ࡱ> cebUeFbjbjnn8LaaF#+PPPPPddd84<d#N  """fMhMhMhMhMhMhM$PSfMQPMPP""M@@@P"P"fM@fM@@VG@^H" 7l#6<"H RMM0#N.H0U>6U^HUP^H@MMK?`#NUJ :DRAFT PROJECT ON THE BLACK SEA COUNTRIES JOINT OCEANOGRAPHIC SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH-2018 (BLACKSEA EXPEDITION AND INTEGRATED OCEAN DATA BASE) INTRODUCTION Recognizing that the lives of at least 160 Million people are profoundly influenced by the Black Sea and considering that all riparian countries depend to a large extent on marine and coastal resources; the ability to acquire, manage, archive and disseminate ocean data, as well as the capacity to generate products and services in support of decision making and management of the Sea and Coastal Zones is of vital importance in Black Sea. The oceanographic environment of Black Sea is scientifically worth to explore since it is like a laboratory for oceanographers and its physical, biological and chemical properties are very unique which impact the other seas connected and climate. With this respect, IOC-BLACKSEA and Oceanographic Data and Information Network for Black Sea (ODIN-BLACKSEA) has been established by UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and IOC International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) respectively with the objectives of; (i) increasing co-opreation on ocean science among the Black Sea Countries, (ii) providing assistance in the development, operation and strengthening of National Oceanographic Data (and Information) Centres and Associate Data Units (ADU) of Black Sea Countries and to establish oceanographic data and information network amongst them by applying IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) (iii) training and education in oceanographic sciences, data and information management as well as data collection, taking into account the requirements of operational oceanography by applying standard formats and methodologies as defined by the IOC/IODE, (iv) enhancing international, national and regional awareness of oceanographic science of Black Sea as well as data and information management, (v) assisting in integration and maintenance of national and regional oceanographic data, metadata and information databases, (vi) assisting in the development and dissemination of ocean science in terms of observations, data and information management, ocean products and services, meeting the needs of user communities at the national and regional levels, and responding to national and regional priorities, (vii) Capacity building on ocean sciences, (viii) Increasing and enhancing the ocean science technology in the region, (ix) encouraging the regional oceanographic research expeditions. Unfortunately IOC-BLACKSEA activities were in silence for a long time since its establishment in 1990s. Recently ODIN-BLACKSEA has been actively conducting its activities with its currently revised project document which was adopted by IODE Committee during the 24th session held 24-27 March 2017. The Current ODIN-BLACKSEA member institutes from each Black Sea Country is listed in Annex-A. Besides IOC-BLACKSEA and ODIN-BLACKSEA there are other commissions, programmes and projects in Black Sea related to ocean sciences such as; (i) The Commission on The Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission) (ii) International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Mediterranean and Black Seas Hydrographic Commission (MBSHC) (iii) IHO Black and Azov Seas Working Group (BASWG) The establishment of close collaboration with these commissions and working groups is very important from the perspective of using resources effectively. By increasing coordination, the scientific researches will be more efficient and provide a meaningful results to the work done by all initiatives in the region. It will be very efficient to revive the IOC-BLACKSEA and further improvement of ODINBLACKSEA work by implementing joint research activities with scientific objectives which will contribute to IOC efforts globally and regionally. 2. BLACK SEA EXPEDITION Data is the first step to conduct scientific analysis in ocean sciences. Collecting and managing data systematically in coordination is of vital importance in the Black Sea since the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the Black Sea is highly influenced by the coastal effects such as river run offs, water mass input from Mediterranean through Turkish Strait Systems, upwellings/downwellings due to the atmospheric conditions and deep ocean features of BLACK SEA. Conducting a joint scientific oceanographic research expedition would be a very good start to further systematic ocean observation, data management and sustainable ocean research in the region. R/V E^ME will be the platform for such a joint ocean scientific research activity in a complimentary base during Summer/Autumn 2018. 