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An abstract and summary of questions and answers is included in Annex ____. Following his presentation DrHalpern was presented with the IOC Anton Bruun Medal. DrShubha Sathyendranath, Assistant Director of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (U.K.), delivered the N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture, 2013 on the lessons learned from the capacity-development activities of POGO. An abstract and summary of questions and answers is included in Annex ____. Following her presentation DrSathyendranath was presented with the IOC N.K. Panikkar Medal. 5. STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENTS 5.1.3 Role of IOC Subsidiary bodies and Decentralized Offices [Reported in part 2] Resolution XXVII-1 Formalization of the Perth Programme Office (PPO) The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Noting the request from the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Steering Committee at its second meeting to consider formalizing the Perth Regional Programme Office (PRPO) to supplement the human resources available at the IOC Secretariat (GOOS-199), Recalling the Guidelines for the Establishment of Decentralized Offices (IOC/INF-1193), Recognizing the contribution since 1998 of the PRPO in support of the IOC to the implementation of its programmes in the region, and in particular to the development of GOOS and related services and knowledge transfer, Decides to formalize the PRPO as an IOC Programme Office; Notes that the IOC financial contribution to the activities of the PRPO is defined in IOC Resolution XXVII-2 as a part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget for 20142017; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to conclude the tripartite agreement with the Western Australian State Government and the Commonwealth Government of Australia, represented by the Bureau of Meteorology, to implement this decision by the end of October 2013, Agrees that: (i) the future title of the Office should be the Perth Programme Office (PPO); (ii) subject to agreement by the other parties to the above- mentioned tripartite agreement, the terms of reference for the Office should be as given in the Annex to this Resolution; Annex to Resolution XXVII-1 Terms of Reference for the PPO 20142018 Under the direction of the IOC Executive Secretary, the PPO will coordinate, facilitate, develop and implement programmes supporting the IOCs mission, focussing on Indian Ocean/Australian regions and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) for ocean observations, related services, and complementary ocean sciences, capacity building and marine/coastal hazards. In particular the PPO operates in accordance with the following terms of reference: Develop, facilitate and implement links and cooperative activities among IOC regional/international activities and relevant Western Australian State Government and Australian Commonwealth Government agencies, programmes and industry, Develop regional and global cooperative working partnerships with IOC stakeholders, including the regional research community and provincial and national oceanic and climate related agencies and organisations, in particular to provide support for applied research and operations, Facilitate and support the GOOS Regional Alliances and associated supporting secretariats and networks under the Offices purview (Indian Ocean GOOS, Pacific Islands GOOS and Western Australian GOOS), and facilitate and support related capacity building initiatives, Develop cooperation and partnership with regional ocean observing systems, policy networks, programmes and initiatives that are geographically and thematically complementary to the GOOS Regional Alliances under the Offices purview, as well as with relevant UNESCO and IOC entities, including UNESCO Regional offices, IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies and Decentralised Project/Programme/Regional Offices, Develop and implement proposals to enhance the resource base in support of the Offices mission, Organise conferences, workshops and other capacity building and communication/awareness raising activities relevant to the overall mission of the Office. 5.4 OCEAN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH 5.4.4 Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) In accordance with IOC-XXVI/Decision 8.2, the ICAM Coordinator, MrJulian Barbire, introduced this item and provided a progress report on the implementation of the ICAM Strategy, covering activities that are being developed in the field of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), coastal hazards mitigation, and decision-support tools for coastal and ocean management. In this context, the development plans and objectives of a new GEF Project entitled Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts to be implemented through IOC, was presented. The Assembly welcomed the report on the implementation of ICAM Programme Strategy and highlighted the relevance of the three Programme Strategic Objectives and supporting activities on ecosystem based management, marine spatial planning, coastal adaptation and hazard mitigation. A number of Member States expressed support to the SPINCAM project (South-East Pacific Data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management), which is aimed at supporting national ICAM policies in the South East Pacific region, recognizing the effective coordination role of IOC and CPPS in this context, and thanked the Government of Flanders (Belgium) for agreeing to fund a second phase of the project. The Assembly welcomed the anticipated IOC role in the coordination of the new GEF LME Project, and agreed that it provides an essential platform for translating IOC science programmes in support of GEF interventions, and therefore of Member States efforts in implementing ecosystem based management. The Assembly also noted the leading role of IOC in the FP7 Project PEGASO (People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coast), which is supporting the development of national Coastal Information System and National ICZM Programmes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. Member States proposed that the ICAM Programme consider organising a Marine Spatial Planning workshop and extending the experience of the ACCC project (Adaptation to Climate Change - Responding to Coastline Change in its Human Dimensions in West Africa through Integrated Coastal Area Management) to the Central Western African region. The representatives of 12 Member States took the floor. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Belgium, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of) and USA. The Assembly adopted decision IOC-XXVII, Dec.5.4.4. The Assembly, I. Implementation of IOC Integrated Coastal Area Management Strategy Recalling IOC-XXVI/Decision 8.2, Having considered document IOC/INF-1311, Takes note of the progress in implementing the IOC Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Strategy; Expresses its deep appreciation to the Government of Belgium (Flanders) for the secondment of an expert to the ICAM Programme (SPINCAM Project); II. Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2Annex5 and Add., Welcomes the proposal to develop and implement a new GEF project on Strengthening Global Governance of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) and their Coasts; Supports the role of the Commission in leading the implementation of the project and in hosting a Project Coordination Unit at its headquarters; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Requests the Executive Secretary to mobilise extra-budgetary resources to support the position of project coordinator as well as the operations of the Project Coordination Unit; Invites Member States and donor agencies to support through extra-budgetary resources, as well as in-kind contributions, the project coordination and other relevant project activities. 5.5 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 5.5.1 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy The Deputy Executive Secretary and Head of the IOC Capacity-development section, DrMitrasen Bhikajee, explained the rationale of developing a new Capacity Development Strategy, taking into consideration recent decisions of the Rio+20 Conference. DrVenuIttekot, IOC Consultant, presented the results of a survey on Capacity Development needs carried out in a sample of 20 Member States and the additional information gathered during a joint meeting of IOC with the Office of the UN High representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS) and the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) in May 2013. The Deputy Executive Secretary reported on the work of the sessional working group on the Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy (IOC-XXVII/Dec.2(III)). Taking into consideration new developments and the recommendations of recent UN meetings, the Assembly supported the establishment of the proposed open ended Intersessional Working Group of Member States to develop the proposed Strategic Plan for implementation. Some Member States put a particular emphasis on the fact that the whole concept of capacity building should be reviewed. Experiences have shown that short training programmes and courses have not met the expectations of Member States in developing countries. The Assembly was of the opinion that the proposed second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) would be an additional opportunity to develop specific international capacity building programmes. Seventeen Members States and one observer intervened and conveyed their support to the initiative of developing a new Capacity Development Strategic Plan. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Canada, India, Japan, Malaysia and UK. The Assembly adopted decision IOC-XXVII,Dec. 5.5.1. The Assembly, Taking note of the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 whereby the UNSD recognizes the importance of building the capacity of developing countries to be able to benefit from the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and their resources, Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10, Decides to set up an Intersessional Working Group for Developing a Draft Strategic Plan for Capacity Development with the annexed Terms of Reference; Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2); Requests: the Executive Secretary to include the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development as an item on the Agenda of the Executive Council at its 47th session in 2014; and Member States to consider funding and supporting the activities leading to the formulation and adoption of the Strategic Plan for Capacity Development. Annex to IOC-XXVII, Dec.5.5.1 Draft Terms of Reference for the Intersessional Working Group for the Development of IOC Capacity Development Strategic Plan Purpose The Intersessional Working Group will develop a Capacity Development (CD) Strategic Plan for IOC. This plan will then be implemented through partnership with Member States, donors, UN Agencies, global financial institutions and the private sector. Term The Intersessional CD Strategy Group will be constituted at the 27th IOC Assembly and will operate until the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014. Functions Review documents given below to identify the relevant components that should be considered in an IOC CD strategy along with an outline of the strategy document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 3 Draft IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021; IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Development of a New Capacity Development Strategy; IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10 Add.  HYPERLINK "http://ioc-unesco.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewDocumentRecord&docID=11289" Development of a new Capacity Development Strategy - Addendum; IOC/INF-1313 Baseline Study for an Assessment of National Capacities and Needs in Marine Research, Observation and Data/Information Management; IOC/INF-1211 IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building (2005); IOC/INF-1276 Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainably Use Their Coastal Resources (Self Driven Capacity Building) Closure Report of the SIDA Funded Project -2010; IOC/INF-1203 IOC Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology IOC Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea; Practices of States in the Fields of Marine Scientific Research and Transfer of Marine Technology: an update of the 2005 analysis of Member State responses to Questionnaire No 3 [Ref to be filled in by the IOC Secretariat in the final report]; IOC/INF-612 UNESCO/IOC Comprehensive Plan for a Major Assistance Programme to Enhance the Marine Science Capabilities of Developing Countries (1985); Documents produced by IOC subsidiary bodies and sister organisations; Other documents relevant to this exercise. Incorporate elements arising from the following considerations Recent UN Conference outcome documents, especially Rio +20s Outcome document The Future we Want and resolutions requesting actions in capacity development; The present High Level Objectives of IOC and its mandate as well as existing IOC programmes; Lessons learned from previous CD plans of IOC (Success stories and implementation problems); Gaps identified through prior assessments and surveys of capacities and needs requirements; Regional priorities as identified through the different IOC sub-commissions and relevant bodies and other IOC regional subsidiary bodies; Existing capacity development initiatives of Member States, other UN agencies and competent international organisations, for example, POGO and SCOR, with a view to developing partnerships, create synergies and avoid duplication; The problem faced by developing countries in not being able to retain qualified staff because of inadequate research infrastructure; Gender Equality, Priority Africa, SIDS and LDCs; The regional requirement for capacity as priorities may not be global. Identify IOCs existing CD strengths and IOCs unique intergovernmental CD niche The essential elements/pillars of IOCs CD draft strategy (IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 10), consistent with IOCs Medium Term Strategy, that will complement international CD partner development contributions; The need for a consistent level of extra-budgetary funding; Priorities for actions in relation to available resources focussing on specific geographical areas and specific science areas for effective and efficient capacity development, and informed by IOCs regional bodies; (d) Prepare a report for consideration of the 47th IOC Executive Council in 2014 Composition The Vice-Chairperson of the IOC for Group V, Prof Adot Blim Blivi will serve as Chairperson and the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Commission, DrMitrasen Bhikajee will be the Technical Secretary of the Intersessional Working Group; The Working Group will be open to all IOC Member States; Working arrangements The Working Group will conduct the majority of its business by electronic means; If appropriate, the Chairperson may convene a meeting in time, and for a long enough period, to prepare a report prior to the commencement of a session of the Executive Council; The Group will provide a report on all its activities to the 47th session of the Executive Council; Relevant documents would be made available before the Group meeting, in due time; and The Group will follow procedures for IOC Subsidiary Bodies, seeking to formulate its conclusions and recommendations through consensus. 5.5.2 Rationale for an IOC Global Ocean Science Report The Executive Secretary introduced this item. She informed on the rationale and motivation for IOC to lead the Global Ocean Sciences Report (GOSR) and reminded the Assembly that the report would provide an excellent opportunity for IOC to raise its visibility through an initiative which falls squarely within its mandate, and that it would be focused on science and not on political matters. The Head of the Ocean Sciences Section of IOC, Dr Luis Valds, continued the presentation with a special focus on the added value for the IOC, and examples of expected results, timeline and budget. In summary, the IOC secretariat launched the process of the GOSR as part of the voluntary commitment of the IOC at Rio+20 and it is envisaged to provide an overview on nations (i) investments, (ii) resources, and (iii) productivity in ocean science. It would provide a tool for mapping and evaluating the human and institutional capacity of Member States in terms of marine research, observations and data/information management, as well as a global overview of the main fields of interest, developments and trends in ocean science. The discussion was rich with several rounds of interventions and ample participation of the Member States. In the first round a total of 19 Member States took the floor. Some Member States expressed their concerns in terms of mandate, possible duplication with other on-going processes such as the World Ocean Assessment (WOA) and the procedure followed in the presentation of the draft resolution. Most Member State interventions expressed support, welcoming the logic that inspired the report, with some offering possible funding and/or other modalities of participation (France, Portugal, UK, and China). Some expressed caveats about the tight timeline, involvement of resources, and the possiblity of only a limited number of responses to the questionnaire. The IOC Executive Secretary and the Head of the Ocean Sciences Section explained that the GOSR concept note was discussed at the Officers meeting in January 2013 and received enthusiastic support, that this report would neither duplicate other existing on-going processes nor conflict with competencies of other UN bodies, and that the secretariat recognizes that although this is a challenge, it could be a feasible and highly valuable product for IOC. In a second round of interventions six Member States intervened to express their concerns on the procedure followed in the presentation of the draft resolution. The Secretariat offered to withdraw the draft resolution and to present it as a draft decision. In a third round of interventions the Assembly agreed to form an intersessional Working Group to review and improve the proposal and discuss it further at the 47th Session of the Executive Council in 2014. An ad hoc open-ended meeting attended by 12 Member States prepared the draft decision. The following Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report: Argentina, UK, Norway, Republic of Korea, Japan, Canada. The Assembly adopted Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.5.5.2. The Assembly, Having considered the proposal for establishing a Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR) contained in document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 11, Decides to establish an open-ended intersessional Working Group, under the chairmanship of the IOC Vice-Chair, DrAtanas Palazov, to further review and improve the GOSR proposal based on the comments made by Member States; Requests: the IOC Executive Secretary to convene open-ended regular consultations with the Member States on relevant aspects of the GOSR; the Chair of the intersessional Working Group to maintain close consultation with the chairs of other relevant intersessional IOC working groups; the Chair of the intersessional Working Group to present the conclusions reached by the Group at the 47th session of the IOC Executive Council; and Agrees that the regular budget for these activities will be considered as part of the overall IOC Programme and Budget resolution XXVII/DR.(6.1, 6.2). 6. ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 6.1 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE IOC DRAFT MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGY FOR 2014-2021 [reported under 6.2] 6.2 REPORT BY THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FINANCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE DRAFT PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2014-2017 (DRAFT 37C/5) The Chair of the Financial Committee reported to the Assembly on the results of the Committees review of the Progress Report on Budget Execution (2012) and Anticipated Funding for 2013, the Draft Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 and the Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017 in accordance with rule of procedure 8.1(c). He informed the Assembly that the Financial Committee had six very productive meetings and thanked the Member States that participated in its consensual in-depth discussions in the spirit of constructive collaboration. He then made a detailed presentation of the draft resolution prepared by the Financial Committee for consideration by the Assembly, explaining the approach adopted by the Committee in proposing the changes to the Draft Medium Term Strategy and the guiding principles for budgetary allocations. The Assembly was unanimous in congratulating the Chairman of the Financial Committee for the exceptional quality of his leadership and the considerable work accomplished in a short period of time. The Assembly considered and adopted Resolution XXVII-2 drafted by the Financial Committee in accordance with Decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.