ࡱ> JPGHIW Dbjbjqq aa:>~~'''''$*'*'*'Pz')l*'W)*L***8-Z--oWqWqWqWqWqWqW$[^W'---"--W''**6W777-|'*'*oW7-oW77sI$O*n:4N[WW0WNH`06lH`0OO(H`'P--7-----WW7---W----H`---------~N %: Summary Article 49 of the Rules of Procedure requires the Executive Secretary to submit to each session of the Governing Bodies a report on the work of the Commission accomplished since the previous session. This report presents a summary of the activities carried out by the Member States and Secretariat since the 28th session of the IOC Assembly up to May 2016 and covers issues that the Executive Secretary was requested to report on by the Assembly at its 28th session. This document and that on Report on Budget Execution 20142015 and Outline of 20162017 Budget (IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex2) document the oral presentation of the Executive Secretary to the plenary session of the Council. Decisions proposed: The Executive Council is invited to take note of this report as in the decision referenced IOC/EC-XLIX/3.1 in the Provisional Action Paper (document IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Prov.)  Introduction Since the last session of the IOC Assembly in June 2015, all IOC activities were conducted in full compliance with the IOC Medium-Term Strategy 20142021 (IOC/INF-1314) and with continuously increasing attention to their relevance to the emerging Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the SDG 14 on the Ocean. The Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN in September 2015, and the agreement to reduce emissions of carbon to limit the climate warming to 2oC above the preindustrial values, which was achieved by the Paris Climate Summit in December 2015, complemented the post-2015 UN Disaster Risk Reduction Agenda, agreed in Sendai in March 2015, and the SAMOA pathway in support of SIDS, adopted in 2014. These four major frameworks have a strong bearing on the Ocean and reinforce the mandate of IOC to develop ocean science, observations and services. Like the rest of UNESCO, IOC has worked under the significantly reduced spending plan for the approved regular UNESCO 37C/5 Programme and Budget (20142015) and with reduced staff. It has seen not only the reduction in its regular budget but also a loss of USAs extensive voluntary contributions, which used to provide a solid funding base for some of the IOCs global programmes. In the past three bienniums, to give priority to the programme implementation, the IOC drastically reduced its administration and coordination costs. This remains the only way to ensure continuation of programmatic staffing needs and to preserve to the extent possible the quality of delivery. Due to the strong support of its Member States and the high priority that they attribute to the work of IOC, the $518M (Zero Real Growth+) Expenditure Plan of UNESCO for 20162017 foresees the IOC regular budget allocation of $10.2 M, which is a nominal increase by $1.5 M over the previously anticipated value. This budget reinforcement is of tremendous value for IOC. Given the overall situation whereby UNESCO, as a whole, faces a severe financial crisis, this reinforcement can be seen as a true recognition by Member States of the importance of IOC activities. Nevertheless, the current budgetary allocation still represents only 80% of the fully-funded scenario for 20142015 and 73% of the fully-funded scenario for 20162017. See also document IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex2. With the foreseen allocation of $10.2M, IOC was able to hire a full-time Head of the IOCARIBE Secretariat in Cartagena, Colombia, and reinforce the staffing of its Ocean Science Section in the high-priority areas of activity. However, the staffing situation in global programmes remains critical. The main impact is the increasing difficulty for IOC to maintain its leadership in a number of programme areas. Our activities are downscaled across all major areas of work, from ocean observations and tsunami warning to marine spatial planning, integrated coastal area management, ocean observations, and information management, including marine biodiversity and ocean acidification research. The vacant position of Head of IOC Ocean Science Section is under recruitment. Few notable advances, outputs and outcomes of IOC work in the reporting period can be concisely summarized as follows: Completion by the Secretariat of all planned tasks for the period and achievement of all assigned targets at the level corresponding to the available budget; Active and sustained IOC work in the domains of ocean observations, data/information management and tsunami warnings including actual real time alerts and exercises; Continuation of the activities of the Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre; Major IOC contribution to the UNFCCC COP21 aimed at adequate inclusion of ocean issues in the scope of UNFCCC decision making; Development of the IOC Capacity Development website and start of implementation of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy adopted by the IOC Assembly in 2015; Development of the IOC Communication Strategy; Development by the IOC Officers and Secretariat, with support of DrGunnar Kullenberg, past Executive Secretary, of the Roadmap and vision of IOC in a decadal perspective; Successful work on raising extrabudgetary funds, especially the leadership in the UNDP and GEF-supported projects; Contribution to the completion of the first World Ocean Assessment; Contribution to the initial UN debates on the role of ocean science and observations in protection of biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction; Solid contribution of IOC into the work of UN-Oceans and to the expanding scope of activities related to the Ocean SDG14; Active regional activities in the IOC Subcommissions WESTPAC, IOCAFRICA and IOCARIBE and re-emerging potential for IOCINDIO; Successful continuation of planning and the start of the 2nd International Indian Ocean Expedition, including resources for Joint Project Office support through India and Australia; Stronger coordination between IOC global programmes and regional activities; and Progress of work on the Global Ocean Science Report. The emerging vision of IOC development, the roadmap and related initiatives, create the solid basis for a broad consultation on the the future of the ocean and the role of IOC in it. The consultation is expected to lead to a more consolidated set of IOC activities, increased input of IOC programmes and regions to the sustainable development agenda and blue economy, and to strengthening IOC autonomy within UNESCO on the basis of significance of its activities for Member States. These planning processes and implementation of the IOC communication and capacity development strategies could stimulate stronger interest of Member States in activities conducted under the framework of IOC and result in larger contributions of donors to the IOC Special Account. IOC Executive Secretary sees this development as a core part of his duties. It is important to reflect the strategic considerations on future IOC development in the future plans and budget proposals. The capacity of IOC Secretariat to take on more tasks is very limited. The solutions to this limitation are expansion of the Secretariat, secondment or loan of specialists, and outsourcing. There is a need to solve the problem of reduced expenditure plan because investment into ocean observations and research bring major returns to Member States. For IOC to be able to deliver in accordance with expressed wishes of IOC Member States, it is important to continue strengthening its functional autonomy within UNESCO. There is a need to reduce the level of ambiguity with regard to the authority of the IOC Assembly and its Executive Council within the UNESCO governance, consider means to safeguard the IOC budget, strengthen the ability to effectively and efficiently execute contractual obligations and reporting to external donors, and establish clearer boundaries with the UNESCO Sector of Natural Sciences, particularly in terms of reporting and budget. In this regard, the on-going audit of UNESCOs Governance is of importance. The UNESCO External Auditors interim report on the Governance of UNESCO and dependent funds, programmes and entities published in April 2015 was shared with the IOC Assembly at its 28th session. Following the Assemblys decision, the Officers and the Executive Secretary provided their comments and the final version was produced in November 2015 as UNESCO General Conference document 38C/23. The audit calls for an improvement of the quality of the information provided to Member States to enable informed decision-making and avoid micro-management. A number of logistical recommendations were made in terms of increasing the efficiency of intersessional work and Governing Bodies meetings organization. Related to the composition of the governing bodies, the audit calls for a requirement that the elected representatives should have a scientific and/or technical profile in the IOCs field of competence. Through its 38C/Resolution101, the UNESCO General Conference decided to establish an open-ended Working Group on governance, procedures and working methods of the governing bodies of UNESCO and invite[d] all intergovernmental programmes, committees and organs of the conventions, to inscribe, in 2016 if feasible, an item on their agenda, concerning the follow-up to the recommendations of the External Auditors report contained in document 38C/23, to improve their governance by concrete measures, and to report on their proposals to the Chairperson of the open-ended working group. In this context, the Secretariat will be proposing a number of recommendations under the item related to the preparation of the future Governing Bodies sessions in IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex10. It requires attention of the IOC Governing Bodies, as it may help to reduce the ambiguity related to IOC status in UNESCO. The sessional working group on the Future of IOC may offer the Executive Council an opportunity for a more in-depth discussion and formulation of written recommendations, based on the initial debate in the plenary. Audit report of the IOC (20142016). Between 11 and 22 April 2016 the IOC was subject to an audit by the UNESCO External Auditor. The audit report will go through the established process of internal consultations between the External Auditors team and the IOC and UNESCO Secretariats. It is expected to be presented to the UNESCO Executive Board at is 200th session in the October of 2016. As soon as the final report becomes available, it