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ACTION PROPOSED The Committee is invited to: note and comment on the information contained in this document as appropriate; Provide additional comments and information to the JCOMM representative on the Task Team, as appropriate, to input to its work, either in the face-to-face meeting or separately; Advise the meteorology co-president on comments/input he might make on behalf of JCOMM when the issue is discussed at WMO EC-65. ______________________ References: HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/mainweb/meetings/cbodies/governance/executive_council_reports/english/pdf/64_session_1092_part1_en.pdf"Abridged final report with resolutions of the 64th Session of the WMO Executive Council (WMO-No.1092) HYPERLINK "ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Documents/PublicWeb/mainweb/meetings/cbodies/governance/congress_reports/english/pdf/1102_Part1_en.pdf"Abridged final report with resolutions of the WMO Extraordinary Congress, 2012 (WMO-No.1102) Appendix: Draft White Paper on WMO Climate Data Policy (available in draft form for WMO EC-65 in Appendix C of  HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8DhC1GSWSmxaXBlRXR1TDBMN3c/edit" EC-65/Doc. 3.2.1) DISCUSSION It will be recalled that WMO adopted the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) through Resolution 48 (Cg-XVI) Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services. Subsequently, the WMO Executive Council 64th session in 2012, established a Task Team to address data policy questions in support of WMOs contribution to the GFCS. The Task Team is chaired by the president of WMO, and includes, inter alia, representatives of all Regional Associations, most Technical Commissions, and of the IOC. The JCOMM representative, designated by the co-president, is Peter Dexter. The IOC representative is Wendy Watson-Wright. The Terms of Reference for the Task Team are included in Appendix A and include, inter alia: (a) Study the implications of, and the potential for, applying the principle of free and unrestricted exchange of data and products, while respecting national policies, for the provision of climate services, including identification of examples of climate data and products that are available; (b) Based on an analysis of the implementation of Resolutions 40 (Cg-XII) and 25 (Cg-XIII), provide guidance and advice on how best to apply Resolutions 40 (Cg-XII) and 25 (Cg XIII) to advance the WMO policy on exchange of data and products for the provision of climate services. The president initially requested input from Task Team members addressing these terms of reference. Subsequently, a face-to-face meeting was planned for early 2013, to review a draft white paper on the subject, and the TT is expected to report its findings to EC-65 in May 2013. In his submission, the JCOMM representative noted that marine data were already well covered in the Annex to Res 40, as being subject to free and open exchange, and that these data provided the basis for the marine climate data base. At the same time, other data such as waves and sea level, important to the GFCS, do have restrictions placed on their exchange, for various reasons. The submission also expressed the strong preference, on behalf of JCOMM, not to re-open Res 40 for modification, but instead to develop and adopt a completely new Congress resolution, specifically to address the data exchange requirements of the GFCS. IOC, through IODE, made a separate submission to the Task Team, which emphasized the need for WMO to consider any data policy for climate services with other related data policies from organizations that provide data on the climate system outside of the responsibility of NMHSs but essential for the development of climate services (such as IOC's data policy). Some initial interaction took place with the JCOMM Expert Team on Marine Climatology, regarding the data exchange requirements for the new Marine Climate Data System adopted by JCOMM 4. This consultation was extended following the issue of the white paper on 20 February 2013. Because of the short time allowed for further input, it was not possible to obtain input from the whole Expert Team. However, Scott Woodruff, former ET chair and now vice-chair, provided extensive commentary and some proposed changes, and these were subsequently confirmed by the ET chair Nicola Scott. IOC provided an input into the white paper from GOOS (Albert Fischer) and IODE (Peter Pisserssens). The draft white paper, with the JCOMM and IOC comments, is in Appendix. In the event, the planned face-to-face meeting did not occur. However, the version of the draft white paper, which is Appendix C to EC-65/Doc 3.2(1), appears to incorporate all the proposed changes and commentary provided by JCOMM and IOC. This Document and appendix have been passed to ETMC for possible further comment, which the co-president for meteorology might take to EC-65 for further consideration on this topic. An update on this issue will be provided at the session. The IOC secretariat asks the Committee to consider whether development of a JCOMM data policy, that would consider issues from both the oceanographic and marine meteorological side, could be a contribution to the development of a data policy for the GFCS. _____________ Appendix: 1 WHITE PAPER INPUT WMO CLIMATE DATA POLICY DRAFT 0.1 18 February 2013 1. Context The 64th Session of the WMO Executive Council (EC-64) established a Task Team to address data policy questions in support of WMOs contribution to the GFCS. EC-64 requested that, taking into account the outcomes of the WMO Extraordinary Congress (Cg-Ext.2012) that was held in October 2012 and new developments within WMO related to the exchange of data and products, for example, WIGOS/WIS, the Task Team shall: Study the implications of, and the potential for, applying the principle of free and unrestricted exchange of data and products, while respecting national policies, for