ࡱ> pro Ebjbj :|=2 EEEEEYYYY8-dY2 } #~EdEE-4dddEEdddEEd=Yvdta<d#d#ddd"E :    INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (OF UNESCO) ________________________  WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ________________________ JOINT WMO/IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM) MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE TENTH SESSION PARIS, FRANCE, 7 TO 10 MAY 2013MAN-10/Doc. 1.2(2) (18.04.2013) __________ ITEM 1.2 Original: ENGLISH ANNOTATED PROVISIONAL AGENDA 1. Organization of the Session 1.1 Opening The Tenth Session of the Management Committee of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM MAN-10) will open at 09:30 on Tuesday, 7 May 2013, in Room VIII, UNESCO Main Building, 7 Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris. The two Co-Presidents of JCOMM, Dr Nadia Pinardi and Mr Johan Stander will chair the Session jointly. Wendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary IOC, will address the Committee. 1.2 Adoption of the agenda The Committee will be invited to adopt the agenda for the Session based on the provisional agenda prepared by the Secretariat. 1.3 Working arrangements The Committee will agree its hours of work and other practical Session arrangements (note that special arrangements will be made for 8 and 9 May, holidays in France). The Secretariat will introduce meeting documents, which are available on the JCOMM web page (HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/man10"http://www.jcomm.info/man10), as well as other information. The documentation, and the meeting itself, will be in English only. The Co-Presidents or any other members of the Committee may request the consideration of additional issues. In that case, they would be requested to prepare the relevant documentation and submit it to the Secretariat in due time. In addition, a few sub-items requiring a separate discussion may be identified during the Session. 2. Reports by Co-Presidents and Secretariat 2.1 Reports by Co-Presidents The Co-Presidents will present a report on their activities in support of JCOMM since JCOMM-4, as well as any cross-cutting issues not covered under other agenda items. They will also review relevant decisions of the WMO and IOC governing bodies and constituent bodies, with particular emphasis on actions that may need to be initiated, including the corresponding responsibilities and time schedules for such actions. 2.2 Reports by Secretariats The Secretariats will present a brief report on actions taken since JCOMM-4, based on the Commissions workplan for the period 2012-2017 (Annex I to the JCOMM-4 report). Other activities of the WMO and IOC requiring JCOMM contributions will also be addressed. 3. Implementation of JCOMM intersessional workplan (2012-2017) 3.1 Programme Areas The three Programme Area (PA) Coordinators - Observations, Data Management and Services and Forecasting Systems - will report on the achievements in implementing the PA workplans since JCOMM-4, and plans for the remainder of the intersessional period. Discussion will be based on the dashboards for all PAs, documented for each activity with particular details of deliverables, timeline and leading/engaging experts. To ensure succession planning for JCOMM, PA coordinators will nominate vice-chairs/vice-coordinators (after consultation with ET chairs, recalling geographic, gender, and age balance). The Committee is invited to consider challenges and obstacles to achieve the workplans, as well as additional issues within their PAs that need action or discussion by the Committee. The Committee will also be invited to advise all PAs on any additional opportunities to facilitate further implementation of the workplans. 3.1.1 JCOMMOPS The Secretariats will present a brief report on the status of the JCOMM in situ Observing Platform Support Centre (JCOMMOPS), including a possible move from Toulouse to Brest under French hosting, changes in administrative arrangements, and its funding situation. The Committee is invited to comment on the report and provide any required strategic advice on sustaining and evolving JCOMMOPS. 3.2 Cross-cutting Activities coordinated by MAN 3.2.1 Task Team on Satellite Data Requirements Dr Nadia Pinardi will present on the progress in establishing the JCOMM ad hoc Task Team on Satellite Data Requirements (TT-SAT), as decided by JCOMM-4. The Committee is invited to adopt terms of reference and membership for this Team. 3.2.2 Quality Management Approach Mr Bryan Boase, Management Committee member, will report on the progress in JCOMM implementation of the Quality Management (QM) approach, pursuant to the WMO Resolution 26 (Cg-XVI) WMO Quality Management Framework as well as JCOMM Recommendation 5 (JCOMM-4) Quality Management Implementation for JCOMM. In doing so, Mr Boase will present the progress of the ad hoc Task Team on Marine Competency Requirements (TT-MCR) in developing a draft of an internationally-acceptable framework focusing on the competency requirements for marine meteorological and oceanographic services. The Committee is invited to advise on the plans of the TT-MCF and the first draft of the framework, and advise on areas requiring particular input/contribution from PAs for QM approach such as a Quality Management System (e.g. quality management and continuous monitoring for MSI services) 3.2.3 Capacity Development Mr Ali Mafimbo, Management Committee member, and the Secretariats will report on achievements, plans and expected deliverables for JCOMM Capacity Development (CD) activities during the intersessional period. Each PA coordinator will be asked to prepare a one-page document on the PA's contributions to Capacity Development, as input for a report to Members / Member States on JCOMM contributions to CD. The Committee will discuss and review the JCOMM Capacity Development Principles that were endorsed at JCOMM-4. 