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ACTION PROPOSED The Group is invited to: note the information contained in this document as appropriate; and consider the implications for JCOMM and recommend any adjustments to the work plan as necessary. ______________________ DISCUSSION Background The IOC Assembly in 2011 reformed the governing structures of the Global Ocean Observing System, and aligned it with a Framework for Ocean Observing and an Essential Ocean Variable (EOV) approach, as developed after the OceanObs'09 conference. The GOOS Steering Committee (SC) is responsible for developing a work plan to update GOOS requirements, monitor and promote its development, assess the performance of the observing system, and advise on developing capacity of Member States. JCOMM is considered a key implementation coordination body for GOOS, and the Co-President of JCOMM is an ex officio member of the GOOS SC. JCOMM was represented by Nadia Pinardi, Co-President, and Candyce Clark, OPA Coordinator, at the first meeting of the GOOS SC in June 2012. Outcomes of GOOS SC-2 The Second meeting of the GOOS SC took place 25-27 March 2013 in Qingdao, China. Significant progress was made in the definition of the work of three disciplinary panels focused on: reviewing and prioritizing requirements for sustained observations, including defining EOVs as needed, assessing observing technology readiness and system adequacy, developing implementation plans and pilot projects; coordinating observing networks (in the case of OOPC in close cooperation with JCOMM OCG), encouraging national commitments, promoting best practices and standards, data sharing, cooperation, and developing metrics of implementation; work with relevant groups to improve data management arrangements; develop processes for ongoing evaluation of the observing system; and support global ocean observing activities by involved parties, through liaison and advocacy. These three panels are in two cases led by existing groups: for physical EOVs (and ocean Essential Climate Variables) the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) and for geochemical EOVs the SCOR-IOC International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP). A new GOOS biology-ecosystems panel is being created. The Committee clarified the three related components of GOOS: Global observing networks and projects connected through one of the three GOOS disciplinary panels, GOOS Regional Alliances and their coordinated observing activity, and National activity contributing to GOOS. The Committee also emphasized the importance to GOOS of reanalysis and ocean modeling, as a cross-panel and regional activity. Physical EOVs: OOPC The Ocean Observations Panel for Climate, formerly chaired by Eric Lindstrom (now GOOS SC co-chair) and with secretariat support from Albert Fischer (now GOOS Project Office director) has two new co-chairs: Mark Bourassa (Florida State University, USA) and Toshio Suga (Tohoku University and JAMSTEC, Japan), as well as a new secretariat, Katy Hill, the new GCOS ocean officer at WMO. For GCOS, OOPC will remain the main interface for ocean observations for climate, liaising with the other GOOS panels as needed. The core work of the OOPC is in updating requirements to adapt to new needs, priorities, and technologies, and to evaluate the output of the observing system to assess its fitness-for-purpose; in both cases applying systems thinking. The panel will meet for the first time with its new leadership the week of 2-6 September 2013, along with the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group. The OOPC has also identified CLIVAR, IODE and other data management efforts, and the ocean forecasting community, as key partners in its work. The OOPC's first activity will be supporting a Tropical Pacific or tropics observing system evaluation and review. Other areas under consideration for examination include decadal prediction requirements, observing strategy for boundary currents (building on the OceanObs'09 Community White Paper, a CLIVAR workshop, and growing glider coordination efforts), and polar seas. In considering observing needs in the coastal ocean, the OOPC will employ a number of strategies: starting with particular requirements for marginal and coastal seas connected to global requirements, linking with the GOOS Regional Alliances, encouraging "communities of practice" around coastal observing technologies (i.e., HF radar), and encouraging data sharing in the coastal ocean. Data streams required to improve coastal analysis and prediction will be explored with the GOOS Regional Alliances, the GODAE OceanView Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT), and the GEO Coastal Community of Practice. Bioogeochemical EOVs: IOCCP The core focus of the IOCCP will remain on coordination of ocean carbon observations and synthesis efforts for the scientific community. However, in line with its goals and with its lead for GOOS in biogeochemical EOVs, the panel has added oxygen, nutrients, and ocean acidification experts to the panel. Its main near-term activity for GOOS will be the definition of Essential Ocean Variables, with a broad review by the scientific and ocean observing community. This will require a particular link to modeling, synthesis, and data assimilation activities in SOLAS, IMBER and the GODAE OceanView Marine Ecosystem and Prediction Task Team (MEP-TT). There is great potential to develop and extend pilot projects such as Bio-Argo, which would expand the capabilities of an observing platform whose core mission is physical variables, with additional biogeochemical variables beyond oxygen. Biology and ecosystem EOVs: new GOOS panel The first activity of the new GOOS biology-ecosystems panel, which is being led by Ian Poiner (Australia, former CEO of the Australian Institute of Marine Science and former co-chair of the Census of Marine Life) and supported by Sarah Grimes (GOOS Project Office), will be to define the major questions and sustained observing requirement Essential Ocean Variables in the biology and ecosystems space. The panel will build on the legacy of the