will be shared with the IOC Member States through a circular letter. The main part of the Report follows below. It contains descriptions of specific activities and is structured according to the six IOC functions in the Medium-Term Strategy,20142021 (IOC/INF-1314). Titles and meaning of the functions are reminded below: Function A: Ocean research. Foster ocean research to strengthen knowledge of ocean and coastal processes and human impacts upon them Function B: Observing system / data management. Maintain, strengthen and integrate global ocean observing, data and information systems Function C: Early warning and services. Develop early warning systems and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and ocean-related hazards Function D: Assessment and Information for policy. Support assessment and information to improve the science-policy interface Function E: Sustainable management and governance. Enhance ocean governance through a shared knowledge base and improved regional cooperation Function F: Capacity Development. Develop the institutional capacity in all of the functions above, as a cross-cutting function In addition, the progress implementation report presented to the 199th UNESCO Executive Board in April 2016 is available as  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?lin=1&catno=243991" 199EX/4PartI(A). The IOC programme and budget for 20162017 was published in the  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?lin=1&catno=244305" 38C/5 Approved (Major Programme II). Function A: Ocean research. Foster ocean research to strengthen knowledge of ocean and coastal processes and human impacts upon them Climate Change & Ocean Acidification The IOC continues to engage in climate change and ocean acidification science in particular. IOC is a member of the Executive Council of the Global Ocean Acidification Network (GOA-ON). It provides support and leadership to activities including regional efforts in Latin America, including the establishment of a Latin American Ocean Acidification Network. Two important events in this relation were the meeting on 34 December 2015 in Concepcion, Chile and the COLACMAR conference on 1924 October 2015 in Santa Marta, Colombia. At the global level, IOC co-organized the third GOA-ON workshop on 810 May 2016, in order to broaden the global representation and to move forward in the implementation of biological observations of ocean acidification. IOC supported several scientists so that they could participate in this network meeting, which is expected to strongly feed into the Agenda 2030. IOC sponsors the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). The allocation of additional regular programme resources at the end of end 2015 allowed IOC to contribute more than was previously foreseen. WCRP has an extensive portfolio of activities at the recent meeting of its Joint Scientific Committee added two topics to their Grand Challenges namely: Near-Term Climate Prediction to initiate and issue a real time Global Decadal Climate Outlook once per year starting from 2016 and; Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Change which hopefully will link with e.g. IMBER. A WCRP/IOC Conference on future regional sea-level and its impacts is planned for July 2017 in New York, USA. Marine ecosystems are not only a sink for ocean carbon, they are also a potential source for it. The IOC continued its support for the Blue Carbon Initiative, co-organizing a workshop in Zanzibar, Tanzania, in order to support the measurement programmes and knowledge in Africa. It is widely recognized that marine debris can have significant ecological, social and economic impacts. The IOC was lead agency in the first cycle of the GESAMP Working Group 40 on Sources, fate and effects of micro-plastics in the marine environment and is now co-lead with UNEP in the second cycle. A global assessment was published in the  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002444/244488e.pdf" GESAMP Reports & Studies Series, 91 in 2015. WG 40 met in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 35 November 2015, with one of its main goals to produce a second report that fills the gaps in the first assessment and to specifically inform the United Nations Environment Assembly meeting in May 2016. The IOC supports GESAMP Working Group 41 on marine geoengineering under the lead of IMO and supported by WMO. The objective is to better understand the potential environmental (and social/economic) impacts of different marine geoengineering approaches on the marine environment; and to provide advice to the London Protocol Parties in identifying those marine geoengineering techniques that might be sensible to consider for listing in the new Annex 4 of the London Protocol. The IOC is focusing on integrated coastal research and coastal eutrophication and linking nutrient sources to coastal ecosystem effects and management in particular. A key component in the implementation strategy is a five-year Joint UNEP-IOC Global Environment Facility (GEF) Project Global foundations for reducing nutrient enrichment and oxygen depletion from land-based pollution, which will be completed by the end of 2016. A Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE) expert meeting took place on 1213 December 2015 to develop terms of reference and a plan for the continuation of an interdisciplinary IOC-UNESCO network. This group addresses many aspects mentioned before. A major concern is that increased nutrient inputs and higher temperatures are both leading to an decrease of oxygen in the watercolumn and at the seafloor in the open ocean and coastal areas. And even though this is expected to have severe impacts on ecosystem services provided by the ocean, no global body exists to raise awareness for this threat. With regards to the activites on long-term Biogeochemical Time Series, the IOC International Group for Marine Ecological Time Series (IGMETS) completed its draft report and developed terms of reference for possible work continuation. A workshop organized by the IOC (1618 November 2015) was used to fill the gaps and improve the analysis presented in the report. While the final document is envisaged to be published in July 2016, a map prepared with the support by the scientists of IGMETS, highlighting the existing ship-based time series, is already available. IOCAFRICA in collaboration with the Adaptation Fund organized a workshop on Implementation of Climate Change Adaptation in the Coastal zones of Africa (2426 August 2015 in Dakar, Senegal). The purpose of the workshop was to review trends in climate change, vulnerability, potential impacts and adaptation strategies in response to climate change impacts on the African coasts and oceans, and to provide training on the ways of preparing proposals for submission to the Climate Change Adaptation Fund. The workshop was attended by 22 participants nominated by the IOC focal points and the Designated Agencies for the Adaptation Fund in: Angola, Benin, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Guinea, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Seychelles, and Sudan. Participants noted that though expertise is now available for climate change adaptation studies in the region, resources remain a major challenge in many of the countries. The training provided at the Dakar workshop will enable the countries to prepare proposals for submission to the Adaptation Fund and other potential funding sources. WESTPAC conducted its second regional workshop on the Research and Monitoring of the Ecological Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reef Ecosystems in Phuket, Thailand, 2628 August 2015, in order to assist selected pilot sites in the region in developing a set of consistent, comparable and cost-effective Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Having reviewed existing practices on carbonate chemistry and laboratory analysis, and biological monitoring, the workshop finally established four working groups, respectively on Total Alkalinity, Spectrophotometric pH, Biology, and Carbonate Collection and Handling. The third regional workshop is scheduled for late 2016. IOCARIBE in collaboration with INVEMAR organised the International Symposium on Ocean Acidification and Carbon Dynamics at the COLACMAR Conference 1924 October 2015 in Santa Marta, Colombia. IOC Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) The drafting process for the Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR), which will review ocean science human and technical capacity; ocean science funding situation, and the scientific output, is well underway. A questionnaire sent to all IOC Member States was answered by 33 Member States. The submitted information will be combined with other data sources to provide the basis for the GOSR. An interdisciplinary IOC Editorial Board for the GOSR was established and met on 2426 May 2016 in Helsingor, Denmark to analyze data available to GOSR, identify data gaps, review chapters discuss strategy for completing the report. Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) This section documents the discussion under EC Agenda item 4.1.4. As requested through IOC Resolution XXVIII-1 on IIOE-2, the IOC IIOE-2 Interim Planning Committee (Group of Experts) developed an IIOE-2 Implementation Strategy, released as part of the IIOE-2 launch on 4 December 2015 in Goa, India. The  HYPERLINK "http://www.iioe-2.incois.gov.in/documents/IIOE-2/Reports/IIOE-2-SciencePlan-2015-2020.pdf" IIOE-2 Science Plan was also released on that occasion, along with the IIOE-2 website  HYPERLINK "http://www.iioe-2.incois.gov.in" www.iioe-2.incois.gov.in. The oceanic and related climatic research that is to be driven through the IIOE-2 Science Plan focusses on six over-arching themes: human impacts; boundary current dynamics, upwelling variability and ecosystem impacts; monsoon variability and ecosystem response; circulation, climate variability and change; extreme events and their impacts on ecosystems and human populations; and unique geological, physical, biogeochemical and ecological features of the Indian Ocean. The IIOE-2 Steering Committee, currently being established under the auspices of the IIOE-2 Co-Chairs with support from the IIOE-2 Joint Project Office, provides a range of entry points for Member States in terms of membership to facilitate the realization of the science imperatives of IIOE-2. A significant objective of the IIOE-2 Science Plan is the characterization and a study of predictability of the Indian Oceans key oceanic and coupled atmospheric phenomena, which themselves link to extremes that can have