ࡱ> dfabc 0bjbjWW 55E&E&E&E&E&Y&Y&Y&8&m'Y&!("C.Y.Y.Y.0ML)T;======$PRaE&X0"0XXaE&E&Y.Y.Pv[[[XRE&Y.E&Y.;[X;[[cY.PP=Y&kX,'0DYDXDE&@XX[XXXXXaa[XXXXXXXDXXXXXXXXX %: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Draft Strategic Plan Version 4.0 31 January 2014 Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316646" Background  PAGEREF _Toc382316646 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316647" IOC and Capacity Development  PAGEREF _Toc382316647 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316648" The Context  PAGEREF _Toc382316648 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316649" Steps towards the new Strategic Plan for Capacity Development  PAGEREF _Toc382316649 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316650" The new Strategic Plan  PAGEREF _Toc382316650 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316651" Vision and Mission  PAGEREF _Toc382316651 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316652" Vision  PAGEREF _Toc382316652 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316653" Mission  PAGEREF _Toc382316653 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316654" The Four Pillars  PAGEREF _Toc382316654 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316655" Professional Qualifications (Academic and Technical)  PAGEREF _Toc382316655 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316656" Marine Policy  PAGEREF _Toc382316656 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316657" Infrastructure  PAGEREF _Toc382316657 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316658" Ocean Teacher  PAGEREF _Toc382316658 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316659" CD Strategy: Actions  PAGEREF _Toc382316659 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316660" Academic and Technical (Professional) Qualifications  PAGEREF _Toc382316660 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316661" Ocean Policy  PAGEREF _Toc382316661 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316662" Infrastructure  PAGEREF _Toc382316662 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316663" Ocean Teacher  PAGEREF _Toc382316663 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316664" Partnerships  PAGEREF _Toc382316664 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316665" Timeline  PAGEREF _Toc382316665 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316666" Evaluation  PAGEREF _Toc382316666 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316667" Annex 1: Environmental Scanning (SWOT) Analysis  PAGEREF _Toc382316667 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316668" SWOT Matrix  PAGEREF _Toc382316668 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316669" Annex 2  PAGEREF _Toc382316669 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316670" IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 -Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy  PAGEREF _Toc382316670 \h 15  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316671" Annex 3 - Annex to IOC-XXVII, Dec.5.5.1  PAGEREF _Toc382316671 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316672" Purpose  PAGEREF _Toc382316672 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316673" Term  PAGEREF _Toc382316673 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316674" Functions  PAGEREF _Toc382316674 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316675" Composition  PAGEREF _Toc382316675 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc382316676" Working arrangements  PAGEREF _Toc382316676 \h 18  Background IOC and Capacity Development The IOC has a recognized and unique role in the UN system in relation to ocean science and the science base for ocean management. It is recognized through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as the competent international organization in the fields of Marine Scientific Research (Part XIII) and Transfer of Marine Technology (Part XIV). Its status as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO has been carefully designed to provide an efficient platform for coordination, information and sharing of knowledge to contribute to sustainable and peaceful development. Enabling MS to participate and benefit from its Programs and Actions has been a major goal of IOCs activities since its existence. A number of Resolutions and Documents call for action to building capacity in MS to this end. They included the development of a  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000630/063061eo.pdf" UNESCO IOC Comprehensive Plan for a major assistance programme to enhance the marine science capabilities for developing countries ( HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000630/063061eo.pdf" IOC/INF-612, 1985), the development of TEMA strategy (TEMA-V/7, 1991) and TEMA Action Plan (TEMA V/9, 1991-1995) as well as observations and experiences of TEMA implementation (IOC XVIII/Inf. 2, 1995). A CD strategy ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=437" IOC/INF-1211) and the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/images/stories/LawoftheSea/Documents/ABELOS/cgtmt.pdf" Criteria and Guidelines for the Transfer of Marine Technology were prepared during 2005-2009. Based on these, the IOC has been implementing the Transfer of Marine Technology through its targeted capacity development activities within its global and regional programmes and actions as well as in cooperation with its partners within and outside of the UN system (e.g. HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php/activities"http://www.ioc-cd.org/index.php/activities). These interventions cover marine assessment and monitoring methodologies, IODE-related ocean data and information exchange, network and docs, ocean teacher academy as well as other interventions in IOC Programs in marine biology and ecology. Regional subsidiary bodies and regional programs have been successful in obtaining grants and facilitating professional exchanges to training programs