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Background This section reviews developments to date in the design and implementation of the NEAMTWS and outlines future plans taking account of the slower than expected progress achieved, the architecture of IOC tsunami warning systems in other regions, and changes in national plans. Following the initial decision in 2005 to set up NEAMTWS much effort has been devoted to developing the elements of a warning system. It was originally envisaged that implementation would be in two phases, an initial system to be in place by the end of 2007 followed by implementation of a full system to be completed by the end of 2011. The main objective of the initial phase was to have in place a system for dealing with tsunamis having destructive potential far from the source, i.e. with impact times longer than 30 minutes after the first alert that a tsunami may have been generated. At the end of the second phase the system would be capable of producing alerts for locations within 10 minutes travel time of the source. Other sea-level related hazards such as storm surges and extreme waves would also be encompassed within this second phase. Four working groups were set up to examine different aspects of the system and, where possible, to put in place plans for addressing the needs of their particular area: (1) Hazard Assessment, Risk and Modelling; (2) Seismic and Geophysical Measurements; (3) Sea Level Data Collection and Exchange, including Offshore Tsunami Detection and Instruments; and (4) Advisory, Mitigation and Public Awareness. The results of the activities of these groups is documented in the NEAMTWS Implementation Plan (IOC, 2009) which also describes the scope of the system being designed and the particular characteristics of the geographical region, e.g. a combination of distinct sea and ocean basins with widely varying probabilities of tsunami occurrence and impact. Although the groups made significant progress in addressing a number of technical issues from their own perspectives it was recognized that effort was also needed to address the overall system architecture that would enable integration of the various components into a working system in which the first seismic information from an earthquake would be corroborated by oceanographic information with transmission of appropriate messages based on carefully formulated decision matrices. Moreover, as well as the complexity of the geological and oceanographic domains there was the added difficulty of how to get the many interested parties working together in a way that acknowledged the varying levels of capability to contribute to the programme. It was therefore decided to set up an Architecture Task Team in January 2007 to advise on this end-to-end system aspect. The original concept was to establish, where possible, National Tsunami Warning Centres in each country responsible for issuing warnings to the relevant authorities in the Member State. In addition, some of the Centres were envisaged to act as Regional Tsunami Watch Centres with responsibilities for providing tsunami alerts in particular regions beyond that of their own Member States. However, following further consideration that also took account of developments by other ICGs and recommendations by TOWS encouraging standardization where appropriate, the concept which has evolved is that of Tsunami Watch Providers and Tsunami Watch Recipients. Tsunami Watch Providers are those NTWCs willing and able to provide tsunami alert information to other Member States at designated Forecast Points; Watch Recipients are those Tsunami Warning Focal Points choosing to receive such information; usually they will themselves be NTWCs. In order to be recognized as part of NEAMTWS, Tsunami Watch Providers must meet a number of requirements and be approved by the ICG of NEAMTWS. Until these conditions are met they will be referred to as Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers (CTWPs). A key aspect of this approach is that Tsunami Watch Providers do not have designated geographical areas of responsibility. Member States will have the freedom to decide from which candidate Tsunami Watch Provider(s) they would like to receive tsunami watch messages. A Member State will be able to receive tsunami watch messages from more than one Provider. The revised architecture was approved by ICG-VIII. As the Task Team had completed its mandate it was decided it should be terminated with responsibility for implementation given to the Steering Committee established at ICG-VIII. The details of this approach are captured in the Operational Users Guide, currently available in an interim form, which is intended to be a living document available to Tsunami Watch Providers and Watch Recipients for reference during training exercises and actual tsunami events. Contents include: the roles of Tsunami Watch Providers and Tsunami Watch Recipients, the requirements that must be filled for any organisation wishing to be a candidate Tsunami Watch Provider, and details of the different message types and their contents that will be made available by them. Several countries have expressed interest in acting as Tsunami Watch Providers but for a variety of reasons, some technical and some funding-related, none of these is fully operational at present. We were therefore faced with a situation in which the original two-phase implementation was no longer sufficient. Instead, it was probable that Tsunami Watch Providers