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J1.4(1) ( DATE \@ "d-MMM-yy" 16-Jul-13) _______ ITEM:  FORMTEXT 1 ENGLISH ONLY WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) (Submitted by the Secretariat) Summary and purpose of the document This document provides information on the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements,  ACTION PROPOSED The Group will review the information contained in this report and comment and make decisions or recommendations as appropriate. _______________ References: Design, Planning, and Optimized Evolution of Global Observing Systems The WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) process Vision for the Global Observing System (GOS) in 2025 The Implementation Plan for the Evolution of Global Observing Systems (EGOS-IP)  Statements of Guidance for all Application Areas Statement of Guidance for Ocean Applications Appendices: A. Summary of ocean related actions of the Implementation Plan for the Evolution of Global Observing Systems (EGOS-IP NOTEREF _Ref361662679 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 4) Discussion 2. WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) 2.1. WMO, as part its Rolling Review of Requirements NOTEREF _Ref361662443 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 2 (RRR) is addressing the following application areas: Global Numerical Weather Prediction High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Synoptic Meteorology Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting Seasonal to Inter-annual Forecasts Aeronautical Meteorology Atmospheric Chemistry Ocean Applications Agricultural Meteorology Hydrology Climate Monitoring (GCOS) Climate Applications (Other aspects, addressed by the Commission for Climatology) 2.2. The Rolling Review of Requirements basically consists of the following steps: Compiling the list of requirements for each applications area and each required variable in terms of (i) horizontal resolution, (ii) vertical resolution, (iii) observing cycle, (iv) timeliness, and (v) accuracy. For each criterion, requirements are given in terms of threshold (value below which observations are worthless), breakthrough (proposed target for significant progress, and optimal cost/benefit), and goal (value beyond which improvement gives no additional value). The list of requirements is independent from the technology being used to observe the required variables (technology free). Estimating the performances of the instruments for each observing system and variable in terms of (i) horizontal resolution, (ii) vertical resolution, (iii) observing cycle, (iv) timeliness, and (v) accuracy. Conducting a critical review and gap analysis based on (i) critical review charts which are objectively comparing the performances of the instruments with the requirements, and (ii) results from impact studies based mainly on Observing System Experiments (OSEs) and Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs). The interpretation of the results from the critical review and gap analysis by experts from each of the considered application area, results in the elaboration of the Statements of Guidance (SoG NOTEREF _Ref361662516 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 5). The draft Statements of Guidance are then discussed, and possibly updated by the CBS Inter Programme Expert Team on Observing System Design and Evolution (IPET-OSDE) before being formally endorsed by the Team. Based on the Statements of Guidance, the Vision for the Global Observing System (GOS) in 2025 NOTEREF _Ref361662660 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 3, cost-effectiveness of observing systems, and the assumed resources of WMO Members, the IPET-OSDE propose priorities, and updates the Implementation Plan for the Evolution of global observing systems (EGOS-IP NOTEREF _Ref361662679 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 4). The EGOS-IP NOTEREF _Ref361662679 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 4 is used by WMO Members to plan the evolution of the observing systems nationally, and commit resources as appropriate. 2.3. The SoG NOTEREF _Ref361662516 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 5 for an application area provides for an assessment of the adequacy of the observations to fulfill requirements and suggests areas of progress towards improved use of satellite and in situ observing systems. Only the most significant variables in a given application area have been analyzed in the SOGs NOTEREF _Ref361662516 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 5. SoGs are effectively gap analysis and propose priorities in terms of requirements for observations. The following terminology has been adopted. "Marginal" indicates minimum user requirements are being met, "acceptable" indicates greater than minimum but less than maximum requirements (in the useful range) are being met, and "good" means close to maximum requirements are being met. 2.4 Considering that the requirements for climate monitoring (GCOS) are already well taken into account as part of the JCOMM Observations Programme Area (OPA) Implementation Goals (OPA-IG), the Fourth Session of JCOMM (JCOMM-4, Yeosu, Republic of Korea, 23 31 May 2012) requested the Observations Programme Area (OPA) to make sure that the ocean observational requirements for the following applications areas are also included in the OPA-IG: Ocean Applications, including Met-Ocean Forecasts and Services, including marine services, marine hazards warnings, ocean mesoscale forecasting, sea ice and iceberg warnings and forecasts, global and regional wave modelling, serving the needs of maritime transportation (e.g. safety, routing), fishing, and coastal and offshore areas activities; Global Numerical Weather Prediction; High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction; Synoptic Meteorology; Seasonal to Inter-annual Forecasts; Climate applications and services. 