3.2.4 Joint Activities with Other Groups and Programmes The Committee will receive a report on the ongoing JCOMM contribution to climate research and related activities, jointly with the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl) and the Variability and predictability of the ocean-atmosphere system (CLIVAR), through the Joint CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). Dr Boram Lee will provide the report on behalf of the JCOMM ETCCDI members. The Committee will be invited to address any issues to strengthen this activity in harmony with other partners. Dr Peter Dexter, Management Committee member and former Co-President, will report on the progress and achievements of the Joint CAgM-JCOMM Task Team on Weather, Climate and Fisheries (TT-WCF), in collaboration with the WMO Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM). In doing so, the Committee will be invited to review the workplan of this Task Team, and advise on how to closely link this plan with ongoing JCOMM activities. The WMO Secretariat will report on the progress of the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) and its National Sub-Projects, that are supported jointly by JCOMM and the WMO Technical Commission for Hydrology (CHy). Noting the importance of this demonstration project in visualizing JCOMM's value to national and regional implementation, the Committee is invited to advise on efficient ways to enhance collaboration with relevant global/regional/national programmes for the implementation of various National Sub-Projects. 3.2.5 ODP - WIGOS/WIS The Committee will review the progress of WIGOS development, particularly the JCOMM involvement through interoperability of the IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP) with WIS, and other ocean data systems with ODP and/or WIS, and including the outcomes of IODE-22 (March 2013, Ensenada, Mexico) relative to the MCDS and other areas of collaboration. 3.2.6 JCOMM-GOOS-IODE architecture assessment In view of multiple programmes are engaged in data management activities and the need to ensure flow from observations through data management into science and services, a planned joint JCOMM-GOOS-IODE data architecture assessment will be introduced by Ms Candyce Clark, OPA Coordinator, and Ms Sissy Iona, DMPA Coordinator, as a first contribution to improved data interoperability for the many communities connected to JCOMM-related activities. 3.2.7 Proposal to establish an ad hoc task team on data flows in support of WIS Linked to the item above, the Committee will be presented with a proposal by Dr Nadia Pinardi to establish an ad hoc task team on oceanographic and marine data flows across JCOMM in support of the WMO Information System (WIS). The Committee is invited to discuss on this proposal and decide on the course of action accordingly. 4. Collaborative Programmes, Projects and Activities associated with WMO-IOC priorities 4.1 GOOS The IOC secretariat will report on decisions of the 2nd GOOS Steering Committee (25-27 March 2013, Qingdao, China) of relevance to JCOMM. Notably on how GOOS plans to encourage coastal observing networks, the planned reviews of observing systems under the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), planned links to the modelling/forecasting communities such as GODAE OceanView and JCOMM ETOOFS, expanded work on geochemical, biological and ecosystems variables, development of a 'GOOS project' framework, and fundraising activities. The IOC secretariat will also report on preliminary available outcomes of the IOC survey on sustained ocean observations and services, with particular emphasis on any implications for JCOMM. The Committee will be asked to review the recommendations for JCOMM contribution to and interaction with GOOS. 4.2 Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Dr Peter Dexter will report on the evolution of the Global Framework for Climate Services. The Committee will discuss JCOMMs role in the ongoing development of the GFCS. Recalling the discussion at JCOMM-4 that JCOMM should continue its contribution to the implementation of GFCS, in view of clearly documenting the JCOMM contribution along with fulfilling its core mandates, the Committee will be invited to clearly identify and document existing and/or planned JCOMM activities directly related to the GFCS implementation. In doing so, each PA coordinator will be asked to prepare a one-page document on their PA's contributions to the GFCS. Additionally, Dr Peter Dexter in his capacity as JCOMM representative to a WMO Executive Council task team on a related issue, will report on the progress of