would achieve full functionality at different times. It was therefore concluded (at ICG-VI in November 2009) that a third NEAMTWS document was necessary in addition to the Implementation Plan and Interim Operational Users Guide. Known as the Development Plan, this would describe how the system is evolving, taking account of changed circumstances and the reduced rate of progress made. One advantage of this approach is that it enables certain parts of the Implementation Plan to be updated without replacing the Implementation Plan itself. The present document is the result of this process; Table 1 shows the relationship between the three documents. Although this approach differs from the organisation of documentation adopted by the other ICGs it should be noted that the overall scope and philosophy of approach is similar. Also, opportunity has been taken to make provision for adding material as the system further evolves to encompass the multi-hazard approach to warning systems. ObjectivesScopeIntended audienceResponsibility for authorshipTimeframeReview processDevelopment PlanTo document overall development of NEAMTWS and guide its future developmentAddresses evolution towards fully functioning system, taking account of barriers in implementing original designICG and all its WGs, TTsSteering CommitteePresent until full system implemented and tested (currently end-2013)Update every 12 months approved by ICGImplementation PlanTo specify detailed requirements of the design and implementation of NEAMTWSAction plans for all components (hazard assessment, seismic measurements, sea level monitoring, advisories and awareness)ICG and all its WGs, TTsSteering Committee + 4 WGsOngoingRolling updates approved by ICG officersInterim Operational Users GuideTo specify the detailed requirements for centres, contact points and message contentRoles and requirements for Tsunami Watch Providers, NTWCs, national focal points etc. Decision matrix for alerts, specification of content of different messagesStaff at Tsunami Watch Providers, NTWCs, national focal points and civil protection agenciesSteering Committee + Communications Test and Tsunami Exercises TTOngoingRolling updates approved by ICG officers Table 1: Complementarity between Development Plan, Implementation Plan and Interim Operational Users Guide. 2. Present status of NEAMTWS At the time of writing (November 2013) the system architecture for NEAMTWS consists of the following: 5 Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers and a back-up seismic information centre. Various countries are developing National Tsunami Warning Centres, some as part of a wider multi-hazard warning framework. Most countries have declared TWFPs and TNCs but these need to be reviewed. The latest available plans of each candidate Tsunami Watch Provider are summarized in Annex 1. Although not permanently operating on 24/7 basis, GFZ, the German Centre for Geosciences, offers to act as a seismic background data collection and processing centre for NEAMTWS. This role includes collecting seismic real-time data from public and private sources over Internet and its private VSAT hub including the data streams from the dedicated VSAT backbone seismic network operating a global earthquake monitoring system issuing very rapidly automatic solutions providing its SeisComP3 software to the candidate Tsunami Watch Providers and to organise operational support providing the collected real-time data feeds and automatic and manual processing results to the candidate Tsunami Watch Providers providing rapid access to its comprehensive seismic data archive of EuroMed and global data providing a platform for the rapid internal exchange of seismic processing results among the candidate Tsunami Watch Providers 3. Summary and interim plans pending fully operational Tsunami Watch Provider services From Annex 1 it can be seen that whereas it had been envisaged that by ICG-VI in November 2009 the first entity to provide tsunami watch information would have been established, the present scenario is that no approved Tsunami Watch Providers are yet in place. Until such a position is reached, a minimum objective is for the Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers to be compatible with the criteria given in the Operational Users Guide, relying on available solutions and fully implementing the concept of Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFPs). The TWFPs have begun to participate in text and image message tests to verify their capacities (see Section 5). Moreover, a procedure has been developed by the Steering Committee for approval of Tsunami Watch Providers within NEAMTWS. In addition, GFZ will continue to provide seismic information throughout the region. It is highly desirable that TWFPs should make arrangements to receive information from GFZ directly. While the Tsunami Watch Provider system is being implemented, the GFZ system may be the only official source of large-area, tsunami-related information in the NEAM region. However, this will be for seismic information only so a procedure will be required at NTWCs to determine whether a tsunami has been generated, what alert should be issued and on what basis it will be cancelled. At present, it is envisaged that a fully operational NEAMTWS, that is with a system of Tsunami Watch Providers providing information for TWFPs and NTWCs, will not be in place before the end of 2013. After that the GFZ system will revert to a background seismic system.. 