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SOLAS V/9 requires each State to ensure the provision of MSI, and often these States dont understand that obligation. Provision of MSI is underpinned by 3 IMO Resolutions. It is supplemented by 4 publications including Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Info, SafetyNET Manual, Navtex Manual and The SafetyNET User Handbook. These Documents are regularly reviewed to ensure they are up to date. SAR (Search and Rescue) uses the GMDSS but it is not MSI. Future plans include modernization of the GMDSS; harmonization of MSI Documentation to reflect SOLAS amendments; and development of Iridium documentation. Challenges to implement MSI remain, including for political reasons. There is a lack of understanding and clarity on current and future WMO MSI plans in relation to the development of The Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS). This was noted as a challenge. WMOWMO explained the structure of WMO, its role in maritime safety and links to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) services. WMO is responsible for issuing marine forecasts and warnings for the WWMIWS. The WMO Executive Council and JCOMM approve the updates to the WMO Manual 558 and Guide 471. The WMO Quality Management Framework and Marine Competencies are also in the process of development. JCOMM experts are progressing these. WMO also provides support to the METAREA Coordinators so there is synergy across the globe. An independent team of experts has recently conducted an assessment of the marine services program at WMO. It was clear from this assessment that marine safety services now extend beyond the deep sea, and into the coastal areas including non SOLAS vessels. IMO On behalf of IMO who were absent, the WMO gave the update for IMO. A brief overview of the IMO was provided and its role in maritime safety. The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) is one of the main bodies to consider the scope of all the maritime safety and responsible for adopting amendments to SOLAS. The E-navigation process is also being discussed and negotiated by the IMO. It was noted that there is a big issue with the lack of engagement of IMO at meetings, and this is impacting on the service of maritime safety globally. It was noted that IMOs role in marine pollution is important, and from a maritime safety point of view (eg oil spill response) this should be strengthened in the future. The idea of increased industry involvement in defining service requirements, to be facilitated by IMO (similar to aviations Met Panel at ICAO), could be a good start to facilitate the strengthened relations with IMO, for improving maritime safety. Resources are limited to strengthen engagement, and this may prove challenging in the future. Recommendation: Consider formation of a Industry Met Panel at the IMO, to improve maritime safety services. IMSO (International Mobile Satellite Organisation)IMSO presented an overview of IMSO including the initiation of the Inmarsat Convention in 1972. IMSO has a commitment to ensure the provision of maritime satellite communication services for the GMDSS according to the legal framework set up by IMO. As well, it has a responsibility for the Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT). Development of the GMDSS includes the addition of satellite systems, such as Iridium, and revision of SOLAS Ch IV (with implications for satellite provision).The recent IMSO Assembly (2017), considered IMSOs potential role in the single point distribution concept. IMSO are keen for feedback from users, including the ETMSS and ETSIRecommendation Raise concerns at NCSR-4 regarding the cost of multiple providers of satellite services. ETMSS Members involved in NCSR-4March 2017 (at NSCR-4)DoneRecommendation Provide feedback to IMSO regarding any issues with the satellite communication for GMDSS, especially via any proposals (rather than just raising concerns for noting).ETMSS and ETSI MembersASAP InmarsatInmarsat showed a short film with the Inmarsat Safety provision vision for the future. The Inmarsat network is 99% reliable, and with a long-term maritime commitment for safety, security and protection. SafetyNET 2 has enhanced broadcast features for maritime safety information broadcast at no additional cost, currently in 6 trial countries but with primary focus on NAVAREA Co-ordinators. There was the suggestion to include the trial with METAREA Coordinators. ETMSS reinforced the requirement for machine to machine interfaces to broadcast MSI. At present, Inmarsat is the only GMDSS approved satellite provider. Some areas in the Polar regions may not be able to receive Inmarsat due to lack of coverage of the satellite. In these areas, vessels need HF access. Action ETMSS Chair to coordinate with Inmarsat to be part of a trial with SafetyNET 2. ETMSS Chair to liaise with the Inmarsat.Between now and June 2017IridiumIridium is trying to become an authorized GMDSS provider. Larry Solomon gave an overview of Iridium and what they hope will happen at the NCSR-4, and requests to the ETMSS and ETSI groups to engage with the Iridium idea. The Iridium satellite network is the only full one covering the entire globe. This provides network flexibility providing 100% global service. Iridium meets the need for the GMDSS Res. A 1001(25) Functional Criteria. Iridium is on course to seek recognition as a formal GMDSS provider, in 2018 at the MSC-99. At present, Iridium are working with METAREA and NAVAREA coordinators to integrate with Iridium for MSI transmissions. There will be no disruption to the existing service. Iridium would like to engage with ETMSS and ETSI to help the integration with the MSI transmissions. Doc 558 and 471 may also need to be modified, along with other documentation. Within these documents, Iridium suggests removing Inmarsat and replacing