profound impacts on humans, including monsoonal effects, waves, storms, precipitation/flooding, droughts, heat waves, etc. In this context, the Indian Ocean Dipole, the Madden Julian Oscillation and coupling between sea surface features and cyclone genesis and behaviour are exemplars of some of the basin wide features being examined under IIOE-2. A number of major research initiatives, bringing together stakeholders from multiple countries, are already underway or planned. These include the respective Eastern and Western Indian Ocean Upwelling Research Initiatives and consolidations of many research projects aligned with IIOE-2 through science alliances under IOGOOS, CLIVAR and IMBER. IIOE-2 research cruises have begun (e.g. three to date out of India) and many more are already committed or being considered through the auspices of a growing number of national commitments. IIOE-2 will contribute to Global Ocean Observing System by completing the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) as originally planned through the Indian Ocean Panel of IOGOOS/CLIVAR and will now be further enhaned under the IIOE-2 science framework. A major focus of the IIOE-2 is the transfer of knowledge and Capacity Development, as expressed in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=17118" IIOE-2 Implementation Strategy (IPC, 2015). This is driven by the Capacity Development Working Group, which includes a component for aspiring and emerging young stakeholders through the IIOE-2 Early Career Scientists Network (ECSN). Important collaboration has been established with the IODE component of the IOC Capacity Development programme, both through the related IOC Ostend office and IODE stakeholders. The early cruises of the IIOE-2 are implementing the IIOE-2s promise to provide explicit opportunities for people from developing countries to participate materially onboard and in the science of IIOE-2 research cruises, as occurred for the first IIOE-2 cruise, Goa-Mauritius, 422 December 2015, run by India. Other initiatives have already begun to be implemented, such as the IIOE-2 related training workshop on Research Data Management recently held in Malaysia for participants from the Indian Ocean Rim countries. The emerging Early Career Scientists Network is already developing a framework paper and have established a peer group of practice, including through the use of social media. The engagement of IOCINDIO, IOCAFRICA and WESTPAC with IIOE-2 focuses the transfer of knowledge and capacity throughout their respective constituencies. Early IIOE-2 scientific symposia are already under planning, including: for Perth, Australia during 30 January to 3 February 2017; and for Cape Town during 27 August to 1 September 2017 in conjunction with the IAPSO-IAGA-IAMAS joint meeting. WESTPAC, IOCAFRICA and IOCINDIO are all actively planning IIOE-2 engagement through their respective forums, already leading to tangible related actions. The group of experts established by IOCAFRICA to develop a plan for participation of the Western Indian Ocean countries in the Second International Indian Ocean held a meeting with heads of marine institutions from the region (68 October 2015, Catembe, Mozambique) and identified the following six priorities topics for the region: habitat mapping and living resources inventory; connectivity and genetics; air-sea interactions, climate variability and extreme events such as cyclones and storm surges; structural features of the WIO seabed; coastal and shelf hydrodynamics; and upwelling and food security. The group of experts is now consolidating the national IIOE-2 work plans submitted by Member States from the region into a WIO regional work plan for IIOE-2, which will be available at the end of June 2016. Function B: Observing system / data management Maintain, strengthen and integrate global ocean observing, data and information systems Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Tracking of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) targets for climate observations shows that Member States have maintained and slightly improved coverage of the global ocean by in situ observations in 201516. The GOOS work plan remains focused on: (i) articulating goals and milestones for implementation; (ii) sustaining present observations and expanding to new variables serving new requirements using the Framework for Ocean Observing; (iii) improving implementation through GOOS Regional Alliances; and (iv) developing projects. Despite limited resources from IOC Regular Programme, the work plan remains achievable with a distributed GOOS Project Office led from IOC HQ, but drawing on in-kind contributions from numerous Member States. The work to expand GOOS with panels for biogeochemical and biology / ecosystems was reinforced with the allocation of additional regular programme resources at the end of 2015. A GOOS five-year plan with targets for implementation will be released in 2016. GOOS has engaged strongly with the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) by serving on its Programme Board and as an observer to its Executive Committee, in order to ensure a strong role for ocean observations in the value chain linking observations, data management, forecasting systems and assessments, to societal benefit for users. Preliminary planning for an OceanObs'19 conference in 2019 has begun. Regular communication and webinars with the GOOS community can be subscribed to at  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-goos.org/join" ioc-goos.org/join. Responding to increasing requirements to monitor ocean health, supporting sustainable exploitation of ocean ecosystem services, the GOOS Biology and Ecosystems Panel met in February 2016, and has taken a dual approach to defining Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) and an observing approach, based on analysis of the monitoring needs of global and regional conventions, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as well as a survey of present long-term observing infrastructure for biological and ecosystems variables. The Tropical Pacific in 2020 Project (tpos2020.org) is producing an interim report for publication in July 2016, which will provide Member States with options to review for a redesigned and refined tropical Pacific observing system monitoring the El Nio / Southern Oscillation system. IOC continues leading work for the European Commission Horizon 2020 AtlantOS Project, which will deliver a more integrated, user-driven, and sustainable Atlantic Ocean observing system by 2019. IOCARIBE-GOOS produced near the end of 2015 an updated inventory of operational and pre-operational oceanographic modelling capabilities, the Essential Observing Variables measured and observing resources and equipment, institutions and marine programmes (B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. post-grad), and expert groups by country in the Americas and the Caribbean. GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) GRAs constitute another important pillar of GOOS implementation. An assessment of the GRAs discussed at their Seventh Forum (2224 September 2015, Heraklion, Greece) revealed with clarity the heterogeneity of the governance and funding models. The GRAs have engaged with the other structures of GOOS and JCOMM, and have identified a common work plan based on: (i) developing pilot projects that link GRAs within a geographic region in mutual assistance; (ii) piloting the inclusion of GOOS of new networks operated by the GRAs, such as HF radar; and (iii) using the approach of EOVs across the GRAs to identify requirements for regional observing systems. WESTPAC has been promoting the value of sustained ocean observations and services in the region through the coordination and development of the North-East Asian-Regional GOOS (NEAR-GOOS) and South East Asian Regional GOOS (SEAGOOS). WESTPAC convened the sixteenth session of its Coordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional-Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS-CC-XVI), in Tokyo, Japan, on 89 December 2015. While enhancing its efforts to provide a variety of oceanographic data and products to serve the needs of a wide range of ocean users, NEAR-GOOS will also endeavour to engage broader observation communities by initiating joint observation programmes within the framework of NEAR-GOOS. IOCAFRICA, in anticipation of further development of an African Ocean Observations System, undertook a review of the status of the sea-level observations network in Africa. Also, in collaboration with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Prediction and Application Centre, IOCAFRICA organized in Nairobi, Kenya, on 1722 August 2015, a workshop on Ocean Forecasting for the Western Indian Ocean region. The results were incorporated in the regional climate outlook for the Greater Horn of Africa and also presented at a special session on Ocean Forecasting for WIO at the 9th WIOMSA Scientific Symposium, 2631 October 2015, Durban, South Africa. The Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology JCOMM remains a focal point for joint work in observations, data management, and services between the IOC and WMO. At its Management Committee meeting (1720 October 2015, Bologna, Italy) it reviewed progress in preparation for a Fifth Session of the Commission to be held in October 2017 in Indonesia. The JCOMM Observations Coordination Group, with representation from major global observing networks, is a core contributor to implementation of GOOS, and continues its work programme focused on refining observing requirements, targets for implementation, best practices and standards, interfacing with data management and improving interoperability, and managing common technical coordination of insitu observing networks through the JCOMM Observing Programme Support Centre (JCOMMOPS). JCOMMOPS is hosted by Ifremer in Brest, France and supported entirely on extrabudgetary funding, providing direct technical coordination to most of the JCOMM insitu observing programmes. It is completing the development of a web-based services platform providing tools for the management of observing networks ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jcommops.org" www.jcommops.org), as well as continuing the daily tasks of support to operators of ocean observing systems. The Group of Experts for the Global Sea Level Observing System met on 1923 October 2015 in Dona Paula, India, and reviewed the status of the Core Network and agreed to actions to improve tracking and data availability. A new JCOMM Task Team has started work on the integration of oceanographic