4. Data from organisations outside the region In any potential tsunami situation following a major earthquake there is the probability that information will be received from organisations that are not part of the formal tsunami warning system for that region. This includes other IOC regional tsunami centres as well as the news networks. Procedures for dealing with this need to be considered in advance and particularly so for NEAM where a complete official system is not yet in place. The most likely scenario is when a large earthquake is detected in the NEAM region the seismic parameters of which are made widely available through various communication channels including the internet. The NEAM Tsunami Watch Providers/Watch Recipients need to develop procedures for responding to such a situation where the data come from unexpected sources so that quick communication to civil protection agencies (CPAs) can be established and the necessary advice can be given, including the issuing and cancellation of watches and warnings. 5. Test Exercises 5.1 Communications Test Exercises The first Enlarged Communications Test Exercise was carried out on 10 August 2011 (KOERI as the Message Provide), followed by the CTE2 on 22 May 2012 (CENALT as the Message Provider) and CTE3 on 1 October 2013 (NOA as the Message Provider), where SMS technology was also utilized in the latter. Through the ECTE1, ICG/NEAMTWS was able to test the communication related issues with 139 end-users in 31 countries for the first time. Its results are published in IOC Technical Series No. 98. CTE2 was a successful test with the participation of 31 countries. Most of the recommendations previously introduced in the ECTE1 were successfully implemented, and some of the problems faced during ECTE1 have been successfully resolved; yet there are still some ongoing problems which need further attention. An improvement in the fax and GTS message latencies has been observed and email message latencies are comparable with ECTE1. The number of actively participating countries increased from 20 to 26 with respect to ECTE1. The evaluation of the CTE3 is in progress. In addition to the wide-scale CTEs, Regular CTEs are conducted every month since October 2012 between CTWPs. 5.2 Tsunami Warning Exercises The first Tsunami Exercise in NEAM, NEAMWave12, was conducted on 27-28 November 2012 as an attempt to assess the national and local warning dissemination and response mechanisms put in place by Member State CPAs upon the reception of a Tsunami warning from their TWFPs. In addition NEAMWave12 has also addressed the questions related to the evaluation of alert messages by CTWPs and the issuance of the tsunami messages to TWFPs. NEAMWave12 involved the simulation of the assessment of a tsunami, based on an earthquake-driven scenario followed by alert message dissemination by CTWPs (Phase A) and continued with the simulation of the TWFP/NTWCs and CPAs actions (Phase B), as soon as the message produced in Phase A has been received. There were multiple scenarios in NEAMWave12, where each CTWP was responsible for a single scenario at each scenario play. For the first time in the NEAM region 4 Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers (CTWPs) distributed a series of realistic warning messages related to an ongoing simulated destructive tsunami, in an activity that lasted up 3 hours. The message content was based on 4 different tsunami scenarios so that all NEAM Member States with a Tsunami Focal Point established could participate in the exercise using an event that affected its coastal areas. A considerable effort was used from the CTWP but also from the Tsunami Watch Recipients (TWR) to prepare for the conducting of the realistic and long lasting NEAMWave12 exercise. The exercise also provided an opportunity to test the adequacy of the NEAMTWS Interim Operations Users Guide (NEAMTWS-IOUG) in establishing the rules for creating Tsunami Warning Messages and its broadcasting to the TWRs. Despite the low number of participants in NEAMWave12-Phase B, the Member States benefited from the flexibility introduced and exploited the exercise in such a way to serve their purposes. On the other hand, NEAMWave12 scenarios provided by CENALT (France) and KOERI (Turkey) were successfully used in a CTE conducted on 11 December 2012 within Programme for the Prevention Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made Disasters (PPRD), simulating the procedure of activating the MIC request of support in case of a tsunami event, indicating the additional usefulness of NEAMWave12 for interested stakeholders. NEAMTWS has reached a new level thanks to the operational status of some CTWPs and NEAMWave12 and it became obvious that the continuity of tsunami exercises is essential. In the meantime, further interaction is needed with CPAs, while focusing on the creation of the SOPs, so that the next Tsunami Exercise could provide considerable improvement to NEAMTWS, both at the NTWC/CTWP and CPA level, so that the elements of the chain system works in harmony. Further information could be found in the NEAMWave12 Evaluation Report (to be presented at the ICG/NEAMTWS X). It is anticipated that the next Tsunami Exercise will take place in 2014 (NEAMWave14) 6. Further developments: multi-hazard approach Some Member States, particularly in northern Europe, will not be developing stand-alone tsunami warning systems but will integrate the functionality within existing or planned multi-hazard warning systems. These are envisaged to