ࡱ> q` bjbjqPqP ;::A"*8|* J x:ĩĩĩ|t\Ь0GQIQIQIQIQIQI$Mh~OuI$$$uIĩĩ4I:$jĩĩ$lĩ Pr7j$*IH JNOOT8O8hhJ<6uIuIj J$$$$**.+d=h$<**.+h*** World Meteorological Organization DOCPROPERTY DocNumber \* MERGEFORMAT EC-65/Doc. 3.2(1) DOCPROPERTY SesBodyFull \* MERGEFORMAT EXECUTIVE COUNCILSubmitted by:Secretary-GeneralDate:12.IV.2013  DOCPROPERTY SesNumbFull \* MERGEFORMAT SIXTY-FIFTH SESSION  DOCPROPERTY SesPlace \* MERGEFORMAT Geneva,  DOCPROPERTY SesDates \* MERGEFORMAT 15 to 23 May 2013Original Language: EnglishStatus: DOCPROPERTY DocStatusFull \* MERGEFORMAT DRAFT 1 AGENDA ITEM 3: GLOBAL FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE SERVICES (gfcs) Agenda Item  DOCPROPERTY AgendaItem \* MERGEFORMAT 3. DOCPROPERTY AgendaSubItem \* MERGEFORMAT 2: WMO Contribution to the gfcs SUMMARY DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED: (a) Consider endorsement of the revised version of the WMO Statement on Role and Operation of NMHSs; (b) Provide guidance on the role of WMO Technical Commissions in the implementation of the GFCS; (c) Review and provide comments on the draft white paper on International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the GFCS; (d) Adopt Resolution 3.2/1 on WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the GFCS; (e) Financial implication: No additional implications anticipated. CONTENT OF DOCUMENT: The Table of Contents is available only electronically as a Document Map*. APPENDIX A: DRAFT TEXT SUPPORTING THE DECISIONS OF  DOCPROPERTY SesBody \* MERGEFORMAT EC- DOCPROPERTY SesNumb \* MERGEFORMAT 65 FOR INCLUSION IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY 3. GLOBAL FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE SERVICES (GFCS) (agenda item 3)  DOCPROPERTY AgendaItem \* MERGEFORMAT 3. DOCPROPERTY AgendaSubItem \* MERGEFORMAT 2  DOCPROPERTY AgendaSubItemText2 \* MERGEFORMAT WMO Contribution to the GFCS (agenda item DOCPROPERTY AgendaItem \* MERGEFORMAT 3. DOCPROPERTY AgendaSubItem \* MERGEFORMAT 2) 3.2.1 The Council noted that WMO contributions to the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) span across all the five pillars of the GFCS, and that the relevant activities are covered under the respective Expected Results (ERs), namely ERs 1 and 2 on User Interface Platform (Doc. 4.1 and Doc. 4.2), ER 3 on Climate Services Information System (Doc. 4.3), ER 4 on Observations and Monitoring (Doc. 4.4), ER 5 on Research, Modelling and Prediction (Doc. 4.5) and ER 6 on Capacity Development (Doc. 4.6). The Council further noted that aspects of capacity development for GFCS are also covered under all of the ERs above. WMO Statement on Role and Operation of NMHSs 3.2.2 The Council recalled that Cg-XVI had endorsed the WMO Statement on Role and Operation of NMHSs. The Council further recalled that, through Resolution 48 (Cg-XVI) on the Implementation of the GFCS, Congress had requested the Executive Council to review the WMO Statement on Roles and Operation of NMHSs with a view to more clearly reflecting their crucial role in the implementation of the GFCS, and that EC-64 had entrusted the responsibility to the EC Working Group on Climate and related Weather, Water and Environmental Matters (ECWG-CWE). The Council noted that this task was also taken up by the EC Working Group on WMO Strategic and Operational Planning (ECWG-SOP), which consulted with other EC Working Groups to provide an inclusive Statement. The Council noted that ECWG-CWE reviewed the WMO Statement on Role and Operation of NMHSs, considering the overarching needs of the GFCS. The Council deemed that the updated WMO Statement should duly reflect the central role of NMHSs in the delivery of climate services under the GFCS, while acknowledging the importance of partnerships with relevant stakeholders both at national, regional and global levels. The Council considered the revised version of the Statement with changes proposed by the ECWG-CWE and .[to be completed] Roles of WMO Technical Commissions in the implementation of GFCS 3.2.3 The Council recalled that Cg-XVI recognized that, while the Commission for Climatology (CCl) will have a central role in the implementation of the GFCS, other technical commissions will also have important roles to play. To this effect, the Council agreed that it is important to highlight the long experience, technical strengths and potential contributions of the WMO Technical Commissions as an integral part of the WMO contribution to the GFCS, and requested the Secretary-General to facilitate this on the eve of the first session of the Intergovernmental Board for Climate Services (IBCS), including through appropriate side events. 3.2.4 The Council noted that the IBCS is expected to constitute its management structures to assist in the implementation of the GFCS, and emphasized that WMOs participation in the respective management structures needs to adequately reflect its contributions, largely through its technical commissions. The Council requested the ECWG-CWE to propose ways to ensure that the roles and responsibilities of the technical commissions and WMO co-sponsored bodies are appropriately represented in the membership opportunities that may be provided to WMO in the GFCS management structures, and well-coordinated within the WMO. WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services 3.2.5 The Council noted that its Task Team on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the GFCS had undertaken its work through a survey and e-mail exchanges between the members and the Secretariat.On 29November 2012, the Chair of the Task Team, wrote a survey letter to the members of the Task Team which contained a series of questions based around their Terms of Reference. The Council further noted that, based on the responses to the survey and comments on draft material prepared for further review by the Task Team during February to March 2013, a draft white paper on the International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the GFCS and a draft resolution for consideration by the Council had been prepared. 