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JCOMM proposed projects for GFCS compendium Discussion Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) 1. WMO contributions to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) span across all the five pillars of the GFCS. In particular, the Observations and Monitoring pillar activities are covered under WMO Expected Result number 4. Since the WMO Extraordinary Congress in late 2012, additional pledges were made by Members to the GFCS Trust Fund. 2. The sixty-fifth WMO Executive Council (EC-65, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-23 May 2013) adopted the revised version of the WMO Statement on Role and Operation of NMHSs with changes proposed by the EC Working Group on Climate and related Weather, Water and Environmental Matters (ECWG-CWE) to more clearly reflect the crucial role of NMHSs in delivery of climate services under the GFCS, while acknowledging the importance of partnerships with relevant stakeholders both at national, regional and global levels. The document will continue to be updated as needed. 3. EC-65 reviewed a draft white paper on the International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the GFCS, prepared by the Executive Council Task Team on this subject. The Council adopted Resolution 3.2/1, and requested the Task Team to review and update the white paper and prepare a policy statement, based on this white paper, in the form of a draft resolution with Annexes and background material on WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services to be presented at its sixty-sixth session. In particular, the Council stressed on the following: The importance of both data quality and digitization of data and the potential value held in unprocessed records to the implementation of the GFCS; (b) Taking account of national policies and legislation with respect to exchange of international data and products; (c) The relationship between Resolution 40 (Cg-XII), Resolution 25 (Cg-XIII) and this additional new resolution on climate data will need to be explained in the supporting documentation, including ensuring consistency of terminology, and consideration of resolutions on data exchange from other international organizations, in particular, the Resolution IOC-XXII-6 by the 22nd Session of the UNESCO-IOC Assembly "IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy"; (d) That the provision of commercial climate services should include experience with Annex 2 of Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) Guidelines for relations among National Meteorological or Hydrological Services (NMSs) and regarding commercial activities; (e) Recognizing the importance of socio-economic data for climate services at the national and local levels in designing adaptation measures of economic sectors to current and predicted climate conditions, this data should be used to the extent possible; (f) With respect to the scope of data to be considered, consideration should be given to the need for multi-decadal products and region-specific requirements for climate services delivered through the GFCS, for example, the delivery of hydrological related data, information and products, based on a river basin approach. The scope should be further expanded to meet the needs from a user perspective, as informed by the IBCS; and (g) Consideration should be given to reporting on the progress in the development of the exchange of climate data resolution at the IBCS. 4. The first meeting of the Intergovernmental Board for Climate Services (IBCS) was held in Geneva, from 1 to 5 July 2013. IBCS took a number of important decisions to ensure that there is maximum coordination at the global, regional to the national levels and engage all stakeholders and strengthen interactions with the entire UN system and World Bank. 5. The Board discussed the GFCS implementation plan, including progress in the initial priority areas of food security, water management, disaster risk reduction and health. It also discussed a compendium of projects, resource mobilization and pillars of the GFCS, including a platform to bring the providers and users of climate services together to ensure that the scientific information and predictions provided by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services is understandable and useful to the wide variety of different users. From that perspective, the Board adopted Resolution 4.1.3/1 (IBCS-1), which in particular adopted, as a starting point, the principles and criteria for funding of projects and activities from the GFCS Trust Fund and for recognition and designation of projects as GFCS-related, but funded from other sources. The projects proposed by JCOMM are included in the Appendix. 6. The IBCS Session constituted its management structures to assist in the implementation of the GFCS. The roles and responsibilities of the technical commissions and WMO co-sponsored bodies are appropriately represented in the structure adopted for the GFCS. Two subsidiary bodies of IBCS were established: (i) a 28-member Management Committee (MC) to carry out the decisions and requests of IBCS during the intersessional period, including providing advice on a number of key tasks, and (ii) a Partner Advisory Committee (PAC)to ensure the continued active participation of UN agencies such as the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Food Programme, UN Development Programme, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, UN-Water, the World Bank and other development partners, as well as other relevant international governmental and non-governmental organizations. 7. IBCS also requested the MC to develop a draft recommendation to be submitted by IBCS to the Seventeenth WMO Congress on an appropriate interaction mechanism between the IBCS and WMO constituent bodies, namely the Executive Council, technical commissions and regional associations, taking into account the possible financial implications. 8. The second meeting of IBCS is planned to be held in November 2014. Until then, the MC will discuss the mechanism on how Technical Commissions will engage in the implementation of GFCS. 9. Contributions and pledges to the GFCS total about 30 million Swiss francs to date, and are growing. 10. In order to kick-start climate services at the national level, especially in vulnerable countries, WMO together with partners has launched pilot projects in Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, and Chad. Thanks to the participation of various donors there are projects to provide climate services in a number of other developing countries, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Tanzania, Viet Nam and Yemen. 11. To support regional level implementation, regional workshops on climate services for the Caribbean and for Least Developed Countries in Asia were held. Similar workshops will be held for the small islands states of the South West Pacific who are also a focus region for the development of climate services. This is important as the communities in this region will be heavily impacted by further changes in the climate. 12. Details about the IBCS and the GFCS in general can be found in the special issue of the WMO Bulletin on the IBCS. _______________ Appendix JCOMM proposed projects for GFCS compendium (as communicated by the JCOMM Co-President, Mr Johan Stander, to the WMO President, Dr David Grimes, on 26 June 2013) Dr D Grimes President of WMO Mr M Jarraud Secretary-General Mr J Lengoasa Deputy Secretary-General World Meteorological Organization 7bis, ave de la Paix, CP 2300 CH1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland Dear David, Michel and Jerry GFCS Implementation through JCOMM During the recent meeting between Presidents of Regional Associations and Presidents of Technical commissions, we were asked again to submit our plans with regards to the implementation of GFCS. Please find below the JCOMM key issues and strategy for GFCS implementation. Part 1: Key issues and implementation strategy 3 Introduction 3 JCOMM Strategy 3 Implementation of JCOMM Strategy 6 Part 2: Activities to be implemented in the JCOMM framework (GFCS Projects) 7 Marine and ocean climate information and assessment tools on the impacts of weather and climate change on the fisheries resources (in collaboration with WMO Technical Commission for Agricultural Meteorology: CAgM) 8 Ocean Extremes Monitoring System 10 Seasonal Ocean Climate Forecast System 12 Wave and Surge Climate Services 14 Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) (in collaboration with WMO Technical Commission for Hydrology: CHy) 16 Enhanced Arctic Ocean Maritime Safety Information for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) 21 Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) 24 Integration of in situ and satellite data for ocean observations 27 Integrated marine meteorological and oceanographic data and services in the framework of WIGOS and WIS 29 Global ocean observations in support of climate 32 Adoption of an ISO 9001 Framework for the Delivery of Marine Weather and Ocean Services 34 The Development and Adoption of a Generic Set of Competencies for Marine Weather Forecasters 36 Part 1: Key Issues and Implementation Strategy Introduction In addressing GFCS implementation over the coming decade, JCOMM recognizes that