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The 8th session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWS) in Melbourne, Australia in 2011 supported the concept of expanding the role of the Jakarta Tsunami Information Centre (JTIC) into an Indian Ocean Tsunami Centre (IOTIC) to provide educational and awareness information to the public to prepare for and mitigate the impact of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean region. The 9th session of the ICG/IOTWS in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2012 requested JTIC to develop the Terms of Reference for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC). IOTIC GOAL The goal of IOTIC is to provide support for the countries of the Indian Ocean region in disaster risk reduction focusing on tsunamis through the preparation and dissemination of awareness and preparedness materials and the development of educational programmes. IOTIC OBJECTIVES Providing support for countries in disaster risk reduction; Strengthening national and community preparedness against tsunami disasters; Becoming the clearing house for tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction information in the Indian Ocean region, IOTIC Terms of Reference The Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre shall: Work closely and in coordination with the ICG/IOTWS, its Steering Group, Working Groups and Secretariat,to: Maintain close familiarity with the operations and needs of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System and work closely with the RTSPs, NTWCs and NDMOs to assist, as needed, with the socialization and promotion of tsunami warning information. Support the ICG/IOTWS Working Groups to conduct training programmes, workshops, and seminars as needed in consultation with the ICG/IOTWS Secretariat Serve as an information resource for the availability of educational, preparedness, and other awareness materials required for an effective tsunami warning and mitigation system. Activities may include to: Initiate and foster the development and distribution of materials in the local language and context in partnership with national and local agencies and civil society organizations; Initiate and implement national and community level awareness programmes, as are appropriate, for the effective delivery of awareness information in partnership with community stakeholders; Encourage and assist as requested in the development of national social awareness materials for events and institutions, such as museums, memorial events, sign boards and other tsunami event memorials or materials, informative roadside signage or exhibits which remember the damaging aspects of past tsunamis; Encourage the posting of hazard, evacuation, or other interpretative signage to increase public awareness for effective and timely tsunami warning response. Develop, manage and maintain the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre Website as a platform for sharing information on tsunami education, awareness and and preparedness. Develop strategic and long term plans for sustaining the Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre GOVERNANCE The IOTIC will be an IOC UNESCO entity and will operate under the overall authority of the Executive Secretary of IOC UNESCO and the day-to-day management of the IOC UNESCO National Programme Officer stationed at UNESCO Jakarta in close coordination with the ICG/IOTWS Secretariat. The IOTIC will report to each session of the ICG/IOTWS and to the intersessional meetings of the ICG/IOTWS Steering Group, and its activities and workplans will be guided by and coordinated with the needs and requirements of the ICG/IOTWS.         ! # 3 4 E F R S ~qgqgq]qOqgqgqgqEhOJQJ^Jh4vvh4vvH*OJQJ^Jh6OJQJ^Jh|OJQJ^Jh4vvh4vvOJQJ^J#h4vvh%g5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h4vvhwy5CJOJQJ^JaJhf5CJOJQJ^JaJh%g5CJOJQJ^JaJh |5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h%gh%g5CJOJQJ^JaJjhO)5UmHnHuh4vv5CJOJQJ^JaJ $^a$gdT6$ & FV^`Va$gdT6$a$gd%g K S m {   $ 4 5 8 9 = > O d p ~  鰞u#hScqhwy5CJOJQJ^JaJh(4OJQJ^Jhivh(4OJQJ^J#hScqh(45CJOJQJ^JaJh4vvOJQJ^Jh4vvhH*OJQJ^Jh4vvhOJQJ^Jh6OJQJ^Jh|OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh4vvh4vvOJQJ^J, -QP & F 88x^8gd! & Fgd!gd! $^a$gd6$ & F^`a$gdT6$ & FV^`Va$gdT6 $^a$gd6$ & FV^`Va$gd6 !+,-:;CDMTUxϼzlYH h6h4vvCJOJQJ^JaJ$h4vvht1ROJPJQJ^JnHtHh2hOJQJ^JnHtH h4vvh4vvOJQJ^JnHtH h4vvh4vvCJOJQJ^JaJh4vvOJPJQJ^JnHtHht1ROJPJQJ^JnHtH$h4vvh4vvOJPJQJ^JnHtH#hScqhwy5CJOJQJ^JaJh65CJOJQJ^JaJhT65CJOJQJ^JaJ-<?@AKLO°}l^lPBlPlBl}PBh7CJOJQJ^JaJh:)CJOJQJ^JaJh\L1CJOJQJ^JaJ hfhT6CJOJQJ^JaJ hfh:CJOJQJ^JaJ hfh\lCJOJQJ^JaJ hfh!CJOJQJ^JaJ#hT6hScq5CJOJQJ^JaJhf5CJOJQJ^JaJh65CJOJQJ^JaJhT65CJOJQJ^JaJ hScqh6CJOJQJ^JaJ  3OPW[fgnotu"GIUWdlwͼͮ޼޼޼ޮޝޮޮޝޮ޼ސ hfhfCJOJQJ^JaJhfh!OJQJ^J hfhT6CJOJQJ^JaJh:)CJOJQJ^JaJ hfh:CJOJQJ^JaJ hfh2hCJOJQJ^JaJ hfh!CJOJQJ^JaJ hfh\lCJOJQJ^JaJ1l+b)*+-.0134 dgd4vvgdf $^a$gd6$ & FV^`Va$gd(4h^hgdf & Fgd:gd!  & Fxgd!6(*+,./124579:DEFjh5bQUmHnHtHuh5bQh:jh:U#hfh%g5CJOJQJ^JaJhOJQJ^Jh6OJQJ^JhOJQJ^Jh(45CJOJQJ^JaJ46789;<=>?@ABCDEFgdf dgd4vv21h:p69D/ =!"#$% @Dd L  C (ACOI_EngR(@= L!u @D F?= L!u JFIFddDuckyd&Adobed '*5j?'   @ 60P45p1%8  !1"A2#Q0aBR3$ԕ68@q4%uv PbrwCcsTd5  !1AQaq2@"rBR#34PbCspSc$ғDTt5!1AQ@aq0 Pp WBŀ ( gBܱ"^Zc2b-s.Qj2v,I@}? 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