related to the implementation of these activities. Though primarily focused on government-mandated Institutions in developing countries and their directors, the Closure Report of the SIDA-funded project ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5524" IOC/INF-1276):  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5524" Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainably Use Their Coastal Resources) provides an example for IOCs CD efforts. The Context IOCs CD activities were reviewed at the  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=7788" IOC XXVI Assembly. The review led to Resolutions calling for special attention on: sustaining existing capacity to develop management procedures and national policies in marine sciences as well as the establishment of regional centers (IOC XXVI 61), developing capacity of the MS to effectively participate in and benefit from in all areas of IOCs work for the maintenance of healthy ocean ecosystems (IOC XXVI 117), focusing on the growing needs of Africa and other regions including SIDS (IOC XXVI-117) foster public awareness and education (IOC XXVI 147) and responding to the growing CD needs of MS (XXVI 193) especially for the transfer of technology/cooperation for implementing Part XIII and XIV of UNCLOS and the effective participation of Member States in regular assessment processes (e.g. WOA). Further, the Rio+20 Outcome document  HYPERLINK "http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/476/10/PDF/N1147610.pdf?OpenElement" The Future we Want recognized under 160 and 269-276 the importance of building capacity of developing countries to benefit from the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and seas and their resources and emphasizes the need for transfer of technology taking into account IOCs Criteria and Guidelines on the transfer of marine technology ( HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001391/139193m.pdf" IOC/INF-1203). Marine technology according to these guidelines refers to instruments, equipment, vessels, processes and methodologies required to produce and use knowledge to improve the study and understanding of the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas. Furthermore, CD actions need to pay adequate attention to gender equality. The Regular Process through UNGA resolution has expressed the need to start building capacity of Member States for the conduct of integrated marine assessments as a key priority. IOC has been requested to provide technical and scientific support to the WOA including in CD areas. Marine assessments are as an essential decision support mechanism for the ocean planning and policy framework. Steps towards the new Strategic Plan for Capacity Development The IOC made a voluntary Commitment at the Rio+20 Conference (Brazil, 2022 June 2012) on Building Global Capacity for Marine Sciences, Observation and Transfer of Marine Technology. This commitment was aimed at conducting a global and regional assessment of capacity development needs in the fields of marine scientific research, observation and data management within IOC MS with focus on developing nations and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The survey was conducted via IOC Action addressees in cooperation with the IOC Secretariat, its programmes and actions, the IOC regional Sub Commissions and decentralized offices as well as the UNESCO-national commissions. Other qualified national and international experts as well as networks of other intergovernmental organizations also contributed to the survey. Detailed results are given in IOC document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11244" IOC/INF-1313. The assessment and the results of interviews on regional priorities as identified through the different IOC sub-commissions and relevant bodies and show that requirements and priorities for capacity development varies from region to region, and that CD interventions need tom adapt to regional priorities. In many MS especially of Africa and SIDS the affairs of the oceans and seas need to be treated as an emerging theme. Their capability to practice ocean sciences is still inadequate or just beginning with the consequence that the scientific and technical capability to make the best use of transfer of marine technology is still lacking. Accordingly, their awareness and their capability to effectively participate in and benefit from IOC Programs and Actions as well as Regular Processes are low. Many countries are however turning their attention to the practice of ocean sciences, and many have initiated actions to enhance national capacities in the field. These actions go hand in hand with the efforts towards developing national strategies for oceans and coasts and seeking a more active role in international efforts for promoting knowledge about the oceans and their sustainable use. Because of its unique position within the UN system, the IOC is well placed to play a significant role in supporting the member states in this special phase of their national development as relates to the oceans. While continuing to make available the most effective of its current programs and actions in CD to member states, the IOC could explore new actions that better align CD interventions and marine technology transfer with national priorities. Furthermore, this provides an opportunity to promote partnerships rather than simple assistance in CD interventions and north-south and south-south cooperation. In addition to the above dealing with the necessity of CD in Africa, Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries, adequate attention is to be given to gender equality in the proposed strategy development. The new Strategic Plan Vision and Mission Vision Build Member States capacities for scientific understanding and systematic observations of the changing world ocean climate and ecosystems to underpin sustainable development and global governance for a healthy ocean and global, regional and national