include other phenomena affecting sea level, and hence may cause coastal inundation, such as storm surges, extreme waves, meteo-tsunami and underwater landslides. The potential for increasing cost-effectiveness by sharing infrastructure and building on links to civil protection authorities has to be weighed against possible disadvantages in diluting the focus on the particular characteristics of the threat from tsunami, e.g. the extremely short response times. Therefore, the issues associated with this approach need further consideration and it was agreed at ICG-VII that they be addressed by a new Task Team on the Multi-hazard Approach to Coastal Inundation. At the first meeting of the group actions were agreed to: (1) identify relevant existing warning systems at national and European level; 2) explore the scope for linkages with these; and, 3) assess the mutual value of interacting with the various frameworks for coastal inundation mapping such as the EU Floods Directive. The resulting information was discussed by the second meeting of the Task Team in September 2011 and led to a number of recommendations for presentation and consideration at ICG-VIII. As a result, it was agreed that responsibility for further development of the multi-hazard approach would be incorporated into the terms of reference of the newly-established Steering Committee established at ICG-VIII. Annex 1: Status of Candidate Tsunami Watch Providers (as at 25 January 2012) (the information in this Annex will be updated as frequently as necessary) A.1 France The Commissariat lEnergie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) has established the CENALT (CENtre d'Alerte aux Tsunamis) requested by the French ministry of interior and the ministry of sustainable development. On July 1st 2012, CENALT became a 24/7 operational centre. This centre is monitoring the Western Mediterranean and the North-eastern Atlantic. It is based on three main components: seismic network data, sea level network data, dissemination system and processing and analyzing software. A seismic backbone network was defined. The CNRS/INSU has upgraded 4 stations where CEA has implemented VSAT antenna. The CENALT has established scientific cooperation with 8 institutions and implemented and financed private leased lines for exchanging data with these institutions from 5 different countries (Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Tunisia). An agreement was concluded with CTBTO in October 2010 providing to the CENALT real-time data transmission from 36 stations from the International Monitoring System. SHOM, the French hydrographic and oceanographic service, has worked to install 5 new tide gauge stations bordering the Ligurian sea, 2 on French Riviera coasts and 3 on Corsica. SHOM is working on making all 34 tide-gauge stations operated available in real-time in 2013. The CENALT is connected to the SHOM stations. The CENALT receives the data of the stations connected to GTS and is connected to the IOC VLIZ to get the data from the other countries. The seismic data are processed with the Seiscomp 3 software. The tide gauge data are processed with a customized version of the Guitar software, built by Gempa for the CENALT. The tsunami arrival time is computed with the TTT Software developed by Geoware and made available to warning systems, and adapted for the CENALT. Historical tsunami database, database on earthquake sources and on tsunami scenarios have been developed by CEA for the centre. A specific Decision Support System was developed to integrate all components (modules) to enable the dissemination of bulletins by fax, internet and GTS. CENALT has its own GTS transmission and reception system connected to GTS via Mto-France. CENALT is the Tsunami Warning Focal Point (TWFP) for France and responsible for NTWC (National Tsunami Warning Centre). CENALT is acting as Candidate Tsunami Watch Provider since July 2012. A.2 Greece In Greece, the National Observatory of Athens - Institute of Geodynamics (NOA-IG) has been formally established by law as the Hellenic NTWC. HL-NTWC is the Tsunami Warning Focal Point (TWFP) for Greece operational as a NEAMTWS Candidate Tsunami Watch Provider since August 2012 and its monitoring area covers the Ionian Sea, the Aegean Sea and Eastern Mediterranean. At the HL-NTWC there is a 24/7 operation control room with a 24/7 link to the Greek General Secretary for Civil Protection and the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization. Current developments of the HL-NTWC concern the following: Coordination of all real time seismic networks in Greece by NOA-IG is currently comprising of more than 145 broadband seismic stations available in real time.  HYPERLINK "http://bbnet.gein.noa.gr/HL/" http://bbnet.gein.noa.gr/HL/ A developing accelerometric network comprising of over 150 stations, 80 of which are available in real time.  HYPERLINK "http://accelnet.gein.noa.gr/" http://accelnet.gein.noa.gr/. The upgrade of the current seismic network with the co-located deployment of accelerographs is in development. A network of continuous 20 GPS stations with data to rapidly detect uplift and subsidence is expansion, combining existing CGPS stations operating off line for research purposes real time operation and link to the HL-NTWC.  HYPERLINK "http://www.gein.noa.gr/services/GPS/noa_gps.html" http://www.gein.noa.gr/services/GPS/noa_gps.html Incorporation of 21 tide gauge stations of the HNHS (Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service) with data available via a common plugin (homogenized monitoring), is in the testing phase. Six (6) of them are already available in real time to HL-NTWC via ftp communication procedure.  