3.2.6 The Council reviewed and provided comments on the draft white paper (see AppendixC) which was prepared by its Task Team. Through Resolution 3.2/1, the Council requested the Task Team to finalize the white paper and to prepare a draft resolution with Annexes and background material on WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services to be presented at its sixty-sixth session. Annex to paragraph 3.2.2 of the general summary the role and operation of national meteorological and hydrological services A Statement by the World Meteorological Organization (With revisions proposed by the EC Working Group on Climate and related Weather, water and Environmental matters) The revised text of the Statement, as proposed by the ECWG-CWE, is underlined (for insertions) or crossed-out (for deletions) Introduction The Statement by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on the Role and Operation of National Meteorological and Hydrological services (NMHSs) presents information on the role and operation of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) worldwide. The four sections of the document present the functions of NMHSs, their contribution to social and economic development, the services they provide, the basic systems to support service delivery, legislative and institutional matters, including governance, partnership and cooperation, and future development opportunities among others issues. It is recognized that weather, climate, water and related environmental conditions have a significant influence on the socio-economic development of countries worldwide. The increase in world population, and extension of settlements and life supporting activities into areas vulnerable to the impacts of weather-, climate- and water-related disasters makes it necessary to improve the capacities of NMHSs, especially in developing and least developed countries, to provide better services to reduce disaster risks, and support national development and life supporting activities. The increase in the frequency and intensity of natural hazards due to climate variability and change pose critical challenges to many countries. The NMHSs, as recognized in the WMO Convention, are a fundamental part of national infrastructure and play an important role in supporting vital functions of governments. Inadequate infrastructure and limited human resources in some NMHSs, especially those in developing and least developed countries, are among the factors that limit their capacity to take advantage of the advances in science and technology to improve their services. NMHSs undertake activities directed at improving our understanding of weather, climate, and the hydrological cycle, undertake monitoring of weather, climate and water-related phenomena, provide forecasts, and provide weather, climate, water and related environmental services to a range of users to respond to relevant national, regional and global needs. National Meteorological and Hydrological Services will therefore play a central role in the Global Framework for Climate Services at the national and regional levels and in some cases at the global level as well. They will engage with other organizations at these different levels, providing coordination capacity for establishing and operating climate services at the national level where feasible. The observations and data gathered by NMHSs form the foundation for the monitoring and prediction of weather, climate, water and related environmental conditions as well as the issuance of warnings and alerts. However, there is marked disparity in the observation networks with developing and least developed countries having sparse networks that do not adequately represent the weather and climate conditions affecting these countries. The sparse observation networks ultimately affect the quality and range of services that NMHSs can provide. The NMHSs also use telecommunications networks which are vital for the exchange of data and products to enable them fulfil their national mandates. The telecommunication networks used by some NMHSs are inadequate and obsolete hampering efficient flow of observations and products including multi-hazard early warnings. The Climate Services Information System of the GFCS will build on the experiences and production systems of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, as well as those of other organizations, for developing products and delivering services. It will utilize the World Meteorological Organizations Information System as its primary underlying data dissemination system. National Meteorological and Hydrological Services own and operate an effective and extensive system for collecting and sharing climate observations and in some cases a system for disseminating climate forecasts as well. The efficient provision and delivery of services can significantly reduce the impacts of hydrometeorological hazards which cause large losses of life and property worldwide. The media offer an important means to deliver forecasts and warnings to the public, hence developing constructive relationships and partnerships with the media is important to enhance service delivery to the public. This Statement is developed on the decision of Fifteenth Congress, May 2007, to assist the Heads of NMHSs to address the evolving scientific, technological and societal challenges within the purview of their respective mandates, and in their collaboration with government agencies and the user sectors. It has been further developed in 2013 based on the rapidly growing need for science-based climate services in support of adaptation planning and climate risk management, as epitomized by the emergence of the Global Framework for Climate Services. This statement informs decisions by Heads of NMHSs and decision-makers on further development of their respective NMHSs. ___________ PART 1: MISSION Functions of NMHSs The National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) own and operate most of the infrastructure that is needed for providing the weather, climate, water and related environmental services for the protection of life and property, economic planning and development, and for the sustainable exploitation and management of natural resources. Most of the NMHSs: Develop and distribute forecasts, warnings and alerts for safety of life and property and to support efforts to reduce the impacts of weather, climate, water and related environmental natural hazards; Provide essential data, information and products necessary for designing/planning, developing and managing infrastructure, settlements and other essential sectors such as agriculture, water resources, energy and transport for improving the wellbeing of societies; Maintain a continuous, reliable and comprehensive historical record of its national weather, climate, water and related environmental data; Provide relevant advice on weather, climate, water and related environmental issues for decision-making; Advancing science and technology related to weather, climate and water as well as developing and improving their own operations and services through research and development; Participate in the development, implementation and operation of national multi-hazard early warning systems including those in seismology, volcanic ash monitoring, transboundary pollution, and in ocean-related phenomena such as tsunami; Fulfilling relevant international commitments, including those under the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and the furthering of national interests by participation in the appropriate international programmes and activities; Establish and operate observing station networks that gather observations of the earth-atmosphere-ocean system on real-time to support the provision of weather, climate, water and related environmental services and research activities including the assessment and projection of climate change; Establish and operate telecommunication networks for rapid exchange of observation, data and services; Acquire and operate data-processing and forecasting systems to provide