management of risks and opportunities from the Ocean. Mission IOCs MTS for 20142021 ( HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11799" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 3) considers capacity development as a cross cutting function to develop institutional capacity in IOC functions such as ocean research, observing system/data management, early warning services, assessment and information for policy as well as sustainable management and governance and taking into account the High Level Objectives on Healthy Ocean systems, Early Warning of ocean Hazards, Resilience to climate change and variability; Major Programme II Science for Peace and Sustainable Development under UNESCOs MT 37 C/5 promotes the generation and sharing of knowledge in relation to natural resources, and capacity-building through international scientific collaboration for protecting and sustainably managing the ocean and coasts. The proposed implementation includes the coordination of monitoring activities, the production of scientific assessments, catalyzing international collaborative projects, capacity-building, and the designation of site-specific examples of sustainable development. The above two documents form the core of the current Strategys mission, which is to promote knowledge and capacity of MS: to bolster scientific understanding of ocean and coastal processes to improve the management of the human relationship with the ocean, to reduce the risks and impacts of ocean-related hazard, to take climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, and to develop and implement policies for healthy ocean ecosystems, to reinforce and further develop Member States institutional capacities to protect and sustainably manage ocean and coastal resources, and to contribute to IOCs efforts to enable Member States to collectively achieve the following high-level objectives (HLOs) within the IOC MTS (2014 - 2018): Healthy ocean ecosystems and sustained ecosystem services, Effective early warning systems and preparedness for tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards, Increased resiliency to climate change and variability and enhanced safety, efficiency and effectiveness of all ocean-based activities through scientifically-founded services, adaptation and mitigation strategies, Enhanced knowledge of emerging ocean science issues The Four Pillars The assessment of the current capabilities and needs of developing countries and SIDS identified a number of areas where CD interventions will be needed to achieve the above goals. They included the need to strengthen national institutions, individual skills and knowledge and national science-policy frameworks in the short and long term as well as dedicated outreach and implied actions in four areas: Ocean Sciences Education, Transfer of knowledge, research and training, Infrastructure for research and observations, Ocean Policy development, Ocean Observation, outreach. Professional Qualifications (Academic and Technical) This is based on the identified need for an active marine science community in MS who can advise on the management of its ocean and coasts. This core of scientists can also assist their government officials during negotiations in oceanographic matters. They can provide technical and scientific information to advise the disaster risk reduction agencies about oceanic extreme events. The availability of qualified professionals will allow MS to make the best use of IOC CD interventions and technology transfer. By getting involved in CD they will ensure that capacity in MS is retained and further developed in their field of expertise. The currently available expertise in ocean research in developing countries is at the Universities and Technical Institutions, and they to be involve in CD interventions to strengthen their capabilities in human resources and infrastructure. The survey also identified a pool of expat ocean experts, who could contribute to CD. Marine Policy This is to support Member States to develop and implement ocean science policy that support marine management and sustainable development goals so that the foundations for sustainable marine management are embedded in MS governance structures and practices. There is a need in some MS for measures to enhance the awareness among a broader community of the government officials, members of the academia as well as other related stakeholders on the role of oceans as a development factor, their socio economic functions as well as the range of tools for ocean science policy development offered by IOCs Programs and Actions. Such measures need to have a dedicated outreach that go beyond the current channels of communication and involve national centers and universities involved in ocean research and observations. Infrastructure This is to build on and enhance short-term CD interventions such as technical training opportunities through the development of new and strengthening of existing infrastructure for marine scientific research. Lack of infrastructure also hinders sea-based training programs. Overall, there is need for technical advice and support in the development and provision of infrastructures for marine scientific research by sharing best practices and standards from international scientific and technical community (i.e. interface to GOOS and role of Earth Observations). Although this is part of technology transfer as defined in the Criteria and Guidelines of Marine Technology Transfer, this remains essential component for building national capacities that needs attention, Ocean Teacher The pillar is the well-established short training courses and workshops already being offered by IOC though OceanTeacher, GOOS, Tsunami and Ocean Science programmes as well as CD activities by technical commissions like JCOMM. These short courses targeted at government staff of Member States have been very successful in building capacity in the different areas where IOC has been active. CD Strategy: Actions In