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Draft Decisions The documentation is decision- and resolution-oriented and available in the four working languages of the Commission: English, French, Russian, Spanish. Draft decisions and resolutions will be discussed, worded and decided upon following the plenary discussion of each agenda item unless there is a need for setting a drafting group to finalize the decision/resolution outside the plenary meeting. Draft decisions and resolutions will be projected and amended as necessary on the screen during the discussion of an item. Since the Executive Council session in 2012, Draft decisions are drafted in a formal manner with a preambular and the action part and start with: The Executive Council, Draft Resolutions According to the revised guidelines for the preparation and consideration of Draft Resolutions ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=13094" IOC/INF-1315) adopted by the Assembly at its 27th session, DRs should be presented to the Executive Secretary by one or more Member States one month in advance and no later than 72 hours before the opening of the session. Considering that Draft Resolutions should also be made available in the working languages of the Commission 72 hours before the opening, the deadline for submitting DRs is set, for practical reasons, for Monday 15 June 2015. As an exception, it is recognized that the Draft Resolution on Programme and Budget will be submitted during the session of the Governing Body concerned. Draft Resolutions are intended to express a formal expression of a mandate or opinion or a statement of a decision to act made by an IOC Governing Body within a scope defined in partII of the guidelines. Draft Resolutions must be submitted by one or more Member. Adoption of the report The Action Paper for the session ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=15280" IOC-XXVIII/2 Prov.) provides the basis of the draft summary report (DSR). The DSR will be published in parts during the session. The DSR will be composed of the introductory paragraphs under each item as produced in the Action Paper, a summary of the discussion that lead to the decision/resolution adopted in plenary, a reflection of divergent views, the name of the Member States which provided to the secretariat their plenary intervention for the record and for the information annex to the final report. During the adoption of the report under agenda item 12, the attention of the delegates will focus on the summary of the discussion and the coherence of the report as a whole. Member State Interventions Individual Member States are invited to volunteer the text of their substantive interventions they wish to see recorded as an annex of the Report verbatim. The Member States will submit their official plenary statement to  HYPERLINK "mailto:iocgovbody@unesco.org" iocgovbody@unesco.org. Member State statements are not subject to review and will be presented as delivered to the Secretariat. All statements received in this email address before midnight on the day the agenda item is considered will be published in an annex to the report. A template submission form is attached to this note. The Annex of Member State interventions will not be adopted in plenary. The time of an intervention of a Member State under an agenda item will not exceed 3 mn. Single Point of Contact The single secretariat point of contact for issues related to the report of the Executive Council is Tom Gross. A dedicated email address ( HYPERLINK "mailto:iocgovbody@unesco.org" iocgovbody@unesco.org) has been set up for Member States to communicate with him, beginning immediately and ending one month after the closure of