GOOS Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations' Requirements for Global Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Coastal GOOS ( HYPERLINK "http://ioc-goos.org/goos-193" GOOS-193), which focused on key coastal ecosystem services and threats. It will focus on new technologies and platform development, liaise with GOOS Regional Alliances and other key international and national groups, using the Framework for Ocean Observing to organize its work. In defining biology and ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables, it will seek to set a minimal set for a global baseline, including drivers, state variables, and the development of indicators. While scientific considerations will drive its work, it will need to balance feasibility and impact in making its recommendations for the observing system. The panel is planning a late 2013 workshop with the science, observing and user communities, defining a range of key questions and building focus for the panel. It envisages a joint workshop with IOCCP on biogeochemistry and biology to finalize its vision and plans and to build milestones. This work will include the modeling community. It plans a better inventory of the EOV observing effort and a review of the OceanObs'09 Community White Papers. The panel suggested developing a GOOS cookbook of best practice around Observing System Evaluation and optimization, and comparative analysis of the coastal ocean and deep sea, physical, chemical and biological observing networks. The GOOS Steering Committee suggested that the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group may wish to invite the Global Alliance of CPR Surveys (GACS) to the table as an observing network with global ambition and some similar working methods to other panels, notably the Ship Observations Team. GOOS Projects The Steering Committee agreed to 'GOOS Projects' as a way to engage funders and energize observing communities. Projects should include objectives and expected results, milestones and dates, costing, and specify their contribution to GOOS. For existing networks and projects, the SC agreed to define principles for GOOS 'affiliation', where benefits to those affiliated are clearly articulated. The GOOS Panels and GRAs will develop projects. Fundraising and outreach GOOS will improve communication on the changes in GOOS structure and orientation, with the biology/ecosystems and biogeochemistry communities, GOOS Regional Alliances, and national focal points. GOOS will develop a monthly webinar to improve internal communication amongst the GOOS community. The aspirations of the GOOS panels and GRAs outstrip the available human and financial resources to support the coordination activity. Fundraising will be a key activity of the GOOS SC, built on the panel's work plan and the GOOS project proposal portfolio. GOOS will seek secondments, cash contributions, national in kind contributions, or delaying activities as coping strategies. GOOS Regional Alliances and regional policy The Steering Committee reaffirmed GOOS Regional Alliances as a structural element of GOOS, and reviewed GOOS regional policy, guidance and principles ahead of the GOOS Regional Forum (14-16 May 2013, Hawai'i, USA). They clarified the role of the GRA representative on the SC, and GRA expectations of the GOOS SC and its panels. These include advice on the Framework for Ocean Observing, Essential Ocean Variables, observing system design, and where appropriate engagement in projects. A continuous effort of communication with GRAs was needed, to maintain their engagement in a global system. Implications for JCOMM The strong relationship and link between the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate and the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group is clearly recognized by both GOOS and JCOMM and should be encouraged. JCOMM Services and Forecast System Teams should be an important part of observing system evaluation. These teams are providing input into the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements process, but the Management Committee may wish to comment or provide advice on how to improve the links between the RRR and the ocean observing system community that is not connected to WMO National Hydrological and Meteorological Services. GOOS Regional Alliances are heterogeneous in the organization and their capacities, but remain a component of GOOS. Some of these GRAs are active in areas where JCOMM has a mandate, and the Management Committee may wish to consider how GRAs may interface with its work plan, for example with the Regional Marine Instrumentation Centres or in additional work on data systems. GOOS is working an expansion to non-physical variables. JCOMM has made small steps in this direction with its links to Argo (in particular its measurement of oxygen and other biogeochemical variables), the GO-SHIP repeat hydrography network, and is being encouraged by GOOS to interface with GACS. Thus far this has concentrated only on in situ network coordination synergies through the Observations Coordination Group. MAN may wish to give some strategic advice in developing such cooperation through 2017 and in preparation for any more large-scale strategic decisions that may be taken at JCOMM-5. For example, should cooperation with non-physical variable ocean observing networks be encouraged for network coordination, while limiting other activity such as the development of services (including non-operational services such as development and provision of indicators) only to areas that would have clear joint interest from WMO Members and IOC Member States? Or does JCOMM have a larger role in a Framework for Ocean Observing including encouraging data sharing, supporting development of real-time data management systems for non-physical variables, developing and promoting standards and best practices in services beyond those of interest to NMHSs? Is the JCOMM-GOOS interface limited to the OOPC in the 3 GOOS panels, or should it include the biogeochemical and biology-ecosystems panels?     MAN-10/Doc. 4.1, p.  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