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The IODE programme has developed a worldwide service-oriented network consisting of NODCs (National Oceanographic Data Centres) and ADUs (Assiciate Data Units). During the past 50+ years, IOC Member States have established over 80 oceanographic data centres in as many countries. This network has been able to collect, control the quality of, and archive millions of ocean observations, and makes these available to Member States. With the advance of oceanography from a science dealing mostly with local processes to one that is also studying ocean basin and global processes, researchers depend critically on the availability of an international exchange system to provide data and information from all available sources. Additionally, scientists studying local processes benefit substantially from access to data collected by other Member States in their area of interest. The economic benefit of obtaining data by exchange as opposed to collecting it oneself is huge. The main objectives of the IODE Programme are (revision IODE-XXII, March 2013): To facilitate and promote the discovery, exchange of, and access to, marine data and information including metadata, products and information in real-time, near real time and delayed mode, through the use of international standards, and in compliance with the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy for the ocean research and observation community and other stakeholders; To encourage the long term archival, preservation, documentation, management and services of all marine data, data products, and information; To develop or use existing best practices for the discovery, management, exchange of, and access to marine data and information, including international standards, quality control and appropriate information technology; To assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine research and observation data and information and become partners in the IODE network; To support international scientific and operational marine programmes, including the Framework for Ocean Observing for the benefit of a wide range of users. The IODE network has been able to collect, control the quality of, and archive millions of ocean observations, and makes these available to Member States. Whereas in the past IODE data centers focused mainly on physical oceanography data, the IODE Programme now gives attention to all ocean related data including physical oceanography, chemical, biological, etc. IODE now closely collaborates with, and services the needs of the other IOC and related programmes such as Ocean Sciences, GOOS and the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). Another major and long-term commitment of the IODE Programme is the long-term accessibility and archival of oceanographic data, meta-data and information to safeguard present and future holdings against loss or degradation. In the field of International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), the application of new (ICT) technologies for data management and dissemination has become fully mainstream. The traditional model of centralized data centers at national or global scale is gradually being replaced by a decentralized network of data centers accessible and searchable over the Internet. Thanks to this decentralized model scientists can participate more actively in the data management chain, and can also access data and information more easily. The model also enables a wider range of user communities to access data, data products and information. The global application of the new model and its inherent technology to oceanographic data and information management requires the continuing development and fine-tuning of new standards and applications. IOCs IODE Programme has, for many years provided substantial support, through its capacity development activities, to narrow the digital divide that still exists between developing and developed countries. Through an integrated capacity development programme that combines training, equipment and operational support, Member States in developing regions continue to be assisted in order to ensure their active participation in the global network for Oceanographic Data Centres. IODE Training: historical background Capacity Development has been a cornerstone activity of IODE since its inception in 1961. There are no formal education programmes related to oceanographic data management. In many cases data centre staff consists of ocean researchers or information science professionals who moved into the area of data management and often learned from the previous generation of data managers. As such, IODE invested since its very beginning in promoting training in ocean and information data management. One of the major objectives of the IODE Programme is to assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine data and information and become partners in the IODE network. It is only when IOC member states have acquired this expertise at the national level that they can become an active partner in IODE and thus share their data and information with the other members of the "IODE family". The training does not only teach the principles of data and information but also promotes the use of "standards" amongst all IODE centres and thus achieve interoperability between these centres. Since the late 1990s IODE designed a new way to develop capacity in (developing) member states. This "strategy" was based upon four elements: providing equipment providing training providing seed funding for operational activities of newly created data centres and marine libraries work in a regional context, addressing common (regional) as well as individual (national) goals This strategy has been implemented as "Ocean Data and Information Networks" or ODINs. The first region where this strategy was tested was Africa (as ODINAFRICA Project). Later on, similar networks followed in the Caribbean/South America (ODINCARSA), Indian Ocean (ODINCINDIO), European countries in economic transition (ODINECET), Western Pacific -WESTPAC region (ODINWESTPAC) and Black Sea region (ODINBlackSea). It is important to note that the ODINs do not focus just on the development of ocean data and information management capacity. They are end-to-end capacity development platforms which