real-time weather, climate, water and related environmental services including warnings and alerts to the public and sectors such as agriculture, water resources, energy, health, shipping, aviation, national defence and environment; and Acquire and operate a product dissemination system for efficient and effective delivery of information and services to users to enable planning, preparedness and decision making for socio-economic development. Contribution to economic and social development activities in their countries Weather, climate, water and related environmental services are useful inputs for socio-economic planning and development. The influence of weather, climate, water and related environmental conditions continue to shape the cultures, traditions and development paths of societies worldwide. The challenges of climate variability and change will require efficient provision and application of weather, climate, water and related environmental services to enable societies to reduce manage the associated risks. Improved understanding of weather, climate and hydrological processes together with their prediction enables the NMHSs to provide better services to their countries. However, some NMHSs have not been able to take advantage of the advances in science and technology due to inadequate infrastructure and limited human resource capacities. The potential benefits from enhancing the quality and use of meteorological, climate, and hydrological information and products in decision-making are enormous, but realizing these benefits will require improvement in infrastructure, human resources development, and engagement between the providers and users to improve the process for decision-making and realization of social and economic benefits. The efforts undertaken by NMHSs in the context of the GFCS User Interface Platform, in particular at national level and below, are crucial to this. Contribution to international efforts on sustainable development Weather systems and changing climate conditions do not stop at national boundaries. In order to forecast weather and ascertain future climate conditions, the NMHSs require meteorological, hydrological and environmental data and products not only from within their own territory but also from outside its borders. The requirement for sharing information in a common format has been recognized since the establishment of the first National Meteorological Services (NMSs) in the 1850s and motivated the formation of the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) in 1873 to coordinate data sharing and development of user/sector specific products and services. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an intergovernmental specialized agency within the UN system, replaced the IMO in 1950. The NMHSs make important contributions to international systems established by the Members of WMO to coordinate the collection of observations based on common standards of accuracy and reliability, to process these observations and data into weather forecasts and advisories, and to exchange information and products among all NMHSs in real-time. The success in the operation of this established international system is dependent on the contribution of individual countries. WMO carries out its work through ten major scientific and technical programmes. These are designed to assist all Members to provide, and benefit from, a wide range of meteorological and hydrological services and to address present and emerging problems. The programmes are based on the concept and experience that mutual benefits are gained from cooperative use of the pool of knowledge that has been, and is still being, created by worldwide sharing of the meteorological, hydrological and related information among Members. The programmes of WMO make possible the provision of meteorological and related services through NMHSs in all countries at costs far below those that would be incurred if each Member acted alone. The observational data gathered and kept by NMHSs, also as part of the GFCS User Interface Platform, provide useful information to advise national governments on international and regional environmental agreements and working arrangements related to weather, climate, water and the environment. Part 2: Service Delivery Services provided by NMHSs The NMHSs provide weather, water, climate and related environmental services to a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, water, energy, tourism, transport and health, to assist them reduce the risks of, and derive economic benefits from, the associated conditions. The provision of user targeted products together with their application requires close collaboration between NMHSs and users to enable the integration of user needs in the development of services and facilitate feedback for their improvement. The rapid delivery of warnings and alerts needs close collaboration with the media and telecommunication service providers. The NMHSs provide meteorological and related services to the agricultural community to help improve production; reduce losses and risks; and reduce costs and increase efficiency in the use of water and energy, among others. The NMHSs provide data, products, and services to the civil aviation sector that contribute to the safety of aviation and economic operation of the sector both nationally and internationally. The measurements and forecasts of conditions en route and at, or in the approach to, terminal aerodromes are useful for minimizing aircraft operating costs. By increasing operating efficiency of flights, the NMHSs also contribute to reduction in the negative impacts of aircraft emissions on global climate change and stratospheric ozone. The NMHSs provide early warnings and alerts of extreme events that when coupled with effective emergency response systems contribute to reducing the impact of these events. NMHSs rely on communication infrastructure to issue timely warnings. The NMHSs in most countries are part of multi-sectoral systems for disaster risk reduction and response. Some of them participate in the development, implementation and operation of multi-hazard early warning systems including those in seismology and in ocean-related phenomena such as tsunami. The integration of weather, climate, water and related environmental information into national planning and development policies is an essential element in reducing the risks associated with severe weather and extreme climate events. The NMHSs provide forecasts and warnings of floods, water levels and discharge within river basins, watersheds and coastal areas. These products are critical for protecting life and property, safeguarding the environment, and for efficient management of water resources as a contribution to sustainable development. In some countries National Meteorological Services and National Hydrological Services are provided by separate institutions making it essential for close collaboration for efficient delivery of services. The NMHSs provide marine meteorological forecasts and warnings of coastal and open