(4.). Resolution XXVII-2 Financial Matters of the Commission The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, - A - Budget Execution (2012) and Anticipated Funding for 2013 Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 2, Expresses great concern for the impact of the financial difficulties of UNESCO on the delivery of the IOC programmes, with the reduction of the IOC budget from US$10,405,400 to US$7,531,799 with the consequent reduction to the workplans for 20122013; Recognizes the efforts of the IOC Executive Secretary to maintain programme continuity under these difficult circumstances and to contribute to implement UNESCOs roadmap; Confirms that the IOC budget for 2012 has been executed in accordance with the approved Programme and Budget 20122013 and the guidance on the funding priorities provided by the IOC Executive Council at its 45th session through EC-XLV/Dec.5.1, including the endorsement of the Priority Funding Plan for 20122013 (EC-XLV/Dec.5.2 Annex B); Expresses its appreciation to the Director-General of UNESCO for the allocation of US$1,106,000 to the IOC from the UNESCO Emergency Fund to enable programme implementation at essential level; Expresses its thanks to the Member States and other donors who have already contributed to the UNESCO Emergency Fund and in addition provided US$ 5,271,061 as 2012 voluntary contributions to the IOC following the cash-flow and budgetary crises of end of 2011 and of the present biennium; Urges all Member States to provide voluntary contributions for the financing of the Priority Funding Plan for 20122013, preferably to the IOC Special Account; - B - IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 Having examined document IOC-XXVII/2 Annex3, Takes note of the Draft IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 presented at the session, following its review by the open ended Intersessional Financial Advisory Group (IFAG) under the leadership of Vice-Chairman Prof. Peter M. Haugan (Norway); Re-affirms the importance of the IOC as an intergovernmental commission with functional autonomy within UNESCO; Recognizes the draft takes into account: (i) The debate at the 45th Session of the Executive Council and its decision EC-XLV/Dec.5.2, (ii) The report of the Ad hoc Advisory Group for the IOC Ocean Sciences Section (IOC/INF-1294), (iii) Inputs from IOC Subsidiary Bodies and other relevant organizations and processes, in particular the follow-up to United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), (iv) The development of the UNESCO Medium-term Strategy for 20142021 (37C/4), (v) The report of the Chair of the Sessional Working Group on the Future of the IOC (IOC-XXVII/2Prov.Rev.Add.), (vi) Comments and inputs from the IFAG; Adopts, according to Article 6.B.4 of the Statutes of the Commission, the Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 as presented in Annex 1 to this resolution; Urges Member States to take into account the IOC Medium-Term Strategy in developing their national plans and programmes for ocean sciences, observations and services, as well as in planning their contribution to and participation in the programmes of the Commission; Further urges Member States to convey and support the IOC Medium-Term Strategy during the discussions on the UNESCO Medium Term Strategy for 2014-2021 at the 192nd session of the UNESCO Executive Board and the 37th session of the General Conference; Requests Sub-Commissions, Regional and Technical Committees and all Subsidiary Bodies of the IOC to set priorities, organize their activities and develop project proposals for extrabudgetary funding so as to coherently pursue the IOC High-Level Objectives contained in the IOC Medium Term Strategy; Recommends that the IOC Medium-Term Strategy be taken into account by the intersessional working group on the Future of IOC; Requests the IOC Executive Secretary to transmit the IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 to the Director-General of UNESCO, to widely disseminate it, including to the relevant national, regional and international organizations in order to build collaboration and cooperation in implementing the Commissions Medium Term Strategy. - C - IOC Programme and Budget for 20142017 Having examined documents IOC-XXVII/2 Annex4 and Add., Notes with great concern that the financial difficulties of UNESCO may continue into the 20142015 biennium and that the necessity may arise to limit the cash flow to 78% of the proposed zero nominal growth budget of US$653M; Takes positive note of the high priority given to the IOC in the priority ranking exercise conducted by the UNESCO Executive Board Working Group (June 2013) in line with the Commissions status as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO; Expresses its appreciation to the IOC Executive Secretary for the comprehensive document on the proposed Draft Programme and Budget for 20142017, including clear links to: the Draft Medium-Term Strategy and its high level objectives; the implementation strategy through a conceptual framework of functions; the well-defined expected results and draft Complementary Additional Programme for Extrabudgetary Resources; Takes note of the information contained in the document IOC-XXVII/2Annex4 on the expected cash flow for 20142015, its potential impact on IOC programme delivery, and the Secretariats analysis of the situation, aimed at seeking Member States guidance on the spending priorities in case of a cash flow shortfall; Adopts the guiding principles to be used by the Secretariat in further improving the proposed framework of expected results, performance indicators and benchmarks, and in defining the spending priorities for 20142015 in case of a budgetary reduction due to a cash flow shortfall, as contained in Annex2 to this resolution; Urges Member States to support, through their delegations to the 192nd session of the Executive Board and to the 37th General Conference of UNESCO, the allocation to the IOC of the budgetary envelope of US$12,026,200 proposed in the Draft 37C/5 US$653M scenario, consistent with its status as UNESCOs flagship and the high priority nature of its expected results; Decides to reconstitute the open-ended Intersessional Financial Advisory Group (IFAG) under the leadership of a Vice-Chairperson, in accordance with the Terms of Reference contained in Annex3 to this resolution, maintaining close consultation with the intersessional working group on the Future of the IOC. Annex 1 to Resolution XXVII-2 IOC Medium-Term Strategy for 20142021 1. INTRODUCTION The last decade demonstrated an increased understanding of the importance of the oceans as a source of life, and the realization that building regional know-how is essential for facilitating solving regional economic and social problems. The IOC has a recognized and unique role in the UN system in relation to ocean science and the science base for ocean management. Its status as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO has been carefully designed to provide an efficient platform for coordination, information and sharing of knowledge to contribute to sustainable and peaceful development. When designing a medium-term strategy, it is crucially important to have a realistic appreciation of the possibilities and limitations within available budgets. Continued emphasis on coordination, exchange, initiation of activities and strengthening of key functions is required, while implementation to a large degree has to be done in collaboration with other organizations and entities. This is challenging and demanding and will require key inputs from Member States in collaboration with the IOC Secretariat. In line with the IOC mission statement, a vision for the period 20142021 is formulated below based on perceived societal needs, emerging issues, and requirements for intergovernmental coordination. The Rio+20 Conference has provided very useful and timely context for the role of IOC as expressed in this strategy and its high-level objectives. The strategy will cover 8 years to be consistent with the new UNESCO medium term planning context which includes four-year programme cycles, and will be implemented in a manner consistent with the outcome of the Future of IOC deliberations. We recognize that oceans, seas and coastal areas form an integrated and essential component of the Earths ecosystem and are critical to sustaining it The future we want Outcome of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio +20 2. Mission Statement The present statutes of the IOC, which came into force through adoption by the General Conference of UNESCO of 30C/Resolution22 of 16 November 1999, give the mission of the Commission as follows: Article 2 Purpose The purpose of the Commission is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity-building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of its Member States. The Commission will collaborate with international organizations concerned with the work of the Commission, and especially with those organizations of the United Nations system which are willing and prepared to contribute to the purpose and functions of the Commission and/or to seek advice and cooperation in the field of ocean and coastal area scientific research, related services and capacity-building. The IOC, established in 1960 as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO, is the only competent organization for marine science within the UNSystem. In addition, IOC is recognized through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as