seek close collaboration with IOC ocean observation programmes (GOOS), IOC ocean science (Harmful Algal Bloom programme), IOC coastal management (ICAM), as well as with the WMO/IOC JCOMM and other regional programmes and of course the GOOS regional alliances. ODINs, being medium to large-scale projects that take 5-10 years to develop and come to fruition are dependent on extra-budgetary support from IOC Member States as well as donors. ODINAFRICA has received considerable financial support from the Government of Flanders (Belgium), through FUST. Prior to 1991 IODE regularly organized technical training courses for new data centres. These were organized on an ad hoc basis in various countries. Lecturers would bring their slides and teach their "own" course but training materials were not managed in any way. In 1991 IODE and ICES taking into account the then "new" technology of the Personal Computer brought together a few core software tools and documents and put these on a floppy disc. This was called OceanPC. In 1997 IODE moved into the world of html and the Internet: not only did IODE launch its first web site (together with that of IOC) but, during an IODE training course in Mombasa, Kenya, Murray Brown and Peter Pissierssens decided to develop html pages and build an offline "web site" containing training materials, software and other documents. This was called the IODE ResourceKit. It was distributed on Compact Disc. In 2001, with web based information systems widely used and increasingly accessible around the world, IODE decided to go full-web: The OceanTeacher web site was launched and offered a Wikipedia-like repository of knowledge on data and information management (the OceanTeacher Library) as well as course outlines used during classroom courses that frequently pointed to content in the Library.  Figure 1. Diagram depicting the different phases of IODE training history. 2005 was a milestone year for IODE training: the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) offered to host the "IOC Project Office for IODE" in Oostende, Belgium. This centre was intended to be IODE's meeting and training centre. Thanks to the provision of staff and funding the Project Office, since its opening in April 2005, was able to organize between 6-8 courses every year, each with 15-20 students. During the first 10 years of its existence the Office has welcomed nearly 1300 students from 120 countries. In 2009 the OceanTeacher Academy (OTA) project started with the support from the Government of Flanders. The project enabled the redesign of the OceanTeacher platform and the more systematic and professional development of curricula based on regular needs surveys (taken from Member States). Theoretical lectures were now also video recorded and made available online. Face to face courses were organised in Oostende (Belgium). In addition to IODE courses also other IOC programmes started making use of the OceanTeacher platform and the IODE Project Office facilities. The OceanTeacher Academy project continued until early 2014. OceanTeacher goes Global In 2013 an external review of the OceanTeacher Academy project resulted in a number of recommendations: Need to train more students from each country Need to reduce travel of students and lecturers Need to provide training in local language Need to focus more on local issues Need to make the OT platform available to other IOC programmes It was concluded that the implementation of these recommendations would only be possible by decentralizing the training facilities by establishing a network of Regional Training Centres. To make this possible a Project proposal was submitted to the Government of Flanders entitled "The OceanTeacher Global Academy". IODEs OceanTeacher Global Academy The OceanTeacher Global Academy Project builds upon the achievements of the OceanTeacher Academy project (2009-2013) and is funded by the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium). Funding has been committed for the period 2015-2018. The OTGA Project aims to develop a global training centre network and utilize this network to increase national capacity in coastal and marine knowledge and management. It will do so by (i) promoting the establishment of Regional Training Centres as well as their close collaboration through advanced information technology; and (ii) further developing the OceanTeacher Learning System. The OceanTeacher Global Academy aims at changing the capacity development culture from a north to south model to north-south, south-south, and south-north. Whereas training was traditionally based on experts from developed regions to visit and teach developing country students, the OceanTeacher Global Academy promotes the expertise available in many developing regions. Specifically, the OceanTeacher Global Academy aims at: Promote the establishment, and assist with the start-up, of Regional Training Centres that will plan, organize and implement training courses that are of relevance and serve needs within their region and teach these in locally relevant languages; Promote the use of local experts as lecturers and training assistants by the Regional Training Centres; Promote the collaboration between the Regional Training Centres by enabling (through advanced information technology) lecturers from multiple regions to contribute lectures; Further develop the OceanTeacher Learning Management System to cover multiple IOC (and associate) programmes. Additionaly, the OceanTeacher Global Academy further promotes collaboration and expertise exchange through internet-based technologies such as video conferencing, video streaming etc. between the Regional Training Centres (RTCs). The OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centres The OTGA Regional Training Centres (RTC) were selected based upon the following requirements: At least 1 RTC for each region and language group; Initial focus on IODE; Complementary to existing regional training centres; Self-driven, based on locally available expertise; Should be co-located with other ongoing and funded programmes/projects; Sharing of courses with other RTCs using video conferencing technology; Inviting of specific expert lectures through video conferencing; Use of the OceanTeacher e-Learning Platform. The following Centres have been designated as OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centres: Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras Jos Benito Vives de Andreis (INVEMAR), Santa Marta, Colombia Institut Senegalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA) / Centre de Recherches Oceanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT), Dakar, Senegal Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Mombasa, Kenya School of Coastal & Marine Sciences - Eduardo Mondlane University, Quelimane, Mozambique Institute Of Oceanography And Environment (INOS)/Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Terengganu, Malaysia International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean-INCOIS), Hyderabad, India IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium Two additional RTCs are under candidate status (located in China and Iran). OTGA courses are organized mainly based upon available expertise within the RTC and also taught by RTC experts (Principal Lecturers and Teaching Assistants). When and if deemed needed Invited lecturers are invited to teach topics that do not fall within the expertise of the local lecturers. Course materials are uploaded on the OceanTeacher e-Learning Platform (www.oceanteacher.org). The whole OTGA course organization follows the OTGA guidelines. This process is currently being audited under ISO 29990 (Learning Services Provider). The OceanTeacher Global Academy project was formally established by IODE-XXIII (2015) through Decision IODE-XXIII.4. IODE and Capacity Development Strategy IODE has no specific capacity development strategy: it follows and contributes to the wider IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2015-2021). IODE and its OTGA perform regularly training needs surveys in order to decide on the workplan for training courses. The last training needs survey took place in August/September 2017. Capacity development gap analysis vis--vis IOC CD expected outputs The IODE reviewed the Capacity Development gap analysis. Their complete input, including conclusions and recommendations for each of the IOC CD Expected Outputs (available in Table 1 at the end of this report) is summarized below: Action 1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC In this regard we note that while there are no UNESCO Chairs directly related to ocean data and information management, some of the existing Chairs may collaborate with IODE within the framework of IODEs contribution to other IOC functions (e.g. MPR, GOOS, HAB, ) Action 2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate access While all IODE data centres are expected to have their own IT infrastructure there may be some opportunities to share certain software (e.g. data quality control, modelling,..) Action 1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fund Taking into account the reliance on experience/expertise sharing that is essential in ocean data and information management a travel grant fund to enable secondments to other experienced data centres, as well as to participate in international conferences will be most beneficial. Action 1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme Similarly to the travel grant a mentoring programme to allow longer-term twinning of data/information managers is highly desirable. Action 1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awards The implementation of such a scheme will stimulate young professionals to consider a career in ocean data/information management Action 3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissions While this is somewhat outside the remit of IODE, additional human resources in the regional sub-commission secretariats will certainly increase effectiveness and ability to respond to opportunities of IODE activities in the regions Action 3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissions While some regional IODE extra-budgetary projects already apply or applied fund decentralization (e.g. ODINAFRICA, CMA2) a more stable funding base for the sub-commissions would enable more complementarity between IOC and regional offices. GLOBAL LEVEL Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1: IODE gap filling actions and required resources (global level) OutputActivityActionRelevant actions taken by IODEOther contributing global programmesPossibe actions/programmes to fill gap or optimizeRequired resourcesRECOMMENDATIONS1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scalen/aWhile formal education does not fall within the remit of IOC or its IODE it would be recommended to include data and information management in standard BSc or MSc curricula of national universitiesFunding / staff time/ national universitiesProduce / guide the production of course modules on specific topics (e.g. ocean data & information management, RDM, marine species data management and distribution modelling) for adoption by interested universities.1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOCn/aEstablishment of UNESCO Chairs related to data/information management is recommendedStaff time/ ExpertsRecommend former IODE course students currently managing NODCs and with established links to national universities to establish UNESCO Chair in ocean data/information management1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandate This is addressed through IODEs OceanTeacher Global Academy project which implements training courses at the global (at the IOC Project Office for IODE) as well as at the regional level (through the OTGA regional training centres)Funding / staff time/hosts for summer schools.Promote more summer school -like activities 1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)Occasionally IODE provides funding for temporary internshipsInternships/fellowships for data/information managementFunding/staff time/ hostsEstablishment of IOC intersnhip/fellowship programme with allocation for data/information management1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeThe OTGA RTCs can invite visiting lecturers for their coursesSCOR and POGO have a visiting lecture programmeUse visiting lecturers to promote data/information management at the institutional level in regionsFunding / expertsWork together with SCOR and POGO in order to expand the scope of their visiting lecture programme1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateSee 1.2.1Establish additional RTCs based on global/regional assessmentsFunding/ hostsImplement global and regional needs assessments for data/information training based on required D&I products and services.1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsThis is done through the OTGA e-learning platformImprove/promote a better use of the e-Learning Platform tools to improve the learning experience.Funding / staff time.Continue OTGA project with additional focus on the e-learning platform as common tool1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building (YES: mailing lists established, web site developed)1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundIODE does not have a travel grant fund but covers the cost of participation of most of the participants in IODE coursesEstablishment of IOC travel grant programme with allocation for data/information managementFunding Seek collaboration with other agencies in order to leverage funds and expand existing funded topics and / or target regions. 1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmenoneEstablishment of IOC mentoring programme with allocation for data/information managementFunding Seek collaboration with other agencies in order to leverage funds and expand existing funded topics and / or target regions.1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksIODE keeps track of its course students through the alumni online service:  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/alumni" http://www.iode.org/alumni Establishment of IOC alumni programme Staff timeSet up IOC training alumni network based on past course participation and promote commmunication1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsnoneFunding / staff time.Add young data manager or young marine information management professional award to IODE achievement awards1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchIODE actively promotes the participation of women in its training courses. Staff time.Better promotion of SDG 5 in all activities organised.2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) (YES: computer equipment was provided throughout ODINAFRICA project phases)2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessnoneEstablish register based on harvesting existing systems and provide central portal accessFunding / staff time.Work with agencies / sctivities already working towards such inventories (e.g. EuroFleets, POGO, others?)2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructureIODE provides IT equipment to new national data centres through exb projects.(eg ODINAFRICA) Identify equipment needs of NODCs, ADUs, AIUs and provide equipment as needed Ensure IOC regional projects include equipment in assistance package3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsIODE provides staff support at the regional level through exb projects (eg CMA2)Ensure expertise on D&IM is available in regioknal secretariatsProvide for D&IM expert staff allocation in regional EXB projects3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsIODE provides indirect funding at the regional level through exb projects that are implemented by, or in cooperation with, regional secretariatsIncrease role of regional secretariat in planning and implementation of regional projectsDecentralize projects funds to regional offices 3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesIODE attempts to maintain active communication with the Secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and, where possible, co-implements projects and activities jointly with regional secretariats..See 3.1.2see 3.1.24. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsThe IOC project office for IODE assists with the development of various online database services Enhanced cooperation of IODE in GOSR and MPR activities as service providerEnhanced cooperation of IODE in GOSR and MPR activities as service provider4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesn/a5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information 5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsIODE assists with the development of public information services through exb projects like ODINAFRICA5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsn/a6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesThe IODE and OBIS networks are based on in-kind contributions by member states6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersYes: Government of Flanders, European Commission, private donorContinued and increased financial support for D&IM at national levelPromotion of the need for national D&IM capacity by all IOC programmes IODE REGIONAL LEVEL IODEs capacity development programme and more particularly the ODIN (Ocean Data and Information Network) model combines training, provision of equipment and operational support. Below we show the output tables for each regional ODIN project (where existing and operational) including ODINAFRICA, ODINCARSA-LA, ODINBlackSea. ODINWESTPAC is not included as the project is not fully operational yet. ODINECET focuses only on MIM. The ODINAFRICA projects were coordinated and implemented by the IODE Secretariat until ODINAFRICA-III and ODINAFRICA-IV was coordinated and implemented by the IOCAFRICA Secretariat (Nairobi). ODINAFRICA Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2: CD actions IODE regional ODINAFRICA OutputActivityActionRelevant actions taken by ODINAFRICAOther contributing global programmesPossibe actions/programmes to fill gap or optimizeRequired resourcesRECOMMENDATIONS1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scalen/a1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC??1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateYES: Courses organized related to ocean data and information management1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)??1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeYES: through OceanTeacher Global Academy, the RTCs in Africa welcome visiting lecturers from within and outside the country and region1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateYES: 2 regional training centres (OTGA) already established in Kenya and Senegal1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsYES: through the OTGA e-learning platform1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building (YES: mailing lists established, web site developed)1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fund??1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme??1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksYES: IODE maintains an alumni database1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awards??1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchYES: IODE/ODINAFRICA seeks gender balance when organizing training courses2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) (YES: computer equipment was provided throughout ODINAFRICA project phases)2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate access??2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructure??3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsn/a3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsn/a3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesYES: ODINAFRICA project is/was managed by the head of the IOCAFRICA secretariat since the establishment of that office in Nairobi4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsYES: infobases on projects developd and maintained4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesYES: data and information centres established through ODINAFRICA support are increasingly closely involved in providing data and information to coastal management authorities5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information (YES: ODINAFRICA web site, newsletters, school competitions, etc)5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsYES: ODINAFRICA has promoted the development of public information services in its partner institutions5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsSTARTING6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesYES: increasingly data and information centres established under ODINAFRICA have become partners in national or regional projects (eg LME) through which funding is received.6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersYES: ODINAFRICA received support from the Government of Flanders between 1998-2015. ODINCARSA-LA ODINCARSA-LA activities are coordinated by the IODE Secretariat in close collaboration with the IOCARIBE Secretariat (Cartagena). Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3: CD actions IODE regional ODINCARSA-LA OutputActivityActionRelevant actions taken by ODINCARSA-LAOther contributing global programmesPossibe actions/programmes to fill gap or optimizeRequired resourcesRECOMMENDATIONS1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scaleYES:higher education is always being promoted in the region1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateYES: Courses organized mainly related to ocean data and information management 1.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)YES: Carried within the framework of regional/sub-regional research projects, mostly through bilateral agreements1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeYES: through OceanTeacher Global Academy, the RTC in Latin America and the Caribbean (Colombia) welcomes visiting lecturers from within and outside the country and region1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateYES: 1 regional training centre established in Colombia and one candidate training centre in the USA1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsYES: through the OTGA e-learning platform1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building 1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundYES: Funds requested to IODE for expert visits provided an opportunity. In addition, within existing projects, experts have visited neighbouring countries.1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksYES: IODE maintains an alumni database and e-mailing lists established, the web site has all alumni informartion1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsYES: A proposal is being made by IOCARIBE1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchYES: IODE/ODINCARSA-LA seeks gender balance in all activities2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) 2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate access2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructure3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissions3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissions3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesYES: . ODINCARSA-LA kept a close contact with the IOCARIBE Secretariat and took part in the drafting of the 2017-2027 Strategic Science Plan and the outline of the CD Plan.4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizations4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesYES: data and information centres established through and/or integrating ODINCARSA-LA are increasingly closely involved in providing data and information to coastal management authorities. ODINCARSA-LA contributed to a regional initiative, led by CPPS, aimed towards a regional ocean policy.5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutions-5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regions-6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesYES: data and information centres have increased their involvement as partners in national or regional projects (eg LME) through which funding is received. Several ODINCARSA-LA centres are involved in regional/ sub-regional projects (eg SPINCAM, CMA2)6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersYES: Within ODINCARSA-LA region, Colombia is contributing to the operation of the OTGA RTC. In addition the region profited from funds from the Government of Flanders for projects as SPINCAM and CMA2, as well as from other sources (eg GEF) ODINWESTPAC ODINWESTPAC activities are coordinated by the IODE Secretariat in close collaboration with the ODINWESTPAC pilot project coordinator (NMDIS, China). Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4: CD actions IODE regional ODINWESTPAC OutputActivityActionRelevant actions taken by ODINWESTPACOther contributing global programmesPossibe actions/programmes to fill gap or optimizeRequired resourcesRECOMMENDATIONS1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scaleYES: higher education is always being promoted in the region1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOCn/a1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateYES: Courses and workshops were organized related to ocean data and information management in 2014 to 20161.