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This high attendance and the active participation of delegation to the session mark a turning point for WESTPAC in its effort to move forward the implementation of the IOC programme in the WESTPAC region. The Sub-Commission noted with appreciation the significant progress made by the current WESTPAC Secretariat led by MrWenxi Zhu in a short period of two years in initiating a difficult process to revitalize and streamline WESTPAC programme, forging/initiating new partnership projects with other regional programmes, undertaking stakeholder consultation to define WESTPAC strategy, and regaining the confidence of the Members States in the future of WESTPAC. Prior to the Session, the Seventh IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium was organized from 21 to 25 May 2008, with the generous support of the Malaysian Government, through its National Oceanography Directorate. A total of 367 participants from 19 countries registered, with 113 oral presentations, 120 posters and 20 exhibition booths presented by national agencies, NGOs, industries, research and education institutions. This was recognized as the largest gathering in the history of IOC/WESTPAC symposium. To better reflect the IOCs High Level Objectives and regional concerns, the themes of the Symposium included the effects of climate change on the Western Pacific, coastal and offshore processes in the Western Pacific and their measurement, marine environmental forecast and data management, and marine ecosystem health. The Symposium has fully demonstrated its role as the regional platform for sharing marine scientific knowledge, stimulating new ideas and imparting experience and lessons gained from the IOC/WESTPAC project implementation. Intersessional Activities and Future Strategies The Sub-Commission endorsed the report by the WESTPAC Secretariat on the following efforts in revitalizing WESTPAC during the last intersessional period: Enhancing the participation and raising support of Member States through establishing efficient communications and extensive interactions: The Government of Japan through its Funds in Trust for Harmful Algae Blooms, Remote Sensing, and NEAR-GOOS activities; the Government of Thailand for the provision of staff, office space and facilities for the Sub-Commission secretariat; the Government of China for the two years secondment of a Technical Secretary to the WESTPAC Secretariat and WESTPAC strategic planning, as well as NEAR-GOOS activities; the Government of Malaysia to host the Session and the 7th IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium; the Indonesian Government to host the next Session in 2010; the Governments of the Republic of Korea and Philippines to host the next WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium in 2011; IOC Perth Regional Programme Office in support of SEAGOOS strategic plan development; the World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction (WAPMERR), and the United Nations University (UNU). Restructuring and refining WESTPAC activities through the forming of rules of procedure and calling for new projects. The Procedures for Establishing, Implementing, Reporting and Termination of projects was finalized to be in line with IOCs High Level Objectives with regard to natural hazards, climate change, ocean ecosystem health and sustainable coastal and ocean management policies, WESTPAC Project Structure (20082013): Several Member States have developed regional projects for submission; Implementing the WESTPAC Workplan through strengthening coordination with Project Leaders. The two recommendations of the Sixth Session of the IOC/WESTPAC Sub-Commission have been fully or partially implemented; progress has been made on the implementation of the workplan adopted at the Sixth Session, notably on WESTPAC-HAB, Remote Sensing, NEAR-GOOS and SEAGOOS; the GODAR-WESTPAC project has been successfully completed and the ODINWESTPAC Pilot Project has been launched and partially implemented; Improving regional capabilities in marine science through initiating the UNESCO/IOC Regional Training and Research Centres on Oceanography in the Western Pacific. A Procedure and Guidelines for establishing the above-mentioned centres have been finalized and approved by the IOC Executive Secretary, and the first regional centre is expected to be established by the end of this year; Strengthening regional cooperation with other organizations through conducting joint activities. One Memorandum of Understanding was signed between WESTPAC and the UNDP/GEF YSLME project, and joint activities on the Ocean Color Algorithm for the Yellow Sea are on-going; a Letter of Cooperation and a Partnership Operating Arrangement were signed with the UNDP/GEF PEMSEA Project; and a training course on Remote Sensing Data Analysis was held jointly with UNEP/NOWPAP in September 2007; Strengthening links with IOC Headquarters through assistance in implementing IOC activities in the region, notably for the implementation of the Adaptive Learning in Disaster Management for Community Awareness and Resilience Project (ALDCAR), and organization of several tsunami-related workshops. The Sub-Commission appreciated the progress made in Implementing the following current projects and encouraged their development: Harmful Algal Blooms Atmospheric Inputs Study Ocean Remote Sensing North East Asian Regional-GOOS South East Asian GOOS International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Pacific ODINWESTPAC Pilot Project, including Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue for WESTPAC (GODAR-WESTPAC) The Sub-Commission considered the termination of the following projects, due to financial restrictions and/or lack of activities: Biological Effects Monitoring Studies of Marine Pollution Ocean Dynamics and Climate Paleo-Currents Ocean Ecosystem and Biodiversity The Sub-Commission recognized the need for developing a coherent strategy to enable IOC/WESTPAC to stay ahead as an intergovernmental mechanism in forging collaboration in marine science, services and capacity building in the region. In this regard, the Sub-Commission outlined a number of approaches for consideration: WESTPAC should not only implement the global programme in the region, but also develop some regionally rooted projects that are regionally driven and catering for the regions needs. These projects should be linked with climate change research programmes, such as IGBP-SOLAS, coastal hazards and poverty reduction, etc. More science is needed in IOC/WESTPAC projects, such as monitoring the mechanisms to trigger and spread hazardous events, and to track ecosystem changes. WESTPAC, as the result of recent efforts for revitalization and reform, is emerging as one of the regional flagships within the IOC framework and should be given proper consideration in IOC programme resource allocations. IOC could help the region by representing it in the relevant meetings of the donor agencies and financial institutions. WESTPAC Strategy and Programme Structure (20082013) The Sub-Commission adopted the WESTPAC Strategy and Programme Structure (20082013) (Rec.SC-WESTPAC-VII.4) in order to: (i) provide a framework for the establishment, acceptance, continuation and termination of projects; (ii) present the strategic priorities and structure of the programmes of IOC/WESTPAC, in the context of IOC High-level Objectives (20082009) and Medium-term Strategy (20082013); and (iii) establish the framework for developing the operational plans of IOC/WESTPAC. This is the implementation of the recommendation made at the Fifth Session of WESTPAC in 2002 for programme streamlining and consolidation, and also part of the implementation of WESTPAC revitalization strategy. (Rec. SC-WESTPAC-VII.4) The Sub-Commission