2.5 In doing so, and taking into account the Statements of Guidance NOTEREF _Ref361662516 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 5 for the above application areas, and identified key gaps, JCOMM-4 recommended the following JCOMM response: OPA is requested to continue to evaluate the quality of wave observations, and the development of cost-effective wave observations from drifters through the DBCP-ETWCH Pilot Project on Wave Measurement Evaluation and Test from Moored Buoys (PP-WET) and the DBCP Pilot Project on Wave Measurement from Drifters (PP-WMD) respectively; Commission members are invited to make precipitation measurements from moored buoys, including coastal moorings, tropical moorings, and OceanSITES; Commission members are urged to install barometers on all newly deployed drifters; and are encouraged to deploy more autonomous AWS on ships; The RAMA array of tropical moored buoys in the Indian Ocean should be completed; More cooperation is encouraged between Observations Programme Area (OPA) and the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area (SFSPA) Expert Teams in charge of marine services activities (e.g. ETSI, ETWCH NOTEREF _Ref361671327 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 7, ETOOFS). 2.6 JCOMM-4 emphasized the importance of an integrated approach between in situ and remotely sensed (space-based and surface-based) observations when considering requirements. Noting with appreciation that the WMO database of observational user requirements now contained a new sub-set relevant to marine meteorology and operational oceanography, allowing an accurate assessment of how the existing in situ ocean observing system was addressing JCOMMs own service requirements for such data, JCOMM-4 requested the SFSPA to ensure that the set of observational data requirements to support met-ocean applications continues to be reviewed and updated. Further noting that the SFSPA had participated in the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) process and that an updated Statement of Guidance (SoG) for Ocean Applications NOTEREF _Ref361670936 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 6 had been produced, JCOMM-4 requested that the existing SoG should continuously be kept updated. 2.7 JCOMM-4 urged Members/Member States to make sure that all ocean observations related actions which are part of the EGOS-IP should be properly addressed. The ocean related actions (or general actions impacting ocean observing activities) of the EGOS-IP NOTEREF _Ref361662679 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 4 are summarized in the Appendix. 2.8 More information on the design, planning, and optimized evolution of global observing systems in the WIGOS Framework Implementation, and on the RRR can be found on the WMO website NOTEREF _Ref361662757 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 1. _______________ Appendix A Summary of Ocean related actions of the Implementation Plan for the Evolution of Global Observing systems (EGOS-IP NOTEREF _Ref361662679 \h  \* MERGEFORMAT 4) (Excerpts from the EGOS-IP) Table: Summary of ocean related actions (or general actions impacting ocean observing activities) of the EGOS-IP No.ActionAgent for implementationTime framePerformance indicator(s)C5Ensure sustained funding for the key marine/ocean observing systems (e.g. tropical moorings, Argo, surface drifters with barometers, as well as altimeter, scatterometer, SST from microwave radiometry, sea ice measurements from research satellite missions).NMSs, NMHSs and partner national institutions, in collaboration with international organizations, TCs responsible for observing system coordination (e.g. JCOMM, CBS, and CIMO) and space agencies.Continuous.Percentage of observing networks funded through sustained mechanism. C8For WMO and co-sponsored observing systems, ensure continued adherence to WMO data sharing principles irrespective of origin of data, including data provided by commercial entities.NMSs and NMHSs, and space agencies. Process monitored by CBS.Continuous.Continued availability of all essential observational data to all WMO members.C13Establish capacity building strategies for observing systems in developing countries through projects funded by international organizations, bilateral partnerships and facilitation of regional cooperation. NMSs/NMHSs with RAs, CBS, other TCs, in collaboration with international programmes. Continuous. Substantial improvement in observational data return from developing countries.G1Ensure traceability of meteorological observations and measurements to SI or WMO standards.NMSs/NMHSs, in coordination with WMO own and co-sponsored programmes, TCs, RAs, and other relevant organizations. CBS and RAs to lead and supervise.Continuous.Number of stations that make measurements traceable to SI or WMO standards.G2Ensure, as far as possible, a global exchange of hourly data which are used in global applications, optimized to balance user requirements against technical and financial limitations.NMSs/NMHSs, RAs, in coordination with CBS and international programmes and agencies. CBS to lead the action.Continuous. Timetable to be decided for each observing system.The standard monitoring indicators used in global NWP NOTEREF _Ref279074803 \* MERGEFORMAT Error! Bookmark not defined..G3Promote a global exchange of sub-hourly data in support of relevant application areas.NMSs/NMHSs, in coordination with WMO own and co-sponsored programmes, TCs, RAs, and other relevant organizations. CBS to lead the action.Continuous. Timetable to be decided for each observing system.A number of sub-hourly data types exchanged through WIS.G4Ensure exchange of observations from atmosphere, ocean, terrestrial observing system, according to the WIGOS standards. If needed, organize different levels of pre-processed observations in order to satisfy different user requirements.NMSs/NMHSs, in coordination with WMO own and co-sponsored programmes, TCs, RAs, and other relevant organizations. CBS to lead the action.Continuous. Timetable to be decided