the provision of climate services, including identification of examples of climate data and products that are available; Based on an analysis of the implementation of Resolutions 40 (Cg-XII) and 25 (Cg-XIII), provide guidance and advice on how best to apply Resolutions 40 (Cg-XII) and 25 (CgXIII) to advance the WMO policy on exchange of data and products for the provision of climate services; Consider how other UN agencies and international organizations can collaborate with the WMO on the exchange of climate data and products for the provision of climate services, and Prepare a report to the sixty-fifth session of the Executive Council. On the exchange of climate and related data, Cg-Ext.2012 recalled that the Sixteenth Congress had decided to task the Executive Council with reviewing Annex 1 Data and products to be exchanged without charge and with no conditions on use, to Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on relationships in commercial meteorological activities with a view to ensuring that the climate data and products needed for the GFCS climate services are included therein. Cg-Ext.2012 was informed that, in response, the Executive Council had adopted Resolution 4 (EC-64) Executive Council Task Team on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to support the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services, with the Terms of Reference as given in the Annex to the Resolution. Noting that this Task Team had been requested to report back to EC-65, Cg-Ext.2012 was of the view that the outputs from the work of this Task Team would provide valuable input to, and a starting point for, the deliberations on data requirements and policies for implementation of the GFCS by the Intergovernmental Board. On 29 November 2012, the Chair of the Task Team, Dr David Grimes, wrote a survey letter to the members of the Task Team which contained a series of questions based around the Terms of Reference on which he requested their input. In undertaking this discussion, the Task Team noted that in this instance climate data refers to historical and real-time data on the physical climate (land and ocean), including the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) and climate related numerical prediction and re-analysis data. The Task Team also noted that this may require consideration of a phased approach. The responses from the Task Team members to the survey letter have been analyzed and the following observations and conclusions have been drafted which, following further discussion by e-mail, will be used in support of the recommendations to be made to EC-65 as the report of this Task Team. It is anticipated that, based on the report to EC-65, the Task Team will be requested to prepare further documentation for EC-66 (in 2014) with the view of a final resolution on the matter being put to the World Meteorological Congress (Cg-17) in 2015. In coming to these observations and conclusions, the Task Team noted: (1) Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on the relationships in commercial meteorological activities. (2) Resolution 25 (Cg-XIII) Exchange of hydrological data and products. (3) Resolution 48 (Cg-XVI) Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services, (4) Resolution 4 (Ec-64) Executive Council Task Team on the WMO Policy for International Exchange of Climate Data and Products to Support the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services. (5) Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext.(2012)) - Implementation Plan of the Global Framework for Climate Services. (6) Resolution 2 (Cg-Ext.(2012)) - Establishment of the Intergovernmental Board on Climate Services. 2. Considerations by the Task Team: In the written discussion, the Task Team considered that: Free and unrestricted access to climate dataincluding historical data will be critical for the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services. Whilst resolutions 40 (Cg XII) and 25 (Cg XIII) represent important gains for the exchange of meteorological data, they do not have application to many types of climate data that will be required. However, the lessons learned from their implementation will be useful in the formulation of a new resolution pertaining specifically to unresolved issues regarding climate data. In particular, the need to allow for recognition in the new resolution for free and unrestricted access to data without prejudice to the national laws of their territory of location. Modifying the existing Resolutions 40 and 25 may put at risk the progress enabled by the adoption of these resolutions, if the core values within these resolutions would be subject to new debate. NMHSs need to be recognized as key element of a public infrastructure that benefits all through easy access to its data and products. Data from other user sectors such as socio-economic data, are not being addressed in this process and thus the Intergovernmental Board may wish to consider a resolution addressing socio-economic data and other data needs for the implementation of the GFCS. Any changes to the WMO data policy should be considered together with the other related data policies (e.g. IOC, GEO, etc.) from organizations that provide data on the climate system outside of the responsibility of NMHSs but essential for the development of climate services. 