the session in case the report is approved by correspondence after the session. Languages Interpretation in English, French, Russian and Spanish is provided during the plenary session of the Executive Council and Assembly. Extended sessions will not be an option during this session. The working documentation is available in the four working languages of the Commission in the limit of the budget for the session. Draft decisions and resolutions will be made available to delegates in the languages throughout the session. Interpretation in English and French is provided during the meetings of the Financial Committee. Internet access and wifi Recognize that the wifi capacity in room II is limited. Delegates should limit their usage to online document access and emails. Please avoid downloading large images and video. Use of Wifi hotspots in UNESCO: HQ-AIR-PUB Open your browser: Login: hq-air Password: uneswifiIn addition three computers and a printer are available for delegates in Room III behind the registration desk. Evaluation of the session: At the closing of the session delegations are kindly invited to fill in an online evaluation questionnaire on various aspects of the session no more than four days after the closure of the session, i.e. Wednesday 1st July 2015.     !"$78?HJLM_`at򹪛zgXzI<hxDh-^JmH sH hPvw>*\^JaJmH sH h->*\^JaJmH sH %h-h->*H*\^JaJmH sH hTER>*\^JaJmH sH "hxDhPvw>*\^JaJmH sH he>*\^JaJmH sH h>*\^JaJmH sH h6hPvw^JaJh6h6^JaJh:CJ^JaJhKwh-CJ^JaJh6h65^JaJh6hPvw5>*^JaJ"#$`a   7lgdTER$ 7la$gd-  7lgdTER$ 7la$gdPvw$ 7la$gdTER  7lgdPvw  7%gd:t}* +  C D Ν铁rcTE2%jhTERhTERU^JaJmH sH hXh5^JaJmH sH hXhE4^JaJmH sH hXh-^JaJmH sH hXhE^JaJmH sH "hxDh->*\^JaJmH sH hPvw^JmH sH hTERhTER0J>*^JmH sH 'jhTERhTERU^JmH sH hTERhTER^JmH sH !jhTERhTERU^JmH sH h-^JmH sH hxDh-^JmH sH hTER^JmH sH D r s ޽mbJ>5>-hEmH sH hc/5mH sH h0\hE5mH sH .hXh-B*^JaJfHphq hXh-^JaJ0hTERB*^JaJfHmH phq sH 6hTERh-B*^JaJfHmH phq sH hXh-^JaJmH sH hTER^JaJmH sH hXh5^JaJmH sH #hTERhTER0J>*^JaJmH sH %jhTERhTERU^JaJmH sH hTERhTER^JaJmH sH  _ P [ x   # $ 1 6 Q h s w ˷znbnh0^JaJmH sH hv^JaJmH sH h~5^JmH sH hE^JmH sH h^JmH sH hL^JmH sH hY^JmH sH h~^JmH sH hiY^JmH sH hv^JmH sH hs{o^JmH sH h?mmH sH hvmH sH hE4mH sH hiYmH sH h0\hE4mH sH  |}~ L  $%)/023<>?쩙~rfrZfrNrNAZhvH*^JaJmH sH hTER^JaJmH sH h0^JaJmH sH h0^JaJmH sH hv^JaJmH sH hNhv^JaJmH sH hTER^JaJmH sH hNhvH*^JaJmH sH hv^JaJmH sH #hvhv0J>*^JaJmH sH +j5hvhvU^JaJmH sH hvhv^JaJmH sH %jhvhvU^JaJmH sH ?MN}siTC hTERhTERCJ^JaJmH sH )jhTERhTERCJU^JaJmH sH hE) ^JmH sH hJ^JmH sH h0\hJ5^JmH sH hJ^JaJmH sH h~^JaJmH sH h0^JmH sH hv^JmH sH hs{o^JmH sH h^JmH sH h~^JmH sH h0h0>*^JaJmH sH h0^JaJmH sH h0h0^JaJmH sH /0KLABZ[2gd0\$a$gd1Z$a$gdPvw$a$gd2qgdPvw  7lgdTER  7lgdPvw  7lgdvNW4~./0LsҾҠxk]RJBJh2qmH sH h^mH sH h0\h2*mH sH hxDhPvw5^JmH sH h0\hTER^JmH sH hTER^JmH sH hJ^JmH sH h0^JmH sH hh^JmH sH hE) ^JmH sH 'hTERhTER0J>*CJ^JaJmH sH 'hTERh0J>*CJ^JaJmH sH )jhTERhTERCJU^JaJmH sH /jjhTERhTERCJU^JaJmH sH  &)*+UVkl{=NWjk@B[ε孟~qgqYqOqhX^JmH sH hxDhPvw5^JmH sH h2q^JmH sH hxDhPvw^JmH sH h2*^JmH sH hY^JmH sH hxDh2*^JmH sH hXh2*>*^JmH sH h2*mH sH h?h?0J>*mH sH h?h?mH sH jh?h?UmH sH h?mH sH h0\h2*mH sH h^mH sH hXmH sH '(%-1;`飓wogogo_oWOh?mH sH hXmH sH h2qmH sH hS}mH sH hmH sH h=* mH sH h0\h=* 5mH sH hP*^JaJmH sH h?^JmH sH hp-^JmH sH hd^JmH sH h?h?0J>*mH sH h?h?mH sH jh?h?UmH sH hxDhPvw^JmH sH hY^JmH sH E(123"#12DQVtǿǢyyymdhu~5mH sH h1Zh1Z5mH sH h%Jh%JmH sH he_^h(_#mH sH h(_#mH sH he_^h0\mH sH h%JmH sH hS}5mH sH h63h0\5mH sH h0\mH sH hS}mH sH h=* mH sH hmH sH h?mH sH hXhX>*mH sH hXh?>*mH sH %23$2ERkd$$IfF0 %w t0644 lapyt(_#  $If^ gd(_# $Ifgd%J $Ifgd0\gd0\ gd2q %`h@jjh@jUhBJh0\mH sH h2qmH sH hu~hu~mH sH hXmH sH h1ZmH sH < 00&P 1h:pPvw. 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