the competent international organization in the fields of Marine Scientific Research (Part XIII) and Transfer of Marine Technology (Part XIV). Consistent with the mission statement above, the IOC Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) 20142021 is derived from a vision guiding the high-level objectives, programmes, and also actions and activities to be detailed in each subsequent biennial programme and budget. The strategy including its objectives will also fulfil IOC's role as a main line of action (MLA) of UNESCO and contribute to the relevant UNESCO Thematic areas of expected results, as given in the Draft UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy (37 C/4) (see figure below):  3. ioc vision AND HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVES for 20142021 Vision: Strong scientific understanding and systematic observations of the changing world ocean climate and ecosystems shall underpin sustainable development and global governance for a healthy ocean, and global, regional and national management of risks and opportunities from the ocean. More specifically, through international cooperation, IOC aspires to help its Member States to collectively achieve the following high-level objectives (HLOs), with particular attention to ensuring that all Member States have the capacity to meet them: Healthy ocean ecosystems and sustained ecosystem services Effective early warning systems and preparedness for tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards Increased resiliency to climate change and variability and enhanced safety, efficiency and effectiveness of all ocean-based activities through scientifically-founded services, adaptation and mitigation strategies Enhanced knowledge of emerging ocean science issues Objective 1: Developing indicators of ocean status, and locating their tipping points relative to marine ecosystem functioning, are important in the prediction or early detection of changes in ecosystem states, and in the evaluation of ecosystem resilience. Such knowledge and analytical tools will be very valuable in ocean management in general, and in placing management of single sectors into an ecosystem-based approach. The local and regional capacities, in terms of knowledge and tools, are also central for understanding how much an ecosystem can be stressed before it moves to other states from which recovery may be difficult. Current research on these topics is still piecemeal and needs coordination. Objective 2: The ultimate objective of this HLO is to reduce risk, by encouraging communities to implement effective mitigating measures and become aware of the hazards they face. As coastal development continues at a rapid pace, society is becoming increasingly vulnerable to coastal flooding and other extreme sea-level events such as tsunamis. Ensuring that nations have access to the necessary information for coastal adaptation planning and safe and secure operations in the marine environment, is dependent on continued progress in the implementation of tsunami and ocean observing systems, improvements of models of the climate systems and ocean services and the development of local decision support tools. Objective 3: Climate variability and change impact many elements on which human well-being depends, modifying patterns of rainfall and drought, sea-level and coastal erosion, and through temperature changes and ocean acidification, adding stress to ecosystems and impacting on the goods and services they provide. Thus, human development goals including food security, access to water resources, and preparedness and resilience to disasters are threatened. It is known that the ocean plays a key role in climate; IOC will therefore assist its Member States in developing capacity so as to enable them to develop and improve climate impact mitigation and adaptation strategies that are based on growing scientific knowledge. Objective 4: A broad range of emerging environmental issues such as new contaminants, invasive species, marine renewable energies, the expansion and intensification of uses of marine resources, cumulative effects of human maritime activities, etc., jeopardize the conservation and sustainable use of marine spaces and ecosystems. It is important to improve our understanding of the opportunities and of the changes that are occurring within the Ocean, including the deep sea. The IOCs role is to encourage scientific research, technical analyses and syntheses of scientific information needed to effectively address these emerging issues, inform policy, and advance solutions in a timely and transparent manner. 4. relation to unescos 37c/4 As explained above, the IOC Medium-TermStrategy shall also respond to Strategic Objectives 4 and 5 of the Draft UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy for 2014-2021: UNESCO Draft 37C/4 Strategic Objective 4: Promoting the interface between science, policy and society and ethical and inclusive policies for sustainable development. as well as UNESCO Draft 37C/4 Strategic Objective 5: Strengthening international science cooperation for peace, sustainability and social inclusion, and contribute primarily to the following Expected Outcomes: UNESCO leadership and contributions in the field of science for sustainability recognized in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/untaskteam_undf/faq_untt_report_sep2012.pdf" post-2015 UN Development Agenda Effective partnerships operational for freshwater, terrestrial ecosystems, biodiversity and the ocean to underpin the post-2015 development agenda Policy-makers and relevant stakeholders enabled to take policy decisions drawing on interdisciplinary scientific knowledge base for sustainable development Ocean science and global, regional and national capacities for the management of ocean-related risks improved Disaster risk reduction strategies developed and implemented by Member States in all regions based on scientific and social factors. IOC programmes will also contribute to the achievement of UNESCOs Global Priorities: Africa and Gender. UNESCO Global Priority Africa: Africa is an overarching priority and IOC will ensure that it is mainstreamed in all its programmes and that it is reflected in the performance indicators. The importance given to Africa is reflected in the recent creation of the IOC Sub-Commission for Africa and Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA) and the appointment of a full-time Secretary to the sub-commission. Since its launch in 2012, the sub-commission has held two meetings and developed a strategic plan. IOCAFRICA has received both cash and in-kind support from Member States which will be further mobilised to ensure the success of IOCAFRICA. In addition, programmes will be further decentralised to ensure proximity to Member States. UNESCO Global Priority Gender: UNESCOs approach for Global Priority Gender Equality is built on two main axes: gender-specific programming, focusing on womens and mens social, political, and economic empowerment, and mainstreaming gender equality considerations in the Organizations policies, programmes, and initiatives. The IOC contribution to Global Priority Gender Equality will focus in particular on one of the foreseen actions, which is to ensure that international science cooperation for peace and sustainability allows for representation and voice for women and men, and that conditions for both women and men to be agents of mitigation, adaptation, resilience and sustainability are provided. IOC is committed to promoting the equal presence of men and women in the marine sciences community, as well as to encouraging activities to include women in marine sciences through effective measures and policies and promoting role models for young women. 5. IMPLEMENTING The IOC Medium-Term Strategy When working towards the high-level objectives, IOC will focus on the broad areas of: strengthening scientific knowledge of the ocean and human impact on it, applying that knowledge for societal benefit, and building institutional capacities for sound management and governance  The strategy is organized in a conceptual framework of functions required to advance towards the IOC Vision: Foster ocean research to strengthen knowledge of ocean and coastal processes and human impacts upon them [Ocean research] Maintain, strengthen and integrate global ocean observing, data and information systems [Observing system / data management] Develop early warning systems and preparedness to mitigate the risks of tsunamis and ocean-related hazards [Early warning and services] Support assessment and information to improve the science-policy interface [Assessment and Information for policy] Enhance ocean governance through a shared knowledge base and improved regional cooperation [Sustainable management and governance] Develop the institutional capacity in all of the functions above, as a cross-cutting function [Capacity Development] These functions correspond broadly to existing and on-going IOC programmes, components of programmes and mechanisms of cooperation, such as the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) and the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), the Tsunami Intergovernmental Coordination Groups (ICGs), World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Ocean Sciences programme, Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM), Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), and Capacity Development (CD). All of these functions contribute in varying measures to the high-level objectives of the IOC Vision, a relationship that can be described in a matrix and in paras 21-24 showing the contribution of each function to the objectives: Functions HLOsA. Ocean researchB. Observing system / data managementC. Early warning and servicesD. Assessment and Information for policyE. Sustainable management and governanceF. Capacity Development1. Healthy ocean ecosystems2. Early warning for ocean hazards3. Resiliency to climate change and variability4. Enhanced knowledge of emerging issues contributionstrong contribution Functions contributing to objective 1: In order to generate the knowledge relative to marine ecosystem functioning at the appropriate time scale and resolution, it is essential to build capacity and a globally managed and quality controlled knowledge base. The strategy will therefore