data systems, including data from observing networks and forecast systems, into the WMO Information System (WIS). The JCOMM Services and Forecast Systems Programme Area has continued coordination of service delivery across IOC and WMO teams, with a focus on best practices and standards. The JCOMM Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (ETOOFS) will publish its Guide by the end of 2016, forming a basis for the development of new ocean forecast systems and delivery of local services. As part of coastal hazards forecasting / warning systems development in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, IOCARIBE is actively working with WMO within the JCOMM framework in the development and implementation of the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project for the Caribbean (CIFDP-C). The Pilot is developed for the Hispaniola Island (Dominican Republic and Haiti). The national partners include the meteorological services, hydrological institutions, cartographic and geological services, and ministries of environment, and USA National Hurricane Centre. This is one of the sub-projects developed by JCOMM to implement an operational system for integrated coastal inundation forecasting and warning, providing objective basis for coastal disaster (flooding) management. The 2nd meeting of the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project-Caribbean was held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, on 2730 April 2016 in ONAMET; and JCOMM 6th Meeting of the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project Steering Group took place in Miami on 1618 November 2015. The WMO-IOC-ICSU-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) The links between GOOS and the WMO-IOC-ICSU-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) remain strong, through its joint Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), and the work on improving the observations of Essential Climate Variables (climate-relevant Essential Ocean Variables). GCOS is seen by the UNFCCC's Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA) as its main partner in work supporting the Party's needs for "systematic observations", language that was retained in the Paris Agreement adopted at COP-21 in December 2015. At COP-21, GCOS delivered to UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) a report on the "Status of the Global Observing System for Climate (GCOS-194, GCOS-195), and has worked in collaboration with all three GOOS Panels (physics, biogeochemistry, biology and ecosystems) to develop a new Implementation Plan for climate observations that will be submitted to the UNFCCC/SBSTA at COP-22. A draft plan will be issued for comment in July 2016, and will incorporate additional attention to the major climate cycles (energy, water, carbon) as well as the needs for monitoring to support both mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) Several Ocean Data and Information Networks (ODINs) held their steering group meetings during the inter-sessional period: (i) the ODIN for European Countries in Economic Transition (ODINECET) met in Rome, Italy on 7 September 2015; (ii) the ODIN for the Black Sea region (ODINBLACKSEA) met in Varna between 28 September 1 October. The meeting designated MrMurat Elge (Turkey) as its new Chair; (iii) the ODIN for the WESTPAC region held an advisory group meeting in Tianjin, China on 2728 January 2016. It is expected that the IODE ODIN projects will now be re-invigorated taking into account the need for IODE to serve the other IOC functions. The joint IAMSLIC/IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management met for its first session in Rome, Italy on 45 September. IAMSLIC is the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centres, an important professional association grouping hundreds of marine and freshwater librarians, now assuming the role of information managers, or knowledge brokers. Through the alliance with the IODE/GEMIM a much larger audience of marine information managers will be reached by IODE. In this regard, the first session of the IODE Steering Group for the OceanKnowledge project met in Ostend (IODE Office) on 1214 October 2015. The OceanKnowledge Platform will offer the user a single access point to various linked IODE information and data products such as researcher profiles, publications, data, learning objects, etc. and will furthermore facilitate social networking between specialized research communities. The IODE Officers met in Ostend, Belgium on 2022 January 2016. They reviewed progress with the IODE-XXIII work plan and revised the work plan and budget based upon updated information on available resources for the 20162017 biennium. The Steering Group for the Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 project held its second session in Cartagena, Colombia on 35 February 2016 where it further detailed its work plan and also demonstrated the first version of the new online Atlas. The Caribbean Marine Atlas is developing rapidly thanks to the effective leadership of the project management host institution INVEMAR in Colombia. The expertise of that host institution is now being shared with the African Coastal and Marine Atlas (ACMA) project as an excellent example of South-South collaboration. The OceanTeacher Global Academy project held its second annual steering group meeting in Ostend, Belgium on 811 March 2016. The meeting designated INVEMAR (Colombia), KMFRI (Kenya), INCOIS (India) and INOS-UMT (Malaysia) as OceanTeacher Global Academy Regional Training Centres after they successfully implemented their first OTGA training courses in 2015. Another five Regional Training Centres kept their candidate status until the next performance assessment [NCOSM-NMDIS (China), ESCCM-UEM (Mozambique), ISRA-CRODT (Senegal), AfriCOG (South Africa), NSU (USA)]. Between July 2015 and April 2016 a total of 12 training courses were held, organized by or in cooperation with the OceanTeacher Global Academy. Data management activities require the coordination and planning not only during the data acquisition phase but the subsequent assembly and curation of the data. IODE therefore published the Guidelines for a Data Management Plan ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16859" IOC Manuals and Guides, 73) which provides guidance on steps to prepare a data management plan, the activities to consider and suggested actions. This document will be widely distributed to IOC stakeholders and will be included as a course module in OceanTeacher Global Academy curriculum. It is of interest to research scientists involved in research cruises, projects or research organizations. During the inter-sessional period IODE continued its re-organization focusing on product and service-oriented projects both of global and regional focus. IODE now implements (or collaborates in) 21 global projects and also continues the development and implementation of seven regional projects (the ODINs). For instance, ODINAFRICA products and services have been reviewed and made available online through a revamped ODINAFRICA website,  HYPERLINK "http://www.odinafrica.org" www.odinafrica.org. IODE also continues its restructuring that started with the Associate Data Units (ADUs). IODE-XXIII established three inter-sessional working groups that will lead to a more streamlined and result oriented IODE: (i) to propose the restructuring of IODE; (ii) to revise the IOC strategic plan for oceanographic data and information exchange; and (iii) to create an IOC communication and outreach strategy for data and information management. These groups started their work during the inter-sessional period and will report to IODE-XXIV in March 2017. The aim is to evolve IODE into a lean but highly efficient international oceanographic data and information coordination and sharing mechanism involving both its traditional communities as well as the wider ocean science and observation communities which increasingly manage and serve their own data. The IOC Project Office for IODE is continuing to assist all IOC programmes with the hosting and technical management of their web sites and associated tools and products such as OceanExpert, OceanDocs, OceanDataPractices, OceanDataStandards, OceanDataPortal, etc. Collaboration between IODE and other IOC programmes, taking into account the six functions defined in the current Medium-Term Strategy is continuing with IODEs participation in HAB through HAEDAT and DIPS, with IOC-MPR through SPINCAM and LME:Learn. Additionally, IODE assists other IOC Programmes in its capacity development activities by hosting training courses and workshop contents on the OceanTeacher e-Learning Platform. Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) In 2014 the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) grew, with 3.5 million records between July 2015 and April 2016, to a total of 46 million records. Not less than 29 publications have cited OBIS in the first three months of 2016. OBIS is organized around national, regional and thematic OBIS nodes, which are responsible for the data flow from data providers to the central OBIS node, including ensuring the quality of the data. The OBIS secretariat at the IODE Project Office integrates all the data in a central open-access database. Two important new OBIS nodes were established. The international secretariat of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) has become the Arctic node of OBIS. CAFF ( HYPERLINK "http://www.caff.is" www.caff.is) is the biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council and has the mandate in the Arctic region to coordinate and support open access to marine biodiversity data and to support marine biodiversity assessments and monitoring. The other group that joined OBIS is the Oceans Past Initiative (OPI), which is a global research network for marine historical research. Their goal is to enhance knowledge and understanding of how the diversity, distribution and abundance of marine life in the worlds oceans has changed over the long-term to better indicate future changes and possibilities, and to contribute to the sustainable use of marine systems. The 23rd session of the IOC Committee on IODE (March 2015, Bruges) recognized the need to develop procedures and guidelines for managing and sharing datasets that hold both species occurrences as well as environmental measurements and therefore established a 2-year pilot project Expanding OBIS with environmental data (OBIS-ENV-DATA). OBIS-ENV-DATA involves an international network of 11 institutions from 10 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Oceania. Their