ocean conditions that are vitally important for marine transport and operations, safety of life and property in coastal areas and for operations of ports and harbours. The NMHSs provide data, products, and services, such as daily forecasts of temperature, humidity and air-quality as well as long-range predictions and severe weather warnings, that help in monitoring disease outbreaks important for planning and providing public health. The above-mentioned services of NMHSs are major contributions to the GFCS Climate Service Information System and an important part of the User Interface Platform. Basic Systems to support the delivery of services Observing and Monitoring the Atmosphere and related Environment Observations of the atmosphere and the related environment form the foundation for the production of weather, climate, water and related environmental services. These observations are also essential for conducting research to improve services, assessing changes in the climate system, and for developing and operating systems in weather and climate dependent sectors such as agriculture, water, transport, and energy, among others, to support efforts of communities to reduce disaster risks and adapt to climate variability and change. 17. Observation is one of the pillars of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), established by the Heads of State and Government, Ministers and Heads of Delegations, to strengthen the production, availability, delivery and application of science-based climate prediction and services. The pillar on observation forms the foundation for achieving the expectations from the other pillars of the GFCS namely Climate Research, Modelling and Prediction; a Climate Services Information System; and a Climate User Interface Programme. 18. The NMHSs establish and operate observation networks that form the WMO Global Observing System (GOS), a component of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS). The system is comprised of operationally reliable surface- and space-based subsystems. These systems are owned and operated by the WMO Member countries, which undertake to meet certain standards and responsibilities in the agreed global system, for the benefit of all nations. 19. The GOS forms the foundation for the development and implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing (WIGOS). The WIGOS is a coordinated, standardized system of systems for gathering meteorological and other environmental observations on a global scale in support of all WMO Programmes. It aims to significantly improve the availability of observational data and products for all Members. Exchange of Observations, Data and Products Nationally and Internationally 20. The NMHSs establish and operate telecommunication networks that together form the WMO Global Telecommunications System (GTS) that facilitates rapid exchange of observations, data and products to enable NMHSs worldwide meet their national and international obligations. This includes playing a key role in the dissemination of Tsunami early warnings around the world. 21. The GTS forms the foundation for the development and implementation of the WMO Information System (WIS). The WMO Members are cooperating in the design and implementation of the WIS to improve the current data communications and dissemination of weather, climate and water data and information. By using a broader array of communication and data technologies, including the Internet, WIS will reduce the operations costs and enhance the reliability of data communications and provide easier, more user-friendly ways to share data and products internationally. In addition to its automated dissemination of observed data and products, WIS will provide data discovery, access and retrieval services for all weather, climate, water and related data and products produced by WMO centres and Members. 22. WMO policy on the availability of meteorological data and hydrological data is determined to a large degree by Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) and Resolution25 (Cg-XIII), respectively. These resolutions commit to broadening and enhancing the free and unrestricted international exchange of meteorological, hydrological, and related data and products, as a fundamental WMO principle. These services are major contributions to the GFCS Climate Service Information System and important part of the User Interface Platform. Data Processing and Forecasting 23. The observations and data gathered by NMHSs are processed to generate products that can support decision-making in addressing events such as tropical cyclones/hurricane, heat-waves, disease outbreaks, flash floods and drought among others. The quality of the products is dependent on the adequacy of processing facilities and human resources. All NMHSs contribute to these products through the sharing of observations, which are the basis for generating the forecasts and warnings. 24. WMO has designated some NMHSs as Regional Specialized Meteorological Centres (RSMCs) which provide forecast products to all other NMHSs. Specializations include geographical, tropical cyclone and emergency response. In addition, WMO has designated Global Producing Centres (GPCs) and Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) which focus on longer range predictions. The climate predictions and information provided by GPCs and RCCs are useful tools for planning and developing activities in climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water resources, energy and health among others. 25. The NMHSs can then utilize RSMC products to develop forecasts and warnings of severe weather and climate extreme events for their respective countries to support socio-economic development activities. PART 3: THE ELEMENTS FOR SUCCESSFUL OPERATION OF THE NMHSs Legislative and institutional matters National legal instruments to define the mission and mandate of NMHSs 26. The legal instrument establishing a NMHS is an important element in its successful operation. Cg-XIII reaffirmed the importance of having national legal instruments that define the mission and mandate of NMHSs to ensure clarity in the definition of their responsibilities and recognition of their contribution to society to facilitate allocation of adequate resources. The advantages of such a legal instrument are: Duties and areas of responsibility of the NMHSs are defined for the benefit of both the NMHS and the governments; NMHS is clearly designated as the official weather, climate and flood warning service and as the National Authority in warning situations, to avoid public confusion; Ensuring legal protection of the field equipment and of officers in their duties; Direct access to essential international communications is assured; Coordination of various weather, climate, water and related environmental activities in the country is provided; and A basis for determining the level of funding needed to fulfil the agreed role is clarified; including provisions for retaining revenues earned to improve the NMHS. 27. Over half of the NMHSs operated