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APPENDIX English only GENERAL BATHYMETRIC CHART OF THE OCEANS (GEBCO) SUB-COMMITTEE ON REGIONAL UNDERSEA MAPPING (SCRUM) TERMS OF REFERENCE AND RULES OF PROCEDURE Preamble At a meeting of some GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC) members (and one IHB representative) in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA on 18-29 May 2009, it was decided that a new Sub-Committee was required to coordinate, encourage, and provide an interface with the various regional mapping efforts being conducted by IOC, IHO and others. In addition, such a Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM) could function as an Editorial Board endorsing regional products to be included in GEBCO. These Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure were presented to the full GGC at the annual meeting on 1-2 October 2009 in Brest, France, and the creation of the Sub-Committee was approved on an interim basis. At the following GGC meeting in Lima, Peru, on 18September 2010, the Committee approved the formation of SCRUM on a permanent basis subject to the approval of IOC and IHO. Authority for the creation of this sub-committee is included in the GGC Terms of Reference, paragraph 8, which states that The GEBCO Guiding Committee shall direct and monitor the work of the GEBCO Sub-Committees and Working Groups; propose to IHO and IOC the creation or termination of Sub-Committees, and create, maintain and terminate Working Groups as deemed necessary. In accordance with paragraph 9 of the GEBCO Terms of Reference, SCRUM shall cooperate with regional International B Nbh| R T ~  v  p r |    ( . 0 2 H ѴѴѦѦrhrhrhrhawaJmHsHhk{hawaJmHsHhk{haw>*aJmHsHhaw>*aJmHsHhawhaw>*aJmH sH hawPJ^JaJmHsHhaw^JaJmHsH hk{hawPJ^JaJmHsHhawPJ^JaJmHsHhawCJPJ^JaJmHsH haw5CJ\^JaJmHsH(r `$*,.0]VF & F0^`0gdawgdk{Jkd$$IfV## 6P 4ap ytawI$ &P#$/Ifgdaw$$ &P#$/Ifa$gdaw$9$ &P#$/Ifa$gdawI$$ &P#$/Ifa$gdawH 02Z^` $&:<JLdjlvz ĶةrjrrrrrrhawCJaJhk{hawCJaJmHsHhawCJaJmH sH hawCJaJmHsHhk{haw>*CJaJmHsHhaw>*CJaJmHsHhk{haw>*aJmHsHhawaJmH sH hawaJmHsHhk{hawaJmHsHhk{haw^JaJmHsHhaw^JaJmHsH) "$&(*,0@Bxdf".2>@BDPR鿴{j{[{[{O{O{O{O{hk{CJ^JmHsHhk{hk{CJ^JmHsH hk{hk{CJPJ^JmHsHh&)CJ^JmHsHh&)CJPJ^JmHsHh&)PJ^JmHsHh&)mHsHhk{hawmHsHh!hawmHsHh!h!CJaJmHsH hk{hawCJ^JaJmHsHhawCJ^JaJhk{hawCJaJmHsHhawCJaJ0BR4H!~!D$~''y $$$a$gd/S & F 79gd/ S & F9gdk{S & F 79gd /S & F 79gdk{ $9a$gdk{$ & F 9^`a$gd/S 9^gd/  gd/ RhL2:<24@Bv˼˯˞zg[O[O[?[h&)CJOJQJ^JmHsHhk{CJ^JmHsHh&)CJ^JmHsH$hk{5CJOJQJ\^JmH sH $h&)5CJOJQJ\^JmHsH hk{6PJ]^JaJmHsH h&)6PJ]^JaJmHsHh&)6^JaJmHsHhk{6PJ^JaJmHsHh&)6PJ^JaJmHsHhk{^JaJmHsHh&)^JaJmHsHh&)PJ^JaJmHsHD!F!H!r!|!~!!!J$L$$$|'~'''' ))R*T***X+Z+++,迴芴~o``h /h /CJ^JmHsHh/h/CJ^JmHsHh/CJ^JmH sH hk{CJ^JmHsHhk{5CJ\^JmH sH h&)5CJ\^JmHsHh&)5\mHsHh /hk{CJ^JmHsHh&)CJPJ^JmHsHh /CJ^JmH sH h&)CJ^JmHsHh/CJ^JmHsH '*../0b0l2333333~ $a$gdk{ $$a$gdk{gdk{ S & F9gdk{S & F;9^`;gd /S & F;9^`;gd /S & F9^gd /S & Fgdk{S & F 79gd /S$$ & F 79gd/ ,,....///0 00"0N0X0\0h0j00002 2 2@2r2t2Ǻ螏vj^OCOCOh /CJ^JmHsHh /h /CJ^JmHsHh /CJ^JmH sH h?CJ^JmHsHh!CJ^JmH sH h&)>*CJ^JmHsHh /h /CJ^JmH sH h /h&)CJ^JmHsHh /h /CJmHsHh /h&)CJmHsHh&)mHsHh&)5CJ\mHsHh&)CJ^JmH sH h&)CJ^JmHsHh!CJ^JmHsHt22223N3333333 4 4;4<4n4o4444m77a999PQQ[潲}tltbYSMSMSKSYSU h /^J h&)^Jh&)5\^Jh&)CJ^JaJh&)CJ^Jh&)\^JaJh&)^JaJ h&)5^Jh&) h&)6h /h&)56h /h&)5hk{h&)mHsHh /h /mHsHh /h&)CJ^JmHsHh /CJ^JmHsHh&)CJPJ^JmHsHh&)CJ^JmHsHh&)>*CJ^JmHsH3 4<4o444QQSSUVXYZ$ nv^`va$gd /$ na$gd /$ /7^7`a$gd / ngd / $a$gd /gd /$ n a$gd /$a$gd/ $a$gdk{athymetric Chart (IBC) projects on the specifications and preparation of regional digital bathymetric models and charts, to ensure their compatibility with, and eventual inclusion in, GEBCO products. 1. Terms of Reference 1.1 The Sub-Committee reports to the Joint IOC-IHO GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC) as its designated authority for all technical matters relevant to the goals of GEBCO as set out in the Guiding Committee Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure. 1.2 The Sub-Committee shall: 1.2.1 Maintain liaison and cooperate with all existing regional mapping efforts chartered by the IOC under the International Bathymetric Chart (IBC) initiative as well as other relevant regional bathymetric mapping projects. 