include: coordination of essential research on ocean ecosystem health; extension of the Global Ocean Observing System to biology and ecosystem variables; a focus on strengthening the existing IODE global network of data (and information) centres including the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), with an emphasis on data/information product/service development contributing to continuous monitoring of the identified indicators; support to the World Ocean Assessment and other related processes; and development of capacity to ensure strong science-policy interfaces in ocean management. Functions contributing to objective 2: In terms of early warning systems and preparedness for tsunamis and ocean-related hazards, the strategy will focus on four areas: (i) support for the intergovernmental coordination of regionally harmonized tsunami warning systems; (ii) strengthening the work of regional Tsunami Information Centres that provide a clearinghouse for the development of educational and preparedness materials; (iii) targeted capacity development and technical assistance to enhance Member States own ability to develop preparedness and awareness in a multi-hazard framework; and (iv) support for enabling research and policy development that lead to improved tsunami and ocean-related warning systems and preparedness. Functions contributing to objective 3: IOC will address the objective of increased resiliency to climate change and variability through scientifically-founded services, adaptation and mitigation strategies with an end-to-end effort that: begins with an ocean observing system sustainably monitoring the major global scales of climate (both physics and ocean carbon), building readiness and capacity in providing local information required in adaptation at the coast and to address the impact of climate change and ocean acidification on marine and coastal ecosystems, and linked to a data management system built on global standards and best practices, coordinates ocean climate research that improves understanding of the climate system and prediction of its variability and change and builds a knowledge base on linked ocean ecosystem changes and adaptation strategies, partners in the Global Framework for Climate Services and informs IOC and other assessment processes, and applies the scientific knowledge base to improve regional management and governance of climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, building capacity through demonstration projects and shared tools. Functions contributing to objective 4: In order to identify and monitor emerging ocean science issues it will be essential to coordinate scientific research and call out these issues in a way that can be communicated to policy. Strengthened and expanded ocean observation and associated global data/information management systems will support the research in emerging ocean science issues. To properly address the numerous uses of the maritime domain and to use the results of the research effectively requires improved international ocean science collaboration. ioc within the un system IOC is part of the UNsystem and collaborates with other intergovernmental and international entities. While it will lead in the coordination and execution of a number of programmes that contribute to its functions, it will also work in existing and new partnerships across the UN system. This will be particularly true where ocean science and services are only one piece of a larger whole. IOC is recognized for its major contribution to a fundamental blueprint of the global development agenda: The Future We Want, which is the outcome document of the Rio+20 Conference. IOC contributes also to the programmes of work of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). IOC was instrumental in establishing the United Nations World Ocean Assessment (WOA) (Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment Including socioeconomic Aspects) through the preliminary Assessment of Assessment phase, and as such was invited by the UNGA to provide scientific and technical support to the WOA (UNGA Resolution A/RES/66/231). It will provide technical assistance on the communication and outreach aspects of the WOA, and will lead on the implementation of regional capacity development activities in order to engage the scientific community in the preparation of regional assessments. The IOC continues to work in close cooperation with the UN Office of Legal Affairs/Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (UN/OLA/DOALOS) for the development of guidelines for the implementation of Law of the Sea provisions on transfer of marine technology and marine scientific research, and its achievements are regularly acknowledged by the UN General Assembly. The IOC Secretariat has a wide programme network and a Roster of Experts to provide guidance and advice to the IOC Member States that request it, on the development of legislation and practice regarding marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology. Following Articles 239 and 266 of UNCLOS, this action facilitates and promotes the development and conduct of marine scientific research and transfer of marine technology, especially in developing countries, in accordance with UNCLOS. The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is a system for sustained observations of the ocean comprising the oceanographic component of the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). GOOS is led by IOC and co-sponsored by UNEP, WMO and ICSU, and is implemented by Member States via their government agencies, navies and oceanographic research institutions working together in a wide range of thematic panels and regional alliances. The IOC/WMO JCOMM is a key element in implementation and services. In addition IOCs International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) programme the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), adopted by IOC as part of IODE (IOC Resolution XXV-4) contribute to at least two of the 20 UN biodiversity targets. As called upon by the 193 parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP-X-29), OBIS data is used for the identification of Ecologically or Biological Significant marine Areas and is also used by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for the identification of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem. In addition, OBIS provides key information on biological diversity for the World Ocean Assessment. IOC has since 1965 provided intergovernmental coordination for the Pacific Tsunami Warning System. Since 2005 IOC has also provided intergovernmental coordination for the development of Tsunami Warning Systems in the (i) Indian Ocean, (ii) the Caribbean and (iii) the NE Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas. The IOCs role in this area has been recognized in several UNGA resolutions. partnerships The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO partners with various agencies and participates in joint programmes: ECOSYSTEM HEALTH AND BIODIVERSITY: IOC works in close collaboration with the London Convention and the LondonProtocol (LC/LP) and is a founding member of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) along with IMO, FAO and presently including IAEA, UN, UNEP, UNIDO and UNDP; it partners with SCOR for the research programme on the Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB). IOC/UNESCO is an active participant in matters relating to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) and in particular in the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), in which it plays an important role together with UNEP, FAO and UNDP. Through the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), IOC/UNESCO is active in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and in the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEOBON). DISASTER RISK REDUCTION: IOC/UNESCO works closely with WMO, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) for access to its global seismograph network, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the European Union (EU). CLIMATE: IOC participates in the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) thus contributing to increasing the understanding of the oceans role in climate change and variability. GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) is a joint undertaking of IOC/UNESCO, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Council for Science (ICSU). IOC/UNESCO is a partner with WMO in the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). IOC teams up with the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) in a number of programmes. The Blue Carbon Initiative is the first integrated programme focused on mitigating climate change by conserving and restoring coastal marine ecosystems globally. The initiative is led by Conservation International (CI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). GOVERNANCE: IOC/UNESCOs partners are the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS, in Spanish), the various Large Marine Ecosystem programmes, the InternationalCouncil for Science (ICSU), the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the European Commission. mobilization of extrabudgetary resources Extrabudgetary funding strongly affects the extent to which IOC programmes are implemented and high-level objectives achieved, especially in periods of financial constraints. Existing resource mobilization approaches for Members States, institutional and private sector partners, tightly linked to the priorities approved by IOC Governing Bodies and its capacities to deliver will be intensified, as will be public-private partnerships and information and visibility efforts. To ensure the sustainability of effort, it is essential that all extrabudgetary funds complement regular programme priorities. To this end, Complementary Additional Programme (CAP) proposals will be developed for each biennium. Annex 2 to Resolution XXVII-2 Draft Programme and Budget 20142017 including guiding principles for the IOC budgetary allocation for 20142015 The fully funded Draft 37C/5 ($653M scenario) for UNESCO includes $12M for IOC. Recognizing the importance of ocean issues within multiple Strategic Objectives of UNESCO, and the level of significance and achievements of IOC activities in saving