there are significant external and internal drivers for our work which, together with the GFCS, will guide our overall implementation strategy. These drivers include: Enhanced vulnerability of coastal communities to coastal and ocean hazards resulting from a changing climate New and expanded requirements for marine meteorological data, products and services to support sustainable management of coastal and ocean areas, including for fisheries, oil and gas industries, environmental protection, etc New communications technologies and capabilities, particularly for users at sea Greatly expanded requirements in developing countries for capabilities to deliver marine data, products and services to their coastal and ocean communities to support both commercial and artisanal users Enhanced skill in ocean modelling and prediction, approaching that of NWP, together with greatly expanded requirements for a large range of ocean users for real-time ocean analyses and predictions Enhanced realisation of the availability of climate data and products from the ocean and marine atmosphere, and of their application to a wide range of climate-derived services within the context of the GFCS New requirements of the JCOMM parent Organizations resulting from changing Organizational priorities. While only one of these explicitly references GFCS, it is clear that all are in some way linked to it under all of the five pillars. JCOMM Strategy A Strategy for JCOMM, first approved at the Second Session of JCOMM (JCOMM-2, 2005), has been regularly revised and updated since then, most recently at the 10th session of the Management Committee (Paris, May 2013). This document describes the overall strategic approach of the Commission; its vision and long-term objectives, priorities for the intersessional implementation (2012-2017), and strategic consideration and framework for implementation. During the period 2012-2017, the Commission will leverage on its core competencies to address specific priority areas: GFCS implementation, Disaster Risk Reduction in coastal zones and high seas, WIGOS implementation and Capacity Development. These correspond closely with the organizational priorities specified by WMO and IOC in their respective strategic plans. The JCOMM strategy includes an increased emphasis on communications, both internal within JCOMM and external with marine users; receiving feedback from marine users is fundamental to the successful implementation of the JCOMM work programme. Some mechanisms to evaluate programme performance and satisfaction of marine users and stakeholders already exist, and strengthened mechanisms will be essential to help provide regular feedback and guide the evolution of JCOMM. An excerpt of the Strategy can be found below. The full JCOMM Strategy Document is available on the JCOMM web site: HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/"http://www.jcomm.info/. 2. The JCOMM Vision Within the context of the overall vision and strategic thrusts of its parent bodies, the WMO and the IOC, as detailed respectively in the WMO Strategic Plan and the IOC Medium Term Strategy, JCOMM aims to provide leadership in international cooperation for fully integrated meteorological marine and oceanographic observations, data management and services; and thereby maximizing the benefits for WMO Members / IOC Member States, and the global community in general 3. The Long-Term Objectives of JCOMM As noted in the strategic planning documents of WMO and IOC, urgent social and economic drivers need targeted improvements in weather, climate, water, oceanic and related environmental information and services. At the same time, while the future state of the oceans remains uncertain, we need to ensure that society and policymakers are better informed of the impact of oceans on humankind and vice versa. In response to these considerations, the long-term objectives of JCOMM are: (i) To enhance the provision of marine meteorological and oceanographic services in support of the safety of life and property at sea and in coastal areas; contribute to risk management for ocean-based economic, commercial and industrial activities; contribute to the prevention and control of marine pollution, sustain healthy and productive oceans, sustainable development of the marine environment, coastal area management and recreational activities, and in support of the safety of coastal habitation and activities; and to coordinate and enhance the provision of the data, information, products and services required to support climate research and the detection and prediction of climate variability; (ii) To contribute to the coordination of the development, enhancement and delivery of climate services related to the marine atmosphere and coastal and deep oceans, based on the core competencies within the Commission in marine meteorology and oceanography, as a contribution by JCOMM to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS); (iii) To coordinate the enhancement and long-term maintenance of an integrated global marine meteorological and oceanographic observing and data management system, containing both in situ and remote sensing components and including data communication facilities, in the most cost-effective and efficient way, as part of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the World Weather Watch (WWW), and in support of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), and other major WMO and IOC Programmes. This system is contributing to the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IODE Ocean Data Portal, and will be complying with the requirements of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS); (iv) To manage the evolution of the services through the selective incorporation of advances in meteorological and oceanographic science and technology; (v) To promote and facilitate the equitable participation of all WMO Members and IOC Member States in all activities of, and benefit from all products and services provided by JCOMM, to work to enhance capacity development in the field of marine meteorology and oceanography information and services and to ensure that all countries are allowed to benefit from and contribute to these advances, and to contribute to the work of JCOMM in general; Implementation of JCOMM Strategy Implementation of the JCOMM strategy involves a range of focused activities and projects covering: Implementing the Commissions core mandate, including: Enhance the provision of marine meteorological and oceanographic services in support of the safety of life and property at sea and in coastal areas; Contribute to management for ocean-based economic, commercial and industrial activities; Contribute to the prevention and control of marine pollution, sustainable development of the marine environment, coastal area management and recreational activities, and in support of the safety of coastal habitation and activities; and Coordinate and enhance the provision of the data, information, products and services required to support climate research and the detection and prediction of climate variability; Identifying and enhancing particular activities in JCOMM intersessional work that directly contribute to the development, enhancement and delivery of climate services for marine and coastal community, based on the core competencies within the commission in marine meteorology and oceanography, such as: Enhanced coordination for ocean climate observations and support for research; Long-term maintenance of an integrated global marine meteorological and oceanographic data management, for both in situ and remote sensing components; Polar metocean information services; Support national capacity development for coastal inundation forecasting; Integrated and coordinated ocean modelling guidance, including coupled seasonal climate forecasting systems; Developing climate services for fisheries community, in contribution to food security particularly in the Southern Hemisphere Coordinating enhanced data communication facilities, as part of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the World Weather Watch (WWW), and in support of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), and other major WMO and IOC Programmes. This system is contributing to the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IODE Ocean Data Portal, and will be complying with the requirements of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS); Promoting and facilitating the equitable participation of all WMO Members and IOC Member States in all activities of, and to benefit from all products and services provided by, JCOMM. Part 2: Activities to be implemented in the JCOMM framework (GFCS Projects) Addressing the GFCS Pillars As a general rule, JCOMM work is organized into specific projects, within the Programme Areas and as cross-cutting activities, often as cooperative work with other Technical Commissions and/or programmes. These are formed as projects, with references in each case to the relevant GFCS Pillars: Observations/Monitoring (OBS), Research/ Modelling/Prediction (RES), Climate Services Information System (CSIS) and User Interface Platform (UIP) which are all supplemented with Capacity Development (CD). The projects listed in this document are intended to provide the GFCS process, including the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services (IBCS), with necessary information to make decisions on; 1) identifying key GFCS projects addressing climate services for marine and coastal communities; 2) prioritization of projects for distribution of resources, for successful implementation of the GFCS. The list of projects will evolve along the progress in the GFCS implementation as well as in the JCOMM implementation. Continuous review will be made through appropriate channels to ensure that the implementation will be made as designed, and that evolving requirements and gaps will be duly considered in each and all stages. Project name/number:XX Marine and ocean climate information and assessment tools on the impacts of weather and climate change on the fisheries resources Goal: Strengthening the engagement of providers and users of climate services Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), User Interface Platform (UIP) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: FAO, ICES, PICES, CLIOTOP, Regional fisheries management bodies, IOC.Scope The international coordination of the collection and processing of marine and ocean data, and the preparation and delivery to users of marine and ocean climate products and services is an important work area for WMO, which constitutes a major contribution to climate services. Work to date, mostly research in nature, provides an excellent synthesis of current knowledge, based generally on individual research efforts, of the physical factors influencing oceanic fish stock abundance, breeding, and migratory patterns, including in particular climate variability and change. While such knowledge is qualitatively well established, there are as yet few quantitative data on which to make predictions or even develop management tools. Recently operational oceanography services are providing ocean re-analyses that will ensure the availability of consistent, gridded high resolution global data sets for fishery management decision support systems This project aims to provide a framework for and advice to develop marine and ocean climate information and assessment tools on the impacts of weather and climate change on the fisheries resources, based on the available knowledge, data/information and region-specific analysis. Objectives Synthesize current knowledge, and lay the foundations for effective management tools for the Pacific Island Countries (PICs). Liaise with regional fisheries management bodies on needs and requirements of climate information and products Develop tools for use by the PICs to assess the impacts of weather and climate change on their fisheries resources, leading to improved management of these resources. Activities The WMO Technical Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) and the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) works together through a joint Task Team on Weather, Climate and Fisheries (TT-WCF) that provides a mechanism to enhance understanding and capabilities in marine climatology/oceanography and their impacts on ocean fisheries, primarily focusing on the PICs. It is intended that this work might also lead to enhanced observations and data transmission by fisheries vessels in the Pacific region. Through this project, a detailed agenda will be developed to facilitate metocean observations from fishing fleets, including data telecommunication and quality management. The implementation will also involve FAO for communication with Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs). Experts of CAgM and JCOMM in collaboration with partner agencies will assess the likely impacts of weather, climate variability and climate change on oceanic fisheries (e.g. Pacific tuna), with a particular focus on PICs. Efforts will be extendd to identify risk assessment or management evaluation tools that incorporate climate variability, in order to improve the ecosystem-approach to management of fisheries. Deliverables and assessment measures Synthesis report as a document, with emphasis on comparative impact of climate information on the status of the stock Improved frameworks, communication and partnerships with ocean re-analyses services and projects Web-portal that brings together selected climate, weather and fisheries information Proposals on Capacity Development in PICs Level of engagement with relevant communities and RFMOs Inputs Inputs will be required from FAO, expert groups of JCOMM and CAgM of WMO, regional programs such as PICES, ICES, SOPAC and other regional stakeholders Risks Inadequate level of knowledge of partner communities on cross-cutting issues; complexity of engaging heterogeneous communities, and their divided interests. Timeline of project: Three yearsResource requirements: CHF 400,000 Project name/number:XX Ocean Extremes Monitoring System Goal: Advancing the key global development goals through better provision of climate information; Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure. Pillar:Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), User Interface Platform (UIP) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: GODAE Ocean View (GOV), IOCScope Extreme weather has a clear meaning whereby conditions are above normal and in general pose a risk of harm to people and/or property and/or the environment. The occurrence of large sea states and coastal surge are well known examples of dangerous conditions in the marine environment. Less well identified are extremes in the general ocean state, temperature, salinity and currents and their potential impacts for the environment. This project will aim to establish the scope and methodology for identifying extremes in ocean conditions to raise awareness of their occurrence and help facilitate identification of impacts. Objectives Establish the scope and methodology to analyze the Operational Ocean Forecasting for identifying extremes in ocean conditions Activities In the earlier stage of this project, the scope of ocean extremes (e.g., physical / spatial / temporal / littoral / coastal / ocean / surface / upper ocean / abyssal) will be defined through experts consultation. The objectives and methodology to identify and analyze extreme conditions will be agreed upon, in consideration of the available operational tool. To facilitate dialogue among scientists (ocean modeling) and ocean service providers to continuously review and update the methodology, the JCOMM Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (ETOOFS) and GODAE Ocean View (GOV) will provide framework for test, review, and setting a globally agreed practices. Deliverables and assessment measures Definition (including a set of metrics) of ocean extremes, as a document Developed section on ocean extreme analysis in the JCOMM Guide to Operational Ocean Forecasting Regular review and associated technical publications, coordinated through JCOMM Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (ETOOFS) and GODAE Ocean View (GOV) Improved frameworks and communication among metocean service providers for coherent extreme analysis Inputs Inputs will be required from the GODAE Ocean View (GOV) and/or the national agencies operating ocean models. Risks At present, only a small number of countries / agencies run ocean models on an operational basis, the overall level of implementation will largely depend on the development of operational ocean forecasting. Timeline of project: Two yearsResource requirements: CHF 100,000 Project name/number:XX Seasonal Ocean Climate Forecast System Goal: Advancing the key global development goals through better provision of climate information; Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure. Pillar:Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), Research, Modelling and Prediction (RES) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: National ocean forecasting centers, National climate forecasting centers, IOC, GOVScope The ocean model and ocean data assimilation components are critical for operational coupled seasonal climate forecast systems (CFS). Expertise in operational ocean modeling and ocean observations reside within the JCOMM community. Ocean model output (forecast guidance) from OOFS aims at lead times of several days, whereas the CFS extends ocean prediction lead times to weeks, month and seasons. Integrated/coordinated ocean model guidance from daily to seasonal time scales would have potential improved service benefits for a broad range of users. The CBS Expert Team on Operational Prediction for Sub-seasonal to Longer time Scales (ET-OPSLS) is responsible for operational CFS. This ETOOFS effort is to liaise with the CBS/ET-OPSLS to coordinate technical and scientific ocean observing and user requirements for operational ocean models from OOFS and CFS. It will also provide integrates ocean observing requirements from both OOFS and CFS for the RRR updates. Objectives Establish common methodology and guidance for ocean modeling, and common metrics for Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems (OOFSs) and for the Climate Forecasting Systems (CFSs) Activities Liaison with the CBS/ET-OPSLS Establish common (output) requirements for ocean model guidance from OOFS/CFS Coordinate gathering ocean forecasting service requirements from ocean weather and climate users Coordinate on ocean observing requirements (e.g. WMO Rolling Review of