HYPERLINK "http://bbnet.gein.noa.gr/tide-gauge/" http://bbnet.gein.noa.gr/tide-gauge/ A DART clone tsunami sensor at Pylos submarine observatory has been linked to the HL-NTWC. A database of hundreds of pre-computed scenarios of tsunami propagation identifying target areas is ongoing using MOST and ComMIT is in preparation. Standardization of tide gauge data exchange procedures for the Hellenic NTWC with other national contributors is under development in order to include all tide gauge stations upgraded from off line to operational real time stations. A second DPS has been considered for installation at a new site East of Crete, another DART clone. Moreover there are also plans for the acquisition of another true DART for the Aegean and Southern Crete. Three new tide gauge stations have been installed in June 2013 in Koroni, Antikythira, Paleoxora and are operated in cooperation with JRC. Data from those stations are available to HL-NTWC and JRC in real time and will be shortly accessible to other member states, after adequate performance and fine tuning tests. Each station is consists of two sensors, one pressure and one microwave sensor (radar) and a CGPS. Two tide gauge stations, with microwave sensors, have been installed, in May 2013, in Santorini island and in September 2013, in Corfu island, with data transmitted to HL-NTWC in real time. A new network is being prepared which will involve 20 new tide gauge stations including CGPS at each site. In the framework of cooperation with JRC, both MOD1 & 2 scenario databases have been fully installed and are already in use. The scenario databases have been developed by JRC using the SWAN code. The set of scenarios enables HL-NTWC to estimate wave arrival times and wave heights near the coast. The processing and analysis of the scenarios has been implemented using the Tsunami Analysis Tool. Moreover, Tsunami Travel Times software (TTT) by Geoware (kindly provided by NOAA) has also been locally installed and the operator has the possibility to estimate the tsunami arrival time either by using the scenarios travel time or those calculated by TTT. A scripting module has been developed in following Tsunami Analysis Tool messaging output. This module gives to the user the opportunity to send simultaneously all three types of messages, i.e. e-mail, fax and GTS, the last through the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS) via the dedicated VPN link between HNMS and NOA HL-NTWC operating centers. Training of the operators involved in the 24/7 operation of the HL-NTWC is carried on constantly. For that reason HL-NTWC participates in a project called Global Tsunami Information Monitoring Service (GTIMS), coordinated by JRC. The aim of the project is to issue pseudo-messages and create Tsunami Analysis Reports for every potential Tsunami event occurring worldwide caused by earthquakes of magnitude equal or greater than 7.0 for a period of 1 year. HL-NTWC participates in monthly communication tests and exercises organized by the IOC, in order to periodically verify its readiness. It successfully participated in the NEAMWAVE12 exercise that was held in November 2012, providing a pre-computed tsunami scenario. It also effectively conducted the 3rd Enlarged Communication Test Exercise in October 2013, with the participation of 31 counties and 40 agencies. A.3 Italy The representative of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at UNESCO has recently transferred the responsibility of the Italian NTWC from the National Department for Civil Protection (DPC) to the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV). Within the framework of the national Civil Protection system, it has been established that three Institutions constitute the Italian NTWC: the High Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), DPC and INGV. The Italian NTWC at INGV will be called Centro di Allerta Tsunami (CAT). Similarly, the role of TWFP has been transferred to INGV and the Director of the National Earthquake Center, specifically. The role of TNC remains with DPC. It is foreseen that CAT will start its pre-operational activity as CTWP on July 1st, 2014. The starting date will be officially communicated at a later stage, as it is subject to the signature of national agreements. The CAT will be physically located at INGV seismic monitoring centre. It will operate on a 24/7 basis for earthquake detection, tsunami forecast, and sea level monitoring. Messages will be issued by CAT as a NEAM CTWP towards IOC member states of the NEAM region. Sala Situazione Italia (SSI), operated by DPC in Rome on a 24/7 basis, will receive messages and additional information from INGV, according to national protocols. ISPRA will act as sea-level data provider for CAT. DPC will be responsible of message dissemination at the national level. An inter-institutional board, formed by representatives of DPC, INGV, and ISPRA, has been appointed for governing the CAT construction process during 2013-2014. INGV, as a competence center for the Italian DPC, has been operating a 24/7 seismic surveillance service for earthquakes since the early 1990s. The main seismic monitoring centre is based at INGV in Rome, and a backup seismic center is located in Grottaminarda at the local INGV headquarters. The CAT functions are being implemented