lives and contributing to the health and safety of Member States, an increase of the IOC allocation of the UNESCO budget from 1.8% ($12M/$653M) as in the fully funded Draft 37C/5 to 2% is recommended. Provisional budgetary allocations are displayed in the table below. The left column displays the Regular Programme (RP) distribution in the fully funded Draft 37C/5. Regular Programme (RP) Total 37C/5 - $653MXB secured* XB Complementary Additional Programme (XB-CAP) RP IOC Assembly Priority Ranking ScenarioOperationalStaffTotal$$$%ER 61 280 4002 303 9003 584 300885 5005 200 0003 225 87090ER 7979 3002 638 3003 617 6001 437 20015 200 0003 255 84090ER 81 595 5003 228 8004 824 3001 277 5006 500 0003 859 44080TOTAL3 855 2008 171 00012 026 2003 600 20026 900 00010341150 86* Extrabudgetary funds in hand or committed in writing as at 31 May 2013 The rightmost column illustrates the preferred distribution of the regular budget to Expected Results (ERs) in a scenario with an allocation of 86% of the total budgetary allocation to the IOC proposed in the fully-funded Draft 37C/5 ($653M scenario). This preferred distribution among ERs is based upon consideration of the functions and activities contributing to each ER, their interrelation as well as the need to fulfil statutory requirements and agreements. Regular budget, including key staff resources, is also seen as seed money, necessary to generate extrabudgetary funding in support of programme implementation. The Complementary Additional Programme (IOC-XXVII/2Annex4Add.), referred to in the above table as XB-CAP provides detailed information on the extrabudgetary funding that, in the estimate of the Secretariat, is required for the most optimal implementation of programme objectives, while the historical trend analysis shows that the actual level of extrabudgetary funding received corresponds to approximately 40% of that amount ($11M to be received vs $26M estimated). The final distribution of the regular budget should be achieved following a flexible approach allowing the Commission to allocate resources and implement the programme, including performance indicators and benchmarks, taking into account the following set of Guiding Principles for budget allocation: Provide focused leadership on those themes where IOC has clear leadership/ownership in the programme theme; Fulfill IOCs intergovernmental mandate: incompressible costs related to governing and subsidiary bodies meetings, statutory requirements and commitments vis--vis partners and other UN agencies, including their implications in terms of staff time; Support governments in national activities and strengthen Regional Subsidiary Bodies of the Commission; Incorporate the scope of Member States participation (inclusiveness); Maximize synergies with other IOC programmes and interlinked functions: e.g. Ocean observations-based early warning systems; Preserve/sustain core programmes, while raising extrabudgetary funds for capacity development actions; Provide some seed money for new high potential impact programmes and emerging issues (likely to attract extrabudgetary funding); Balance IOCs strong engagement with the ocean science community and its strong focus on applications and services; Reduce funding for programmes, if necessary, with strong partners that could carry them (also reducing IOCs stake), if they concur; Identify Member States willing to establish funded and staffed offices to take on an entire IOC programme based on existing good practices; Identify activities that can be sustained with extrabudgetary funding; Allow some seed money for new high potential impact programmes and emerging ocean science issues (likely to attract extrabudgetary funding); and Ensure that at least 25% of resources are allocated to operations under each ER. In allocating the funds, the Executive Secretary shall ensure that the decisions made and resolutions adopted by the Assembly are reflected in the budget allocations within the resources available. Annex 3 to Resolution XXVII-2 Revised Terms of Reference of IOC Intersessional Financial Advisory Group Purpose To provide advice from IOC Member States to the Chairperson of IOC and to the Assembly and the Executive Council in a transparent and objective fashion on: (a) The affordability, sustainability and implementation of the results-based management; (b) Financial matters of the Commission; Term The Financial Advisory Group will be constituted at each Session of the IOC Governing Body and operate for the following intersessional period. Functions (a) To advise on the adequacy of the linkage between the results-based management and the IOC Medium-Term Strategy and the IOC Programme and Budget; (b) To advise on preliminary proposals from the Director-General of UNESCO for strategy and draft budgets provided by UNESCO; (c) To advise on the adequacy of regular and extrabudgetary resource allocations against expected results; and (d) To advise on the overall IOC budget level, taking into account issues of affordability and sustainability. Composition (a) An Officer of the Commission serves as chairperson; (b) Open to all IOC Member States; however, the Executive Council and Assembly, as appropriate, may request the participation of Member States as part of the core membership. Working arrangements (a) The Financial Advisory Group will conduct the majority of its business by electronic means; (b) If appropriate, the Chairperson may convene a meeting in time, and for a long enough period, to prepare a report prior to the commencement of a session of the Assembly or the Executive Council; (c) The Financial Advisory Group will provide a report on all its activities to subsequent sessions of the Assembly and Executive Council, as appropriate; (d) Relevant documents should be made available before the Financial Advisory Group meeting, in due time; and (e) The Financial Advisory Group should follow procedures for IOC Subsidiary Bodies, seeking to formulate its conclusions and recommendations through consensus. 6.3 ELECTIONS OF THE OFFICERS OF THE COMMISSION AND MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Chair of the Nominations Committee, MrJavier Valladares, introduced this item. He informed the Assembly that all the nomination forms received as of Friday 28 June 2013 at 18.00 hrs by the Committee were valid and had therefore been forwarded to the Assembly as document IOC-XXVII/NOM/WP2. MrValladeres reported two recommendations from the Nominations Committee concerning future submissions of nomination forms. Firstly, that it be specified more precisely in IOC documents soliciting nominations (e.g. invitation letters, Assembly web-page and the Rules of Procedures) who is authorized to sign the nominations. Secondly, that nomination forms be stamped by the submitting authority. The Assembly noted that: (i) Montenegro (Electoral Group II), Honduras, Kiribati, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Electoral Group III), and Kiribati (Electoral Group IV) had joined IOC since the Twenty-sixth Session of the Assembly; (ii) the number of seats on the Executive Council had not changed since the 25th Session of the Assembly; and (iii) following the adoption of Resolution XXV-15 concerning the expansion of the quota of seats of Group II, the allocation of seats for Groups I and II, starting after the 25th Session of the Assembly, would be 10 seats for Group I and 3 seats for Group II; (iv) the quotas of seats for Groups III, IV and V remain unchanged. 6.3.1 Election of the Chair of the Commission The Assembly noted that there was only one candidate for the position of Chair. DrSang-Kyung Byun (Republic of Korea) was therefore elected by acclamation. 6.3.2 Election of the Vice-Chairs of the Commission The Assembly noted that there was only one candidate for each of Electoral Groups I, II, III, IV and V for the positions of Vice-Chair. The following were therefore elected by acclamation: DrPeter Haugan (Norway) (Group I) DrAtanas Palazov (Bulgaria) (Group II) Captain Frederico Antonio Saraiva Nogueira (Brazil) (Group III) DrYutaka Michida (Japan) (Group IV) DrAdot Blim Blivi (Togo) (Group V) 6.3.3 Election of the Members of the Executive Council The Assembly noted that there were 9 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group I, and that the number of those remaining seats was 9. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 2 candidates for the remaining Member State seat on the Executive Council for Electoral Group II, whereas the maximum number of those seats was 2. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 8 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group III, which was the maximum number of those seats. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 7 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group IV, which was the maximum number of those seats. The candidate Member States were therefore declared elected. The Assembly noted that there were 9 candidates for the remaining Member State seats on the Executive Council for Electoral Group V, whereas the number of those remaining seats was eight. After a ballot to elect the representatives to the Executive Council from Electoral Groups V, the Assembly elected Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, to the Executive Council for Group V. The membership of the Executive Council for the next intersessional period and the 28th Session of the Assembly is given in Annex ___ to the present Summary Report. 