decided to establish a WESTPAC Advisory Group as a mechanism for providing advice to the Chairperson and the Sub-Commission, including scientific and technical review of Project Proposals submitted for adoption as WESTPAC Projects and on the development, planning and implementation of the activities of the Sub-Commission. This action was also intended as one of the steps to revitalize the Sub-Commission through rectifying the present deficiencies, improving communications and interactions and ensuring a comprehensive programme in line with the IOCs High Level Objectives. (Rec. SC-WESTPAC-VII.1) The Sub-Commission decided to reschedule the period between sessions from three years to two years beginning with the close of WESTPAC-VII. Further, WESTPAC Sessions will be scheduled for the first quarter of the year so its decisions, recommendations, and reports can be forwarded to the IOC Executive Council in time for review and considerations. This brings the WESTPAC planning cycle in line with that of the IOC. (Rec. SC-WESTPAC-VII.6) Fostering Regional Initiatives The Sub-Commission endorsed the following WESTPAC projects, enabling the initiation of their implementation on a pilot basis while calling and providing guidance for the improvement of their design: Coral Reefs under Climate and Anthropogenic Perturbations in the Western Pacific Coastal Marine Biodiversity and Conservation in the Western Pacific Response of Marine Hazards to Climate Change in the Western Pacific Enhancing the Capability on Oil Spill Response and the Restoration of Marine Ecosystems in the Western Pacific Fluvial Sediment Supply to the South China Sea Marine Hazards Forecasting and Mitigation in the Western Pacific WESTPAC E-Bulletin The Sub-Commission requested the Chair of the Sub-Commission to refer to the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS) for guidance on one proposed project on the Establishment of a Tsunami Early Warning System in the South China Sea, taking into considerations that ICG/PTWS is the competent subsidiary body within the IOC framework to address issue such as the establishment of sub-regional warning systems while WESTPAC can deal with the associated capacity building, e.g., training, transfer of technology, which are important for the development and functioning of the warning system. As such, the project proposal was modified as Marine Hazards Forecasting and Mitigation in the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-MHWM) with emphasis on capacity building, etc. The Sub-Commission also endorsed the region-specific initiative to develop a UNESCO/IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centres on Oceanography in the Western Pacific to facilitate the implementation of IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building (IOC/INF-1211) adopted at the 23rd Session of its Assembly in 2005 and addressing the disparity in capacity and capability among the Member States (Rec. SC-WESTPAC-VII.3). Accordingly, the Sub-Commission adopted a recommendation containing detailed guidelines for the development and functioning of the network of the training/research centres involved. The Sub-Commission further instructed the WESTPAC Secretariat to start implementing this important regional initiative as pilot project and to provide Member States with a report at the next Session which will describe actions taken, results, obstacles, opportunities, and recommendations. WESTPAC Programme and Budget (20082010) The Sub-Commission adopted the WESTPAC Programme and Budget for 20082010 to cover twelve WESTPAC projects, including those new initiatives endorsed at the Session with an estimated budget of US$ 442,000 to be obtained from extrabudgetary sources. This does not include staff and administrative cost of the WESTPAC Secretariat. (Rec. SC-WESTPAC-VII.5) The Sub-Commission elected, by acclamation, DrZhangZhanhai from China, DrYasuwo Fukuyo from Japan and DrNor Aieni Binti Hj Mokhtar from Malaysia respectively as Chairperson, the First Vice- Chairperson and the Second Vice-Chairperson. The Sub-Commission accepted the kind offer by the Government of Indonesia to host the Eighth Session in the first quarter of 2010, subject to the final endorsement of the relevant authorities. The Sub-Commission further instructed the WESTPAC Secretariat to undertake consultation on the venue and timing for the next Symposium, based on the kind offers from the Governments of Philippines and the Republic of Korea. The Sub-Commission expressed the wish that present momentum of revitalization and reform should continue; the cordial atmosphere and effective working relationship between the present WESTPAC Secretariat and Member States should be maintained; and the quality service provided by the WESTPAC Secretariat should be reinforced. ANNEX I AGENDA 1. OPENING 2. ADMINISTRATION 2.1 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2.2 DESIGNATION OF RAPPORTEUR FOR THE SESSION 2.3 CONDUCT OF THE SESSION 3. REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.1 REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 3.1.1 Report on Intersessional Activities and Budget Overview 3.1.2 Seventh WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium 3.1.3 IOC Global Programme Activities 3.1.4 Operation of IOC Regional Secretariat for WESTPAC 3.2 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN IOC, UNESCO RELEVANT TO WESTPAC 4. REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF PROGRAMEMES AND PROJECTS FOR MAY 2005MAY 2008 4.1 MARINE SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS -- WESTPAC-Harmful Algal Bloom -- Atmospheric Inputs Study -- Biological Effects Monitoring Studies of Marine Pollution -- Ocean Dynamics and Climate -- Paleo-currents -- Ocean Ecosystem and Biodiversity -- Ocean Remote Sensing 4.2 OPERATIONAL OBSERVING SYSTEM -- North East Asian Regional-GOOS (NEAR-GOOS) -- South East Asia-GOOS (SEAGOOS) 4.3 OCEAN SERVICES -- International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Pacific (IBCWP) -- ODINWESTPAC Pilot Project (including GODAR-WESTPAC) 4.4 CAPACITY BUILDING AND PUBLIC AWARENESS 5. PROPOSED WESTPAC PROJECT STRUCTURE 2008-2013 6. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF NEW PROJECT PROPOSALS 7. COOPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 8. WESTPAC WORKPLAN AND BUDGET FOR 2008-2010 9. OTHER MATTERS 10. ELECTIONS 11. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION 12. ADOPTION OF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS 13. CLOSURE ANNEX II ADOPTED RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.1 WESTPAC ADVISORY GROUP The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Recognizing that: the Sub-Commission has been instrumental in promoting advancements in marine scientific research, raising awareness of marine issues, developing national capacities for marine science and ocean services, and fostering regional cooperation in the Western Pacific region, the visibility of WESTPAC, however, has been negatively impacted by the mismatch between the Sub-Commissions agreed programmes and the resources available, as well as the declining capacity of IOC to support its regional activities through its Regular Budget, Recalling: Resolution XXIV-11 on Enhancing the role of the Commission at the Regional Level, the appeal to Member States to strengthen the regional role of the Commission made by Resolution XXIII-6 (Regional Cooperation in Marine Science and Technology and the Role of Regional Subsidiary Bodies), the conclusions of documents IOC/EC-XXXVII/2 Annex 12, Concept Paper on the Modalities of Implementation of IOC Programmes in Regions, and subsequently IOC-XXIII/2Annex5, Enhancing the Effectiveness of Regional Cooperation in Marine Science and Technology and the Role