by Members of WMO have formal legal instruments (such as a law, act, or decree), covering their responsibilities; establishment and operation of their facilities; and state regulation and legal responsibility. Other issues included in the legal instruments are the roles of the NMHSs in the prevention/mitigation of natural disasters; international cooperation; and supplementary provisions and funding. Impacts of International Agreements 28. Observations and data gathered, processed and archived by NMHSs provide useful information for addressing international conventions and agreements especially those related to climate, water and environment. Most governments are parties to some international conventions, agreements, or declarations, such as the Millennium Declaration, including the Millennium Development Goals, UNFCCC, UNCCD, and Ozone Convention among others. The NMHSs often, working with other national agencies, are involved in developing and supporting government positions at relevant international meetings such as those related to weather, climate, water and related environmental issues. The recent increase in the number of agreements addressing climate, water and related environmental issues together with the significant influence of climate on sustainable development will lead to more involvement of NMHSs in related activities. This will require improvements in the gathering, processing and archiving of meteorological and hydrological observations and data. Governance 29. The governance structure of a NMHS has a strong influence on its operation and efficient delivery of services. The organizational structures of NMHSs, aimed at facilitating efficient provision of services to their countries, vary considerably from country to country. They are influenced by: (1) a governments approach or models for delivery of public services; (2) the size and character of the country, its population distribution, and the services provided; (3)the availability of trained staff and appropriate technology; (4) the availability and means for obtaining resources; and (5) the nature of the user communities and the degree of outreach. They are also dependent on the model of the NMHS, which include government agencies, semi-autonomous government agencies, government owned organizations, and private companies. In countries where private and government owned agencies exist, every effort needs to be made to assign clear responsibilities to minimize conflicts. 30. With the increasingly broad challenges facing countries and the international community, the NMHSs may need to adopt flexible organizational models and management strategies that allow for strengthened interactions with relevant national agencies, as well as international and regional institutions. Partnerships and cooperation 31. The delivery of weather, climate, water, and related environmental services is founded on cooperation among NMHSs world-wide. NMHSs are mutually dependent on the gathering and sharing of observations, data and products to provide services. WMO coordinates the policy and programmes for the global exchange of observations and data. 32. Many NMHSs have noted the advantages of closer regional and sub-regional cooperation to aid their operations, especially where they have been able to enhance joint capability through sharing of resources, reducing duplication or promoting capacity building through technology exchange. Regional initiatives such as Regional Climate Outlook Fora that bring together the providers and users of weather, climate, water and related environmental services in a region continue to play an important role in efforts to improve service quality and service delivery. The WMO Regional Training Centres (RTCs), Regional Instrument Calibration Centres (RICs), and Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) ensure that NMHSs can access cost-effective regional education, training and services. The WMO Regional Associations and Regional Offices play an important role in promoting capacity building between developed and developing countries. 33. Given the magnitude of the scientific challenges of providing accurate and reliable weather, climate and water services and the difficulties of obtaining adequate resources, many NMHSs benefit from close cooperation with regional and international institutions. In particular, academic and research institutions offer the opportunity for developing user specific services to meet the ever evolving needs of the users. The partnership with the Association of Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry (HMEI) continues to provide good linkage between the developers and producers of hydrometeorological equipment, and the users. The NMHSs also have the opportunity to contribute to the activities of other UN agencies that can benefit their countries, such as those related to economic development and environmental protection. 34. Since the media offer an important means to deliver forecasts and warnings to the public, developing constructive relationships with global, regional, national, and local electronic and print media is important to enhance service delivery to the public. PART 4: FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR NMHSs Exploiting greater scientific understanding 35. The services provided by NMHSs are dependent on the sustained investments of WMO Member countries in research and development (R&D), and capacity building. Further improvement of current services will require: (1) effective transitioning of R&D results into fully operational products and services; (2) R&D that is responsive to the specific needs of NMHSs and their constituencies; and (3) effective means to develop linkages with decision-makers and users, especially through effective use of their PWS to communicate scientific research translated into tools, products and services, that are useful for decision-making, in easily understandable and actionable language. 36. The balanced (seamless) prediction initiative developed by the weather/climate modelling community, to provide an integrated framework for advancing prediction from weather to climate time scales provides a potential for improving services and should be a priority for NMHSs. Exploiting technological advances 37. With the development of the WIGOS and WIS, the NMHSs will have the benefit of access to more and better data including data to provide services. The WIS will also provide NMHSs with more effective ways to disseminate information and products to users. 38. The challenge for many NMHSs will be to develop the data processing and prediction systems that will effectively utilize these high-volume, complex data streams. 39. New modelling approaches, such as ensemble prediction and seamless prediction systems, benefit from improved supercomputing capabilities. 