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Tsunami Advisor(s), if applicable (Person, Committee or Agency managing Tsunami Mitigation in country) Name: LCL Philippe COVA Postal Address: Etat Major de Zone de DfenseAntilles, Prfecture de la rgion Martinique, Rue Victor Svre, BP 647-648, 97262 FORT DE FRANCE cedex, FWI E-mail Address: philippe.cova@martinique.pref.gouv.fr Emergency Telephone Number: +596 596 39 39 37 Emergency Fax Number: +596 596 39 39 36 Emergency Cellular Telephone Number: +596 696 33 16 25 4. Local Tsunami Procedures. (if a local tsunami hazard exists) What organization identifies and characterizes tsunamigenic events in the immediate source area? What is the threshold for declaring a potential local tsunami emergency? What organization acts on the information provided by the agency responsible for characterizing the potential local tsunami threat? How is the emergency situation terminated? 5. Distant Tsunami Procedures. (when distant tsunami hazard exists) What organization becomes aware of tsunamigenic events from a distant source? What action does this organization take with regard to tsunamigenic events from a distant source? What are the criteria for initiating tsunami mitigation procedures? What actions were taken in response to warnings issued by PTWC during the intersessional period? 6. National Sea Level Network Please include a table with position and description of stations/sensors, and a map, See table in file annexe_french-sea-level.xls and map in file french-sea-level.pdf Information on Tsunami occurrences Two field observations of tsunami run-ups in Guadeloupe after Montserrat eruption on 07/13/2003 and after Les Saintes earthquake on 11/21/2007 [Le Friant et al., 2005 ; Zahibo et al., 2006]. tude prliminaire de l'ala tsunami aux Antilles franaises (Preliminary study of tsunami hazard in the French Antilles), rapport BRGM/RP55795-FR, Pedreros R. and Terrier M., 73p., 20 fig., 2tabl., 8 pl. Web sites (URLs) of national tsunami-related web sites  HYPERLINK "http://www.planseisme.fr/"www.planseisme.fr  HYPERLINK "http://www.tsunamis.fr/"www.tsunamis.fr NATIONAL PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES INFORMATION 9. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Present day French contribution for the CTWS : 3 broad-band seismic stations with real time transmission belonging to Geoscope Network (G) Two broad-band seismic stations belonging to Guadeloupe Network (GL) . Real time data recorded by these stations are freely distributed through the Geoscope data Center (seedlink protocol - geosbud.ipgp.fr -port TCP : 18000) One sea-level gauge with real time transmission, data are available on the Sea Level Monitoring Facility web site (http://www.ioc-sealevelmonitoring.org/station.php?code=desi). 10. NARRATIVE Following the recommendations of the COI : one real-time sea-level gauge has been installed in eastern Guadeloupe (la Desirade island) in June 2010, one sea-level gage will be installed in north western Guadeloupe (close to the city of Deshaies) before the end of 2011. One broad-band station has been installed in eastern Guadeloupe (la Desirade island). 5 more broad band stations will be installed on the Guadeloupe archipelago (one in Saint Barthlmy). The 2 years TSUAREG InterReg project aiming at strengthening the seismological monitoring network and the sea-level monitoring network in the Lesser Antilles has been funded. It is a collaborative project between the Martinique and Guadeloupe observatories (FWI), the SHOM (French Navy), Mto-France (French Meteorological Service), the Conseil Gnral de la Martinique (Martinique General Council, CGMA) and the Seismological Research Center (The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago). 4 real time broad band stations will be installed in Martinique Island and 4 real time broad band stations will been installed in Cariacou, Northern Santa Lucia, Northern Dominica and Antigua in collaboration with SRC. The 3 sea level gauges belonging to SHOM (Ile Royale, French Guiana, Fort de France, Martinique and Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe) will be upgraded and the transmission will be real time. The Martinique general council will upgrade its sea level gauge (le prcheur) and install a new tide gauge on the eastern coast of Martinique. Lidar (IGN for land cover and SHOM for shallow water) high resolution topography, coastlines and bathymetry (0-30m for Martnique/0-10m for Guadeloupe) data will be delivered in January 2012 for Martinique and December 2012 for Guadeloupe A national organization for all the TWS in which France is participating is under definition. Date: /02/2011 Name: Marie-Paule Bouin     ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI [\y  ? 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