of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies, Noting with appreciation the efforts that have been made to revitalize the Sub-Commission during the past two years by examining and correcting the present deficiencies, improving communications and interactions and ensuing a comprehensive programme following the IOCs High Level Objectives, Noting further that the member states desire to establish a mechanism for providing advice to the Chairperson and the Sub-Commission, including scientific and technical review of Project Proposals submitted for adoption as WESTPAC Projects and on the development, planning and implementation of the activities of the Sub-Commission, Decides to establish the WESTPAC Advisory Group with the Terms of Reference as given in the Annex to this Recommendation; Requests The Member States are asked to nominate experts for the consideration of the Chairperson who, in consultation with Officers, will appoint 5 members to the Group; and provide financial and in-kind support to the work of this Group. Annex to Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.1 Terms of Reference of the WESTPAC Advisory Group The WESTPAC Advisory Group, composed of the Officers of the Sub-Commission and up to five additional experts in relevant disciplines of marine science, has the responsibility to provide scientific and technical advice on the development, planning and implementation of the activities of the Sub-Commission. The WESTPAC Advisory Group will: advise the Sub-Commission through the Chairperson on all scientific and technical aspects and other matters identified by the Chairperson; review and assess the development, planning and implementation of the ongoing project and make necessary recommendations to the Sub-Commission accordingly; assist in developing and updating, as appropriate, a Scientific Strategic Plan and accompanying short- to medium-term actions plans and targets for the Sub-Commission; assist in developing WESTPAC programmes to be in line with IOC High-Level Objectives; promote the support for the implementation of the Sub-Commissions activities; submit reports to the Sub-Commission through the Chairperson. The Advisory Group may establish working groups as appropriate. The Advisory Group shall be comprised scientific and technical experts selected by the officers of the Sub-Commission, taking into account balanced representation of geographical distribution of the member states, and of gender, on the basis of their personal expertise so as to provide a balanced representation of the major scientific and technical disciplines. Experts will serve in their personal capacities, not as Member State representatives. Additional experts may be consulted as needed. One Vice-Chair of the Sub-Commission will act as the Chairperson of the Advisory Group. The Advisory Group shall operate during intersessional periods and meet at least once a year. The WESTPAC Secretariat will provide secretariat support for the Advisory Group. Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.2 WESTPAC INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Recalling its decision of its First Session that a major multi-disciplinary symposium should become a principal intersessional activity of the Sub-Commission; Having reviewed the output and results of the Seventh IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium on the Natural Hazards and Changing Marine Environment in the Western Pacific, Sabah, Malaysia, 2125 May 2008, Expressing its great appreciation to the Government of Malaysia, through its National Oceanography Directorate, for having hosted it; Having formulated its work plan for the period 20082010, Bearing in mind the need for presentation and exchange of scientific results in an interdisciplinary forum, Recognizing the success of the previous symposia, Notes with appreciation the kind offer of the Philippines and Republic of Korea to host the next Symposium; Decides that the Eighth IOC/WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium be organized in 2011; Recommends that regional and global cooperating international organization be invited to support and participate in the Symposium; Instructs the WESTPAC Secretariat to consult with the designated national focal points from the Philippines and the Republic of Korea and, through the Chairperson, confirm the host, venue, and dates of the next WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium. Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.3 UNESCO/IOC REGIONAL NETWORK OF TRAINING AND RESEARCH CENTRES IN THE WESTERN PACIFIC The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Recalling the IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building adopted at the 23rd Session of its Assembly in 2005, Recognizing the disparity in capacity and capability among the Member States of the region, and high capability of several Member States in marine science, ocean observations and service, Further recognizing the urgent need to provide high quality training in specialized fields of oceanography in the WESTPAC Region, Invites member states and regional institutions, including academic institutions, to provide training and capacity building courses in support of the WESTPAC High-Level Objectives and Priority Areas working through the WESTPAC Secretariat to help create a network of training opportunities; Endorses the UNESCO/IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centres in the Western Pacific as appended to this recommendation; Invites Member States to nominate and support their national oceanographic institutes willing to participate actively in the above-mentioned Network; Instructs the WESTPAC Secretariat to begin implementation of the Regional Network of Training and Research Centres in the Western Pacific as a pilot project and to provide Member States with a report during the next Session that describes actions taken, results, obstacles, opportunities, and recommendations; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to facilitate the implementation of this regional capacity building activity by encouraging Member States, donors, organizations, and institutions to engage in the Regional Network. Annex to Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.3 UNESCO/IOC REGIONAL NETWORK OF TRAINING AND RESEARCH CENTRES IN WESTERN PACIFIC 1. RATIONALE: 1. The Western Pacific region comprises 20 countries, encompassing roughly 140 degrees from the Andaman Sea part of Thailand to the Pacific coast of the USA and 120 degrees from the southern tip of New Zealand to the northern part of the Bering Sea. it is not only recognized as the center of marine generic richness and diversity in the world, but also considered to play a very important role in the study of climate change. 2. With the explosive population growth, rapid economic development and significant impact of climate change, the Western Pacific is experiencing an unprecedented pressure on its coastal and marine environment and ecosystems. 3. As a regional subsidiary body of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (hereinafter referred to as WESTPAC) was established in 1989, aiming to promote and enhance the capacity of its member states in understanding and using the ocean sustainably. 4. This initiative for a Framework for a Regional Training and Research Network aims to serve as a prime means of capacity building through provision of training and research opportunities on marine science and service in national oceanographic institutes, universities, within their domains of focus, to all WESTPAC member states. Thus it promotes north-south and south-south cooperation as a strategy to enrich institutions. It also can be considered as a regional activity to follow up with the UNESCO-IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity-building as endorsed by the 23rd Assembly of the IOC in Resolution XXIII-10, Paris, 2130 June 2005. 