2.1 MAIN GOALS OF BLACK SEA EXPEDITION (i) Defining data sparse areas according to the parameter type: All participating Black Sea Countries will search for data sparse areas in their data bases according to the parameter type to define data collection areas during the expedition. (ii) To make Temperature, Salinity, Density, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidty current, secchi disk measurements (iii) Water sampling for biological and chemical analysis for scientific purposes (iv) First Level of Quality Control of the collected data (v) Capacity building on data collection, quality control, management (vi) Upload the collected data to Ocean Data Portal for scientific purposes (vii) To prepare the scientific results of the data (viii) To increase cooperation between the scientist from Black Sea Nations. (ix) To invite Black Sea Commission to the expedition and support their scientific work in terms of data and expertise 2.2 METHOD The scientists from Black Sea Countries will be able to join the expedition in R/V E^ME. The scientists may join the expedition in 0stanbul/TURKEY or during the port calls in their countries. The planned port calls are Constanta/ROMANIA, Varna/BULGARIA, Odessa/UKRAINE, Soci or Novorossisyk/RUSSIA, Batumi/GEORGIA, Trabzon/TURKEY, Sinop/TURKEY It is foreseen to spend three days at each port: Day 1: At Port; Being prepared for/Planning data collection activity, Prepare oceanographic equipments, Capacity building on equipment, data collection methods, planning of data collection Day 2: At sea; data collection with various oceanographic equipments and softwares, First level of QC/QA of the collected dat, Capacity building on data collection and first level of QC/QA Day 3: At Port: Second level of QC/QA of the data, Data processing and evaluation, Data management, Prepare data to be uploaded to Ocean Data Portal, Capacitiy buildin on data processing, Second Level of QC/QA, data management, Ocean Data Portal 2.3 VIEWS ON THE BLACK SEA EXPEDITION 2018 The countries willing to participate in the Black Sea Expedition 2018 project are kindly invited to convey their views through the the questionnaire below. Country: Point of Contact Person (Name Last Name, Institute, email): Proposed Data Types to be collected: Data Sparse Areas according to the Data Type (temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved Oxygen, Optical data, sechi disk, turbidity, current): Proposed Port Calls (if any other than explained in the document): Other Scientific Comments: National Institutions to be in the Activity: Scientist and Researchers who will join the Activity: (name, last name, Institute, email, phone, proficiency) 3. INTEGRATED OCEAN DATA BASE OF BLACK SEA 3.1 MAIN GOALS The data collected during the expedition is expected to be managed and stored an integrated data base and will be available to all participant countries. The IOC/IODE data sharing policy will be applied and all participant country will define the policy of sharing data of which is collected in their national juristiction areas. 3.2. METHODS AND TOOLS IOC Ocean Data Portal will be available as main data management tool for this activity. The participant country will be able to manage data in its own data management system or IOC/IODE Project Office will make data avilable through ODP according to the rules defined by participant countries. ANNEX-A: ODINBLACKSEA MEMBERS FROM BLACK SEA COUNTRIES ANNEX-A ODINBLACKSEA MEMBERS FROM BLACK SEA COUNTRIES All Black Sea countries have now well established NODCs: Bulgaria Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre (BGODC), Institute of Oceanology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Georgia Tbilisi State University (ADU); Romania5=QVl e f N O V ز؟؎}o_SF5F5F!hOJQJ^JaJhmHsHhOJQJ^JaJhhOJQJ^JaJhOJQJ^JaJmHsHhOJPJQJ^JaJ h5OJPJQJ\^JaJ!hOJQJZ^JaJmH sH $h]5OJQJ\^JaJmHsH$h]5OJQJ\^JaJmH sH $h5OJQJ\^JaJmHsH$h5OJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h5CJOJQJ\^JaJmHsHWU V N O P { |   '( & F$a$$`a$$ & Fa$V N P '1l 8:IiFi~$[%= 6>HǺǺӘӇykykykh)OJQJ^JmHsHhOJQJ^JmHsH h5OJQJ\^JmHsH!hH*OJQJ^JaJmHsH!hOJQJ]^JaJmHsHhOJQJ]^JaJhOJQJ^JaJhOJQJ^JaJmHsHhOJQJ^JaJhhCJOJQJ^JaJh*(STmn[=>#$%=>`X-9["x"""""""""""""""#I#J#g###### $M$U$V$W$^$$$$%%ŷśō|||kk hhlhhlOJQJ^JmHsH hhlheOJQJ^JmHsHhvOJQJ^JmHsHhhlOJQJ^JmHsHhsOJQJ^JmHsHheOJQJ^JmHsHh]OJQJ^JmHsHh)OJQJ^JmHsH h5OJQJ\^JmHsHhOJQJ^JmHsH*VXcd23gh-.9:!!Z"["^`["""K#L# $ $%%%%0%1%%%%%%&&;&<&&&`gdhlgdhl & Fgdgde 8^8`gde & Fgde%%%%%%/%%%h&&''''(P)U)g)h)))))****ӴӴӢvvevWvWF hZI;hqOJQJ^JmHsHhqOJQJ^JmHsH hZI;hZI;OJQJ^JmHsHhZI;OJQJ^JmHsHh5OJQJ^JmHsHhZI;5OJQJ^JmHsH#hZI;hZI;5OJQJ^JmHsHh)OJQJ^JmHsH h5OJQJ\^JmHsHhOJQJ^JmHsH hhlhhlOJQJ^JmHsHhhlOJQJ^JmHsH& ' '''('U'V''''''((((O)P)g)h)))*****``gdq`gdZI;*********++C+K+++++DTDZDDEE[EeEE7F8F9F:FF?FAFBFDFEFaFbFcFdFeF& G0` @ `@ !#%`'$a$ BFCFEFFF]F^F_F`FaFcFdFeF㿭hmH sH h<B*CJph haJ"jhOJQJU^JaJ*/hqhqOJQJ^JaJmHnHsHtHuhOJQJ^JaJjhOJQJU^JaJh&jh&U 6PBP. 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