order to achieve the above aims, new actions are required to: encourage improvement of formal academic and technical qualifications in Member States; support Member States in policy development and implementation; encourage local infrastructure development in Member States; and further expand and enhance IOCs technical training curricula. Proposed actions within each pillar appreciate that the level of capacity is different amongst the regions, and among MS within regions, and that they need to be prioritized accordingly. The capacity available among MS in the regions with a strong ocean science base could play a substantial role. Academic and Technical (Professional) Qualifications Higher Education in Ocean Science and Technology Encourage countries to invest more in ocean education to strengthen Universities and Technical Institutions and supporting students by making available more scholarships. Conduct assessment of available short and long term scholarship/fellowship programs for students and other professional (both academic and technical), in particular, those which address needs of priority Africa, SIDS and women. Develop information about scholarships; create a web-based program for enhanced access to such scholarship programs, including an active outreach to the university community through government/IOC liaison Request MS to expand transboundary/regional/international scholarship/fellowship programs, which include incentives for retaining expertise within home country/region. Identify opportunities for UNESCO chairs to effectively support the program Include the use of regional training centers (Category II centers, IOC Topic centers ( India, China), proposed Global Ocean Teacher Academy Regional Training Centers) Professional Exchanges Conduct assessment of available intra- and interregional student and professional exchanges in marine sciences and services, in particular in priority IOC thematic areas Consider resumption of learning through research programs (ship berths); Consider learning by doing, e.g. internships on ships, etc. Consider opportunities for student and young professional engagement in IOC programs/meetings/workshops to expand their engagement in world class science and the international community of science/experts Broker interaction between expats experts and developing countries; liaise with MS to create a roster of expat experts Retired Professionals Assess current national and international experience (e.g. POGO, SCOR, SCAR as well as Institutions in Member States) in utilizing retired academics and professionals in teaching and professional training Identify opportunities to engage retired teachers and professionals in informal university programs as well as IOC programs, subsidiary bodies Identify mechanism to expand and enhance existing or develop new programs, mindful of an appropriate role for IOC and through partners Ocean Policy Focus on assistance related to the contribution of marine science/services to national ocean/sustainable development strategies and goals. Emphasize CD actions for ensuring local ocean services (for food security, coastal safety) to show the link between science and socioeconomic benefits; provide advice on establishing national ocean service organizations Make available/broker information, assistance, and tools to help MS requesting support to develop their ocean sciences and technology plans; Foster communication between the science and development national communities on how science/services make essential contributions to achieving national development goals. Develop and share an IOC presentation on how marine science/services are of direct benefit to national development goals Explore developing training programmes in the Science to Governance approach (e.g. joint workshops, exchanges) Explore contributing expertise and information on ocean sciences and services through UNESCO (e.g. Country Programming Documents) to help the countries to develop their own national (ocean) science and technology plans and ultimately its ocean policy. These can feed the national development strategy. Foster communication between ocean sciences and society Infrastructure Review IOCs contributions in the field of Transfer of Marine Technology based on the Criteria and Guidelines for such transfer; and identify areas of IOCs existing strengths and areas where further actions may be needed Continue to inform and instruct the Member States on the IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology. Develop some short IOC lessons learned demonstrating how IOC has already made major inroads to implement the strategy (e.g., tsunami progamme and IODE) Revisit the Criteria and Guidelines and evaluate their appropriateness based on current needs and capabilities. Assess in detail the needs of SIDS with their unique and emerging ocean and coastal problems. Consider assistance in developing a needs requirements of MS and broker resource mobilization for infrastructure (e.g. GOOS & Earth Observation Systems) Coordinate with MS with ship capabilities for participation of developing countries scientists. Ocean Teacher Develop an outreach strategy for Ocean Teacher (OT) to expand its visibility to its user communities and participation by these users in OT as students, collaborators in program development, and expert teachers. Advertise OT courses/contents widely among Institutions of Higher Education, by for example, send a mailing/ e.g. monthly announcing website new contents (recommendation to have dedicated communication with Academia); Develop OT pilots to engage Regional Centers as hubs for university and professional collaboration; explore opportunities for academic and professional accreditation. Formalize CD training activities in all IOC subsidiary programs and bodies by integrating them fully in OT including targets for content development and trainingconnected with RTCs, and in expert identification. Ensure that each IOC programme and region/Ocean Data and Information