first workshop took place on 57 October 2015 in Ostend (Belgium). A new data standard to manage and exchange these combined datasets will be published in a peer-review paper and be presented for adoption at the next session of the IOC Committee for IODE in 2017. IOC is also involved in the European Commission Horizon 2020 ECOPOTENTIAL project Making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data usable for ecosystem modelling and services. This project is Europe's contribution to GEO Ecosystems, one of the nine social benefit areas of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). It will use Earth Observation and insitu monitoring data and new modelling approaches to assess ecosystem services in current and future conditions, and use this information for planning and management of protected areas (of which several UNESCO heritage sites). The IOC, together with the University of Western Brittany (France) and other partners, are building a pilot study based on the distribution of cetacean populations and associated benefits to humans in the Pelagos Sanctuary (Mediterranean). The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) plays an important role in data and information management and acts as a data sharing facility. IHO-IOC General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Upon approval and endorsement by both IOC and IHO, the revised Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure (TOR-ROP) for the Joint IHO-IOC GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC) are effective as of 11 September 2015. In accordance with the revised TOR-ROP, the 32nd GGC meeting was held on 89 October 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and was attended by IOC Secretariat as a permanent Observer. Following Assembly Decision IOC-XXVIII/6.2(II), the review group with regard to IOCs role and involvement in the GEBCO project has been established, and has evaluated the results of a questionnaire survey on user needs for GEBCO datasets and products. These results will be considered under item 4.4 (document IOC/EC-XLIX/2Annex8 and Addendum). Function C: Early warning and services Develop early warning systems and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and ocean-related hazards Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG) Tsunami Warning Systems The main elements of the Tsunami Programme focus on: (i) secretariat support to the Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICG) and respective technical working groups and task teams under the four regional Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Pacific and North-East Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas; and (ii) preparedness and awareness course and workshops. This section is also documented under agenda item 3.4 of the Executive Council. The intergovernmental coordination process raises awareness about the tsunami threat and provides advocacy for nations investments in early warning systems. Two ICG sessions were held: 12th session of ICG of the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/NEAMTWS) in Dublin, Ireland (IOC/ICG/NEAMTWS-XII/3), and; 11th Session of the ICG for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions in Cartagena, Colombia (IOC/ICG/CARIBE-EWS-XI/3s). Major developments under ICG/NEAMTWS include the finalization of accreditation procedures for Candidate Tsunami Service Providers. The CTSPs in NEAMTWS have applied for accreditation and the evaluation process has started. A decision was taken to carry out a tsunami wave exercise in 2017 (NEAMWAVE 17). Major developments under ICG/CARIBE-EWS were that the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) henceforth be referred to as a CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Service Provider (removing the term Interim). This recommendation is related to PTWC meeting the criteria established in the CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Service Model and to its successful operational performance since 2005 in support of CARIBE-EWS in a TSP role. An ICG/CARIBE-EWS task team was established to consider procedures for addressing the threat of tsunamis from volcanic eruptions, and in response to the submarine volcano Kick em Jenny (north of Grenada) most recent eruption in July 2015. The task team recommended establishment of a group of experts for advising the ICG-CARIBE-EWS on the work and implementation plan for enhancing the warning system by including other coastal hazards. Finally, it was decided to carry out CARIBEWAVE17 on 21 March 2017. Inter-ICG coordination and harmonization takes place in the Working Group on Tsunami and other Hazards related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) which met on 2526 February 2016 in Paris (IOC/TOWS-WG-IX/3). Major outcomes of that meeting included completion of a Standard Operating Procedure Manual and the Global Service Definition Document. The Tsunami Unit organized or co-organised 19 preparedness and awareness activities over the past year. Several in-country trainings on Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response and use of the PTWC Enhanced Products for National Tsunami Threat Decision-Making took place in the South West Pacific, specifically in Tonga (2427 August 2015), Solomon Islands (2225 September 2015) and Cook Islands (1619 November 2015). Several workshops on tsunami hazard assessment designed to provide the best available scientific advice towards tsunami preparedness were organized(16 - 18 November 2015, Xiamen, China; ( 6-7 May 2016, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; 23 - 24 June 2016, San Jose, Costa Rica). The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWMS) is focusing more attention on developing capacity in risk assessment and management and on community awareness and preparedness to help ensure more appropriate responses to tsunami warning information. To this end, IOC organised two regional workshops on coastal hazard and risk assessment in Colombo, Sri Lanka and in Seychelles. A regional workshop on training modules for tsunami exercise policy support was also organised in Jakarta, Indonesia. A sub-regional Working Group under ICG/IOTWMS was established for the North West Indian Ocean to enhance regional cooperation on end-to-end tsunami warning and mitigation between the countries at potential risk from the Makran subduction zone. The group held its inaugural meeting in Muscat, Oman in October 2015 and was attended by 28 participants and observers from the four regional Member States and other organisations. The group agreed to implement a number of collaborative activities and agreed that each Member State would share data from three seismic stations in real time with other members of the group. The 70th anniversary of the 1945 Makran earthquake and tsunami was commemorated on 28th November 2015. IOC and the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC) assisted the countries of the region: India, Iran, Oman and Pakistan to commemorate the event by developing and producing 1945 Makran tsunami exhibition panels in Urdu, Farsi, Arabic and English languages. The panels were used to support exhibitions in each of the four countries and an international conference in Karachi, Pakistan. The conduct of regular tests is essential to ensure good communication links between the Tsunami Service Providers and the National Tsunami Warning Centres and to maintain the operational readiness of the four regional tsunami-warning systems. Similarly, regular exercises contribute to the maintenance of end-to-end operational readiness including the link from the warning centre to community. Two tsunami wave exercises have been carried out over the past year. The exercises are designed to assess the effectiveness of communication flows among the stakeholders involved, country readiness, and the efficiency of emergency procedures. The exercises also create considerable awareness in the public. The Tsunami Wave exercises: (i) PacWave16, Exercise Pacific Wave 16, for the Pacific Ocean took place on 15 February 2016; and (ii) CaribeWave 16 for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions took place on 17 March 2016. The PacWave16 exercise was designed to test the new Northwest Pacific Tsunami Advisory Center (NWPTAC) enhanced products, which consist of an initial text message prepared from pre-established tsunami database information. It is followed by text messages accompanied by graphical products that are based on real-time simulation techniques. PacWave16 and a similar exercise in 2017 are experimental phases of a full transition to the new products due in 2018. CaribeWave16 was the fifth such exercise and 32 Members States and 15 territories participated in it. A total of 331,000 people participated. This represents an increase of 73% from 2015 (191,000 participants). According to the registration system hosted by TsunamiZone.org and information provided by the Member States, Puerto Rico had the largest number of participants with 140,875 people, followed by Guadeloupe with 62,928 and Venezuela with 60,822. The British Virgin Islands activated 16% of its population with 4,762 participants. The IOTWMS continues to conduct biannual communications tests in June and December each year and the participation rate is generally about 85-90% of active National Tsunami Warning Centres. An Indian Ocean Wave exercise (IOWave16) will be held in September 2016 with the key goal of achieving community level participation in more countries. IOC organized a pre-IOWave16 SOP workshop was held in Melbourne, Australia in May 2016. Many Member States contribute with national investments and in-kind support towards the Tsunami programme. Through renewed extra-budgetary projects and partnerships IOC/TSU has also maintained activities to raise the level of awareness and preparedness in Haiti and Dominican Republic (through EU DG ECHO funded projects). IOTIC also has received funding from the Malaysian Fund in Trust to implement an extra budgetary project in 20152016 for south-south cooperation on Fostering Tsunami Preparedness, Response and Mitigation in the Indian Ocean Small Island Developing States and Developing Countries. More recently a ~0.5 million EUR project has been approved for four Central American countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) to help strengthen inter-agency coordination mechanisms on early warning for tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards. Monaco and the Netherlands has committed funding towards the CARIBE-EWS and the Caribbean Tsunami Information Center, and Australia continued its support