6.4 ADOPTION OF THE REVISED GUIDELINES DEALING WITH DRAFT RESOLUTIONS Mr Peter Dexter, Chairman of the Resolutions Committee introduced this item by referring to the decision of the Executive Council at its 45th session to use the Seventh Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions on an experimental basis, with a view to adopt them at this present Assembly. The Chair of the sessional Resolutions Committee reported on its conclusions on the Seventh Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Resolutions. He stressed that that these guidelines are intended as just that guidelines. While they of course should conform with relevant parts of the Rules of Procedure and Statutes, they do not, in themselves, constitute rules or regulations, but provide guidelines to the Member States, subsidiary bodies and the Executive Secretary in the preparation and presentation of draft resolutions, recommendations and decisions to governing and subsidiary bodies of the IOC. He stated that the draft guidelines have worked well from the perspective of the Resolutions Committee, in simplifying and facilitating its work. A number of small, essentially editorial changes have been suggested, to improve consistency and also clarify the text in places. At the same time, the Committee did express some concern over two of the articles in the guidelines. The first concerns Article 8, where some delegations felt that, since the current version of the Rules of Procedure do not explicitly give the right to the Executive Secretary to submit DRs to Governing Bodies, these Guidelines should also explicitly not contain such a right. Consequently, it was agreed to omit the reference to the Executive Secretary as a source of draft resolutions from the previous draft of article 8. Speaking on behalf of Australia, he proposed that the Executive Council, at its 47th session in 2014, could be requested to address this issue, with a view to possibly proposing to the next Assembly in 2015 an amendment to the Rules of Procedure to accommodate such a pathway for submission. The second substantive amendment that was agreed related to Article 15, where delegations proposed to extend the advance time required for the submission of DRs to the Governing Bodies from 24 hours to 72 hours. In addition, the Committee felt it appropriate to further clarify the situation regarding the draft resolution on Programme and Budget, and facilitate the future work of Governing Bodies. To this end, it was proposed to include a separate Article on this issue, which is explicit regarding the submission of the Programme and Budget draft resolution during sessions, rather than in advance.. With these comments and additional editorial changes, the Resolutions Committee recommended to the Assembly to adopt the Guidelines for Draft Resolutions, as revised. The Assembly stated that the decision to examine a possible amendment to the Rules of Procedures should not be taken at this session. See the report of the Chairman of the Resolutions Committee in Annex ___ to the present report. No Member States chose to provide records of their plenary intervention on this agenda item for the informational annex to the meeting report. The Assembly adopted decision IOC-XXVII,Dec.6.4. The Assembly, Recalling Decision EC-XLV/Dec.5.3, Taking note of the report presented by the Chair of the Resolutions Committee on the use of the Seventh Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions on an experimental basis during the 27th session of the Assembly, Adopts the Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions as in the annex ___ to the report of the session, which are complementary to the IOC Manual. Annex to IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.4 Eight Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions PREAMBLE Regulations relating to draft resolutions were not included in the IOC Statutes adopted by the Assembly in 1999 but in the IOC Rules of Procedure which were amended in 2001 to render them compatible with the new Statutes of the Commission. The IOC Rules of Procedure refer to draft resolutions in the introduction and in Rule 42. The current Rules of Procedure were adopted by the IOC Assembly at its 21st Session on 11 July 2001 by way of Resolution XXI-4 with the exception of the relevant procedure of adopting resolutions, for which the Assembly noted that a further revision is under way. Rule 42 of the IOC Rules of Procedure contains a footnote in similar terms: While approving the new Rules of Procedure, the 21st session of the Assembly also requested the further revision of Rule 42, process that is under way. Although the IOC Assembly at its 21st session provided inputs to be taken into account when considering amendments to Rule 42 of the IOC Rules of Procedure, the IOC Executive Council at its 35th session agreed to retain the wording of Article 42 as it appears in the published Rules of Procedure (IOC/INF-1166). As a consequence, the IOC Executive Secretary recommended that the updating of the procedure for the preparation and consideration of Draft Resolutions should be done through written guidelines, in replacement of the guidelines contained in the IOC Manual and its updated reprint IOC/INF-734rev. The task of revising the initial Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions that were included in the IOC Manual of March 1989 (IOC/INF-785, section 9.1) has been a slow and arduous process since 2001. The preparation, submission, revision and approval of Draft Resolutions are key mechanisms for smooth and efficient running of the Commission. Since the Rules of Procedure address briefly the mechanism for the preparation and consideration of Draft resolutions, the present Guidelines have been developed on the basis of all relevant documents, including the reports of former chairs of the Resolutions Committee, and on the practice of the Resolutions Committee. This document has been prepared by an open-ended intersessional working group established by the Assembly Decision 9.3.1 at its 26th session. Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of DRAFT Resolutions I. Definitions Resolution: Formal expression of a mandate or opinion or a statement of a decision to act made by a Governing Body within the scope of Article II below. Draft Resolution: A proposed text of a Resolution submitted by the relevant source to a Governing Body with a view to its adoption by the Governing Body concerned during the session to which the draft resolution is presented for consideration under the adopted agenda. Decision: Formal expression of a mandate or opinion or a declaration of a decision to act made by a Governing Body, or a Subsidiary Body when appropriate, not covered by a Resolution. It will be placed within the body of the corresponding Governing Bodys session report. Recommendation: Formal expression of an opinion, advice or recommendation by an IOC Subsidiary Body to the IOC Executive Secretary and the body that created it. II. Scope of a Draft Resolution Draft Resolutions should be prepared only when necessary to fulfil at least one of the following criterion: (i) reflect major policy, programmatic, external relations, financial and institutional decisions; (ii) approve or modify the Commissions programme and budget; (iii) take action on formal Recommendations made to the Commission by any recognized entities concerned with the oceans. Respecting the division of authority and responsibility established in the UNESCO Constitution, Draft Resolutions will not deal with internal matters of the IOC Secretariat nor the mandate of the IOC Executive Secretary or the Director-General of UNESCO. Draft Resolutions should be presented together with their related agenda item. Draft Resolutions should deal only with matters on the agenda of the corresponding session of the Governing Body. The approved Resolution should accurately reflect the conclusions of the plenary discussions thereon. III. Source of a Draft Resolution Draft Resolutions may be submitted by one or more Member States; The Executive Secretary will, at the closing of the relevant agenda item, identify the source(s) for submitting the Draft Resolutions as agreed by the Governing Body. No governing body shall adopt a Resolution involving expenditure unless it has before it a report by the chair of the Financial Committee containing an indication of the financial impact of each Draft Resolution. IV. Submission Whenever possible, proposed text of Draft Resolutions should be submitted in writing to the Executive Secretary one month in advance and no later than 24 hours before the opening of the session of a Governing Body during which it will be considered for adoption. The Executive Secretary shall circulate the proposed text of Draft Resolutions as soon as practicable to the IOC Member States for information before their formal review by the Resolutions Committee. Upon completion of a formal review by the Resolutions Committee, formatting, editorial changes, and translation of Draft Resolutions into the working languages of the Commission shall be completed by the IOC Secretariat and then be made available to the delegation members of the Governing Body. A Draft Resolution shall mention whether it replaces, partly or wholly, a past Resolution, stating that the latter is no longer in force. If a Draft Resolution is made available in the working languages of the Commission to all delegations less than 72 hours prior to the opening session of a Governing Body during which it may be considered for adoption, the Governing Body can decide not to consider it. As an exception to Article 15, it is recognized that the Draft Resolution on Programme and Budget will be submitted during the session of the Governing Body concerned. During the session, amendments to Draft Resolutions may be submitted in writing or orally during the discussion of the relevant agenda item in plenary. V. Structure A Resolution should be published as a self-standing text that contains all the annexes mentioned. The wording of a Draft Resolution should meet the criterion of being necessary and sufficient and should avoid extraneous and duplicative material. In particular, a Draft Resolution should not replicate or duplicate a decision already in the body of the corresponding summary report. Draft Resolutions should comprise an initial preambular section, which should be kept to a minimum and should address the question Why is a Resolution needed? This should be followed by an operative section, which should define the action called for by the Resolution and how the action is to be carried out. If possible, a Draft Resolution should consist of one preambular section followed by the corresponding operative section. If more than one operative section is envisaged, the Draft Resolution should be subdivided, with each subdivision comprising one preambular section and one operative section for each action. Draft Resolutions shall include a statement on the financial implications stating: whether these refer to identified resources in the Regular Programme and Budget (C/5) with an associated work plan; financial implications in terms of: extra-budgetary resources for which there is a formal commitment by one or more Member