group continue: O yes O no Work plan and Budget for the next period (April 2019 March 2021) (if Group should continue): 11.1 Description of activities, expected results and deliverables to be produced during the period April 2019 March 2021 including timeline. The ETDMP decided to organize virtual meetings on a regular basis during 2019. Accordingly a first meeting was proposed around March 2019 and a second meeting around September 2019. The ETDMP offered to support and assist the development of ODIS. 11.2 Required financial resources (indicate in-kind human resource contributions) (Budget expressed in US Dollars) Activity (as per work plan) or DeliverableTiming (month, year)Required person-daysTotal required funding in US$Funds already identified (and source) in US$Funds requested from IODE in US$18th ETDMP sessionJune 2020$ 15000$ 15000 Actions requested from the Committee (in addition to work plan/budget) or other comments The Committee is requested to approve the changes in the Terms of Reference for JCOMM/IODE ETDMP. The Committee is requested to acknowledge the accomplishments of the JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP). The Committee is requested to approve the funds requested for the 8th ETDMP Session in 2020. Draft text for the annotated agenda and summary report This agenda item was introduced by Ms Alessandra Giorgetti, Chair JCOMM/IODE ETDMP. She referred to Document IOC/IODE-XXV/3.4.1. She recalled the objectives of the Joint IOC/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices focus on adopting or sharing principles and practices for the end-to-end data management processes, also including required data management best practices and standards for such subjects as metadata, common codes, vocabularies, etc. ETDMP also assists the development of tools and services within IOC Ocean Data and Information Sources (ODIS) to serve better for the IOC and WMO communities. ETDMP also investigates and proposes adoption of internationally endorsed metadata standards. Ms Alessandra Giorgetti explained how these general objectives are better reflected with the proposed changes in the Terms of References. Ms Alessandra Giorgetti informed that during last inter-sessional period the ETDMP identified a number of actions as detailed on section 8. In particular, the Group suggested that all pending documents in Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices (ODSBP) portal are submitted to the OceanBestPractices system (OBP-S) and recommended the revision of the current ODSBP process that is shown to be very lengthy and not very efficient. The Group renamed the task team for the Ocean Data and Information System that offered its assistance to the IWG-ODIS by identifying suitable metadata elements and scheme for the ODIS prototype. The ETDMP instructed the TT on Metadata to revise its work plan and re-prioritize activities being focus on submitting best practices to the OBP-S. The ETDMP established a joint ETDMP/ETMC working group to revise the ToRs of structural elements of the MCDS for both IODE and WMO, in cooperation with the ETMC. This should also include mapping of data streams of projects (GTSPP, GOSUD, IQuOD,...). ETDMP in a dialogue with ETMC and IPET-MOIS recommended to consider developing and using ODIS as a broker to buffer data for WIS and to provide WIS required metadata. Having ODIS act as a metadata mediator between CMOCs, DCPCs, and NCs, the ETDMP encouraged the installation of a network of ERDDAP servers, which has been shown to enable easy integration of multiple data sources. ANNEX V - ETDMP Terms of References ETDMP Terms of References (with pending request for updates in red and green) The JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices, in close collaboration with JCOMM Programme Areas, Commission for Basic Systems subsidiary bodies, IODE Management Group and related experts, shall: (a) Manage the process of adopting and documenting standards and best practices to be used in IODE-JCOMM data management by complementing the Ocean Data Standards and Best Practices (ODSBP) Process with the Ocean Best Practices System (OBP-S); (b) Assist in the further integration of the IODE Ocean Data Portal with other IODE projects (OBIS, GODAR/WDC, GTSPP, GOSUD, OBP-S), with IODE GDACs, NODCs, ADUs and with other ocean data systems (e.g. SeaDataNet, IMOS, EOOS, EMODnet), their interoperability with the IOC Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) with JCOMM OCG associated data activities and the WMO Information System (WIS), and their capacity development activities to ensure full participation of Members/Member States; (c) ) In close cooperation with the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), assist with the development, review and update of the Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) strategy, implementation plan and performance indicators, in the next two years, for achieving the Vision for a new MCDS (d) In concurrence with the co-presidents of JCOMM, the chairperson of the JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) and IODE Management Group, establish task teams and pilot projects, as necessary, to undertake the work of the Expert Team on Data Management Practices; (e) Direct and coordinate the activities of the task teams and pilot projects referred to under (d) (f) Provide advice to the IODE and the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) and other groups of JCOMM, as required; (g) Liaise and collaborate with other groups as needed, to ensure access to required expertise, appropriate coordination and to avoid duplication.     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