and JCOMM input to the ongoing effort to build a data policy for GFCS. 4.3 Collaborative Activities for Maritime Safety Information Services The Committee will review status of the coordination with International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), International Atomatic Energy Agency (IAEA) and relevant national authorities to meet requirements for marine meteorological warnings and relevant information including the World-Wide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) and coordination for marine environmental emergency responses based on a report by Dr Ming Ji, SFSPA Coordinator, and the WMO Secretariat. Recalling Recommendation 4 (JCOMM-4) Enhancement of Capability for Marine Environmental Emergencies, Recommendation 5 (JCOMM-4) Quality Management Implementation for JCOMM and relevant discussion at JCOMM-4, the Committee will be invited to review plans and make recommendations on how to enhance collaboration with the IMO for possible future working arrangements in developing user requirement, as well as in developing joint coordination mechanisms where necessary. 4.4 JCOMM and GEO/GEOSS The IOC Secretariat will present possible engagement with GEO/GEOSS, and channels for communication of the JCOMM contribution. The Committee will be invited to comment on the required level of engagement with GEO. 4.5 Coordination with Regional Bodies Dr Tom Gross, IOC secretariat, will present the results of an analysis of the priorities and capacities of GOOS Regional Alliances, in view of building better connections with all three JCOMM Programme Areas. The Committee will also consider information from Mr Johan Stander on the ongoing discussion of the coordination between WMO Technical Commissions and Regional Associations, and advise on potential areas to enhance regional activities in JCOMM. 5. Strategic and Structural Issues 5.1 Review of JCOMM Strategy The Co-presidents will lead discussion on the JCOMM strategy, in line with WMO Strategic Plan and IOC Medium-Term Strategy as well as against the guidance and decisions at JCOMM-4, and revise it as appropriate. The Committee is invited to consider and provide comments to the Co-Presidents on the Strategy, including; 1) addressing Commissions priorities during the intersessional period, responding to those of WMO and IOC; and, 2) ensuring efficient use of available resources to meet the requirements of the Members/Member States. 5.2 JCOMM Operating Plan and Secretariat Resources The Secretariats will present a report on expected human and financial resources available in the intersessional period, through WMO, IOC and other available resources. The Secretariats will prepare and present a draft Operating Plan (OP) on the basis of the JCOMM intersessional workplan decided at its 4th session (Annex 1 to the JCOMM-4 report) and the detailed MAN and PA workplans, taking account of financial implications for the plan and challenges. The Committee is invited to review the proposed intersessional activities in the draft OP against the resources available at WMO and IOC Secretariats as well as identified volunteer contributions, and advise on means and approaches to manage the Commissions activities in responding to the Members / Member States requirements. 5.3 Resource Identification The Co-Presidents will lead a discussion on how to identify resources required for JCOMM intersessional activities for the Committees consideration on future course of actions for fund-raising. 5.4 External review The Secretariats will propose a scope and terms of reference of external input/review to the work of JCOMM MAN in preparing a revision to JCOMM's structure and to improve its delivery of coordination for Members/Member States. 6. GENERAL MANAGEMENT ISSUES 6.1 Improvement in Working Tools Mr Peter Pissierssens, IOC Secretariat, will report on the project management tool used in IODE, for consideration of possible use for the intersession implementation of JCOMM. The Secretariats will present planned improvements to the JCOMM web page for review by the Committee. 6.2 History of International Cooperation in Marine Meteorology and Oceanography The Committee is recalled the discussion on the possibility of writing a history of the involvement of WMO in marine meteorology and oceanography, to keep the history that lead to the establishment of JCOMM, and to provide some context and background for the next generation of JCOMM experts in developing new goals and ambitions for the Commission. To this end, the Committee is invited to review a proposal by Dr Peter Dexter for such a publication, and decide on the course of action for publication by either or both WMO and IOC. 7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS The Committee will be invited to raise any additional issue for consideration in the remaining intersessional period. 8. Closure of the Session 8.1. Adoption of the report The Committee will review, modify as necessary and approve the final report of the Session prepared by the Secretariat. 8.2. Closure It is expected that the tenth Session of the JCOMM Management Committee will close at 17:00 on Friday, 10 May 2013. ___________     MAN-10/Doc. 1.2(2), p.  PAGE 5 PQR       ! 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