Requirements) Articulating requirements for integrated applications of altimeter data Deliverables and assessment measures Establish common metrics for ocean model performance (OOFS, CFS), as WMO-IOC guidance Coordinated/integrated ocean observing requirements for both OOFS and CFS as input to the RRR process. Inputs Inputs will be required from the GODAE Ocean View (GOV) and/or the national agencies operating ocean models. Close coordination/collaboration should be maintained with the associated expert group for seasonal climate modeling, such as the CBS ET-OPSLS. Risks Timeline of project: Two yearsResource requirements: CHF 300,000 Project name/number:XX Wave and Surge Climate Services Goal: Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards through better provision of climate information; Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), User Interface Platform (UIP) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: ECMWF, Satellite agencies including the European Space Agency (ESA), NOAA/NODC, WCRP, IOC/GLOSSScope Coastal zones become increasingly vulnerable to sea-level related disasters, particularly those induced from storm surges and extreme waves. It is likely that the climate variation may cause more frequent and violent hazards of such events, increasing the risk for coastal and ocean communities. This project aims to support the global understanding of climate risks and climate change through improved and systemized climatological information on storm surges and waves in coastal and high seas. This project will also strengthen contextual analysis for uncertainty within the community ensemble of marine climate projections, and to further understand the extent to which these information may impact decisions for mitigation and prevention, in different contexts. Objectives Establish datasets for extreme waves and storm surges, and Improve global coordination for ocean climate projection through better understanding on uncertainty. Activities The JCOMM Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazard Forecasting Systems (ETWCH), in collaboration with the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) and with the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) team, will develop and maintain an Extreme Wave Dataset. This dataset will be populated with wave data from in situ and satellite measurements where the significant wave height exceeded 14 metres, for use in model validation and validation of remotely-sensed waves, where such models and algorithms suffer from lack of sufficient data. Following the recommendation from the 1st JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surges (2007), storm surge climatologies will be documented in a globally agreed format, as a measure of risk assessment for marine hazards. Countries will participate in this effort through responses to the global survey, and through data provision of their historical databases / hazard analysis. Through the joint JCOMM-WCRP project Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Projections (COWCLIP), international research and operational groups will conduct coordinated intercomparison on global wave projections, with better understanding uncertainty within the community ensemble of wave climate projections. The outcome has been incorporated in great details in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), and thereafter. Deliverables and assessment measures Establishment of an extreme wave dataset as a part of ICOADS. Number of participating countries in the Extreme Wave Dataset, by providing national/regional data Number of participating countries in the storm surge climatology, by providing information for storm surge events, forecasting models, measured and hindcast data bases Updated contents (as dynamic parts) in the WMO Guides to Wave Analysis and Forecasting (WMO-No.702), and WMO Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting (WMO-No.1076) Published reports (and/or technical papers) on COWCLIP results: wave climate projections and intercomparison Inputs Inputs will be required from the countries and operating centers for extreme wave measurements, database relating to storm surge monitoring and modelling. Scientific and technical input is required from those relevant programmes, such as WCRP and ESAs eSurge project team. Risks Wide range of participation by countries, particularly those coastal countries with greater risks to sea-level related hazards, is critical for the successful implementation of the project. Timeline of project: Three yearsResource requirements: CHF 400,000 Project name/number:XX Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) Goal: Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards through better provision of climate information; Strengthening the engagement of providers and users of climate services Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), User Interface Platform (UIP), Capacity Development (CD) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: National governments (disaster management and forecasting service providers)Scope Coastal inundations are an increasing threat to the lives and livelihoods of people, living in low-lying, highly-populated coastal areas. According to the World Bank Report 2005, at least 2.6 million people have drowned in coastal inundation, particularly caused by storm surges, over the last 200 years. Overarching Objectives: The purpose of the WMO Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) is to meet challenges of coastal communities safety and to support sustainable development through enhancing coastal inundation forecasting and warning systems at the regional scale. Benefit for CIFDP-implementing countries: Upon completion of national sub-projects of CIFDP, countries will implement an operational system for integrated coastal inundation forecasting and warning, providing objective basis for coastal disaster (flooding) management; contributing to saving lives, reducing loss of livelihood and property, and enhancing resilience and sustainability in coastal communities. Upon completion of each Phase of the Project, countries will be provided with valuable input to the assessment and awareness of the issues of coastal inundation management within its governments. It would also assist the countries to advance steps toward the integrated forecasting and warning services. Objectives The main focus of the CIFDP will be to facilitate the development of efficient forecasting and warning systems for coastal inundation based on robust science and observations. The CIFDP will: Identify and support end-user needs; Encourage full engagement of the stakeholders and partners in the CIFDP from early stages for the successful development and implementation of this project; Transfer technology to the adopting countries; Facilitate the development of a comprehensive Storm Surge Watch Scheme (SSWS) in basins subject to tropical cyclones and storm surges, jointly with (fluvial) flood events; Facilitate the development and implementation of warning services; Support coastal risk assessment, vulnerability and risk mapping to be used by national disaster management authorities and for the development of Integrated Coastal Zone Management plans; Assist improved and informed decision-making for coastal inundation management. Activities The Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology ( HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info" \t "_self" JCOMM) and the WMO Commission for Hydrology ( HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/hwrp/chy/chy_index.html" \t "_parent" CHy) have initiated this Project in order to meet the challenges of coastal communities safety and socio-economic sustainability through the development of coastal inundation forecasting and warning systems at the regional scale.  The Project would be implemented under each national sub-project, launched for a country that meets the essential requirement. This implies initiation of a national agreement between national institutions with relevant responsibilities, and the establishment of a National Coordination Team (NCT) led by a National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS); The Project is designed based on users perspectives, requirements and capacities, considering existing and available open-source techniques. Final products from each national sub-project should be operated and maintained by national operational agency(ies) with the responsibility/authority for coastal inundation warnings; The procedures/best practices developed through sub-projects should be applicable to other (neighbouring) countries with common issues and interests, and should be closely linked to and cooperating with related projects and activities. The project will be implemented in a phased approach, which provides opportunity to adjust the scope of the next phases to fit the prevailing requirements. The outcome of each phase will provide the target country with valuable input to the assessment and awareness of the issues of coastal inundation management within its governments. It would also assist the target country to take steps toward integrated forecasting and warning services. At the end of each phase the status of the project will be reviewed by the Project Steering Group (PSG) of metocean/hydrological/social science experts, before starting the next phase.  