40. New and developing technologies and techniques, such as Internet delivery of data and products and networking, offer the NMHSs the opportunity to expand the availability and use of their products and services and thus of their influence. Education and Training 41. Education and training activities are focused on subjects such as meteorology (including marine meteorology and tropical meteorology), weather forecasting, agriculture, aviation, climate and climate prediction, disaster prevention, environment, hydrology, instruments (including satellite and in situ remote-sensing) and observations, oceanography, telecommunications, and many others. 42. Education and training is important not just on technical matters but also on applications to address the ability of users to integrated weather, climate, water and related environmental services into decision-making. Training is also required to improve the capacities in conducting targeted research to improve services; planning and institutional management; communication and public relations; and other administrative and support functions. Priority needs to be given to enhancing skills through education and training to improve the provision, delivery and application of services from NMHSs. _________ APPENDIX B: DRAFT RESOLUTION Draft Resolution 3.2/1 (EC-65) WMO POLICY FOR INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF CLIMATE DATA AND PRODUCTS TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GLOBAL FRAMEWORK FOR CLIMATE SERVICES THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, Noting: (1) Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on the relationships in commercial meteorological activities, (2) Resolution 25 (Cg-XIII) Exchange of hydrological data and products, (3) Resolution 48 (Cg-XVI) Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services, (4) Resolution 4 (EC-64) Executive Council Task Team on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services, Considering the draft white paper prepared by the Executive Council Task Team (EC TT) on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), Requests the EC TT on International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services to, in accordance with its Terms of Reference as provided in Resolution 4 (EC-64), prepare a draft resolution with Annexes and background material on WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the GFCS for consideration at EC-66, for possible tabling at the Seventeenth session of the World Meteorological Congress; Requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide assistance to the EC TT on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the GFCS in addressing its Terms of Reference. ___________ APPENDIX C: PROGRESS REPORT FOR INFORMATION - NOT TO BE INCLUDED IN THE GENERAL SUMMARY DRAFT WHITE PAPER International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services 21 March 2013 1. Context The sixty-fourth session of the WMO Executive Council (EC-64) established a Task Team to address data policy questions in support of WMOs contribution to the GFCS. EC-64 requested that, taking into account the outcomes of the WMO Extraordinary Congress (Cg-Ext.(2012)) that was held in October 2012 and new developments within WMO related to the exchange of data and products, for example, WIGOS/WIS, the Task Team shall: Study the implications of, and the potential for, applying the principle of free and unrestricted exchange of data and products, while respecting national policies, for the provision of climate services, including identification of examples of climate data and products that are available; Based on an analysis of the implementation of Resolutions 40 (Cg-XII) and 25 (Cg-XIII), provide guidance and advice on how best to apply Resolutions 40 (Cg-XII) and 25 (CgXIII) to advance the WMO policy on exchange of data and products for the provision of climate services; Consider how other UN agencies and international organizations can collaborate with the WMO on the exchange of climate data and products for the provision of climate services; and Prepare a report to the sixty-fifth session of the Executive Council. On the exchange of climate and related data, Cg-Ext.(2012) recalled that the Sixteenth Congress had decided to task the Executive Council with reviewing Annex 1 Data and products to be exchanged without charge and with no conditions on use, to Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on relationships in commercial meteorological activities with a view to ensuring that the climate data and products needed for the GFCS climate services are included therein. Cg-Ext.(2012) was informed that, in response, the Executive Council had adopted Resolution 4 (EC-64) Executive Council Task Team on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to support the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services, with the Terms of Reference as given in the Annex to the Resolution. Noting that this Task Team had been requested to report back to EC-65, Cg-Ext.(2012) was of the view that the outputs from the work of this Task Team would provide valuable input to, and a starting point for, the deliberations on data requirements and policies for implementation of the GFCS by the Intergovernmental Board. On 29 November 2012, the Chair of the Task Team, Dr David Grimes, wrote a survey letter to the members of the Task Team which contained a series of questions based around the Terms of Reference on which he requested their input. The responses from the Task Team members to the survey letter have been analyzed and the following observations and conclusions have been drafted which, following further discussion by email, will be used in support of the recommendations to be made to EC-65 as the report of this Task Team. It is anticipated that, based on the report to EC-65, the Task Team will be requested to prepare further documentation for EC-66 (in 2014) with the view of a final resolution on the matter being put to the World Meteorological Congress (Cg-17) in 2015. In coming to these observations and conclusions, the Task Team noted: (1) Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on the relationships in commercial meteorological activities; (2) Resolution 25 (Cg-XIII) Exchange of hydrological data and products; (3) Resolution 48 (Cg-XVI) Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services; (4) Resolution 4 (EC-64) Executive Council Task Team on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services; (5) Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext.(2012)) - Implementation Plan of the Global Framework for Climate Services; (6) Resolution 2 (Cg-Ext.(2012)) - Establishment of the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services. 