2. WHO CAN JOIN THIS INITIATIVE? 5. National Oceanographic Institutes and Universities in WESTPAC that are recognized as bona fide institutions in marine scientific research and service by the competent national authorities in the respective countries, and are willing to provide regular training and research opportunities to the trainees from all WESTPAC member states on a free-of-charge basis. 6. Proposal for a Regional T&R Network should be endorsed by its National Focal Points and submitted to IOC through the UNESCO-IOC Regional Secretariat for WESTPAC (hereinafter referred to as WESTPAC Secretariat) by an institution eligible to participate in this initiative. 3. HOW TO JOIN THE INITIATIVE? 7. Interested institutions should prepare and submit, through the WESTPAC Secretariat, to the Executive Secretary of IOC under the signature of the head or his/her representative of the institution- a detailed project proposal in which objectives, activities, work plan, budget requirement, are clearly stated (see the outline in Annex 1). It is important to note that this initiative is established between UNESCO-IOC and the institution and not with the individual intellectual. 4. PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION: 8. UNESCO-IOC encourages a bi-partite relationship in the preparation of the proposal for a UNESCO-IOC Regional Training and Research Network. The national level team should comprise the institute /university as the responsible institution and the National IOC Focal Points. The proposal should be submitted, through the WESTPAC Secretariat, to the Executive Secretary of IOC by the Institute/University with endorsement letter of its National IOC Focal Point. 9. The annual deadline for submission of proposals is 30 April of each year. 5. ASSESSMENT AND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSAL: 10. Once WESTPAC Secretariat receives the project proposal, a process of review and analysis is undertaken, in cooperation with relevant IOC sectors, UNESCO field office to: 1 determine compliance with the guidelines and its relevance to UNESCO-IOC mandate, medium term strategy and its high-level objectives; 2 assess the work plan and relevant human and financial resources provided for those training and research opportunities by the institution(s) submitting the proposal; 3 assess sustainability of the project giving attention to its ability to mobilize and attract resources. 11. Activities undertaken in the work plan should include: 1. At least one Training Course each year, offering at least 10 seats to trainees from other WESTPAC member states, who are jointly identified by his/her National IOC Focal Points and his/her director or through open advertisement in case that the National IOC Focal Points are unable to identify. 2. At least one regional and international workshops/ seminars or meetings/conferences every two years. Besides, it is encouraged that the work plan may include: 3. exchange of lecturers 4. visiting professorships 5. postgraduate teaching program 6. study abroad 7. Publications All activities should complement the relevant IOC and its WESTPAC programmes and actions approved by its Member States. Close cooperation with on-going IOC and its WESTPAC activities and programmes is of utmost importance. 12. When the project proposal has completed its cycle for evaluation, the WESTPAC Secretariat informs the institution of the results. If UNESCO-IOC accepts the proposal, then the relevant Agreement is drawn up and co-signed by the Executive Secretary of IOC and the head or its representative of the host institution. 6. RECRUITMENT AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN THIS INITIATIVE: 13. The host institution should appoint a director responsible for the implementation of this training and research center. The appointment of a director does not necessarily entail the creation of a specific post and does not always constitute an employment opportunity. All appointments will be subject to approval by the host institutions, in consultation with WESTPAC Secretariat. 14. Criteria for the selection of a director: (i) Academic reputation- he or she should be a renown specialist in the domain(s) to be covered (ii) have the capacity and experience to promote cooperation at national, regional and international levels (iii) be willing and able to mobilize resources. 7. HOW DOES THE INITIATIVE FUNCTION? (i) Role of the Director 15. The performance of the project depends largely on the quality of the coordination function. He or she is responsible for the programming, organization, fund-raising and promotion of training and research activities. Effective coordination will ensure better cross-border involvement in the project and ultimately improve its impact. (ii) Reports 16. Annual progress reports are mandatory and it is the responsibility of the implementing institution to ensure that IOC receives such reports. They should not only cover the progress with both quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the activities, but also the work plan for next year. 17. The annual deadline for reporting is 10 December of each year. In case of new center, the report should be submitted, through WESTPAC Secretariat, to IOC after the first 12 months of implementation, and every year thereafter. (iii) Using UNESCO-IOC Logo 18. UNESCO-IOC expects that the Network participants will utilize the UNESCO-IOC logo in a coherent and consistent way, making clear the type of relationship they have with the Organization. The period of use of the Logo is limited to the period of the Agreement and any extension thereafter. All publications, papers and documents should carry the following disclaimer: 19. The authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of views contained in this and for opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO-IOC and do not commit the Organization. (iv) Communication 20. UNESCO-IOC Regional Training and Research Network centers should maintain communication with the WESTPAC Secretariat for intellectual guidance, technical support and direct involvement in the planning and execution of events (meetings, conferences, publications, research). (v) Renewal of Agreements 21. The renewal of Agreements is processed through an exchange of letters between the parties-signatories to them. Whether or not UNESCO-IOC approves the renewal of the Agreement will depend on the assessment of the Network by the UNESCO-IOC WESTPAC Secretariat for WESTPAC. The concerned institution(s) addresses the letter of request to the Executive Secretary of IOC. The Agreement is considered renewed only after receipt by the concerned institution(s) of a letter of confirmation from UNESCO-IOC signed by the Executive Secretary. (vi) Termination clause 22. When the UNESCO-IOC Training and Research Network Center does not fully comply with the terms of the agreement, UNESCO-IOC will exercise its right to close the Center. Circumstances under which UNESCO-IOC will close the Center are as follows: 1) No annual report over two years; 2) Annual reports received by UNESCO-IOC are evaluated negatively 3) The activities of the Center are not coherent with UNESCO-IOC mandate 23. When UNESCO-IOC has taken a decision to cancel an Agreement, the host institution will receive a letter of notification from the Executive Secretary of IOC informing that closure will take place within sixty days of the written notice. It should be noted that this action does not preclude future cooperation between UNESCO-IOC and the concerned institution(s). 