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The four regional workshop reports referenced in the documentation provided overview of issues, suggested solutions and priorities. In a generic vision the first meeting in Varna 2012 focussed on forecasting services and data. The second meeting in Rio 2013 strengthened these points and also stressed development of capabilities and links to decision-makers. The third meeting in Bangkok 2013 emphasized similar points including enhanced recognition by governmental decision-makers, development of operational oceanography and standard setting. Also regional participation and inter-basin exchange was highlighted. The fourth meeting in Utrecht 2014 expanded further upon these points suggesting that the highest priority should be Observing System/Data Management, relationships with UNESCO and re-establishing IOCs role in the UN system. Detailed accounts are available in each of the individual reports. Discussion in the expanded group on 30 June 2014 revealed that there is general consensus on the key issues to be addressed under the three areas. Some points raised in the discussion were: For area 1 Rationalized Cooperation and Communication between IOC and Other Organizations: Further develop the cooperation with WMO Improve IOCs contribution of ocean science advice to organizations including IMO and UNEP and regional bodies Clarify IOCs role as standardsetter and explore cooperation with ISO Clarify complementarity with SCOR For area 2 Enhanced Flexibility and Adaptability of IOC Governance: Mobilize the Member States and their elected representatives Re-activate the role as specialized mechanism for interagency cooperation Identify a focal organization for IOC in each Member State Invite the regions to propose new ways to handle regional governance including fundraising For area 3 Sharpened IOCs Identity: Observations is a common element and trigger of science, services, forecasts, capacities and also the area of activity where the intergovernmental nature of IOC plays a key role Provide Member States with a solid ocean science basis for solutions to societal problems IOC should be the technical body providing science based advice Funding issues are key for IOC to deliver on its mandate. The strategy for obtaining funding is to try all arguments on all fronts, i.e. both within UNESCO and by other means. The shortfall for IOC is small compared to investments in marine science related activities made by Member States through other routes. The IOC should actively engage with current and emerging, non-governmental participants in the area of the oceans to establish itself as the competent body on oceanography. This Executive Council should set priorities for the issues to be explored by the intersessional working group. The intersessional working group should report to the Assembly in 2015 with concrete proposals on how to move forward in addressing each of the issues.     IOC/EC-XLVII/2 Annex 5 page PAGE 2 IOC/EC-XXVII/2 Annex __ page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC/EC-XLVII/2 Annex 6 Paris, 1st July 2014 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Forty-seventh Session of the Executive Council UNESCO, Paris, 14 July 2014 Item 4 of the Agenda Report of the Chair of the Intersessional Working Group on "The Future of the IOC" j' (    ' ( 6 z X Y   @ A AB&Űňňuňň%hLhC^JaJfHq =hLh;dCJOJPJQJ^JaJfHmH q sH hLh;d^J(hLhCCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH =hLhCCJOJPJQJ^JaJfHmH q sH %hLhCPJ^JfHq hLhC^J+( C6|w gdC, & F g`ggdC, & F x^`gdCm$, & F gx`ggdCm$  & Fxgd;dgdC, & FW^`WgdCm$, & FVx^`VgdCm$xgdC  j&4uw\dfggdC gdC, & F n^n`gdC, & F nx^n`gdCm$, & F ^`gdCm$, & F x^`gdCm$  & Fxgd;duwbrdeghjkmnps|}¹¹°¨vcTchBhh!iU0JCJ^JaJ%jhBhh!iU0JCJU^JaJhP9/CJ^JaJhBhh!iUCJ^JaJh!iUCJ^JaJh\nh!iUCJ^JaJhJOjhJOUhLhL^JhLh;d^JhLhC^JhLhC^JaJ(hLhCCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hLh;dCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH gijlmop"$ 2`0p@ dPla$gdP9/ $ 7}a$gdP9/  }gdP9/^gd!iU  r ^gd!iU r gd!iUʹveZLA3Ah#hP9/5CJ$^JaJ$hP9/5CJ$^JaJ$h\nhP9/5CJ$^JaJ$hLT^hP9/^JaJ!hC0J^JaJmHnHsH u h1;h!iU0J^JaJmH sH !jhMBh!iU0JU^JaJh1;h!iU^JaJmH sH # *h1;h!iUCJ^JaJmH sH  h1;h!iUCJ^JaJmH sH h!iUhBhh!iUCJ^JaJ%jhBhh!iU0JCJU^JaJ!hL0JCJ^JaJmHnHuHTUjr诣茣wk`ULhC5CJ^Jh#hP9/CJ^Jh?AhP9/CJ^JhLT^hP9/\^JaJhP9/CJ\^Jh hP9/CJ\^JhP9/5CJ^Jha5hP9/5CJ\^Jh hP9/5CJ^J"jhP9/U^JaJmHnHuhP9/^JaJhChCH*^JaJhC^JaJhLT^hP9/^JaJhLT^hP9/5^JaJhC5CJ$^JaJ$HTUu[SS$a$gdP9/ `0pP ^ gdP9/ # `0p@ P ^ gdP9/ # `0pEP ^ gdP9/ & `0p@ P ^ gdP9/  `0pP ^ gdP9/$ & `0p@ Pa$gdP9/ gdCgdP9/ gdP9/gdP9/ D%gdP9/$a$gdP9/ hLhC^JhJOh!iU hhP9/hCmHsHhChCmHsHhLT^hP9/^JaJh#hP9/>*CJ^Jh#hP9/CJ^J I 0 00P&P 1h:p!iU. 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