it with a generic term that covers all satellite providers (inclusive of Inmarsat). Iridium needs to identify who the authorized METAREA Coordinators are. A mechanism is needed so that Iridium knows who or which bodies are authorized to send Marine Safety warnings. Action ETMSS to engage with Iridium in relation to their questions, and to help co-ordinate the contact with METAREA Coordinators. Iridium will contact ETMSS Chair to facilitate engagement, the first tentatively at one of the ETMSS Video Meetings.By April 2017Recommendation: Within WMO Docs 558 and 471, consider removing Inmarsat and replacing it with a generic term that covers all satellite providers (inclusive of Inmarsat), once agreed to by IMO. GMDSS ModernizationIHO presented a short discussion. David Wyatt noted that Iridium recognition is not just GMDSS Modernization. This is confusing. The Modernization is covering the entire suite of documentation, equipment, SAR etc. The Draft GMDSS Modernization Plan will be discussed at NCSR-4, but it is probably not ready for completion yet (final approval by the Maritime Safety Committee MSC later in 2017). Probably another year away before completion, which impacts on the Iridium wish to be recognized by 2018. Discussion on NAVDAT: there is a consideration to introduce NAVDAT on board ships in addition to or to replace NAVTEX. The Modernization Plan didnt seem to have much consideration about HF provisions. At the last MSC, there was concern about diminishing number of HF transmitters, which led to a call for HF to be improved. However, it is not seen as an ideal method when most countries are converting to satellites. There is a cost to maintaining HF transmitters. Review of Guidance Documents for METAREA CoordinatorsWMO 558 and 471Chair ETMSS gave an overview of WMO 558 and 471 document revision, in the context of service delivery. It is important to know the user/customer needs for effective delivery. There is a need to be aware that observations and climatology also play a strong role in delivering services to the met-ocean community (beyond the 558 and 471 Docs). WMO 558 Manual is the key document for marine safety services. The new structure of the document is for improved user focus, and the goal is for it to become the proper reference for the Joint Manual, SafetyNET Net Manual, WWMIWS, etc. E-navigation has not yet been formalized within the 558 Manual (although is on the horizon). It would be useful to have an industry panel to provide feedback and guidance in the future for the requirements of service delivery in the future. Action ETMSS and ETSI members may be required to give feedback on the revision of Manual 558 prior to its finalization in mid- 2017. All members as called upon. By May 2017Recommendation: Updates to the Manual 558 could reference a more generic team rather than specifically SafetyNET however this needs approval by the MSC. Consider for future Revision. Recommendation: Consider an industry panel to provide feedback and guidance for the requirements of service delivery in the future. IMO-WMO resolution on Met-Ocean Services IHO gave a brief summary. The IHO Document Review Working Group will be reviewing a number of documents in March, including the WMOs update to IMO 1051 for the WWMIWS. No major changes to IMO 1051 were planned. It was noted that IMO would prefer that updates to the IMO resolutions for WWNWS and WWMIWS be synchronized.Implementation Matters relating to GMDSS MSIPolar matters (GMDSS and Polar code)The Chair of ETSI provided an overview of METAREAs covered by floating ice information in bulletins. Keld explained the GMDSS and the Polar Code, especially given the greater focus on shipping in cold waters in the last 10 years. The Polar Code and its implications are important for ice services. Under SOLAS; coastal states internationally are obliged to publish Ice-Met-Ocean information to mariners twice daily. Ice occurs outside of the polar region (eg in the Baltic) mariners and forecasters need to be aware of this. The GMDSS Chart Information (the basis for the GMDSS bulletin) covers sea ice and iceberg avoidance. However in the Polar Code, vessels go INTO the ice, and this is not covered in GMDSS. S-411Jurgen explained the Ice Logistics Portal, where all ice information is connected. S-411 Ice Chart listings and Ice Info Product specification are on the Ice Logistics Portal. There was discussion regarding the readiness of S-101 (from IHO). However, the customers see no pressing need to accelerate the development of S-101 because it wont do anything differently from S-57.TRANSAS Head (Konstantin Ivanov) gave a short summary of E-NAV technologies and goals. These technologies are being deployed into TRANSAS products. 4 stakeholders at present (Ship owners and operators, pilots, seagoing vessels and VTS/STC operations).Ivan Sitnikov (Nav Development Co) presented on developments in ECDIS displays and portrayals of ice chart information.. Polar Code in the southern hemisphere, probably need more interaction with the Code for marine safety services. 3 aspects of service provision requirements that ETMSS and ETSI must not combine: GMDSS requirement; Polar Code requirements new in 2017; and e-navigation. As service providers, better information for safety is needed. Complicated text is unnecessary and may confuse the issues. At base level, marine safety services are to provide marine safety information and that wont change. Technologies (eg e-nav) can help improve the service, but shouldnt complicate the base level maritime service provision. It was reiterated that services need to know the users needs. Recommendation Improve knowledge of user needs for polar services so it is possible to improve the marine safety services, perhaps by future questionnaires.      ETSI-IV GDSIDB-XII/Doc. 1.3, APPENDIX 1, p.  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