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Agenda to be accepted for use during the Session and guide the presentation of the Final Report of the Session. ____________ ARGOS JOINT TARIFF AGREEMENT Thirty Third SESSION PROVISIONAL AGENDA ORGANIZATION OF THE MEETING OPENING OF THE MEETING The Thirty-Third meeting on the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement will be opened by its Chairperson, Mr. Frank Grooters, at 09.00 a.m. on Monday, 30 October 2013, at the UNESCO Annex, 1 rue Miollis, Paris France. The working language of the meeting will be English. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The meeting will be invited to adopt its agenda on the basis of the provisional agenda. WORKING ARRANGEMENTS The meeting will decide on its working hours and other arrangements for the conduct of the meeting. SELECTION OF THE WRITING GROUP (WG) A writing group will be set up to draft a report with the record of the decisions of the meeting. After the meetings discussions, the report will then be submitted the JTA for review and approval, and then submitted to the Secretariats. REPORT OF THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE JTA The meeting will be presented with a report on actions taken by its Chairperson since, and resulting from the Thirty-second meeting. REVIEW OF THE ACTION ITEMS FROM JTA-XXXII The meeting will review the status of action items from the previous JTA Session, and decide on new actions as appropriate. REPORT ON THE 2013 GLOBAL AGREEMENT The meeting will be informed on the status of the 2013 Global Agreement by the representative of CLS. REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS OF CLS CLS and its subsidiary CLS America will present a report on the new developments and improvements of the Argos system, including space-based and surface-based elements. REVIEW OF USER'S REQUIREMENTS AND ISSUES The meeting will be informed of the results of the twenty-ninth session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) which will have taken place at the same location, immediately prior to the Joint Tariff Agreement meeting. It will also review developments having occurred since the thirty-second meeting, including in particular new requirements expressed by users which may necessitate modifications and improvements to the Argos system. The meeting will review status of these actions, and also address any new user requirement that might be proposed by the Representatives of Country (ROCs) for consideration. Discussion of establishment of a Task Team for Best Practices REVIEW OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT AND RELATED MATTERS REVIEW OF THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR NEGOTIATING THE TARIFF The meeting will review the guiding principles for negotiating the Tariff in line with the JTA operating principles. REVIEW THE FIVE YEAR PLAN The meeting will review the JTA Five Year Plan for the period 2010 to 2015. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE 2014 GLOBAL AGREEMENT Based on the discussion regarding the future structure of the JTA made under agenda item 7, the Meeting will be invited to adopt a common Global Agreement for 2014 concerning the tariff for services to be provided by CLS, on the basis of a proposal submitted by CLS. FUTURE PLANS AND PROGRAMMES The meeting will review brief national reports on plans and programmes for data collection using the Argos system. REVIEW OF THE OPERATING PRINCIPLES The meeting will review the JTA Operating Principles and agree on possible changes according to the discussion during previous agenda items. ANY OTHER BUSINESS REPORT ON THE PREPARATIONS FOR THE 2ND AD HOC INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF USERS OF SATELLITE DATA TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (SATCOM-2 FORUM) The meeting will be informed about the preparations and agenda of the 2nd ad hoc International Forum of Users of Satellite Data Telecommunication Systems (SATCOM-2 Forum), which will be held in days following the JTA-33 session in the same location, UNESCO, Paris France. ROUNDTABLE Chairperson will further call for a roundtable discussion and seek feedback from the participants on issues remaining to be discussed. ELECTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON According to the JTA Operating Principles, the Term of the JTA Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson is, in principle, two years, and the current JTA Chair, and Vice-Chairpersons were both elected at the Twenty-ninth JTA Session and re-elected at the Thirty-first JTA Session. The meeting will therefore be invited to elect its Chairperson to hold office for the next two years, i.e. until the end of the Thirty-Fifth Session. As agreed at the Twenty-sixth session, it will also elect an unpaid vice-Chairperson to assist the Chairperson as necessary. Since the Term of two members of the JTA Executive Committee will be ended after this Session, the meeting will also be invited to elect two new members for the JTA Executive Committee under this agenda item. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT MEETING The meeting will be invited to decide on dates and place of the thirty-second meeting on the Argos Joint Tariff Agreement. CLOSURE OF THE MEETING The meeting is expected to close on Wednesday, 2 October 2013. #<>u  Զ}}}oZLoZh CJOJQJ^JaJ(hhhmCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH hmCJOJQJ^JaJh_hm;CJOJQJhm;CJOJQJh_hm;CJOJQJ"h_hm5;CJOJQJaJhm5;CJOJQJaJhm5CJOJQJ^JaJhhm5CJOJQJaJ"hhm5CJOJQJ\aJhmCJOJQJ#<=>u ( Tkd$$IfTx40[(>%4 xa%f4yt }T $$Ifa$gd } $Ifgd }     % & < ? 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