Expected Outcomes The major expected outcomes of the CIFDP are as follows: Technology development and transfer, including training, which would enhance the capabilities of responsible national agencies to produce and provide integrated coastal inundation forecasting and warning services; Established procedures, best practices and outcomes of CIFDP will serve as guidelines to other countries to develop and improve their related service capabilities, and furthermore, contribute to building specific criteria for designated WMO Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMC) to provide NMHSs with advice on coastal inundation forecasting and warnings; CIFDP implementation would create synergies with the ongoing regional and global programmes and activities; for example, enhancing effective use of improved Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) products by building a cascading forecasting process for coastal processes with the WMO Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) process, and providing technical requirements to develop the regional SSWS; Communication platform, which would improve interactions of responsible national agencies and partners (e.g. governmental forecasting agencies, agencies responsible for disaster management, Civil Protection Agencies, media), will provide a mechanism for continuous improvement in updating user requirements, technical needs, and user feedback. Deliverables and assessment measures A national agreement to collaborate for integrated coastal inundation forecasting/warning, for each CIFDP implementing country National Capacity Assessment (NCA) for coastal inundation forecasting as well as System Design Document (SDD), for each CIFDP Implementing country Developed a ready-to-operate system for coastal inundation forecasting, for each CIFDP Implementing country Number of participating countries in CIFDP, either through national sub-projects or through providing support for project implementation Published evaluation reports (and/or technical papers) on each national CIF developed under the project Published guidelines / best practices for integrated coastal inundation forecasting and warning systems Inputs Substantial inputs will be required from the national stakeholders of those CIFDP-implementing countries, especially from metocean agencies and disaster managers. Technical advice and support are required from the global and regional expert groups and those operating agencies with advanced capabilities, for national capacity assessment, system design, evaluation, and user interaction. Risks The project will be undertaken through each national sub-project, to be implemented by national stakeholders. The national collaboration among the key stakeholders (particularly between national metocean agencies and disaster managers) and their level of engagement are the key to decide the successful implementation for each sub-project. The level of engagement should be carefully monitored and maintained not only for those implementing countries, but also for the countries and international programmes providing expertise and technical resources for system assessment / design / pre-operational validation. Primary sources for such a coordination is the expert teams of JCOMM and CHy, and efforts should be made to extend the range of participating/supporting programmes throughout the implementing phases of the project.Timeline and Resource Requirements: Each national sub-project is expected to be implemented in three to five years, costing about CHF 800,000.  Project name/number:XX Enhanced Arctic Ocean Maritime Safety Information for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Goal: Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards through better provision of climate information; Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), User Interface Platform (UIP) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Ice Chart Working Group (IICWG)Scope The basic concept of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is that search and rescue authorities ashore, as well as shipping in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress, will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident so they can assist in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum of delay. The system also provides for urgency and safety communications and the dissemination of maritime safety information, including navigational and meteorological warnings. This means that every ship will be able, irrespective of the area in which it operates, to perform those communication functions considered essential for the safety of the ship itself and of other ships operating in the same area. WMO, through the coordination of Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), provides marine weather information broadcasted via Inmarsat-C SafetyNET by all national meteorological services appointed as Issuing Services within the framework of the WMO Marine Broadcast System for the GMDSS. The Arctic Ocean components of the GMDSS as well as information service for floating ice differ in many aspects from marine weather information in mid-latitude or ice free areas. Regular provision of complex sea ice information, preferably in graphic form, needs further development for both technologies and means of data distribution. The objective of the project includes enhancing the Arctic Ocean components of GMDSS, under the agreed scheme for IMO e-Navigation including the Polar Code. Ice charting material provides a unique opportunity to significantly extend our knowledge on variability of ice conditions in space prior to commencement of global ice cover monitoring based on passive microwave imagery in 1978. Modern and most of the reprocessed historical ice charting material is based on a single WMO sea ice standard WMO Sea-Ice Nomenclature (WMO, 1970), which has been continuously update through contributions by a number of ice services in Canada, Japan, Russia, USA and others. This project will conduct reprocessing and update of the sea ice blended climatology and assessment of uncertainties, and document associated metadata and material in information systems and formats required by end-users community (CryoNet, WIS, NetCDF). Objectives Establish methodology and procedure for marine weather and sea ice services for the Arctic Ocean; Build sea ice blended climatology with assessment of uncertainties Activities Establish systematic process for regular (weekly monthly - annual) input to the Global Digital Sea Ice Data Bank (GDSIDB) ice charting archive in standard WMO formats from contributing ice services / centers Develop protocols and procedures for reprocessing data, update of climatology, assessment of uncertainties and comparison with passive microwave Develop, test and implement updates to ice in SafetyNET and NAVTEX standards supporting graphic presentation of information Support for developing international code of safety for ships operating in polar waters (Polar Code) by providing input on weather and ice safety related to Polar Code development to IMO. Establish effective communication between sea ice service operaters, climate scientists, and data managers to ensure metadata/material availability in WIS, Cryonet, static NetCDF, geoservices, etc and supporting documentation Coordinate with METAREA Coordinators (responsible countries as Issuing Services), IHO and IMO to support operational exchange of information for Arctic GMDSS Support trainng and harmonization of practices across the Preparation Services of all METAREAs Deliverables and assessment measures Sustained and extended Arctic components of GMDSS and capabilities, including enhanced capabilities for graphic products Input to GMDSS implementation regarding ice and weather safety related input for Polar Code, as a document Updated semicentennial and longer sea ice blended climatology and uncertainties Availability of sea ice operational and historical metadata and material in WIS, Cryonet and other information systems and as geoservices Inputs Inputs will be required from the ice services including BSIS, Canada, Japan, Russia, USA, as well as the IICWG to oversee the technical standardization process and operating procedure. Risks Timeline of project: Two yearsResource requirements: CHF 300,000 Project name/number:XX Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) Goal: Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: IOC (International Ocean Data and Information Exchange: IODE), national agencies contributing GDACs, DACs, and CMOCsScope Per Recommendation II (JCOMM-4), JCOMM will strive to address the WMO and IOC applications requirements for appropriate marine-meteorological and oceanographic climatological data (met-ocean climate data), and particularly address those for long term climate monitoring (Global Climate Observing System GCOS), seasonal to inter-annual climate forecasts, for the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), and ocean climate requirements of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). To address those requirements, the vision for a Marine Climate Data System (MCDS) is to formalize and coordinate the activities of existing systems, and address gaps to produce a dedicated WMO-IOC data system operational by 2020 in the view to have