8. EVALUATION AND MONITORING: 24. Quality performance is of paramount importance to this initiative. The intention is for the Centers to become centers of excellence. The first level of evaluation should be the host institutions itself to ensure that the Center is making a difference, particularly in improving capacity in developing country partners. Other forms of evaluation will be organized by UNESCO-IOC with the National Committee for IOC. Evaluation and monitoring can also take the form of consultation meetings, workshops that include partners or visits by UNESCO-IOC staff to the Network Centers. Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.4 WESTPAC STRATEGY AND PROGRAMME STRUCTURE (20082013) The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Recalling: Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VI.1 concerning the Reform of Programme and Project Structure The WESTPAC Consultative meeting, hosted by China in Hangzhou, and the correspondence from the Chair of WESTPAC to the Executive Secretary, on WESTPAC Programme reform and restructure The adoption at the 24th Assembly of the IOC of the Medium-term Strategy (2008-2013) and the IOC Biennial Strategy 20082009 (IOC Resolution XXIV-2) within which the High-Level Objectives and Expected Results of IOC are elaborated, and The adoption of the IOC Programme and Budget 20082009 through Resolution XXIV-15, Recognizing the urgent need for programme restructuring that ensure efficient and effective implementation and execution of WESTPAC projects, consistent with the High-Level Objectives of IOC, Further recognizing the need for WESTPAC to be responsible for the governance and rules of procedures of its projects, including requirements for establishment and implementation of projects, and for monitoring and evaluating projects, Approves the WESTPAC Strategy and Programme Structure (20082013) annexed to this recommendation. Annex to Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.4 WESTPAC STRATEGY AND PROGRAMME STRUCTURE (20082013) Purpose To present the strategic priorities and structure of the programmes of IOC/WESTPAC, in the context of IOC High-level Objectives (20082009) and Medium-term Strategy (20082013); To provide a framework for the establishment, acceptance, continuation and termination of projects; and To establish the framework for developing the operational plans of IOC/WESTPAC. Preamble The world community faces growing challenges arising from climate variability and change, marine environmental degradation and pollution, biodiversity losses, and natural hazards. As a competent body and focal point in ocean affairs within the UN system, IOC needs to respond to these global issues. WESTPAC, as a Subsidiary body of IOC, contributes to the translation of the objectives of the global programmes and ocean services of the Commission into activities that maximize the benefit for Member States, taking into account the regional-specific perspectives and capability and the priorities indicated by WESTPAC Member States. Its work and action truly add value and capacity in line with IOC objectives and WESTPAC member needs. Toward a Restructured Programme of Work Regional work programs, be they implemented through Subsidiary Bodies or other means, are a fundamental component of the IOC structure to translate the global programmes and ocean services of the Commission into activities that maximize the benefit for Member States, taking into account the regional-specific perspectives and capability and the priorities indicated by Member States. WESTPAC as a Regional Subsidiary Body of the IOC potentially offers such a component, but only if its work and action truly add value and capacity in line with IOC objectives and WESTPAC member needs. By Resolution XXIII-6, the IOC Assembly recognized that the role of Regional Subsidiary Bodies must be made more effective and efficient by examining and correcting the present deficiencies, improving communications and interactions and ensuring a comprehensive programme of work following UNESCOs Main Lines of Action and the IOCs High-Level Objectives and lines of action. Regional Subsidiary Bodies can also play an important role in establishing partnerships and understanding (agreements) with other UN and non-governmental regional bodies who have similar and/or overlapping interests. In the light of present UN reform, it is important that UN bodies are seen to be acting as one, particularly at the national level. Work (action) at the regional level takes on many forms: Building scientific knowledge and supporting data for Study key scientific issues, ocean and coastal management, decision making and policy formulation, and as contributions to the broader base of oceanographic data and knowledge; Increasing national and regional capacities in marine sciences through training, networking among scientists and research institutions, and the mobilization of resources; Improving bilateral and multilateral support arrangements and governance; and Enhancing communication and awareness building. The work programme can be organized in a number of different ways including Sector/field or regional specific projects. They will be characterized by (among other things) A project plan, with specified objectives, outcomes and measures of performance; An agreed period for the project; and Identified leaders and participants. Work that is a contribution to an IOC programme of action. The definition of this work should include Well defined objectives, which may be ongoing; Governance structure (rapporteurs and/or leaders responsible for interaction with IOC programme of action; A schedule of work of work for each inter-sessional period; and A clear identification of the WESTPAC role and responsibility. The following sub-sections provide more detail on the process by which projects and/or programmes of work are agreed by WESTPAC (a necessary but not always sufficient step for endorsement as part of the wider body of work within IOC), and for review by WESTPAC. For each of the WESTPAC activities there should be a set of WESTPAC actions, at or at a level lower than the IOC lines of action, which can be endorsed by WESTPAC as part of its Programme and Budget which should also include (i) related performance indicators (deliverables); and (ii) the resource allocation. The Structure WESTPAC can only be useful and effective if it adds real value to the work of the Commission. The outputs of the work coordinated through WESTPAC must directly impact the lines of action of IOC and the Main Lines of Action of UNESCO. In many areas this requires coordination and agreement with other bodies of IOC such as IGOOS, JCOMM and IODE and this is explicitly recognized in the revised approach. Such interaction must be mutually supportive and beneficial. WESTPAC has a distinctive and leading role in coordinating regional capability and developing capacity, though this role is not unique. This role is expressed through projects (region or sector/field specific) and/or identified contributions to global programs. The new structure attempts to balance the need for integration with the IOC Programme and responsiveness to regional needs and priorities. It is important that the stakeholders of WESTPAC clearly see actions that are relevant and have high impact. In some cases the impact might be uniquely associated with WESTPAC, in others WESTPAC may play a secondary, but still important role. The development of regional infrastructure to support science, monitoring and assessment, management and decision making, among other purposes, is an important role for WESTPAC. Such infrastructure will usually be longer-lasting and sustainable. Partnerships, be that within IOC, within UNESCO, with other UN bodies, or with non-governmental and/or national agencies is recognized as fundamental to the future of WESTPAC. NEARGOOS and SEAGOOS are two examples of significant contributions to infrastructure development. It is important