for each observing system.Statistics on the data made available to each application.G49Maintain and optimize the existing ASAP network over North Atlantic, and develop similar programmes for the North Pacific and the Indian Ocean. NMSs, NMHSs, in collaboration with companies operating commercial ships, RAs, JCOMM, CBS and CAS. JCOMM to lead RAsContinuous.Volume of ASAP data available in real-time (usual NWP monitoring indicators).G50Ensure state-of-art technologies are employed to improve accuracy for all measurements made at sea stations. Develop visibility measurement capabilities over the ocean. NMSs, NMHSs and national partner institutions, in collaboration with international organizations and space agencies. JCOMM, CBS, and CIMO to lead the action.Continuous.Usual monitoring indicators on availability and quality of marine observations. G51Improve the quality of ship observations by more regular interactions with the NWP monitoring centres and more regular checks on the instruments onboard. Port Meteorological Officers (PMOs), NMSs, NMHSs and other NWP monitoring centres in collaboration with companies operating commercial ships. CBS and JCOMM to lead the action.Continuous.Usual NWP monitoring indicators. G52Support the DBCP in its mission to maintain and coordinate all components of the global network of over 1250 drifting buoys and 400 moored buoys, which provides measurements such as SST, surface current velocity, air temperature and wind speed and direction. NMSs, NMHSs, national oceanographic institutions, in collaboration with JCOMM, international organizations and companies operating oceanic buoys, CBS and CIMO. CBS and JCOMM to lead the action.Continuous.Volume of quality-controlled moored and drifting buoy data available in real-time (usual NWP monitoring indicators).G53Install barometer on all newly deployed drifting buoys. NMSs, NMHSs, national oceanographic institutions, in collaboration with JCOMM, international organizations and companies operating oceanic buoys, CBS and CIMO. CBS and JCOMM to lead the action.Continuous.Availability of surface pressure observations from drifting buoys.G54In the tropical Indian Ocean, extend the existing network of moored buoys to a data coverage similar to those of the Atlantic and Pacific tropics. NMSs, NMHSs, national oceanography institutions, in collaboration with JCOMM, international organizations and companies operating oceanic buoys, CBS and CIMO. CBS and JCOMM to lead the action.Continuous.Number and data coverage of moored buoys available in the Indian Ocean tropics (usual monitoring indicators).G55Increase ice buoy data coverage on the northern polar cap through a regular deployment of new drifters. NMSs, NMHSs, national oceanographic and polar institutions, in collaboration with JCOMM, international organizations and companies operating ice buoys, CBS and CIMO. CBS and JCOMM to lead the action.Continuous.Volume of ice buoy data available in real-time (usual NWP monitoring indicators).G56Ensure global availability of in situ sea level data (tide gauges, Tsunameters). NMSs, NMHSs, and national partner institutions, in collaboration with international organizations and space agencies. JCOMM, CBS, and CIMO to lead the action.Continuous.Amount of tide gauge data available globally.G57For ocean and weather forecasting purposes, transition the Argo profiling float network from research to operational status, and ensure timely delivery and distribution of high vertical resolution data for sub-surface temperature and salinity.NMSs, NMHSs, national oceanographic institutions, in collaboration with Argo project, JCOMM, international organizations and companies operating profiling floats, CBS and CIMO. JCOMM to lead the action in cooperation with CBS.Continuous.Volume of profiling float data available in real-time (usual monitoring indicators).G58For ocean and weather forecasting purposes, improve timely delivery and distribute high vertical resolution data for sub-surface temperature from Ships/XBT.NMSs, NMHSs, national oceanographic institutions, in collaboration with JCOMM, international organizations and companies operating ships of opportunity, CBS and CIMO. JCOMM to lead the action in cooperation with CBS.Continuous.Volume of XBT data available in real-time (usual monitoring indicators)._______________   HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/wigos/wir/osde.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/wigos/wir/osde.html   HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/GOS-RRR.html" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/GOS-RRR.html   HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/WorkingStructure/documents/CBS-2009_Vision-GOS-2025.pdf" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/WorkingStructure/documents/CBS-2009_Vision-GOS-2025.pdf   HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Publications/EGOS-IP-2025/EGOS-IP-2025-en.pdf" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Publications/EGOS-IP-2025/EGOS-IP-2025-en.pdf  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/sat/RRR-and-SOG.html" \l "SOG"http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/sat/RRR-and-SOG.html#SOG   HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Ocean.doc" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/SOG/SoG-Ocean.doc  ETWCH: JCOMM Expert Team on Waves and Coastal Hazards Forecasting Systems  ETSI: JCOMM Expert Team on Sea-Ice  ETOOFS: Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems     DEuv鵞gHgHgH1-jh~;hQGCJOJQJUaJmH sH <h~;hQG;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH nHphsH tH4h~;hQG;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 7h~;hQG6;B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH ,h~;hQG;B*CJ^JaJmH phsH 1h~;hQGB*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH 4h~;hQG5B*CJOJQJ^JaJmH phsH ,h~;hQG5B*CJ^JaJmH phsH DEuvqaa$$If]a$gdQG]kd$$IfxF&&    4 xax$x$If]a$gdQG $$Ifa$gdQG$x$If]a$gdQG  . : ; 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