compiled coherent met-ocean climate datasets of known quality, extending beyond the GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). These will be of known quality collected from multiple sources to be served on a free and unrestricted basis to the end users through a global network of less than ten WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) covering specific JCOMM data domains. Data, metadata and information will be fully interoperable with the WMO Information System (WIS) and the IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), will be compatible with, and contribute to the High Quality Global Data Management System for Climate (HQ-GDMSC) that is being developed by the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl). The MCDS will be using state of the art integrated and standardized international systems for the improved data and metadata-flow and management of a wide range of met-ocean climate data. This includes integrating collection, rescue, quality control, formatting, archiving, exchange, and access of in situ and satellite sources. This system will be based on improved quality management, documenting processes and procedures, using higher level quality control, added value data processing, including bias correction, and comparison of the observations with satellite and meteorological and oceanographic model gridded fields. It is expected that the relevant data and associated metadata will be of known quality, and extend to products that satisfy the met-ocean climate data requirements for climate monitoring, forecasting, and services. This project is essentially supporting activity no. 17 (Marine Climate Data System) of Table 3b (Actions and Activities Related to Observations and Monitoring) of the Observations and Monitoring Annex of the GFCS Implementation Plan. Objectives Establish integrated and standardized international systems for the improved data and metadata-flow, for marine climate information Activities Defining, standardizing, and documenting relevant data management structures for existing and new data across JCOMM activities Modernize and establish data-flow systems Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs) and Data Acquisition Centres (DACs) Establish and develop WMO-IOC Centres for Marine-Meteorological and Oceanographic Climate Data (CMOCs) for high level quality control, and making state of the art marine climate and statistical products easily accessible. Deliverables and assessment measures Increased amount and quality of marine meteorological and oceanographic observations with improved timescales made available to the relevant end user applications, including climate services through CMOCs; Modernized data system in place allowing the flow of marine meteorological and oceanographic data required for climate services to the CMOCs; Facilitated exchange of high quality historical met-ocean climate data sets between countries. Inputs Substantial inputs will be required from the national stakeholders of the current Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme, i.e. the Global Collecting Centres (GCCs: United Kingdom, Germany), the Responsible Members (Germany; Hong Kong, China; India; Japan; the Netherlands; the Russian Federation; the United Kingdom; and the United States of America), the Contributing Members, as well as from candidate CMOCs (China, Germany), GDACs (Canada, France), DACs, and the ICOADS (USA). Technical advice and support are required from the global and regional expert groups and those operating agencies with advanced capabilities, for national capacity assessment, system design, evaluation, and user interaction. Risks Difficulty to agree on standards; lack of national commitment to implement the required infrastructure. Timeline and milestones: 2012: Establish MCDS (JCOMM-4); and develop implementation strategy and plan. 2013: Participation of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange in the MCDS (IODE-22) and contribution to the MCDS implementation plan. 2013: Agree on evaluation process and criteria for the establishment of DACs, GDACs, and CMOCs. 2014: Establishment of the first CMOC. 2014-2022: Establishment of DACs and GDACs contributing to MCDS. Further elaboration of the required protocols, data formats, and quality control procedures (including higher level QC, and bias correction mechanisms).Resource requirements: CHF 600,000 Project name/number:XX Integration of in situ and satellite data for ocean observations Goal: Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: National agencies, space agencies, CEOS, CGMSScope Satellite data are essential for providing global high-resolution surface data from the world oceans, and are the primary, and often only source of information for key ocean areas where in situ observations are sparse or absent. In situ and satellite observations are complementary for data assimilation in the numerical models for ocean mesoscale forecasting, weather prediction, and reanalyses to support research of both. Some variables cannot presently be easily derived from satellite products (e.g. sea level pressure, surface marine air temperature) while other variables observed by satellites require in situ ocean observations for ground (or surface) truth, bias correction, and the validation of satellite products. It is essential that the measurements returned through both in situ and space-based systems are properly documented, completely collected, and archived. Both archives must be discoverable and equivalently accessible so the mutual benefits gained from combining their strengths can be easily achieved. This project will propose mechanisms to build the adequate coordination and requirements for satellite data and products. It will develop a strategy, recommendations, and document required processes on how to (i) maintain JCOMM short term forecasting applications requirements, with emphasis on the integrated use of in situ and remotely sensed data for data assimilation systems in forecasting services with focus on accuracy and timeliness requirements; (ii) develop integrated satellite products for multiple marine meteorological and oceanographic users; and (iii) promote consistent quality control between in situ and remotely-sensed data, together with appropriate feedback mechanisms. The project will prioritize the synergies between the in situ and the satellite for specific Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), including proposal(s) for developing related projects (e.g. for Ocean Surface Vector Winds). This project is essentially supporting activity no. 20 (ensure coordination of contributions to CEOS Virtual Constellations for each ocean surface ECV relative to in situ ocean observing systems) of Table 3b (Actions and Activities Related to Observations and Monitoring) of the Observations and Monitoring Annex NOTEREF _Ref358878998 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 of the GFCS Implementation Plan. Objectives Establish mechanisms to build the adequate coordination and requirements for satellite data and products Activities Developing strategy document Documenting required processes Investigating opportunities to establish projects for specific ECVs, starting with the Ocean Surface Vector Wind (OSVW). Deliverables and assessment measures Strategy document, and proposed processes to build the adequate coordination and requirements for satellite data and products Project(s) for enhancing the synergies between the in situ and the satellite for specific Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) e.g. for Ocean Surface Vector Winds (OSVW). Inputs Substantial inputs will be required from the Space Agencies, the users of satellite data and products, and from the various groups involved in the making of satellite products. Input will also be required from national agencies involved in the implementation of in situ observing systems. Technical advice and support are required from the global and regional expert groups and those operating agencies with advanced capabilities, for national capacity assessment, system design, evaluation, and user interaction. Risks Difficulty to build up truly coordinated and coherent system(s) with commitment from all stakeholders. Timeline and milestones: 2013/05: JCOMM Task Team established 2014/05: Draft strategy available 2014/12: First draft of strategy available 2015: Project for OSVW initiated Resource requirements: CHF 200,000 Project name/number:XX Integrated marine meteorological and oceanographic data and services in the framework of WIGOS and WIS Goal: Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: IOC (through IODE), GOOS Regional Alliances, national and regional ocean forecasting centres, GODAE OceanView, Variability and predictability of the ocean-atmosphere system (CLIVAR) Global Synthesis and Observations Panel (GSOP), WIS Centres (GISCs, DCPCs, NCs)Scope The goal of the project is to define the requirements for building the architecture and the interfaces between the WMO Information System (WIS) and Oceanographic services, and ensure adequacy of oceanographic data with the needs of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) to address the requirements of the WMO and IOC Applications, including the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the World Weather Watch (WWW), and