that the new Programme structure promotes innovation and initiative, with active review of existing work programmes, and that the sessions of WESTPAC provide an opportunity to discuss gaps and new issues. The adoption of a WESTPAC Science Advisory Group (Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.1) is an important element of this new approach. The nomenclature used to describe elements of programme structure within IOC is not always clear. Here we use the terms: WESTPAC ProgrammeThis is the plan of work adopted by WESTPAC, either through endorsement by the IOC WESTPAC Sub-Commission or as modified through out-of-session action through the Chairperson.Themes or sub-programmesIt has been common practice to define programme areas in the sub-Commission, but these have led to some confusion with IOC Programmes, particularly when the IOC work areas were being referred to. The new structure will use the terms Theme to describe the output areas of WESTPAC, and Sub-Programme to refer to the input. There will often be a one-to-one match, but this need not be so.WESTPAC High-Level (Strategic) ObjectivesThese closely align with the IOC medium-term strategic objectives and High-Level Objectives, but also include regional specific aspects. WESTPAC lines of ActionLike the IOC and UNESCO counterparts, these are the high-level actions against which progress and impact for IOC is delivered. They will usually be of a form that allows measurement of impact.Projects/work elementsThese are the modalities that WESTPAC chooses to use for organising its work. In some cases they may align directly with a Theme, in other cases a sub-programme area will have a number of projects and/or elements of work. The former will be described in a project plan. The latter may be contributions to a larger programme, but coordinated locally, or networks that are established to coordinate contributions. WESTPAC High-Level Objectives In accordance with the High-level Objectives of IOC adopted at the 24th Assembly, WESTPAC Objectives adhere to the direction and priorities set forth in the IOC Biennial Strategy, but recognize the particular interests and priorities of WESTPAC. WESTPAC contributes to the 4 IOC high-level objectives (HLOs) which are adopted herein as WESTPAC HLOs (WHLOs); WESTPAC will focus its efforts in a number of key areas (denoted as WESTPAC Priority Areas, WPAa). Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards Promote integrated and sustained monitoring and warning systems for coastal and oceanic natural hazards, Develop comprehensive scientific research programmes to further understanding mechanisms of ocean natural hazards, Promote comprehensive assessment of risk from marine natural hazards, Educate communities at risk with respect to natural-hazard impact prevention, preparedness and mitigation measures through symposia, conferences, workshops, seminars and forums. Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability Increase the understanding of the oceans role in climate variability and climate change. Contribute to the better prediction of climate through ocean observation and process studies, especially development of new generation numerical models and technology, at regional and global scales. Increase the understanding of the impacts of climate change and variability on marine ecosystems and their living resources. Safeguarding the health of ocean ecosystems Actively contribute to the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects. Further develop the research and monitoring required for the prevention of marine environment degradation, and the maintenance of biodiversity and the sustainable use of marine habitats. Identify and develop the capacity-building necessary for maintenance of healthy ocean ecosystems focusing on the regional needs. Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources Facilitate science related to ocean and coastal resource management. Enhance development and implementation of decision-support tools that improve integrated ocean and coastal management. Provide advice for policy development management on the marine environment. Scientific knowledge and innovation Enhance regional cooperation and involvement of the Member States through capacity-building and capability or competencies in strong scientific knowledge, training, data and information management, technology development and innovations and transfer of technology Project Framework Projects established within WESTPAC need to meet the following criteria: Have defined objectives, aligned with the WESTPAC High-Level Objectives; Have developed a work plan, including resources requirements; Have demonstrated scientific quality and expected concrete outcomes; Have proposed potential members of the Project Steering Committee and its Terms of Reference, and identify a Project Leader. WESTPAC Projects may be continuedor terminatedupon the approval of the Sub-Commission. Establishment Member States or individual scientists (hereinafter referred to as the proposer) should submit new Proposals, through its National IOC Focal Point, to the WESTPAC Secretariat, at least two months prior to the Session of the Sub-Commission. In the case of a new proposal from interested organizations outside WESTPAC, it should be submitted through the Chair of WESTPAC. Upon receipt of the proposal, the Secretariat will make an initial review to ensure that all relevant information has been provided. The proposals will be sent to the WESTPAC Advisory Group for further advice, as appropriate The Advisory group reviews all proposals and the Chair of the Group will provide a recommendation to the Chair of the Sub-Commission. If necessary, the Chair may communicate with the proposer and relevant National IOC Focal Point for further improvement/strengthening. Revised proposals should be submitted to the Secretariat accordingly at least two weeks before the Session. The proposer or his/her representative should present the proposal to the session of WESTPAC. The Sub-Commission will consider the proposal and budgetary implications, taking into account the recommendation from the Advisory Group, and, as appropriate adopt the project as part of the work plan of the Sub-Commission. Implementation and Reporting A Project Steering Committee should be established to work closely with the WESTPAC Secretariat and to serve as a management and coordination body for the project. The Committee should be set up as soon as possible after the Sub-Commission approves the Project. The Committee, under the chairmanship of the Project Leader, is responsible for the overall implementation. The Terms of Reference for a Project Steering Committee should include: identify the long-term needs and goals of the project in the region; oversee and ensure efficient coordination of the project and related activities. consider sources of funding for activities with various funding agencies; seek, on behalf of the Sub-Commission, the cooperation with national and international projects and program, where relevant; harmonise actions agreed under the Sub-Commission with those of other intergovernmental groups, as appropriate; inform both the officers of the Sub-Commission and to his/her National IOC Focal Point of the implementations of the project, at appropriate intervals, identifying these matters requiring their attention and assistance. report its implementation and achievement to the Session of the Sub-Commission at least one month prior to the Session Continuation or termination of a project All Projects must be reviewed at Sessions of the Sub-Commission and, as appropriate, renewed with specific objectives and expected outputs for the next intersessional period. The Chairperson of the Sub-Commission should request the Advisory Group to provide comment on achievement