States or other bodies, extra-budgetary contributions to be sought, when funds would be needed, and for what period, and IOC Secretariat resources over and above the allocation. In all cases, Draft Resolutions should clearly specify the activities for which extrabudgetary resources are sought. This additional information will inform the discussion of each Draft Resolution by the Financial Committee (see para. 27 below). Once a Draft Resolution is adopted, the financial information mentioned above is removed. VI. Resolutions Committee A Resolutions Committee should be established at the beginning of each Assembly session or each Executive Council session to consider Draft Resolutions as they are presented to ensure that the text of the Resolution is clear and explicit. The Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee should be agreed upon, among the present delegates, by the Governing Body at the beginning of each Governing Body session. The Resolutions Committee is responsible for determining whether Draft Resolutions placed before it conform to the scope mentioned in Article 5 above. If the Resolutions Committee considers it necessary, in terms of brevity, clarity and accuracy, to propose changes in a draft resolution, it should ensure that these are strictly of an editorial nature so that the substance of the original draft is maintained. The Resolutions Committee has no responsibility for the substance of Draft Resolutions. Should a substantive change be considered necessary for any reason, the Draft Resolution should be referred back to the IOC Executive Secretary, with an explanatory note. To facilitate any eventual redrafting of a Draft Resolution, the originator(s) or his/her/their representative can be invited to the meeting of the Resolutions Committee at which the Draft Resolution in question is discussed. The Resolutions Committee should submit, via the IOC Executive Secretary, any Draft Resolution to the Financial Committee before the Draft Resolution is considered in plenary. The Financial Committees role is to assess the financial implications, be they explicit or implicit, of Draft Resolutions and thus their practicality. In particular the assessment should clearly identify the funds that are not committed in the current approved budget. The Resolutions Committee should review Draft Resolutions in English. Following Section IV, here above, official translation should be provided if the Draft Resolution is presented in another official language of the Commission. The Chairperson of the Resolutions Committee should submit a report to the Governing Body by the end of the session about the proposed Draft Resolutions and the work of the Resolutions Committee. VII. Subsidiary Bodies In general, Subsidiary Bodies should follow similar procedures to those proposed above for the Governing Bodies when adopting Decisions and Recommendations. In determining whether to formulate Decisions or Recommendations, Subsidiary Bodies should conform to the following general principles: (i) Decisions may be formulated if they are within the mandate of the Subsidiary Body, contain actions which involve only the Subsidiary Body and/or its members, and do not have direct implications for IOC, its agreed budget and programme, and membership as a whole; (ii) Any actions, within the mandate of a Subsidiary Body, which have budgetary implications for IOC beyond the agreed budget and programme, require actions by the Governing Bodies, or require specific action by an IOC Governing Body (e.g. changes to title or Terms of Reference) and/or require additional actions by the Secretariat beyond those already mandated under the budget and programme, shall be formulated as Recommendations to an IOC Governing Body. Subsidiary Bodies should review all relevant Governing Body Resolutions still in force that refer to the Subsidiary Body at the date of their session, as well as their own Recommendations, and make recommendations for action, as required/appropriate. Subsidiary bodies should not adopt decisions and recommendations that are not consistent with Resolutions of the Commission in force. VIII. Publication All resolutions will be published in the official languages of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. IX. Coding and citation of Resolutions Assembly Resolutions [Number of Assembly in roman numerals]-[1,2number of the particular Resolution]; e.g., IOC Resolution XXIII-3 (third Resolution adopted by the IOC Assembly at its 23rd Session) Executive Council Resolutions EC-[Number of Executive Council in roman numerals].[1,2number of the particular Resolution]; e.g., IOC EC-XXXIX.2 (second Resolution adopted by the IOC Executive Council at its 39th Session) Primary IOC Subsidiary Body Decisions and Recommendations [Acronym of the Subsidiary Body]-[Number of the session in roman numerals].[1,2number of the particular Decision]; e.g., IODE-XVIII.1 (first Decision adopted by the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) at its 18th Session). A standardized format for Draft Resolutions is presented in Appendix I of these guidelines. 6.5 DATES AND PLACES OF THE 28TH ASSEMBLY AND THE 47TH AND 48TH SESSIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Executive Secretary introduced this item. She highlighted the fact that the present session had been scheduled over a period of 7,5 working days compared to 10 working days in 2011 and 8,5 days in 2009. With reference to funding she reminded the Assembly that the present session had been funded by emergency funds given by the Director-General of UNESCO and that the level of funding for the next sessions of the governing bodies is uncertain to date. The reduction in funding may imply that the duration and number of meetings may either need to be reduced, or funded by specifically earmarked voluntary contributions from Member States. Member States may also consider hosting and funding one of the sessions, so as to relieve the pressure on the Commissions regular budget and allow more adequate resource allocation to programme areas. She reminded the Assembly of the recommendations of the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for this Assembly, on the dates of the 47th session of the Council in 2014 taking into account scheduled or anticipated dates of major international commitments of the oceanographic communities and IOCs partners in June 2014. References in the draft decision to the hosting by Member States of the session of the Executive Council or the Assembly were deleted. The representatives of two Member States took the floor. The Assembly adopted decision IOC-XXVII,Dec.6.5. The Assembly, Recalling the recommendations of the Executive Council at its 46th session (EC-XLVI, Dec.4.), Decides to hold: The 47th session of the Executive Council for 3.5 days in UNESCO Headquarters, Paris over the period 30 June3 July 2014, The 28th session of the Assembly for a duration to be decided over the period to be decided in June 2015 preceded by a one-day session of the Executive Council acting as the steering committee of the Assembly; Calls on the Member States to consider the possibility of providing voluntary extrabudgetary contribution; Decides of the inclusion of the following items on the agenda of the 47th session of the Executive Council: The Future of the IOC International Indian Ocean Expedition 50th Anniversary Initiative (IIOE-2) Strategic Plan for Capacity Development Global Ocean Science Report 6.6 THEMES OF THE A. BRUUN AND N.K. PANIKKAR MEMORIAL LECTURES AT THE 28TH IOC ASSEMBLY The Executive Secretary briefly recalled the proposals already submitted by the Executive Council, acting as the Steering Committee for this Assembly, and by Member States in past sessions, in particular the CARIACO Project, on "Carbon Retention in a Coloured Ocean", which has been carried out along the Caribbean coast of Venezuela for more than 20 years and had been proposed several times. Japan, supported by Vietnam and Thailand, proposed Professor FUKUYO Yasuwo, from the University of Tokyo, for an IOC N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture on Capacity development related to Harmful Algal Blooms. The representatives of four Member States took the floor. The Assembly adopted decision IOC-XXVII,Dec.6.6. The Assembly, Proposes the following themes for each of the IOC memorial lectures: IOC Roger Revelle Lecture, 2014: CARIACO (Carbon Retention in a Coloured Ocean) Project Times Series, or - Ocean Chemistry and Ocean Acidification (Dr Richard Feely), - Protected Marine Areas-Malpelo, one of the UNESCOs World Heritage marine sites (DrSandra Bessudo), IOC Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture, 2015: - Sea Ice (Dr Robie MacDonald) IOC N.K. Panikkar Memorial Lecture, 2015: Canadian Ranger Watch (DrEddy Carmack), Impact of IOC Capacity Building for Tsunami Warning System within a region, Capacity development on Harmful Algal Blooms (Prof. FUKUYO Yasuwo) Challenger Glider Mission (DrScott Glenn, University of Rutgers), 50th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Expedition, past and present and future, and Invites the IOC officers with the assistance of Secretariat to seek further suggestions for lectures and to finalize the invitations; Invites also the IOC Executive Secretary to further enhance visibility thereof. 7. ADOPTION OF THE SUMMARY REPORT AND RESOLUTIONS 8. CLOSURE   HYPERLINK "http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/futurewewant.html" http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/futurewewant.html  Draft UNESCO Medium Term Strategy (37 C/4 document) is available at  HYPERLINK "http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002200/2200031e.pdf" http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002200/2200031e.pdf  A tipping point is understood as the point when a system changes from one stable state to another stable state. After a tipping point has been passed, a transition to a new state occurs. The tipping event may be irreversible.     IOC-XXVII/3 prov. Pt.4 page  PAGE 36 IOC-XXVII/3 prov. Pt.4 page  PAGE 35 IOC-XXVII/3 prov. 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INTRODUCTION2. Mission Statement73. ioc vision AND HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVES for 201420214. relation to unescos 37 c/4-5. 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