Network (ODIN) develop training courses to be delivered through the Ocean Teacher Global Academy (OTGA). OT and Regional Centers develop relevant programs to address needs identified by the regions Develop a mechanism for OT Global to facilitate Regional Center coherence, quality control and evaluation to promote effective CD within regions and shared learning between regions. Identify opportunities for and encourage UNESCO chairs to effectively support the program Liaise with local/regional partners and actors (e.g. Ministries of Education) while developing OTGA beyond data management. Develop and expand partnerships with user community which currently manages complementary programs, e.g., WMO, SCOR, POGO and others. Partnerships For all elements of the proposed strategy for capacity development, opportunities are available in a number of international organizations including those within the UN system, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, civil society and other stakeholders: Develop and expand partnerships for current complementary programmes like COMET/WMO, POGO SCOR Take advantage of the opportunities for CD activities within the GEF Project on Strengthening LME governance, which will be coordinated by IOC in collaboration with UNDP through the International Secretariat at the IOC Headquarters Involve where appropriate private sector and national civil society partners Timeline ACTIONSTATUS / DEADLINE 1 CD survey in a sample of 20 countries March 2013 - Completed 2 Presentation of CD Strategic Plan concept at IOC Assembly June 2013 Completed3 Setting up of a sessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for CD 26 June to 5 July 2013 - Completed4 Establishment of an Intersessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for CD July 2013 to March 2014 Completed5 Preparation and circulation of Draft CD Strategic Plan to MS April 2014 6 Consideration of Draft CD Strategic Plan by IOC Executive Council July 2014 7 Donors and MS meeting to consider funding and participation in the Strategic Plan October 2014 Evaluation The implementation of the Strategic Plan will be evaluated by a committee to be set up by the Assembly upon its completion. The Global Ocean Science Report, if approved by the IOC MS, will provide a monitoring mechanism for the implementation of the IOC CD strategy. GOSR aims at providing systematic baseline information for assessing and reporting the level of capacity, investments, and needs of nations in ocean science, observation and services. If implemented at regular intervals (every 4/5 years), it would allow to detect trends, gaps and needs in CD and therefore would guide the overall IOC investment in CD. Annex 1: Environmental Scanning (SWOT) Analysis Opportunities The growing international requirement for ocean services and data The increasing investment of Member States in ocean science and services Opportunity to engage with non-state actors for activities in ocean science Member States can contribute on education, infrastructure, policy and general outreach from their previous experience. IOC has an effective global network available for fast communication. Strengths IOC is the only UN organisation with its primary mandate in ocean science. IOC can draw on the expertise of the best research institutes and agencies in oceanography. The IOC network is global and most coastal states are members of IOC. Several organisations linked to the ocean are partners of IOC. UNESCO considers IOC programmes as its top agency-wide priorities IOC has the possibility of furthering its message within the UNESCO network Member States strongly support IOC in the UNESCO Governing Body meetings. Experience acquired by IOC in implementing programmes in ocean science and climate change IOCs regional subsidiary bodies and offices allow a more effective action at a local scale. Weaknesses Requirements are enormous and out of proportion in relation to available resources. Some Member States have yet to effectively prioritise ocean science ans services in their sustainable development planning Limited awareness of the broad range of activities of IOC in some Member States. Threats The decrease in funding and staff undermines IOCs leadership. The challenge of maintaining IOCs unique niche in the expanding number of partners. The world economic situation leads to decreased contributions from Member States to global programmes. In a few countries, movement of qualified ocean scientists from governmental positions (available for IOC coordination) to the private sector. SWOT Matrix STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES S-O Strategies Pursue opportunities that fit IOCs CDs strength Mobilize, under the coordination of IOC, Member States research institutions and organizations, regional bodies and global financial agencies.W-O Strategies Overcome weaknesses to pursue opportunities Involve regional subsidiary bodies and offices, in order to improve capacity and act at a local scale; Develop an action plan, identifying different stakeholders and their tasks, in order to have a clear definition of participation of different member states and organizations;THREATS S-T Strategies Ways to use our strength to reduce vulnerability to external threats Develop (old and new) low-cost strategies of capacity-building; Discuss the potential of oceans activities as an important sector of social and economic development.W-T Strategies Defensive plan to prevent weaknesses from making IOCs CD plan susceptible to external threats Collaborate and partner with organisations having mandates which are close to IOCs Annex 2 IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.1 -Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy The Assembly, Taking note of the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 whereby the UNSD recognizes the importance of building the capacity of developing countries to be able to benefit from the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and their