based on the report from the Project and recommendation on continuation or termination of the Project. The Advisory Group meets before the Session. The Chairperson of the Group, if necessary, may set up ad hoc working group for assessment of the achievement, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Sub-Commission. The Sub-Commission makes decision on continuation/termination, taking into account of the report of the Project Leader together with the comment and recommendation from the Advisory Group. The Sub-Commission may terminate a project, if one of the following conditions is observed; the Project Leader reports the objectives of the project are accomplished; or in case of financial problem, Project Leader reports to the Sub-Commission for termination; or the Project Leader or his/her representative could not attend the session and no progress report was submitted without any reason, or Project Leader did not respond to the request of the WESTPAC Secretariat to report on the progress during intersessional period and few activities were carried out during intersessional period. In case of termination, the Sub-Commission will inform the Project leaders of its decision, along with a justification, through his/her National IOC Focal Point. Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.5 WESTPAC PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 20082010 The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Noting the reports of the Technical Secretary for IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific on Intersessional Activities and on the WESTPAC Work plan and Budget, contained in Documents IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/5, 6 and 10, Further noting the presentation of the IOC Programme and Budget 20082009, Resolution XXIV-15, Also noting decisions taken at this Session to revise the WESTPAC Strategy and Programme Structure (20082013) to align with the IOCs High-Level Objectives, and Noting with great appreciation the Royal Thai Governments continuedand critical-- support for the WESTPAC Secretariat, Decides that the WESTPAC Programme and Budget 20082009 shall be aligned with the High-Level Objectives of the WESTPAC Strategy and the priority areas detailed within that Strategy; Adopts the Draft WESTPAC Programme and Budget 20082010 given in the Annex to this Resolution; Urges Member States: (i) To support any WESTPAC programme proposals which are considered at the Executive Council and Assembly, (ii) To continue and increase their support to WESTPAC through direct and in-kind contributions to programmes, projects, and the WESTPAC Secretariat; Calls on the WESTPAC Secretariat to communicate the results of the 41st Executive Council meeting together with an analysis of implications for WESTPAC programmes. ANNEX to Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.5 ProjectActivitiesFunding RequiredParticipationRemarkActivitiesObjectivesExpected outputsData and placeWESTPAC Harmful Algae BloomHAB strategic meetingdiscussion and decision of its activity planDuring 8th WESTPAC SymposiumUS$3K for room (by leader)50 from WESTPAC Member StatesEstablishment of regional networkdissemination of information, announcements, etc.IntersessionNo costWESTPAC Member StatesProvision of coordination for the Asia GEOHAB projectEstablishment of AsiaGEOHAB1 day during 3-7 NovemberUS$20K (IOC)70 from WESTPAC Member StatesStrategic meeting for TTR projectCapacity building1 week in each year in 2009 and 2010US$20K (IOC) in each meeting10 from WESTPAC Member StatesHABSEA PortalEstablishment of web site for information disseminationIntersessionalUS$20K (IOC)WESTPAC Member StatesInteraction with other ProjectsActivation of HAB projectsIntersessionalNo costWESTPAC Member StatesHarmful Algal Event Data-baseInformation disseminationIntersessionalNo cost (through interaction with other organizationWESTPAC Member StatesInternational Bathymetric Chart of the Western Pacific (IBCWP)The Five Session of the Editorial Board for IBCWPTo discuss and resolve the issue encountered in the implementation of the projectDecisions and suggestionsASAPNo costMembers of the EB-IBCWPTraining WorkshopTechnical exchange and learningTechnical training courseASAPNo costRelevant technicians from WESTPAC Member StatesNortheast Asian Global Ocean Observing System ( NEAR-GOOS)A workshop on NEAR-GOOS products during the next intersessional period. It will be discussion on theCollecting and providing more data products and information to the users and to develop more products to improve the NEAR-GOOS services in the future.Application of NEARGOOS promotedTo be fixedWESTPAC Member StatesHold another workshop on the data quality control technology. Data quality control, Capacity EnhancedTo be fixedWESTPAC Member StatesThe 2nd training course on ocean remote sensing to be held in October 2008Improve the capability on Remote Data AnalysisCapacity EnhancedTo be fixedWESTPAC Member StatesSoutheast Asian Global Ocean Observing System (SEAGOOS)The first meeting of Coordination CommitteeTo let the CC consider on the Operation Guideline and strategic Plan of SEAGOOS Consider the future and the project under SEAGOOS To select Chair for the SEAGOOS To get start and coordinate the project/activities of the SEAGOOS February- April 2009, Bangkok20K (WESTPAC)25 from WESTPAC Member StatesRegional Workshop on Standardization of Tide Gauges and Sea Level Data in Southeast Asia (Real-Time Sea Level Observing System for SEAGOOS Region)To set up a regional system to exchange observed sea level data To assist some countries in the region to building capacity to observe and transmit sea level data on a real-time basisTo have the sea level network and high precision of data including data exchange in the regionSeptember 2008 (3 days) BangkokUS$15K (WESTPAC)25 from WESTPAC Member StatesThe Expert Meeting on development of BLUElink project for Southeast Asian seaTo develop the cooperation of WESTPAC expert with Australia Scientist on using and validation of BLUElink model for the SEA.seaTo get the prediction of SST, SSS, and sea surface currents in Southeast Asian Sea by using BLUElink model To be fixedUS$6K (WESTPAC)4 from WESTPAC Member StatesOcean Remote Sensing (ORSP)Coastal Habitat Remote Sensing ProjectDiscussion on strategic design plan of Coastal Habitat Remote Sensing ProjectStrategic design plan of Coastal Habitat Remote Sensing ProjectNovember 2008, BangkokUS$1500 (JFiT)Tentative project leader and nominated membersNGSST projectTo conduct NGSST R&D for the southeast Asian SeasSoutheast Asian NGSST science and technology establishmentNoneOcean Color ProjectYOC-2008 with YSLME and NOWPAPImprovement of YOC2007 ocean color algorithmsNoneResponses of Marine Hazards to climate change in the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-MaHaz)Deployment of three buoys in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea; One field survey in SCS and/or west Pacific Running of the new generation climate model for 100 yearsTo quantify the trends of some marine hazards in the context of global climate changeDevelopment of an ocean monitoring system for the Western Pacific ; Prediction report on the trend of Tropical CyclonesTwo buoys deployed in 2009 and. one buoy deployed in 2010 Tentatively in 2009 Tentatively at the end of 2010, Qingdao US$4.5M required. No required financial support from WESTPAC. Project leader will coordinate the available funds.WESTPAC Member StatesModel experiments and data analysis To understand the physical nature of some marine hazards and their responding mechanisms to global change.Published papers and write brief introduction documents to IOC/WESTPAC for member states sharingLaboratory of all participants during 2008-2010US$100K required. Project leader will coordinate the available funds.WESTPAC