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)YES: Collaborate with IOI China Regional Center for Western Pacific Region on organizing Training Courses 1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeYES: through OceanTeacher Global Academy, the RTCs in WESTPAC welcome visiting lecturers from within and outside the country and region1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateYES: OTGA-INOS-UMT established in Malaysia, and another OTGA regional training center to be established in Tianjin China.1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsYES: through the OTGA e-learning platform. On request, member nations share training materials with each other.1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building (YES: mailing lists established, web site developed)1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundNo 1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmen/a1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksYES: IODE maintains an alumni database and e-mailing lists established, the web site has all alumni information1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsn/a1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchYES: IODE/ODINWESTPAC seeks gender balance in all activities2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) 2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessNot yet 2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructureYES: The inventory of data collection infrastructure and the data directories are prepared.3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsn/a3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsn/a3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesYES: ODINWESTPAC project is managed by NMDIS/SOA with the coordination from both IODE secretariat and the IOC/WESTPAC secretariat4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsYES: info on research priorities of the member states are being collected. 4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesYES: data and information centres established within the region are increasingly closely involved in providing data and information to general public5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information (YES: ODINAFRICA web site, newsletters, school competitions, etc)5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsYES: ODINWESTPAC has promoted the development of public information services in its partner institutions5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsSTARTING6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesYES: increasingly data and information centres established under ODINWESTPAC have become partners in national or regional projects through which funding is received.6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersYES: ODINWESTPAC received support from the NMDIS/SOA and member states in terms of maintaining ODINWESTPAC activities. ODINBlackSea NOTE: there is currently no regional subsidiary body for the Black Sea region so activities in this region are not supported by a specific regional secretariat. The ODINBlackSea activities are coordinated by the IODE Secretariat in close collaboration with the ODINBlackSea project coordinator (M. Elge, Turkey). Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5: CD actions IODE regional ODINBlacksea OutputActivityActionRelevant actions taken by ODINBLACKSEAOther contributing global programmesPossibe actions/programmes to fill gap or optimizeRequired resourcesRECOMMENDATIONS1. Human resources developed1.1 Academic (higher) education1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scaleYES:higher education is always being promoted in the region1.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC-1.2 Continuous professional development1.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and summer schools relevant to the IOC mandateYES: Courses organized related to ocean data and information management before 20141.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)YES: Especially with EU funded Projects such as SDN1.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programmeYES: Members of ODINBLACKSEA sending or welcoming visting scientist from other members or nations.1.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandateNO: There is no regional training center(s) relevant to the IOC mandate1.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materialsYES: On request, member nations share training materials with eachother.1.3 Sharing of knowledge and expertise/community building 1.3.1 Establish a travel grant fundNO1.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmeYES: With EU funded Projects1.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networksYES: IODE maintains an alumni database and e-mailing lists established, the web site has all alumni informartion1.3.4 Promote and support young scientist awardsNot yet1.4 Gender balance1.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean researchYES: IODE/ODINBLACKSEA seeks gender balance in all activities2. Access to physical infrastructure established or improved2.1 Facilitating access to infrastructure (facilities, instruments, vessels) 2.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessNot yet2.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructureYES: The inventory of data collection infra structure and the data directories are prepared.3. Global, regional and sub-regional mechanisms strengthened3.1 Further strengthening and supporting secretariats of regional commissions3.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissionsn/a3.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissionsn/a3.2 Enhance effective communication between regional sub-commission secretariats and global programmes as well as other communities of practice (incl. other organisations)3.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmesYES: ODINBLACKSEA is enhancing coordination and collaboration with regional Black Sea Commission.4. Development of ocean research policies in support of sustainable development objectives promoted4.1 Sharing of information on ocean research priorities4.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizationsNot yet4.2 Developing national marine science management procedures and national policies4.