for the year to the IOTWS secretariat. The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on HABs (IPHAB) A number of Task Teams, working groups and activities are operating and reporting to the IOC Intergovernmental Panel on HABs (IPHAB). Several of the groups contribute to the development of a Global HAB Status Report with the aims of compiling an overview of HAB events and their societal impacts; providing a worldwide appraisal of the occurrence of toxin-producing microalgae; and assessing the status and probability of change in HAB frequencies, intensities, and range resulting from environmental changes at the local and global scale. The development of this report is intimately linked with the systematic compilation of HAB data in OBIS and the IOC Harmful Algal Event Data base (HAEDAT) and is funded by Flanders (Belgium) and cosponsored by IAEA. Another key activity under IPHAB is on Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP), which is the most extensive human illness caused by harmful algae. The IPHAB has initiated the development of a UN Coordinated Ciguatera Strategy involving the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the World Health Organization (WHO). Experts from HAB-Algas Nocivas del Caribe Working Group (HABANCA), participated in the IAEA-IOC Regional Training Course on Ciguatera Fish Poisoning Field Monitoring and Toxin Data Management held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 2015. HAB-ANCA is leading an initiative to implement the IOC Ciguatera Strategy and is developing a project focused on Ciguatera-causing organisms, toxins, contaminated seafood and epidemiology in the IOCARIBE Region. HAB-ANCA published the book Ciguatera: Potential Risk for Humans: Frequent Questions, in Spanish and English. Also, as a follow up of IOCARIBE and WESTPAC Member States recommendation, both regions HAB Groups are working on a joint project on Ciguatera to share expertise and lessons learnt. The IOC-SCOR research programme GlobalHAB The long-term focus of the IOC Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) programme is to improve understanding of the factors controlling HAB events and thereby improve their management and mitigation options. The scientific key questions were for a decade addressed through the joint IOC-Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) research programme GEOHAB (Global Ecology and Oceanography of HAB), which through IOC decision IOC-XXVIII/8.3 was transformed and continued as a new decadal research programme jointly with SCOR to meet societal needs in a changing world. This initiative, entitled GlobalHAB, held its first Scientific Steering Committee meeting in Oban, UK, in March 2016 and is now developing its implementation plan as well as already implementing some activities. Responding to the sudden occurrences of harmful algal blooms and associated massive fish mortalities in several WESTPAC countries since March 2016, WESTPAC has been providing immediate technical assistance upon these countries requests. Several expert missions and an impromptu regional consultation were conducted in time in order to assist Member States to identify responsible species, analyze their causes, and provide possible mitigation measures. In recent years mass occurrences of the brown algae genus Sargassum have been increasing and pose a major problem to coastal States in the Americas, especially in the Wider Caribbean and West Africa, affecting fisheries, tourism and other ecosystem services. Aware that the IOC Member States have an urgent need for enhancing their capacity to manage and mitigate Sargassum mass occurrences and landings, IOC proposes developing a project with two main components: (i) identification of research priorities to understand Sagassum growth dynamics and to develop improved management and mitigation technologies for Sargassum landing; and (ii) targeted capacity enhancement for Sargassum landing management and mitigation in affected Member States. Function D: Assessment and Information for policy Support assessment and information to improve the science-policy interface World Ocean Assessment (WOA) report under the UN Regular Process The 1st World Ocean Assessment report under the United Nations was finalized in December 2015. Hundreds of scientists from many countries, representing various disciplines and steered by a 22-member Group of Experts, examined the state of knowledge of the worlds ocean and the ways in which humans benefit from and affect it. IOC contributed to this effort by providing scientific and technical support throughout this five-year process. A new cycle of assessment (20162020) was endorsed by the UNGA in December 2015. As solicited by the co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Working group (governing body of WOA), IOC provided its assessment on lessons learned in the implementation of the first cycle. Transboundary Water Assessment Programme (TWAP) funded by GEF IOC completed the implementation of the marine components of the Transboundary Water Assessment Programme (TWAP) funded by GEF. The project started in March 2013 with the establishment of technical expert groups for Open Ocean and Large Marine Ecosystems. The project provides a number of core ecological, socio-economic and governance indicators for the marine environment (66 Large Marine Ecosystems and Open Ocean areas) using globally available datasets. To achieve this integrated assessment, IOC has created a partnership with a number of scientific institutions that are providing technical inputs and indicator-based products (NOAA, GESAMP, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), University of British Colombia, UNEP, World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC), Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES), amongst others). These assessment product (technical reports and data) are available on  HYPERLINK "http://onesharedocean.org" http://onesharedocean.org and have been unveiled at the recent GEF International Water Conference (May 2016, Sri Lanka) and UN Environment Assembly (Nairobi, May 2016). New OBIS products supporting ocean assessments OBIS contributes to several ocean assessments. Data from OBIS was used in three chapters of the World Ocean Assessment and provided a baseline information biodiversity knowledge for the GEF Transboundary Water Assessment. OBIS is recognized as a key source of information for the upcoming global (including the ocean) assessment as part of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). OBIS is also recognized by the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity as a primary source of data for the identification of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas. Through DIPS-4-Ocean Assessments project (a Flanders UNESCO Science Trust-Fund project), more indicators and products on OBIS are currently under development. They will support Member States in their reporting obligations on progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity targets. Function E: Sustainable management and governance Enhance ocean governance through a shared knowledge base and improved regional cooperation Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Marine Policy and Regional Coordination Section of IOC-UNESCO (IOC-MPR) is currently documenting the international practices on MSP advances. This involves documentation of ocean planning practice world-wide through a detailed survey sent to more than 300 national experts involved in marine policy making. A summary of "lessons learned" from over 40-50 global initiatives will serve as the basis for an online update of the UNESCO/IOC Manuals and Guides, 53 on MSP (2009) including a remodeling of the UNESCO website dedicated to MSP. IOC will strengthen the international network of MSP practitioners through the organization of the second international IOC Conference on MSP in 2017 and subsequent documentation and publications that will be jointly organized with the Directorate-General for Martime Affaires and Fisheries of the European Commission. The partners of the Southeast Pacific data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management (SPINCAM-II) project have commonly developed during the last year an agreed core set of indicators on population dynamics, traditional fisheries sustainability, coastal infrastructures, key coastal ecosystems, coastal economy and coastal vulnerability. The indicators will inform the implementation of national and regional coastal management policies. The indicators have been implemented at national level in order to provide a homogenous regional overview on the state of the coastal and marine environment in the Southeast Pacific. The SPINCAM Regional Atlas ( HYPERLINK "http://www.atlasspincam.net" http://www.atlasspincam.net) has been completed and wll be sustained in the future by the Permanent Commission for the South East Pacific (CPPS), the regional partner of the project ( HYPERLINK "http://www.atlasspincam.net" www.atlasspincam.net). IOC is participating in the consortium of AQUACROSS (20152019) funded by the European Commission (H2020). AQUACROSS aims to support EU efforts to enhance the resilience and stop the loss of biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems as well as to ensure the ongoing and future provision of aquatic ecosystem services. It focuses on advancing the knowledge base and application of the ecosystem-based management concept for aquatic ecosystems by developing cost effective measures and integrated management practices. IOC-MPR is leading the design and implementation of the information platform as a support to the scientific knowledge pillar of the project by providing a single point of access to both the internally produced and external data compiled by project partners, scientists and general public. The information platform adheres to both the INSPIRE Directive and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) principles regarding interoperability. Together with the Government of Andalusia (Spain) and the Moroccan authorities, IOC is developing the pilot case study at the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean, Andalusia (Spain)-Morocco, with the objective to identify nature-based solutions to establish a strong network of green and blue infrastructures. Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) programme The LME:Learn project led by IOC and UNDP was funded by the Global Environmental Facility. It will create a new Community of Practice dedicated to Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). LME:Learn will be implemented by IOC in partnership with NOAA, ICES, UNDP, IUCN, and Conservation International in the next three years. In March 2016 IOC together with the GEF IW:Learn project organized the kick-off meeting of the project to define the work agenda and the immediate common actions. A dedicated technical secretariat has been established at IOC to facilitate the sharing of knowledge related to transboundary water management, the building of technical capacity, as well as supporting South-to-South and North-to-South learning through effective regional networks of freshwater and marine practitioners. With regards to the IOC role as Secretariat of the LME Community, the IOC-MPR organized the 17th Annual LME Meeting in Paris in September 2015 with the participation of 92 experts and LME practitioners from Africa, Arctic, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Pacific SIDS. The Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems Project - CLME+ held its Inception Workshop and First Steering Committee Meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, 2628 January 2016. The Steering Committee agreed on formalizing an Interim Mechanism for the Coordinated Implementation of the CLME+ SAP Regional Ocean Governance Framework (ROGF). IOCARIBE in collaboration with INVEMAR and the Colombian Ocean Commission organised the International Symposium on Protection and Sustainability of Marine Ecosystems: Regional Integration, Advances in Marine Protected Areas and Governance at the COLACMAR Conference 1924 October 2015 in Santa Marta, Colombia. Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals In September 2015, UN Member States adopted the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular the Sustainable Development Goal #14 calling to converse and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This new international framework constitutes an essential point of reference for IOCs engagement with its Member States as well as for its programmatic presence at the global, regional and country levels. Several targets of SDG 14 are directly relevant to the work IOC, particularly in the area of marine pollution, ocean acidification, ecosystem based management, and marine research capacity and transfer marine technology, as a cross-cutting element to all SDG 14 targets. IOC has supported the Member States preparatory process and co-led a dedicated UN Task Force on SDG 14. The Commission is also playing an active role in the definition of a global indicator framework for specific targets (14.1, 14.2, 14.3, and 14.a) where it has been identified as a possible custodian agency. IOC is also providing technical advice to Fiji and Sweden, the co-hosts of the UN Conference on Oceans and Seas to be held from 5 to 9 June 2017 in Fiji. COP-21 & Paris Agreement Building on the outcome of 2015 World Oceans Day, the Commission placed much programmatic and outreach focus around climate change in the perspective of the UNFCCC COP 21 held in Paris (30 November11 December 2015). A strong mobilization of scientific and civil society institutions occurred around ocean and climate science and awareness-building. IOC and its partners, the ocean and climate platform and the Global Ocean Forum organized a series of events including: eight official UNFCCC side events targeted at negotiators and policy-makers; three flagship events hosted in the civil society zone of Conference, including two full days devoted to the Ocean (Ocean and Climate Forum and Ocean Day at UNFCCC). Two exhibits featuring scientific and policy-oriented publications where organized and the IOC Executive Secretary took part in several events including the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to highlight IOCs contributions in ocean observation. IOC also supported, together with a number of Member States, a proposal for an IPCC Special Report on the Ocean. In April 2016, the IPCC announced that a Special Report on Climate, ocean and the cryosphere will be prepared as part of the next IPCC assessment cycle. 2nd Blue Economy Summit IOC co-organized, alongside the Governments of Seychelles and the United Arab Emirates, the Second Blue Economy Summit (Abu Dhabi, 19 January 2016), where Heads of State and Government, as well as representatives of international organizations, business and civil society, met to discuss how to develop and implement the Blue Economy concept in support of the implementation of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and the realization of Sustainable Development Goal 14. IOC highlighted the role of science and ocean observation in informing sustainable marine economic development. International Polar Partnership Initiative In reviewing the International Polar Partnership Initiative (IPPI), the IOC Assembly at its 28th session requested the Executive Secretary to work towards the IPPI Framework development in coordination and consultation with consultative parties to the Antarctic Treaty and members of the Arctic Council, to secure IOC representation in the development of the IPPI Framework, to submit the Framework for consideration of the IOC Executive Council at its 49th session in 2016 in order to analyse the possible participation, roles in and contributions of IOC to future IPPI activities, and report to it on the interactions and meetings attended in this regard. The Executive Secretary participated in the only meeting of the Steering Group on the long-term international polar initiative that took place in Reykjavik, Iceland, on 10 and 11 September 2015. The Group recommended to establish a small secretariat under the auspices of one member of the Steering Group, likely the International Arctic Science Committee, to continue the IPPI preparatory work. Due to the reluctance of the polar community to having another initiative, a proposal to rename IPPI into an International Polar Partnership (IPP) was tentatively agreed by the participants. The discussions among the members of the Steering Group continue, however, the IPPI Concept document has not evolved since 2015. At present, an understanding is emerging that cooperation and coordination of activities undertaken under the auspices of various international organizations would be of particular interest for the Arctic, potentially with a focus on sustainable development. The Arctic Ocean could be a central point of such regional polar initiative. Changes occurring in the Arctic Ocean, such as acidification, intensifying marine traffic, oil and gas exploration and production, potential release of carbon from methane clathrates, the fate of subsea permafrost, diminishing sea ice cover all call for coherent actions of the main polar stakeholders. The Arctic Council Scientific Cooperation Task Force (SCTF) works towards an arrangement on improved scientific research cooperation among the eight Arctic States, which is of significant potential importance for IPP. It concerns access to data, scientific infrastructure and research areas and simplification of movement of scientists and their equipment and samples. The Task Force is currently drafting the text of a legally binding Agreement on Enhanced International Arctic Scientific Cooperation. Taking into account the anticipated outcomes of the SCTF deliberations, it may be logical for the Steering Group to focus the initial development of IPP on the Arctic. The direct interest of IOC in this work could be related to opportunities of further developing an operational Arctic Ocean observing system. OBIS and UNGA The 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/70/235) noted with appreciation the contribution of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) of IOC-UNESCO to marine scientific research. Through an international network of scientists and data centres, OBIS provides a global data and information sharing platform and a data clearing house mechanism for marine biodiversity research data in all ocean basins. Important to note are the negotiations at the United Nations on the development of a new legally-binding instrument under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to conserve and sustainably use marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ), which have started under a Preparatory Committee, established by UNGA resolution 69/292 of 19 June 2015. New provisions based on the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology (IOC/INF-1203) for enhanced implementation of Capacity Development, as well as international cooperation on Marine Scientific Research will be defined to support equitable access and benefit sharing and ensure equitable participation of all States in a new implementing agreement. OBIS might be well placed to respond to the requirements to be derived from the new implementing agreement under UNCLOS. IOC Communication Strategy The Secretariat has decided to develop an IOC Communication Strategy (Draft IOC/INF-1336) and related action plan to assist the Secretariat and Member States in achieving IOC's overall organizational objectives, engaging effectively with relevant stakeholders, and demonstrating the impact of its work. After an open call and search, a consultant was engaged to develop the strategy, in consultation with key IOC stakeholders including a number of Member State representatives, members of the scientific community, IOC programme leaders, the secretariat, and other UN agencies. The Communications Strategy will be released in June 2016. Function F: Capacity Development Develop the institutional capacity in all of the functions above, as a cross-cutting function New IOC Capacity Development Strategy The IOC Assembly adopted at its 28th Session the IOC Capacity Development Strategy, 20142021 through Resolution XXVIII-2. The Strategy was published as IOC/INF-1332. It is recalled that it was agreed that, by the next session of the IOC Assembly in 2017, the following actions should be taken: (i) develop programmatic and regionally relevant capacity development work plans based on this strategy and related needs assessments conducted in a consistent manner, building on ongoing activities and making use of existing training and education facilities; (ii) mobilize resources in order to reinforce the Secretariat staffing of the regional Sub-Commissions, other subsidiary bodies and global programmes; (iii) catalyze capacity development through global, regional, and national programme development, including projects prepared in consultation with Member States with a view to raise extra-budgetary resources; and (iv) enhance collaboration and communication between its global programmes and Regional Subsidiary Bodies, to contribute to (i) and (ii) above. An IOC web site on