3. Benefits from free and unrestricted access to climate data: The Task Team identified the following benefits from free and unrestricted access to climate data: Better quality and greater variety of products and services. Improvements to the numerous other services that are predicated on climate data and information. Enhanced national and international research into climate and an understanding of the climate system, leading to improved decision-making to benefit society. Better understanding/appreciation of the importance of these data and will likely lead to more support for the observing systems. Developing good regional products with the same quality and accuracy over the region. Encouraging local and regional studies related to the climate. Promote and strengthen collaboration between providers and users of climate data and products 4. Constraints to the free and unrestricted access to climate data: There might be a reluctance to open access, partially due to the fear that private commercial services will benefit at the expense of the public good services. A strongreservation from many countries especially, those who have a commercial (cost recovery) data policy, for climate data that such an action will result in a loss of revenue. HThe historical data are very important ,good but the associated (platform and instrumental) metadata areis also very important and most of the time it is not available. Monitoring, recording, transmission and data storage infrastructures to support data exchange might be insufficient or partially lacking funding may be required. A lack of appropriate guidance materials: Use of data and products without appropriate guidance and interpretative materials could lead to misuse and cause adverse effects on socio-economic activities. As a result, without such appropriate interpretative materials, we will lose trust in climate services (data and products) from users. Lack of infrastructural, financial, and human capacity, both governmental and non-governmental, in many developing countries to generate, archive and use such data. Gaining access to relevant socio-economic data important for development of climate services for relevant sectors, for example, agriculture, environmental management, etc., which is not readily exchanged and not effectively integrated in the streams of data used by the relevant sectors. 5. Proposal: The majority of the Task Team proposed that: A new resolution be developed for adoption at Cg-17 (2015) which supports the free and unrestricted exchange of climate data not covered under resolutions 40 (Cg XII) and 25 (Cg XIII) in support of the GFCS. Between EC 65 (2013) and EC 66 (2014), consideration be given to the establishment of a pilot project which would show the benefits of the free and unrestricted exchange of climate data in support of the GFCS. This could be a collection of success stories of the exchange of climate data at country level and the benefits derived therefrom, for both providers and users, covering research, products and services which would inform the Congress resolution. 6. Types of data, products and tools to be exchanged: The Task Team identified the following types of data, products and tools that should be included: Data Historical climate time series through CLIMAT (monthly climatological mainly land station) reports. Observation data and objective analyses to capture the status of the atmosphere, including historical data, including the monthly mean data for temperature, pressure wind speed and wind direction for stations and automatic weather stations in Antarctica. Observation data and objective analyses to capture the status of ocean, land and radiation, including the surface marine atmosphere, waves, sea level, storm surges, the upper ocean to the thermocline (including SST, sea surface salinity, currents) and all (ocean) data that would have a transboundary impact in improving products for climate services. Such data and analyses (applicable to (1)-(3)) should include historical data (together with available platform and instrumental metadata), and will providebe boundary conditions for numerical climate models (e.g. sea surface temperature and temperature profiles; land conditions such as vegetation; and outgoing long-range radiation). Numerical climate prediction data, especially those of ensemble predictions. Seasonal Climate Predictions. Reanalysis data and reforecast data to capture the characteristics of numerical climate models. Products Charts for mean fields and deviation fields. Typical indices that represent climate conditions (e.g. Sea Surface Temperature of the NINO.3, Southern Oscillation Index). Regional scale climate model outputs at varying timescales monthly to decadal. Guidance material that accompanies climate products and services, including interpretation of current and future status of the climate. Tools: Drawing tools that are capable of drawing not only mean fields but also deviation fields. Statistics processing tools that can make analyses, such as linear regression, correlation, EOF analysis and singular value decomposition. Capacity development tools (for example, courses, training, workshop guides). The Team noted that some of these data, products and tools exist outside of NMHSs, and that WMO data policy for climate services should be coordinated with relevant other organizations . 7. Minimum data set for exchange: As a minimum, the Task Team considered the following elements -essential for free and unrestricted exchange (note these include some overlap): Temperature (maximum and minimum), precipitation, wind and radiation daily time scale (marine and land atmosphere). Temperature and salinity (Upper Oceans). Sea Level, waves, storm surge (Coastal interface). CLIMAT/CLIMAT TEMP (Mainly applicable to the land-station domain?). GCOS Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) (Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Terrestrial;  HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/gcos/index.php?name=EssentialClimateVariables" http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/gcos/index.php?name=EssentialClimateVariables) Available associated platform and instrumental metadata.  