the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). The project will involve addressing the data flow to end users of real-time and delayed mode oceanographic and marine meteorological observations and products between the relevant data systems such as the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs), and Global Data Assembly Centres (GDACs), and the wave and oceanographic forecasting services. This project is essentially supporting activities no. 17 (Marine Climate Data System), 18 (Address needs to monitor coastal regions and support adaptation and understanding of vulnerabilities), and 20 (ensure coordination of contributions to CEOS Virtual Constellations for each ocean surface ECV relative to in situ ocean observing systems) of Table 3b (Actions and Activities Related to Observations and Monitoring) of the Observations and Monitoring Annex NOTEREF _Ref358878998 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 of the GFCS Implementation Plan. Objectives Build the data flow to end users of real-time and delayed mode oceanographic and marine meteorological observations and products Activities Liaise with the GOOS Regional Alliances, and the WMO Regional Associations on the higher level issues, including data policy; Promoting compliance of marine meteorological and oceanographic data with WIGOS requirements, and their distribution in real-time through WIS; Identifying the present architecture of real-time and delayed-mode marine meteorological and oceanographic data flows from global observing networks and services to distribution systems, data repositories, and analysis and forecasts services; and identifying existing standards and best practices; Making recommendations to improve the compatibility of the near real time data standards, the delayed mode data standards and ocean analysis and forecasting product standards with the WIS requirements both in terms of formats and protocols Envisaging a way to enlarge the usability of the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) for cataloguing and making oceanographic data visible through the WIS; Promoting the integrated marine meteorological and oceanographic components of the Data Collection and Production Centers (DCPCs) of WIS for both observations data, products and forecasting services; Developing proposal for Pilot Project(s) to partially implement components of the system; Proposing activities that could be considered to enhance capacities of developing countries in this regard (e.g. through training materials, and workshops) Deliverables and assessment measures Strategy for the real-time and delayed flow of marine meteorological and oceanographic observations, data, and forecasting products and services to WIS Strategy for access to WIS from users outside of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs). Inputs Substantial inputs will be required from the Ocean Forecasting Centres, and NMHSs operating WIS centres, and from the contributors to the ODP. Technical advice and support are required from the global and regional expert groups and those operating agencies with advanced capabilities, for national capacity assessment, system design, evaluation, and user interaction. Risks Lack of commitment at the national level to build up the required changes (infrastructure, compliance with protocols and formats); reluctance to share data and products at the national level due to conflicting data policies at national and international levels. Timeline and milestones: 2013/08: JCOMM Task Team established 2014/05: Draft strategy available 2014/12: First draft of strategy available 2015: Project(s) Resource requirements: CHF 100,000 Project name/number:XX Global ocean observations in support of climate Goal: Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards through better provision of climate information; maximizing the utility of existing climate service infrastructure Pillar: Observations/Monitoring (OBS) Submitting Agency: WMO and IOC Partner Agencies: National and regional oceans and forecasting agencies, GOOS, GCOS Scope The goal of the project is to provide the in situ ocean observations as defined in the Global Climate Observing System Implementation Plan (GCOS-138). The system will also support global weather prediction, global and coastal ocean prediction, marine hazard warning, marine environmental monitoring, naval applications, and many other non-climate uses. The in situ networks include moored and drifting buoys, tide gauge stations, profiling floats, and ship-based systems. This project is in specific support of action 18 (Address needs to monitor coastal regions and support adaptation and understanding of vulnerabilities), action 19 (Improve number and quality of climate-relevant marine surface observations from voluntary observing ships), and action 21 (Implement the GLOSS Core Network) of Table 3b (Actions and Activities Related to Observations and Monitoring) of the Observations and Monitoring Annex NOTEREF _Ref358878998 \* MERGEFORMAT 1 of the GFCS Implementation Plan. Objectives A sustained global ocean observing system for climate Activities monitor new developments in marine observing technology and advise on their incorporation into operational observing networks, as appropriate, coordinate the development and implementation of standardized, high quality marine observing practices and instrumentation, review continuously and provide advice on new marine telecommunications systems and procedures, provide guidance to on technical aspects of marine observing systems, identify and coordinate the provision of resources and logistic facilities for the deployment and servicing of marine observing platforms and instrumentation, monitor the performance and quality of marine observing systems and to assist in the implementation of remedial actions as necessary, Deliverables and assessment measures Increased real-time and delayed flow of marine meteorological and oceanographic observations Inputs Substantial inputs will be required from national agencies involved in the implementation of in situ observing systems. Technical advice and support are required from the global and regional expert groups and those operating agencies with advanced capabilities, for coordination of implementation activities, including sharing of resources, quality assessment, and user interaction. Risks Lack of commitment at the national level to contribute to the global ocean observing system for (i) its implementation, and (ii) its coordination at the international level. Timeline and milestones: Five years to complete implementation of initial JCOMM Observations Programme Area implementation goals Resource requirements: USD 500 000/year for technical coordination of integrated global ocean observing system Project name/number:XX Adoption of an ISO 9001 Framework for the Delivery of Marine Weather and Ocean Services Goal: Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards through better provision of climate information; Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure. Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), User Interface Platform (UIP) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: International Maritime Organization (IMO), National Meteorological and Oceanographic Services including the Australian Bureau of MeteorologyScope The adoption of quality management principles, approaches and practices facilitates the efficient and effective management and operation of a Service. The implementation of a quality management system (QMS) assists Members in adopting good management practices that enhance confidence in the quality of their data, products and services. JCOMM encourages Members to implement, where possible, a QMS following, as far as possible, the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard. To apply the quality management approach to marine weather and ocean services, the ISO 9001 Certification Demonstration Project was conducted by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology on behalf of WMO/JCOMM. It was a quality management initiative to achieve certification of compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Standard for marine weather and ocean services, building on the previous achievement for the delivery of aviation weather services. This project will review and as appropriate amend current guidelines and provide coordinated assistance to develop national capabilities to ensure QMS for the delivery of marine weather and ocean services within the International Standardization Organization (ISO) 9001 Quality Management Standard framework. Objectives Achieve certification of compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Standard, for both marine weather and ocean services. Activities The ongoing development of the QMS for marine and ocean services, utilising the WMO publication "A Guide to the Development and Implementation of Quality Management System for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services" (QM Guide). Incorporate the developed marine QMS into the international framework for the certification, as well as for associated education/training Implement the developed QMS, by following the 12 steps articulated in the QM Guide and validate or amend as appropriate. Integrate the lessons learned from the project into the WMO quality