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesYES5. Visibility and awareness increased5.1 Public Information (YES: ODINAFRICA web site, newsletters, school competitions, etc)5.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutionsYES: ODINBLACKSEA promoted the NEAMTWS Regional Tsunami Warning Center established in KOERI in Turkey5.2 Ocean Literacy5.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsSTARTING6. Sustained (long-term) resource mobilization reinforced6.1 In-kind opportunities6.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunitiesYES: increasingly data and information centres established under ODINBLACKSEA have become partners in national or international projects through which funding is received.6.2 Financial support by Member States to IOC activities6.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector PartnersYES: ODINBLACKSEA reveive manning support from member states in terms of maintaining ODINBLACKSEA activities Gap analysis Note: partially is considered as Yes (() and does not result in counting as gap (n). Similarly  starting is not counted as  gap Table  SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6: Gap analysis CD IODE global, regional GlobalODINAFRICAODINCARSAODINWESTPACODINBlackSeaGAP FREQUENCY1.1.1 Promote and assist with the establishment of consortia of higher education at the appropriate geographical scalenn((( 2/51.1.2 Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOCnnnnn5/51.2.1 Promote and assist with the organization of training courses, workshops and  summer schools relevant to the IOC mandate(((((0/51.2.2 Establish, or collaborate with other organizations on an internship/fellowship programme (including on-board training)(n(((1/51.2.3 Establish and collaborate with other organisations on a visiting lecturer programme(((((0/51.2.4 Promote and assist with the establishment of regional training (and research) centres relevant to the IOC mandate((((n1/51.2.5 Promote the sharing of training materials(((((0/51.3.1 Establish a travel grant  fund nn(nn4/51.3.2 Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programmennnn(4/51.3.3 Promote and assist with the development of IOC alumni networks(((((0/51.3.4 Promote and support  young scientist awardsnn(nn4/51.4.1 Promoting participation of women in ocean research(((((0/52.1.1 Establishing and maintaining a register of infrastructure to facilitate accessnnnnn5/52.1.2 Promoting the development of, and expand access to, regional sustainable scientific infrastructure(nn((2/53.1.1 Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissions(nnnn4/53.1.2 Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissions(nnnn4/53.2.1 Establishing an effective coordination and communication mechanism between the secretariats of the regional sub-commissions and the global programmes(((((0/54.1.1 Compare and compile information on existing ocean research priorities among government and other organizations((n(n2/54.2.1 Assist Member States with the development of marine science management procedures and national policiesn((((1/55.1.1 Promote the development of public information (communication) departments in ocean research institutions((n((1/55.2.1 Foster development of an IOC ocean literacy programme as a community of practice to share experience within and across regionsnstartingnstartingstarting2/56.1.1 Fostering partnerships to increase in-kind support opportunities(((((0/56.2.1 Resource mobilisation from Member States, Institutional and Private Sector Partners(((((0/58 gaps10 gaps9 gaps7 gaps8 gapsgaps Overall the outputs that need the highest attention (across global and regional projects) are: Promote collaboration between UNESCO Chairs and IOC In this regard we note that while there are no UNESCO Chairs directly related to ocean data and information management, some of the existing Chairs may collaborate with IODE within the framework of IODEs contribution to other IOC ,-3457BV }iU'h('hoE5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$'h('hv,t5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$#hh w5CJOJQJ^JaJh`>gd  / 0 1 2 ; < =    3 a {|34ײxqmieiihN^hBh?J hZJ1hbS hZJ1hZJ1 hZJ1h/&hZJ1 h/&h/&hJ;h/& hththJ hsS-hNO( hsS-hoE hh DCJOJQJ^JaJ'h('hv,t5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$'h('hoE5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$'h('hw5CJ$OJPJQJ^JaJ$'= |34\]  gdBgdBgdJ; & FgdBgd[gdsS-4\]jl% 7  !!"" 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Establish a travel grant fund Taking into account the reliance on experience/expertise sharing that is essential in ocean data and information management a travel grant fund to enable secondments to other experienced data centres, as well as to participate in international conferences will be most beneficial Establish or collaborate with other organizations on a mentoring programme Similarly to the travel grant a mentoring programme to allow longer-term twinning of data/information managers is highly desirable Promote and support young scientist awards The implementation of such a scheme will stimulate young professionals to consider a career in ocean data/information management Improve staffing of secretariat of regional sub-commissions While this is somewhat outside the remit of IODE, additional human resources in the regional sub-commission secretariats will certainly increase effectiveness and ability to respond to opportunities of IODE activities in the regions Reinforcing budgeting of regional sub-commissions While some regional IODE extra-budgetary projects already apply or applied fund decentralization (e.g. ODINAFRICA, CMA2) a more stable funding base for the sub-commissions would enable more complementarity between IOC and regional offices.  FUST: UNESCO/Flanders Funds-in-Trust for the support of UNESCO's activities in the field of Science  FUST: UNESCO/Flanders Funds-in-Trust for the support of UNESCO's activities in the field of Science  The process of selection of the OTGA RTCs had a bottom up approach: IODE MS were initially invited to propose to host a RTC; a selection process was then followed in order to assess if the proposed candidate RTCs complied with the minimum criteria to join the OTGA network of RTCs.     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