Member StatesRefine a kind of circulation model such as POM; Refine a kind of climate model such as CCSM3To enhance the capacity to predict climate change and the ocean responses.State-of-the-art wave-tide-circulation coupled model suitable for the Western Pacific region; New generation climate model suitable for the Western Pacific region.tentatively in Qingdao during 2008-2010; tentatively in Qingdao during 2008-2010;US$400K required. Project leader will coordinate the available funds.WESTPAC Member StatesOne workshop on MaHaz One training course on new generation numerical models Capacity buildingKnowledge sharing among member statesSummer 2009, TBD; Oct. 2010, QingdaoUS$20K required. Project leader will coordinate the available funds.WESTPAC Member StatesCoastal Marine Biodiversity and Conservation in the WESTPAC Region1st WorkshopTo understand and provide the scientific basis for marine biodiversity management by articulating the state of the science with respect to current and emerging stressorsPublish book/report on biodiversity and current stressors on marine ecosystems in WESTPAC regionMay 2009, Bangkok, ThailandUS$10K (WESTPAC), US$5K(CU), US$5K(DMCR), TBNWESTPAC Member StatesBudget is needed to conduct a workshop and to publish book/report.2nd WorkshopTo establish the effective management plan and monitoring programmes for marine biodiversity among WESTPAC country membersPublish book/report on restoration and rehabilitation of marine ecosystemsFebruary 2010, Bangkok, ThailandUS$10K (WESTPAC), US$5K(CU), US$5K(DMCR), TBNWESTPAC Member StatesBudget is needed to conduct a workshop and to publish book/report.Enhancing the Capability on Oil Spill Response and Restoration of Marine Ecosystem in the Western PacificTraining courseRaise public awareness and/or build capacity for OSR and the restoration of marine ecosystemsCapability Enhanced2008US$50KSelected participants from WESTPAC Member StatesTraining CourseRaise public awareness and/or build capacity for OSR and the restoration of marine ecosystemsCapability Enhanced2009US$50KSelected participants from WESTPAC Member StatesTraining CourseRaise public awareness and/or build capacity for OSR and the restoration of marine ecosystemsCapability Enhanced2010US$50KSelected participants from WESTPAC Member StatesFluvial Sediment Supply to the South China Sea: Anthropogenic and Natural Aspects1st WorkshopInformation GatheringWorkshop proceedingsNovember 2008, ShanghaiUS$10K (WESTPAC) , 20K (LTJ)30 participants from WESTPAC Member States2nd WorkshopInformation comparisonWorkshop proceedingsNovember 2009, Ho Chi Minh CityUS$15K (WESTPAC), US$10K (LTJ), 5K (Others)30 participants from WESTPAC Member States3rd-WorkshopDiscussion and publicationProceedings, publications, and reportNovember 2010, ManilaUS$15K (WESTPAC), US$15K (LTJ), 10K (Others)50 participants from WESTPAC Member StatesCoral Reefs under Climate and Anthropogenic Perturbation (WESTPAC-CorReCAP)WorkshopTo form a steering group and review the status of coral reef research and develop the implementation planReport on coral reef knowledge in WESTPACSpring 2009 (presumably at Shanghai or Hainan in China)US$2.5K (WESTPAC), US$5K or more from national and other funding resourcesParticipants from WESTPAC Member StatesWorkshop and Training CourseTo promote capacity building through training and scientific presentations Workshop and training course report and proceedingsSummer 2010 (Place to be determined)US$5K (WESTPAC), US$10K or more from national and other funding resourcesYoung scientists and lecturers from WESTPAC Member States, plus a few experts from other regionsWorkshopTo summarize the progress of CorReCAP and synthesize the coral reef research and propose new activity for next session term after 2011Report of CorReCAP and joint publicationsAutumn 2011 (Place to be determined)US$2.5K (WESTPAC), US$5K or more from national and other funding resourcesSteering Group membersMarine Hazards Forecasting and Mitigation in the Western Pacific (WESTPAC-MHWM)1st WorkshopCapacity BuildingWorkshop proceedingsAugust 2008, VietnamWESTPAC, SOA, TBN30 from WESTPAC Member StatesTraining Course WorkshopCapacity BuildingStorm surge and tsunami numerical modelOctober 2009, ChinaWESTPAC, SOA30 from WESTPAC Member StatesConference/3rd-WorkshopCapacity BuildingProceedingsNovember 2010, JapanWESTPAC, SOA, TBN30 from WESTPAC Member StatesIOC/WESTPAC E-BulletinMeeting of Project MembersTo formulate the direction and strategiesProject PolicyJune 2008, 2 Days BangkokUS$4K for travel and meeting expenses4 from WESTPAC Member StatesSix E-BulletinsE-BulletinSeptember 2008- May 2010US$$300 for honorariesWESTPAC Member StatesProject Meeting and ReportingTo Evaluate the Project and Report to IOC/WESTPACFinal ReportMay 2010US$4K for travel and meeting expenses4 from WESTPAC Member States Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-VII.6 CHANGES TO THE WESTPAC MEETING SCHEDULE AND DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT SESSION The IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific, Bearing in mind the need for a sufficient period of time between sessions of the Sub-Commission to allow a reasonable implementation of its activities, Recalling the Recommendation SC-WESTPAC-I.3 in 1990 to have a three-year time span between its regular sessions, Noting, however, that the planning cycle of Sub-Commission is not in line with that of IOC, which approves whole biennium Programme and Budget at the two yearly session of the Assembly with the result that it is impossible to harmonize planning and budgeting with the IOC and UNESCO and that this absence of harmonization harms WESTPAC and compromises prospects for the future, Further noting that Resolution XXIII-6, adopted at the 23rd Session of IOC Assembly in 2005, instructs the IOC Executive Secretary to schedule the meetings of the Regional Subsidiary Bodies, where possible, to be in phase with the IOC planning cycles, Also noting the decision of this Session to align the WESTPAC Programme and Budget to the IOC High-Level Objectives, Decides to reschedule the period between Sessions from three years to two years beginning with the close of WESTPAC VII. Further, WESTPAC Sessions will be scheduled for the first quarter of the year so its decisions, recommendations, and reports can be forwarded to the IOC Executive Secretary in time for review and consideration by the Executive Committee; and, Accepts with appreciation the offer by the Government of Indonesia to host the Eighth Session in the first quarter of 2010, subject to the final endorsement of the relevant authorities  Annexes remain in English only in the language versions of the document.     IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s page  PAGE 4 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s page  PAGE 5 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s Annex I page  PAGE 2 ICG/PTWS-XXII/3s Annex I page  PAGE 1 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s Annex I IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s Annex II page  PAGE 20 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s Annex II page  PAGE 19 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s Annex II IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s Annex II page  PAGE 15 IOC/SC-WESTPAC-VII/3s Annex II page  PAGE 21 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with Rule of Procedure 48.3, IOC/WESTPAC, as a primary Subsidiary Body of IOC, is required to report to a Governing Body on its sessions. The IOC Executive Council at its 41st Session will be invited to consider this Executive Summary. For more detailed information on this session, please refer to the Summary Report of the Seventh Intergovernmental Session of WESTPAC.  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