1.2.2 Act as an Editorial Board by reviewing and validating the resulting regional products before incorporation into the GEBCO global grid. 1.2.3 Foster coordination between the IBC and other relevant regional bathymetric mapping projects and the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (IHO DCDB) to capture, for long-term archive, the bathymetric data used by these projects. 1.2.4 Encourage the establishment of new IHO/IOC regional bathymetric mapping projects to fill current gaps in global bathymetry. 1.2.5 Establish, support, and/or disband working groups, as needed, to carry out specific tasks or product developments that advance the GEBCO Project. 1.2.6 Work closely with other GEBCO Sub-Committees on matters of common interest. 2. Rules of Procedure 2.1 Membership of the Sub-Committee is covered by the following rules: 2.1.1 The Sub-Committee shall normally consist of a Chair and Vice-Chair appointed by the Joint IOC/IHO GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC), and a number of additional members appointed by the Chair, each representing any IBCs and other relevant regional bathymetric mapping projects, particularly where no IBCs exist. Members shall be approved by the GGC based on their ability to represent the activities of each individual project. The Sub-Committee Members List shall be kept updated and posted on the GEBCO website. 2.1.2 The Chair and the Vice-Chair are appointed for a five-year period but not exceeding their current membership of the Committee. The Chair will normally be succeeded by the Vice-Chair. The Chair and Vice-Chair may be re-appointed for one additional five-year period. 2.1.3 Members of the Sub-Committee shall be appointed for a five-year period, renewable for further five-year terms by majority recommendation of the Sub-Committee and with the approval of the GGC. The Sub-Committee Chair shall inform the GGC of any foreseeable vacancy in a timely manner. 2.1.4 Members of the Sub-Committee are experts acting exclusively for the benefit of the Joint IHO-IOC GEBCO Project. 2.2 The Chair or, in his/her absence, the Vice-Chair shall conduct the business of the Sub-Committee. Meetings will usually be held every year, ideally before the GGC meeting. In the intervening period the Sub-Committee shall conduct its business by correspondence (preferably electronic mail). 2.3 Individuals who can provide a relevant and constructive contribution to the work of the Sub-Committee may attend meetings as Scientific Advisors with observer status, at the discretion of the Chair or Vice-Chair. 2.4 Entities and organizations that can provide a relevant and constructive contribution to the work of the Sub-Committee may be represented at meetings with observer status. 2.5 Members are expected to attend every meeting of the Sub-Committee. Sub-Committee Members who are absent from meetings for two consecutive years will normally be considered to have resigned and new nominations shall be sought. 2.6 Observers from IHO and/or IOC Member States may attend meetings. Due to logistic constraints, attendance shall normally be limited to one observer per Member State. 2.7 The quorum to hold a meeting shall be not less than 50% of the Sub-Committee Members. The Sub-Committee shall strive to make decisions by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, decisions shall be taken by simple majority vote. Only members present may cast a vote. The Chair shall have the casting vote if there is a tie. 2.8 Recommendations of the Sub-Committee shall be submitted to the GGC for consideration and decision. 2.9 The Chair shall submit an annual report to the Chair of the GGC.  So far as IOC is concerned, the Sub-Committee is classified as a Joint Group of Experts under the IOC Guidelines for subsidiary bodies.     IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 8  page PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT3 0AAK;05BAO ?> A?8A:C IOC-XXVII/2 Annex 7 0@86, 26 0?@5;O 2013 3. @838=0;: 0=3;89A:89  ",!"/  $'!/ !!/ (.!) 204F0BL A54L<0O A5AA8O AA0<1;58 .!, 0@86, 26 8N=O  5 8N;O 2013 3. 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