on top of the seismic monitoring functions: adopting a network composed by several hundreds of seismic stations, both directly maintained by INGV or acquired in the framework of bilateral agreements or regional programs (e.g., MedNet), already into being. The seismic monitoring at INGV involves the acquisition and real-time analysis of signals from about 400 stations at the Italian scale (mainly equipped with broad-band velocimetric and/or accelerometric sensors), and other ~350 broad-band stations at a global scale. The Italian National Seismic Network analyses signals with an average delay of about 15 seconds. The Early-Est locating procedure receives signals at a global scale with a delay, as an average, lower than 10s for a 50% of the 370 connected stations, lower than 20s at 62% of the stations and lower than 1 minute at 87% of the stations. Early-Est implements P-wave discriminants (i.e., dominant period and duration exceedance direct measurements), which have been found effective for very fast characterization of earthquake tsunamigenic potential at global scale. Further bi-lateral agreements are foreseen with the NEAM CTWPs and other seismological institutions, as well as with other Italian competent institutions, to improve the present situation. The existing procedures for seismic detection and characterization are being updated and integrated with new ones developed on purpose (mainly Early-Est) to allow seismic monitoring at the Mediterranean scale. The fully-automatic detection performances of Early-Est have been constantly monitored in the past year and they have been found satisfactory for fast earthquake location and magnitude estimation. There are now on-going efforts to improve the fast focal mechanism estimation and to add new modules for fast moment tensor calculations. Additional seismic processing and tsunami evaluation systems (e.g., Seiscomp3, Early-Bird) will be installed as a backup solution. INGV also maintains the national permanent GPS network (RING) consisting of about 180 stations, most of them acquiring with high sampling rate and transmitting data with latencies ranging from 1s to 30s. These data could provide important contributions for near real-time determination of fault finiteness upon development of dedicated analysis tools, which is planned for the future. Tsunami arrival time calculations and alert messaging systems are being implemented according to the NEAM decision matrix. A database of pre-calculated tsunami scenarios is under construction, and it will be placed side by side to a GPU based quasi-real time scenario calculation system. A Decision Support System (DSS) will help managing seismic information, tsunami discriminants provided by Early-Est and tsunami forecasting estimates in real time, within a Bayesian evolutionary scheme. The scenario database will also allow the compilation of probabilistic seismic tsunami hazard assessment, and it will provide guidelines for the definition of evacuation maps in collaboration with DPC and local authorities. About ten INGV research scientists are presently dedicated to the above described CAT developing and implementation activities, in close cooperation with those already continuously developing and maintaining the seismic monitoring center. ISPRA maintains the National Tide-Gauge Network (Rete Mareografica Nazionale, RMN) composed of 36 stations, 22 of which have a sampling rate of 60 seconds. All of the data are being transmitted to INGV, though this service is still experimental, and the typical latencies range from several to several tens of minutes. Improvement of the acquisition/transmission system, as well as installation of new stations is underway. Dedicated tools for the real time analysis of sea-level data (e.g., tide-removal) and comparison with modelled tsunami forecasts are being developed within the above-mentioned DSS at CAT. Data from other non-national stations will be received through the IOC VLIZ service. Bi-lateral agreements with other CTWPs and Member states are foreseen for acquiring more stations in the NEAM region. Concerning the reception/transmission of alert messaging, a dedicated, pre-operational system is in place at INGV and it fulfils the NEAM requirements regarding the TWFP functions. For example, CAT participated in the ECTE-3 on the 1st October 2013, and CAT received test messages through GTS, e-mail, fax and SMS. The exchange of GTS messages occurs through the CNMCA, which operates the GTS hub for METEO-AM, the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare) Meteorological Service. Two means of communications have been implemented to forward messages to SSI at DPC and to provisional recipients at ISPRA, namely e-mail and fax. E-mails contain reading confirmation request. As soon as the messages are understood, operators at CAT and SSI communicate via a dedicated red phone, just for confirmation in the case of the exercise. The red phone and a backup VHF radio normally used for communicating after earthquakes between INGV and DPC are being exploited for the CAT functions. The message received through GTS has been delivered within the same second to the 24/7 Sala Situazione Italia at DPC in Rome and to provisional recipients at ISPRA. In addition, DPC experimented message delivering at the local level to Regione Marche. Following the Crete earthquake M6.4 of 12/10/2013, GTS messages provided by NOA and KOERI CTWPs have been delivered to both DPC and ISPRA almost instantaneously. The performances and