2. Considerations by the Task Team: In the written discussion, the Task Team considered that: Free and unrestricted access to climate data, products and information, including historical data, will be critical for the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services; Whilst Resolutions 40 (Cg XII) and 25 (Cg XIII) represent important gains for the exchange of meteorological data, they do not have application to many types of climate data that will be required; However, the lessons learned from their implementation will be useful in the formulation of a new resolution pertaining specifically to unresolved issues regarding climate data, products and information; In particular, the need to allow for recognition in the new resolution for free and unrestricted access to data, products and information without prejudice to the national laws of their territory of location; Modifying the existing Resolutions 40 and 25 may put at risk the progress enabled by the adoption of these resolutions, if the core values within these resolutions would be subject to new debate; NMHSs need to be recognized as key element of a public infrastructure that benefits all through easy access to its data and products; Any changes to the WMO data policy should be considered together with the other related data policies (e.g. IOC, GEO, etc.) including those from organizations that provide data on the climate system outside of the responsibility of NMHSs but essential for the development of climate services. 3. Benefits from free and unrestricted access to climate data, products and information: The Task Team identified the following benefits from free and unrestricted access to climate data: Better quality and greater variety of products and services; Improvements to the numerous other services that are predicated on climate data and information; Enhanced national and international research into climate and an understanding of the climate system, leading to improved decision-making to benefit society; Better understanding/appreciation of the importance of these data and will likely lead to more support for the observing systems; Developing good regional products with the same quality and accuracy over the region; Encouraging local and regional studies related to the climate; Promoting education in the climate field, leading to a better understanding of climate, including its system and change; Promote and strengthen collaboration between providers and users of climate data and products. 4. Constraints to the free and unrestricted access to climate data, products and information: There might be reluctance by some to open access, partially due to the challenges that private commercial services will benefit at the expense of the public good services. Free and open exchange should be restricted to public good use only; A strong reservation from many countries especially, those who have a commercial (cost recovery) data policy, for climate data that such an action will result in a loss of revenue; Restricted availability of metadata (platform and instrumental); With regard to early untapped historical data (marine, land station, etc.), significant resources may be required to rescue the data (image, digitize, etc.); Monitoring, recording, transmission and data storage infrastructures to support data exchange might be insufficient or partially lacking funding may be required; A lack of appropriate guidance materials: Use of data and products without appropriate guidance and interpretative materials could lead to misuse and cause adverse effects on socio-economic activities. As a result, without such appropriate interpretative materials, we will lose trust in climate services (data and products) from users; Lack of infrastructural, financial, and human capacity, both governmental and non-governmental, in many developing countries to generate, archive and use such data; Not being climate data itself, there is also a difficulty in obtaining relevant socio-economic data which is important for development of climate services for relevant sectors, for example, agriculture, environmental management, etc. 5. Proposal: The majority of the Task Team proposed that: A new resolution be developed for adoption at Cg-17 (2015) which supports the free and unrestricted exchange of climate data, but recognizing national policies and regulations, not covered under Resolutions 40 (Cg XII) and 25 (Cg XIII) in support of the GFCS. The minimum set of climate data to be covered by the new resolution is historical data of monthly mean and daily value of surface temperature and precipitation at surface observation stations. In concrete terms, they are temperature and precipitation of RBCN surface stations and GSN surface stations for the last 30 years; Data from other user sectors, such as socio-economic data, are not being addressed in this process and thus the Intergovernmental Board may wish to consider a resolution addressing socio-economic data and other data needs for the implementation of the GFCS; Between EC-65 (2013) and EC-66 (2014), consideration be given to the establishment of a pilot project which would show the benefits of the free and unrestricted exchange of climate data in support of the GFCS. This could be a collection of success stories in the developed and developing countries of the exchange of climate data at country level and the benefits derived therefrom, for both providers and users, covering research, products and services which would inform the Congress resolution. When possible, the case studies should cover the 4 priority areas of the GFCS (agriculture and food security, water, health, DRR). 6. Scope of climate data, products and tools to be included: The Task Team identified the following types of data, products and tools in the scope of climate data, products and tools: Data: Historical climate time series through CLIMAT reports (monthly climatological mainly land station); Observation data and objective analyses to capture the status of the atmosphere, including the monthly mean data for temperature, pressure wind speed and wind direction for stations and automatic weather stations in Antarctica; Observation data and objective analyses to capture the status of ocean, land and radiation, including the surface marine atmosphere, waves, sea level, storm surges, the upper ocean to the thermocline (including SST, sea surface salinity, currents) and all (ocean) data that would have a transboundary impact in improving products for climate services; Such data and analyses (applicable to (1)-(3)) should include historical data (together with available platform and instrumental metadata), and will provide boundary conditions for numerical climate models (e.g. sea surface temperature and temperature profiles; land conditions such as vegetation; and outgoing long-range radiation); Numerical climate prediction data, especially those of ensemble predictions; Seasonal Climate Predictions; Reanalysis data and reforecast data to capture the characteristics of numerical climate models; Products: Charts for mean fields and deviation fields; Typical indices that represent climate conditions (e.g. Sea Surface Temperature of the NINO.3, Southern Oscillation Index); Regional scale climate model outputs at varying timescales monthly to decadal; Guidance materials that accompany climate products and services, including interpretation of current and future status of the climate; Tools: [Should information on the tools should be included in the resolution or be included as an annex. Are tools the same as products and could they be included under that title.] Drawing tools that are capable of drawing not only mean fields but also deviation fields; Statistics processing tools that can make analyses, such as linear regression, correlation, EOF analysis and singular value decomposition; Capacity development tools (for example, courses, training, workshop guides). The Team noted that some of these data, products and tools exist outside of NMHSs, and that WMO data policy for climate services should be coordinated with relevant other organizations, as appropriate. 