8. Additional comments raised: The Task Team also noted some additional comments raised in the responses including: For many climate services other than meteorological data will be needed, including socio-economic data, the ways should be found to cope with this requirement. Free and open exchange should be limited to standardized data (sets), products, tools and services. If users ask for modifications to meet their special requirements they should pay this might not be the NMHS who is paid. The real world shows that even taking the basic climate observations is not functioning satisfactorily in many countries. Therefore, as this is of global interest, a concept of global coordinated funding to ensure that ECVs are collected in a satisfactory way is needed, as much of the benefits from climate data collected by Developing Countries and Least Developed Countries is with the developed countries, to be honest. Todays annual support of NMHSs in DCs and LDCs may well be in the order of several hundred million US$, but it is not at all coordinated. The implications on the demand for increased data and products and tools on NMSs should be seriously considered during the negotiations. The need to consider the extent to which free and open exchange of data will also enable free and open exchange of services and products. In relation to climate data exchange mechanisms, how will the Climate Services Information System (CSIS) of the GFCS function and when will it need to be operational. There is a need to define variables that would be needed to support the GFCS in addition to the essential climate variables already defined by GCOS. Public agencies of WMO Members and IOC Member States should be encouraged to freely share their tools (e.g. GIS, Web interfaces, etc.) used to develop climate services and improve their availability of use in all nations. 9. Examples of existing climate data exchange mechanisms The Task Team identified the following examples of existing climate data exchange and data management mechanisms: Global international initiatives:HISTALP, MEDARE, ACRE (HYPERLINK "http://www.met-acre.org"http://www.met-acre.org), ISTI ( HYPERLINK "http://www.surfacetemperatures.org" http://www.surfacetemperatures.org), and ICOADS ( HYPERLINK "http://icoads.noaa.gov" http://icoads.noaa.gov) IOC/UNESCO's example of Argo profiling float data which are freely exchanged. Regional initiatives: HISTALP, MEDARE ( HYPERLINK "http://www.omm.urv.cat/MEDARE/" http://www.omm.urv.cat/MEDARE/) GEOs examples of Argos, CBERS, Aster, and Landsat applications  HYPERLINK "http://www.sica.int/obsanr/foro.html" http://www.sica.int/obsanr/foro.html  HYPERLINK "http://www.simepar.br/cimhac/fcac.html?pref=XXX" http://www.simepar.br/cimhac/fcac.html?pref=XXX  HYPERLINK "http://www.laprensagrafica.com/economia/nacional/276948-gobierno-estudia-medidas-para-enfrentar-efectos-de-sequia-en-el-oriente-del-pais" http://www.laprensagrafica.com/economia/nacional/276948-gobierno-estudia-medidas-para-enfrentar-efectos-de-sequia-en-el-oriente-del-pais  HYPERLINK "http://www.recursoshidricos.org/component/content/article/96-sample-news/1214-el-foro-del-clima-de-america-central-fcac-y-el-foro-de-aplicaciones-de-los-pronosticos-climaticos-a-la-seguridad-alimentaria-fapc" http://www.recursoshidricos.org/component/content/article/96-sample-news/1214-el-foro-del-clima-de-america-central-fcac-y-el-foro-de-aplicaciones-de-los-pronosticos-climaticos-a-la-seguridad-alimentaria-fapc  HYPERLINK "http://www.eclac.org/mexico/cambioclimatico/index.html" http://www.eclac.org/mexico/cambioclimatico/index.html ____________     MAN-10/Doc.4.2(2), p  PAGE 3 MAN-10/Doc.4.2(2), Appendix, p  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 10 MAN-10/Doc.4.2(2), Appendix Recall one consideration we had in proposing CMOCs in the new JCOMM Marine Climate Data System (MCDS), that some countries may be reluctant to contribute early historical data to what are still viewed as more national archives (e.g. ICOADS). Could the possibility be raised somewhere in this document that some data (possibly digitized at great cost, e.g. old logbooks) might be provided only to formal international entities such as CMOCs? Then the international entities in turn presumably operate under constraints to offer all data freely, but the data would be originated from (and presumably required to attributed in part to) the CMOC (for example). Another constraint that might be useful to note with regard to early untapped historical data (marine, land station, etc.), is that significant resources might be required to rescue the data (image, digitize, etc.). Guidance is required from the Task Team with respect to additional information on the tools and a discussion on whether or not they should be included in the resolution. More detail is required For historical marine data, to the extent feasible, we now seek to capture all reported data elements when exchanging and rescuing datapartly because, in the case of data rescue, a one-pass approach (e.g. on fragile old documents) is more efficient and cost effective. Thats one reason this type of element by element prioritization for climate data seems a bit troublesome to me (also I think it originates to some extent from more of the land-station perspective where data elements, e.g. surface temperature, may be managed separately). Mainly land-station domain? These are a large set that cover atmosphere, ocean, and land surface - again emphasizing the need to coordinate WMO data policy with other organizations. It seems to me this list might be more effectively organized if (5) ECVs and (6) metadata were repositioned at the top. And then the others follow as domain-specific examples. Other possible examples linked with data rescue: HYPERLINK "http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcdmp/CDM_2.php"http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/wcdmp/CDM_2.php Update note for the WMO folks in charge of that webpage: the NOAA/NCDC CDMP program as listed there is however regrettably now entirely discontinued (due to budget problems, etc.) Example land-station initiative where the main focus is on just one variable. But at the lower database level, as I understand they agreed to aim in the future for managing all the reported land-station data elements together (for efficiency, etc.). <LM   ! 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