resources, Having examined document  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11008" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10, Decides to set up an Intersessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development with the annexed Terms of Reference; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR. (6.1, 6.2); Requests: the Executive Secretary to include the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development as an item on the Agenda of the Executive Council at its 47th session in 2014; and Member States to consider funding and supporting the activities leading to the formulation and adoption of the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. Annex 3 - Annex to IOC-XXVII, Dec.5.5.1 Draft Terms of Reference for the Intersessional Working Group for the Development of IOC Capacity Development Strategic Plan Purpose The Intersessional Working Group will develop a Capacity Development (CD) Strategic Plan for IOC. This plan will then be implemented through partnership with Member States, donors, UN Agencies, global financial institutions and the private sector. Term The Intersessional CD Strategy Group will be constituted at the 27th IOC Assembly and will operate until the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014. Functions Review documents given below to identify the relevant components that should be considered in an IOC CD strategy along with an outline of the strategy document  HYPERLINK "http://www.ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11799" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 3 Draft IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11008" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Add.  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" Development of a new Capacity Development Strategy - Addendum (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11244" IOC/INF-1313 Baseline Study for an Assessment of National Capacities and Needs in Marine Research, Observation and Data/Information Management (2013);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=437" IOC/INF-1211 IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building (2005);  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=5524" IOC/INF-1276 Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainably Use Their Coastal Resources (Self Driven Capacity Building) Closure Report of the SIDA Funded Project (2010);  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001391/139193m.pdf" IOC/INF-1203 IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (2005);  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002187/218773e.pdf" IOC/ABE-LOSVIII/8 Practices of States in the Fields of Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology: an update of the 2005 analysis of Member State responses to Questionnaire No3 (2008);  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000630/063061eo.pdf" IOC/INF-612 UNESCO/IOC Comprehensive Plan for a Major Assistance Programme to Enhance the Marine Science Capabilities of Developing Countries (1985); Documents produced by IOC subsidiary bodies and sister organisations; Other documents relevant to this exercise. Incorporate elements arising from the following considerations Recent UN Conference outcome documents, especially Rio +20s Outcome document  HYPERLINK "http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/476/10/PDF/N1147610.pdf?OpenElement" The Future we Want and resolutions requesting actions in capacity development; The present High Level Objectives of IOC and its mandate as well as existing IOC programmes; Lessons learned from previous CD plans of IOC (Success stories and implementation problems); Gaps identified through prior assessments and surveys of capacities and needs requirements; Regional priorities as identified through the different IOC sub-commissions and relevant bodies and other IOC regional subsidiary bodies; Existing capacity development initiatives of Member States, other UN agencies and competent international organisations, for example, POGO and SCOR, with a view to developing partnerships, create synergies and avoid duplication; The problem faced by developing countries in not being able to retain qualified staff because of inadequate research infrastructure; Gender Equality, Priority Africa, SIDS and LDCs; The regional requirement for capacity as priorities may not be global. Identify IOCs existing CD strengths and IOCs unique intergovernmental CD niche; The essential elements/pillars of IOCs CD draft strategy, consistent with IOCs Medium Term Strategy, that will complement international CD partner development contributions; The need for a consistent level of extra-budgetary funding; Priorities for actions in relation to available resources focussing on specific geographical areas and specific science areas for effective and efficient capacity development, and informed by IOCs regional bodies; Prepare a report for consideration of the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014. Composition The Vice-Chairperson of the IOC for Group V, Prof. Adot Blim Blivi will serve as Chairperson and the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Commission, DrMitrasen Bhikajee will be the Technical Secretary of the Intersessional Working Group; The Working Group will be open to all IOC Member States. Working arrangements The Working Group will conduct the majority of its business by electronic means; If appropriate, the Chairperson may convene a meeting in time, and for a long enough period, to prepare a report prior to the commencement of a session of the Executive Council; The Group will provide a report on all its activities to the 47th session of the Executive Council; Relevant documents would be made available before the Group meeting, in due time; and The Group will follow procedures for IOC Subsidiary Bodies, seeking to formulate its conclusions and recommendations through consensus.     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