Capacity Development has been launched in April 2016 at  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-cd.org" http://www.ioc-cd.org. The web site provides full information on the strategy and its expected outputs but will also offer a wealth of links to capacity development opportunities addressing all six outputs. Member States are invited to send the Secretariat any information on CD-related opportunities and activities and to promote subscription to the sites new mailing list system. An IOC Capacity Development Fund is being launched as a resource mobilization mechanism. It will enable Member States to financially support very specific activities with a strong capacity development focus such as training courses, equipment provision, expert missions or any other activity responding to the Strategy outputs. In order to provide the highest possible flexibility, the maximum budget of each proposal is set to $100,000. Proposals are invited from the regional sub-commissions and committee and global programmes. The list of proposals is open to additions any time and Member States are invited to check the list regularly. The list is available through the new CD web site. As part of the implementation of the IOC Capacity Development Strategy, the IOC is developing activities on ocean literacy. In particular, the IOC is participating in the successfully created consortium of Sea Change (20152018), part of the European Unions Horizon 2020 programme, led by the Marine Biological Association (United Kingdom), which supports the implementation of the Trans-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance. Sea Change aims to establish a fundamental (Sea) change in the way citizens view their relationship with the sea, by empowering them, as Ocean Literate citizens, to take direct and sustainable action towards a healthy ocean and seas, healthy communities and ultimately a healthy planet. Strengthening the capacity of States, in particular Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to implement the relevant Marine Scientific Research (MSR) provisions of UNCLOS as well as similar provisions in other instruments, is essential to enhance MSR conducted in the worlds ocean. In view of the above, UN-DOALOS and IOC launched a partnership for a training project to assist developing countries, especially SIDS, in building their capacities in MSR. The project will focus on the legal, technical and scientific aspects relating to MSR with a view to promoting a consistent application of the relevant provisions of UNCLOS. A five-day training course was organized by DOALOS and IOC in cooperation with the Pacific Community (SPC) and with support from the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) for trainees from Pacific SIDS countries as part of the DOALOS-IOC joint initiative (711 December 2015, Busan, Republic of Korea). Similar training courses will be organized by DOALOS and IOC in other regions, depending on availability of funds. Capacity Development continues to be a priority area for IOCAFRICA, with training workshops organized and support provided to experts from the region to participate in courses within and outside the region on a wide range of topics, including ocean forecasting, marine GIS, application of remote sensing to coastal management, and marine spatial planning. IOCAFRICA continues to support the strengthening in the region of the UNESCO Chairs in ocean sciences, as well as the Ocean Teacher Academy Regional Training Centres. IOCAFRICA is working with Mauritius on the development of a proposal for the establishment of a UNESCO Category-2 Centre for Ocean Sciences and Innovation in Mauritius. WESTPAC had contributed to the development of IOC Capacity Building Strategy through sharing its capacity building practices in the region and evalution of lessons learnt from the past. As a primary regional mechanism in the implementation of the new strategy, WESTPAC continues to employ its adaptive and self-driven approaches to meeting regional and national requirements for capacity building, and to linking trainings to the attainment of research goals for sustainable development in the region. WESTPAC has been endeavouring to develop the IOC Regional Network of Training and Research Centres (RTRCs) on Marine Sciences, as demonstrated by the renewed commitment of the IOC Regional Training and Research Center (RTRC) on Ocean Dynamics and Climate for the next six years (20152020), and the proposals with associated commitments made by Indonesia and Malaysia to host RTRC, respectively on Marine Taxonomy and Ecosystem Health, and Harmful Algal Blooms. In 2016 the Fifth Session of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO-V) held in Chennai, India, on 2527 April 2016 (IOCINDIO-V/3s), ten years after its last session, was the result of a major effort of Member States in the region over the past three years to revitalize the IOC Regional Committee and build on the impetus of IIOE-2. IOCINDIO provides an opportunity to Member States of the region and partners to reinforce cooperation and to pool together technical and financial resources for implementation of IOC related programmes. More information under item 3.3.1. Since the 28th Session of the IOC Assembly there have been advances in the development of the UNESCO Category-2 Centres for oceanography. The Regional Educational Centre for Oceanography for Western Asia under the auspices of the Iranian National Institute for Oceanographic and Atmospheric Science in Iran has reported its plans to become fully operational in July-August of this year after the first meeting of the Centre Governing Board. India and Mauritius are in the process of formulating proposals for Centres on operational ocenography and ocean sciences, respectively. These three Centres will operate in the geographical area of IOCINDIO. Their work will help to further advance IOC programmes dealing with ocean research, monitoring, data management, and capacity development. It will create new opportunities for cooperation among the IOC Member States in the region. Some coordination of the Centers' programmes of work will be desirable to increase the overall scope of activites and avoid duplication of efforts.     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 1 Paris, 18 May 2016 English only INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Forth-ninth session of the IOC Executive Council UNESCO, Paris, 7-10 June 2016 Item 3.1 of the Provisional Agenda rEPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ON THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED SINCE THE PREVIOUS SESSION (June 2015May 2016) IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 1 page PAGE 18 IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 1 page PAGE 19 IOC/EC-XLIX/2 Annex 1 o ' = ? 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Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2).3 Function B: Observing system / data management. Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) ( GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) X The Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology F The WMO-IOC-ICSU-UNEP Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Y The IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange I7 Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)  IHO-IOC GEBCO + Function C: Early warning and servicesL Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG) Tsunami Warning Systems 8 The IOC Intergovernmental Panel on HABs (IPHAB)3 The IOC-SCOR research programme GlobalHAB 6 Function D: Assessment and Information for policyJ World Ocean Assessment (WOA) report under the UN Regular Process G Transboundary Water Assessment Programme (TWAP) funded by GEF 8 New OBIS products supporting ocean assessments 6 Function E: Sustainable management and governanceU Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) 0 Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) programme 7 Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals " COP-21 & Paris Agreement 2nd Blue Economy Summit3 International Polar Partnership Initiative# IOC Communication Strategy% Function F: Capacity Development1 New IOC Capacity Development Strategy TitreTitle Headings P   W c o  _PID_HLINKS _dlc_DocId_dlc_DocIdItemGuid_dlc_DocIdUrlPublishingExpirationDatePublishingStartDateContentTypeIdAZ~1*http://www.ioc-cd.org/KN'http://www.atlasspincam.net/KN$http://www.atlasspincam.net/|.!http://onesharedocean.org/>shttp://www.caff.is/<.http://www.odinafrica.org/*Vhttp://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=16859J@http://www.jcommops.org/\[http://ioc-goos.org/join#Vhttp://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=17118  !http://www.iioe-2.incois.gov.in/] Zhttp://www.iioe-2.incois.gov.in/documents/IIOE-2/Reports/IIOE-2-SciencePlan-2015-2020.pdf9http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002444/244488e.pdfBhttp://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?lin=1&catno=244305 Bhttp://unesdoc.unesco.org/ulis/cgi-bin/ulis.pl?lin=1&catno=243991DN3HXZNSAUTS-2414-61(d051a5bb-516c-4f0f-92f1-00666d34b76dlhttps://teams.unesco.org/ORG/ioc/_layouts/15/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=DN3HXZNSAUTS-2414-61, DN3HXZNSAUTS-2414-61,0x0101008F12723509170D458988892ACF1FCA1F  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012346789:;<>?@ABCDEFKLMNORSTUVWlYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkmnoRoot Entry FfnQData 1Tablex`WordDocumentSummaryInformation(5DocumentSummaryInformation8=PMsoDataStore nn1QYM3EOFYGDN1O==2nnItem  PropertiesOL2LIKPUES2B21DQ==2 nnItem  Properties SNDCPOR1H2EOOKAQ==2nnItem Properties-AOZ0KXU3EV1TKQ==2 nnItem Xz'Properties3FSNIZV3ESLQQQ==2nnItem FPropertiesKUCompObjQr  !"#$%&'()*+,./012456789:;<=>?@ABCDEGHIJLMNOPRDocumentLibraryFormDocumentLibraryFormDocumentLibraryForm Document ID GeneratorSynchronous100011000Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429cMicrosoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Internal.DocIdHandlerDocument ID GeneratorSynchronous100021001Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429cMicrosoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Internal.DocIdHandlerDocument ID GeneratorSynchronous100041002Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429cMicrosoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Internal.DocIdHandlerDocument ID GeneratorSynchronous100061003Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429cMicrosoft.Office.DocumentManagement.Internal.DocIdHandler This value indicates the number of saves or revisions. 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