management resources located within the WMO QM web site. Provide regular training on the developed marine/ocean QMS, for responsible national meteorological and oceanographic services institutions Provide ongoing access to QM expertise through the WMO Quality management web site - the WMO QM Forum. Deliverables and assessment measures "A Guide to the Development and Implementation of Quality Management System for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services" (QM Guide) as a document The achievement of certification of compliance to ISO 9001:2008 for both Marine Weather and Ocean Services, as a demonstration case Number of countries apply for and achieve the certification of compliance Sustainable and enhanced processes for measuring and monitoring observational data applicable to the marine weather and ocean services environment. Inputs Inputs will be required from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, for demonstration and for guidance to other countries. Advice will be sought from the WMO Task Team on Quality Management. Risks Extremely low as the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has resourced the project and is committed to achieving a successful outcome. Timeline of project: Two years for the demonstration, followed by continuous implementationResource requirements: CHF 400,000  Project name/number:XX The Development and Adoption of a Generic Set of Competencies for Marine Weather Forecasters Goal: Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards through better provision of climate information; Maximising the utility of existing climate service infrastructure. Proposed Goal: Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards by providing timely and accurate climate and weather information by appropriately qualified staff that enables informed decision-making by communities and industry. Pillar: Climate Service and Information System (CSIS), User Interface Platform (UIP) Submitting Agency: WMO Partner Agencies: International Maritime Organization (IMO), National Meteorological and Oceanographic ServicesScope This project can be seen to not only compliment but is a vital component of the quality management project. The WMO Congress at its 16th session (Cg-XVI, 2011) agreed that the special emphasis of the WMO on service delivery, including climate services, requires a renewed effort in documenting that all relevant processes from physical measurements in observations to forecasts and warnings issued to all user and customer groups are undertaken within a sound Quality Management Framework (QMF). A key aspect of a quality documenting "all the relevant processes" is ensuring the competence of all staff involved in the processes associated with the development and implementation of a quality management system (QMS). In fact, the ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard has a specific clause associated with the competence, training and awareness of staff: 6.2.2 Competence, training and awareness The organization shall a) determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements, b) where applicable, provide training or take other actions to achieve the necessary competence, c) evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken, d) ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives, and e) maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience. ISO 9001:2008 Activities Development of a generic set of marine weather forecaster competencies through a Task Team on Marine Competency Requirements (TT-MCR). Review the current sets of marine weather forecaster competencies that are available through WMO Members. Review the WMO Aeronautical Meteorological Competence framework and to ensure consistency across WMO, adopt the same or similar approach in terms of format and templates. Harmonise and integrate the competencies into a first draft marine weather competency framework and forwarded to all of the team members for review and amendment. Work towards a consensus within the team and send through the draft document to JCOMM Management Team for comment and endorsement. Liaise closely with the WMO CAeM Expert Team on Education and Training. To assist the work of the TT-MCR. Existing marine weather forecaster competencies that have already been developed internationally have been obtained. These will be harmonised and integrated into the draft document as will other competencies presented by the TT-MCR members. Deliverables and assessment measures The development of a draft of an internationally acceptable competency framework focusing on the competency requirements for marine meteorological services. Measure: Draft competency framework completed. A review of existing QMS-relevant processes and regulations of the countries for marine meteorological and oceanographic services, in order to understand the current status and to harmonize their content and policies within the proposed competency requirements. Measure: WMO Members contacted and material provided reviewed. A review of, and proposed update of the part IV of the WMO-No. 558 (Training in the Field of Marine Meteorology). Measure: review of WMO-No. 558 completed. The provision of input and advice on the future development of education and training programmes to meet competency based requirements for marine meteorology and oceanography Measure: Advice documented and communicated to the appropriate WMO Training Sections/bodies Assistance provided to Members / Member States who have or are developing a QMS and adopting the marine weather forecaster competence framework as part of the QMS. Measure: The number of Members assisted. Inputs Inputs will be required from as many WMO Members who provide marine weather services and in particular those with mature certified ISO 9001 compliant quality management systems. The WMO Task Team on Quality Management. The WMO CAeM Expert Team on Education and Training Risks An inadequate level of focused and appropriate knowledge and skills for WMO Members which may lead to a negative perception and lack of confidence in the quality of marine climate data and information. Timeline of project: Two years for the demonstration, followed by continuous implementationResource requirements: CHF 500,000  We trust you will find this in order and you are welcome to communicate with us if you require any further assistance and or information. Yours sincerely  (Johan Stander) Co-president of JCOMM 26 June 2013 cc: Dr Nadia Pinardi JCOMM Mnagement Secretariait for wonderful assistance: Dr Boram Lee, Mr Edgard Cabrera and Etienne Charpentier _______________   HYPERLINK "https://sites.google.com/a/wmo.int/ibcs-1/" \t "_blank" https://sites.google.com/a/wmo.int/ibcs-1/   HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/a/wmo.int/file/d/0B8DhC1GSWSmxbjdGV19XTnJTbFU/edit?usp=drivesdk&pli=1" https://docs.google.com/a/wmo.int/file/d/0B8DhC1GSWSmxbjdGV19XTnJTbFU/edit?usp=drivesdk&pli=1   HYPERLINK "http://library.wmo.int/pmb_ged/2013_wmo-bull_special.pdf" http://library.wmo.int/pmb_ged/2013_wmo-bull_special.pdf   HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/gfcs/office/documents/OBS-ANNEX-TO-GFCS-IMP-PLAN_en.pdf" http://www.wmo.int/pages/gfcs/office/documents/OBS-ANNEX-TO-GFCS-IMP-PLAN_en.pdf     PAGE  PAGE 27 INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION COMMISSION OCANOGRAPHIQUE INTERGOUVERNEMENTALE COMISIN OCEANOGRFICA INTERGUBERNAMENTAL  ",!"/  $'!/ !!/WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MTOROLOGIQUE MONDIALE ORGANIZACIN METEOROLGICA MUNDIAL ! / " '!/  &/ JOINT WMO/IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM)Johan Stander Co-President Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology Cape Town Weather Office, P O Box 21 Cape Town International Airport, 7525 South Africa Tel.: + 27 (21) 934-0450 Fax: + 27 (21) 934-4590 Mobile: + 27 (83) 281-0993 e-mail: Johan.Stander@weathersa.co.za Website: www.weathersa.co.za Nadia Pinardi Department of Environmental Sciences University of Bologna Via S.Alberto 163 48100 Ravenna, Italy Tel: +39-0544-937324 Fax: +39-0544-937323 e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:nadia.pinardi@unibo.it" \t "_blank" nadia.pinardi@unibo.it  uv̱}^^^E0(h>9h]CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1jh>9h]CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH <h>9h];B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH7h>9h]6;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH .h];B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h>9h];B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 1h>9h]B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h>9h]5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH DEuvuc$  :$Ifa$gd]]kd$$IfxFH(%H%    4 xax,$$If]a$gd] $$Ifa$gd],$$If]a$gd]  . : ; D E F S n$If^n`gd] n$If^n`gd] n$If^n`gd]$:$Ifa$gd]$  :$Ifa$gd]  ʲʙqU@)h]CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHsH u7j h+h]CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH "h]CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +jh]CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 1h>9h]B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH /h>9h]CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHsH u1jh>9h]CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH 7jh>9h]CJOJQJU^JaJmH sH  ! 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