7. Minimum data set for exchange: As a minimum, the Task Team considered the data, including historical data, of the following elements essential for free and unrestricted exchange (note these include some overlap): Temperature (maximum and minimum) at main synoptic hours; Precipitation, wind and radiation daily time scale (marine and land atmosphere); Temperature and salinity (Upper Oceans) [need temporal resolution]; Sea Level, waves, storm surge (Coastal interface) [need temporal resolution]; CLIMAT (Mainly applicable to the land-station domain); Data records relating to the GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) (Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Terrestrial  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/gcos/index.php?name=EssentialClimateVariables" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/gcos/index.php?name=EssentialClimateVariables); Available associated platform and instrumental metadata. Among the data listed above, those not covered under Resolutions 40 (Cg XII) and 25 (Cg XIII) are historical data of monthly mean and daily value of surface temperature and precipitation at RBCN surface stations and GSN surface stations for the last 30 years. 8. Additional comments raised: The Task Team also noted some additional comments raised in the responses including: For many climate services other than meteorological, data will be needed, including socio-economic data, and ways should be found to cope with this requirement; Free and open exchange should be limited to standardized data (sets), products, tools and services. If users ask for modifications to meet their special requirements they should pay this might not be the NMHS who is paid; The real world shows that even taking the basic climate observations is not functioning satisfactorily in many countries. Therefore, as this is of global interest, a concept of global coordinated funding to ensure that ECVs are collected in a satisfactory way is needed; The implications on the demand for increased data and products and tools on NMSs should be seriously considered during the discussions on free and open exchange of climate data; The need to consider the extent to which free and open exchange of data will also enable free and open exchange of services and products; In relation to climate data exchange mechanisms, how will the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) of the GFCS function and when will it need to be operational; There is a need to define variables that would be needed to support the GFCS in addition to the essential climate variables already defined by GCOS; Public agencies of WMO Members and IOC Member States should be encouraged to freely share their tools (e.g. GIS, web interfaces, etc.) used to develop climate services and improve their availability of use in all nations; The key issue in the formulation of the GFCS data policy tends out to be the free and unrestricted access to data against the existence of national laws that might be prohibitive. Obviously, we need to get consensus on this matter to accommodate the views of all concerned; The scrapping of the two resolutions i.e. Resolutions 40 and 25 might not be desirable to many Members given the efforts and huge flexibilities displayed by so many partners who are now providing information, data and products free of charge based on these two resolutions. Thus amending the two resolutions through addendums might be a win/win option that could be acceptable to many Members; Another other key issue which does not clearly come out from this draft white paper is the climate products and information. RA I Members strongly felt that climate products and information should be part of this data policy. 9. Examples of existing climate data exchange mechanisms The Task Team identified the following examples of existing climate data exchange and data management mechanisms: Global international initiatives:, ACRE (HYPERLINK "http://www.met-acre.org"http://www.met-acre.org), ISTI ( HYPERLINK "http://www.surfacetemperatures.org" http://www.surfacetemperatures.org), and ICOADS ( HYPERLINK "http://icoads.noaa.gov" http://icoads.noaa.gov); Regional initiatives: HISTALP, MEDARE ( HYPERLINK "http://www.omm.urv.cat/MEDARE/" http://www.omm.urv.cat/MEDARE/); IOC/UNESCO's example of Argo profiling float data which are freely exchanged; GEOs examples of CBERS, Aster, and Landsat applications; http://www.sica.int/obsanr/foro.html http://www.simepar.br/cimhac/fcac.html?pref=XXX http://www.laprensagrafica.com/economia/nacional/276948-gobierno-estudia-medidas-para-enfrentar-efectos-de-sequia-en-el-oriente-del-pais http://www.recursoshidricos.org/component/content/article/96-sample-news/1214-el-foro-del-clima-de-america-central-fcac-y-el-foro-de-aplicaciones-de-los-pronosticos-climaticos-a-la-seguridad-alimentaria-fapc  HYPERLINK "http://www.eclac.org/mexico/cambioclimatico/index.html" http://www.eclac.org/mexico/cambioclimatico/index.html ________ * In MS Word 2007 or 2003, go to View > Document Map, or click on the DocMap button on the WMO Tools toolbar. In MS Word 2010, go to View > Navigation Pane. In MS Word on a Mac, go to View > Navigation Pane, select Document Map in the drop-down list on the left.  The WMO Convention, adopted on 11 October 1947 and revised in 2007 reaffirmed the vital importance of the mission of the NMHSs in observing and understanding weather and climate and in providing meteorological, hydrological and related services in support of relevant national needs which should include the following areas: (a) Protection of life and property; (b) Safeguarding the environment; (c) Contributing to sustainable development; (d) Promoting long-term observation and collection of meteorological, hydrological and climatological data, including related environmental data; (e) Promotion of endogenous capacity-building; (f) Meeting international commitments; (g) Contributing to international cooperation.  Free and unrestricted means non-discriminatory and without charge [Resolution 23 (EC-XLII) Guidelines on international aspects of provision of basic and special meteorological services]. Without charge, in the context of this resolution means at no more than the cost of reproduction and delivery, without charge for the data and products themselves.  Text in brackets requires further consideration.  Text in brackets requires further consideration      DOCPROPERTY DocNumber \* MERGEFORMAT EC-65/Doc. 3.2.1),  DOCPROPERTY DocStatusFull \* MERGEFORMAT DRAFT 1, p.  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