robustness of the message exchange system will be progressively improved towards the pre-operational phase of the CAT as CTWP, that will be officially declared in the first months of 2014 and will likely start on 1st July 2014. Meanwhile, CAT will participate in regular communication tests, by subscribing to the services of all NEAM CTWPs. INGV is also participating in the GTIMS exercise along with other NEAM CTWPs during 2013-2014, funded by MIC and coordinated by JRC. The exercise aims at the training of the CTWPs that have to report their informal activities for any M7+ potentially tsunamigenic earthquake at the global scale. Additional exercises at the national level will be conducted in 2014 with the aim of training about 20 research scientists, already involved in seismic monitoring shifting, to prepare them to become expert CAT operators, and for the training of the message recipients at DPC and ISPRA. This training will be conducted both through monitoring of potentially tsunamigenic earthquakes at the global scale, and by simulating NEAM CTWP activity for the NEAM region. Indeed, an experimental shift (limited to day time in the working days), will be added to the present 24/7 shift at INGV seismic center in the first half of 2014, as a preparation for the 24/7 functioning as CTWP in the second half of 2014. To promote the development of strategies to prevent the risk of tsunamis several initiatives have been organized with some municipalities, schools, local groups and association, several hundreds of volunteers, and with the collaboration of several national organizations. Some examples are: the Tsunami I dont take risks organized by DPC, INGV, ISPRA, ReLUIS Laboratories University Network of seismic engineering, and OGS National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental, mainly in the province of Salerno; the Training and Project Plan activities within the EU project TWIST, with training addressed to officers and technical figures on the territory, and Project Plan addressed towards the development and integration of local emergency plans with the tsunami-related ones. A.4 Portugal The Portuguese NTWC comprises a set of sequential operations on data collection and analysis, from the earthquake occurrence to the preparation and issuing of messages to the Civil Protection Authorities. The three main components of the system are the seismic network, the tsunami detection/analysis and the issuing of message to the civil authorities. Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA), created in December 2012 after a major reorganization of the national state laboratories, is the responsible for the seismic monitoring at national level. According to its new organic law, IPMA has the attribution to operate the NTWC. Currently, the Portuguese seismic network is collecting data from 55 broad-band stations, 28 Short-period station, and 29 accelerometers through which the hypocenter and magnitude of an earthquake can be determined in less than 5 minutes. SeiscomP3 is becoming the primary system to be used in the seismic detection. The tide gauge network includes 15 stations transmitting in near-real time, with latencies ranging from few seconds to 5 minutes. There are now 9 online coastal tide-gauges from Portugal, 3 from Spain, 1 from UK, 1 from Ireland, 1 from Cape Verde and another from Morocco (Casablanca). Sea level data is accessed mostly through Internet (directly from the station sites or from data centers, such as Ostende/Gloss and Instituto Hidrogrfico) and in some cases by the GTS system. Both datasets are converted to miniseed and managed through the same Seiscomp platform used for seismic data. It is expected in the coming months to increase the number of online tide-gauges by adding new stations from the French network that will be accessed by GTS. JRC is also planning the installation of of 2 GPS buoys systems, to be located in relevant positions near the coast. IPMA will collaborate in the process and will provide support in the installation and in data transmission. Regarding modeling, and in the framework of a cooperation with JRC, a database of more than 6000 scenarios was developed and installed at IPMA. It covers the region from Azores to Gibraltar and magnitudes from 6.5 to 8.75. This set of scenarios enabled IPMA to estimate wave arrival times and wave heights near the coast. It also installed a specific tool (TAT, developed by JRC) to analyze tsunamis and assist in the issue of messages according to the expected severity of the tsunami. The TAT system can be operated according to the national specifications, based on forecasts taken from numerical simulations and oriented to coastal segments, and also according to the NEAMTWS specifications, based on a decision matrix and with information reported to forecast points. In the framework of the TRIDEC project (EC/FP7), leaded by GFZ, a more complex decision support system is under development. Beyond the traditional sensors, this system allows the use of unconventional sensors (e.g. crowdsourcing platforms). Depending on the definition of its sustainability in the long-term, this DSS is likely to be adopted as the operational DSS for the PtNTWC. In the framework of a project financially supported by the EC/JRC, IPMA is taking part of an informal tsunami monitoring service, which requests the systematic analysis of all events with magnitude above 7.0Mw occurring globally and a preparation and delivery of detailed reports. This initiative is being very helpful in the internal training process, mostly because it involves the analysis of real events. The PtNTWC is planned to start at a pre-operational level by the end of 2013, and should become fully operational on the second half of 2014. By that time, it is expected that Portugal will be ready to offer Tsunami Watch Provider services, integrating the network of CTWP's in the NEAM region. A.5 Turkey KOERI (NTWC-TR) officially declared in June 2012 to the IOC Secretariat its Interim Candidate Tsunami Watch Provider Status as of 1 July 2012 providing coverage to Eastern Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas. NTWC-TR is integrated into the 24/7 operational National Earthquake Monitoring Center (NEMC) of KOERI, responsible for the operation of 135 BB, 83 Strong-Motion and 2 Short-Period Seismometers. Based on an agreement with the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (DEMP), data from 10 BB stations located in the Aegean and Mediterranean Coast is now transmitted in real time to KOERI. Real-time data transmission from 6 primary and 10 auxiliary stations from the International Monitoring System is in place based on an agreement concluded with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) in 2011. In an agreement with a major Turkish GSM company, KOERI is enlarging its strong-motion network to promote real-time seismology and to extend Earthquake Early Warning system countrywide. 25 accelerometers (included in the number given above) have been purchased and installed at Base Transceiver Station Sites in coastal regions within the scope of this initiative. Data from 7 tide gauge stations operated by General Command of Mapping (GCM) is being transmitted to KOERI via satellite connection and the aim is to integrate all tide-gauge stations operated by GCM into NTWC-TR in 2014. Duty officers of the NTWC-TR perform internal tests of the TWS at NTWC-TR on a daily basis based on pre-determined set of scenarios. In addition, KOERI performs a CTE with other CTWPs on every Tuesday of the every first full week of each month. A collaborative agreement has been signed with the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (EC- JRC) and MOD1 & MOD2 Tsunami Scenario Databases and TAT (Tsunami Analysis Tool) are received by KOERI and user training was provided. The database and the tool are linked to SeisComp3 and currently operational. In addition KOERI is continuing the work towards providing contributions to JRC in order to develop an improved database (MOD2-TR), and also continuing work related to the development of its own scenario database using NAMI DANCE Tsunami Simulation and Visualization Software. In an additional agreement with the JRC, NTWC-TR is producing Tsunami Analysis Reports for each Mwe"7 tsunamigenic earthquake around the globe. Further improvement of the Tsunami Warning System at the NTWC-TR has been accomplished through KOERI s participation in the FP-7 Project TRIDEC focusing on new technologies for real-time intelligent earth information management to be used in Tsunami Early Warning Systems. In cooperation with Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS), KOERI has its own GTS system now and connected to GTS via its own satellite hub. The system has been successfully utilized during the First Enlarged Communication Test Exercise (NEAMTWS/ECTE1) in 2011 with the involvement of all the Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFP) with 139 end-users in 31 countries of the NEAM region, where KOERI acted as the message provider. KOERI successfully participated also in the CTE2 (22 May 2012, CENALT as the Message Provider) and CTE3 (1 October 2013, NOA as the Message Provider). KOERI has also successfully participated in NEAMWave12, the first Tsunami Exercise in NEAM region, as a Candidate Tsunami Watch Provider with a scenario based on Mw=8.4 worst-case interpretation of the 8 August 1303 Crete and Dodecanese Islands earthquake resulting in destructive inundation in the Eastern Mediterranean. 12 messages were disseminated within a 3-hour time-frame to the relevant end-users in total, where four dedicated messages were sent to the NEAMTWS Member States via e-mail, fax and GTS targeting the subscribers of the KOERI Scenario in terms of scenario affected areas. Besides the NEAMTWS messages, KOERI has also sent messages in Turkish to the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (DEMP). DEMP and other selected internal end-users were also provided with the messages produced by the TRIDEC Natural Crisis Management System, currently being developed within the same titled EC-FP7 Project, where end-users were also provided with hazard maps. In addition, KOERI has also monitored IPMA (Instituto Portugus do Mar e da Atmosfera, Portugal) Scenario through the unique system-to-system communication capabilities of TRIDEC. The final evaluation of the exercise indicates that the messages were disseminated successfully and both KOERI and DEMP benefited from the exercise considerably, where the NEAMTWS Tsunami Warning Chain System has been tested to a full scale for the first time. KOERI is providing guidance and assistance to a working group established within the DEMP on issues such as Communication and Tsunami Exercises, National Procedures and National Tsunami Response Plan. KOERI has also participated in the NEAMTIC (North-Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Tsunami Information Centre) Project.     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