ࡱ>  Țbjbj 3bStT T $$$$$8888p|80E$:^^^.$DDDDDDD,IKrD$DH'$$^^4DH'H'H'0$^$^DH'DH'H'@{C P(% 'B,DE00ESB(4LH'4LX{CH'${CDDH'0E4LT :   INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-second Session of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XXII) Ensenada, Mexico, 11-15 March 2013 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management Doc Number: IOC/IODE-XXII/ 12 Submitted by: GE-MIM Date: 04/02/2013 Original Language:  FORMTEXT English Agenda Item: 5.1.1 Status: PUBLISHED ASK Text10 " " \* MERGEFORMAT   ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED The Committee will be invited to evaluate the reported work of the GE-MIM, its proposal work plan and budget and to consider the recommendations adopted by the Groups 12th Session. DECISIONS/ACTIONS REQUIRED FROM THE COMMITTEE The Committee is requested to adopt: Recommendation MIM-XII.1: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JOINT IODE/IAMSLIC GROUP OF EXPERTS ON MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM) Recommendation MIM-XII.2: THE IODE OCEAN KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM PILOT PROJECT (OceanKnowledge Recommendation MIM-XII.3: REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE NATIONAL COORDINATORS FOR MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Recommendation MIM-XII.4: ACTION PLAN FOR THE GROUP FOR 2013-2015 ----- APPENDIX: DRAFT TEXT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SUMMARY REPORT OF IODE-XXII This agenda item was introduced by Ms Linda Pikula, referring to Document IOC/IODE-XXII/12 (IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management) and the to the Summary report of the GE-MIM-XII (IOC/IODE-MIM-XII/3). She informed the Committee that during the inter-sessional period the Groups membership had been renewed with four new members being selected from nominations received from the Member States. The new members included Ms Olga Akimova (Russian Federation), Mr Richard Awah Nche (Cameroon), Ms Julia Goodman (Canada) and Ms Xue Huifen (China). A few members have now also left the Group after contributing to the work of the Group during four inter-sessional periods. These include Ms. Arame Keita (Senegal), Ms Patricia Munoz Palma (Chile) and Mr Marc Goovaerts (Belgium). Ms Pikula informed the Committee that the 12th Session of the Group has been held in Miami, USA between 22-25 January 2013. The Group had reviewed progress of the GE-MIM-X work plan and concluded that most actions had been completed: The IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management has been published as IOC/INF-1288; Courses on digitization have been included in OceanTeacher; The IODE Steering Group for OceanDocs has been established and has met for its first Session in January 2012; Further development of OceanExpert has progressed by adding new technologies that will make OceanExpert information available in a more structured way through Google and will also enable linking authors with their publications in OceanDocs and other repositories; The IODE Anniversary Bibliography: 50 years of service 1961-2011 had been completed and published as IOC/INF-1278 during IODE-XXI. The Group had noted with regret that little progress had been made with the linking of OceanExpert with SeaDataNets EDMO. Similarly the offer from France to make available its inventory of publications prepared after French Scientific research cruises had not been responded to. The Group recalled that it had published 4 IOC Manuals and Guides and decided that some of these should now be revised and re-issued. Regarding the proposed changes in IODE structure and terms of reference (Agenda Item 8.3) the Group had recommended that the newly established SODCs actively and systematically collaborate and seek cooperation from the library at their host institution, taking into account that libraries have a role and skills in data management in the area of ocean data management policy and planning, controlled vocabularies, data publication/citation, data discovery/access/mining, data preservation and client training. This should be included in the terms of reference of the SODCs. The Group considered that the role of the IODE national coordinators for marine information management required a revision and adopted Recommendation MIM-XII-3 (see Annex). Ms Pikula then informed the Committee that, at the 2012 IAMSLIC Conference a proposal had been discussed to establish a Joint IODE-IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management, taking into account the obvious shared interest in MIM between IOC/IODE and IAMSLIC. The proposal had subsequently been approved by the IAMSLIC membership. Two IAMSLIC experts were invited to GE-MIM-XII to discuss this matter further and the Group adopted Recommendation MIM-XII-1 (see Annex). Ms Pikula noted in this regard that membership in the proposed Group will be shared between IODE and IAMSLIC. Ms Pikula informed the Committee that the Group had further decided to revise the IOC Communication Strategy for Marine Information Management (published as IOC/INF-1288). In addition the Group agreed on a number of actions to better promote ODIN activities through the IODE web site and associated mailing lists. The Group had recommended that IODE should develop a Communication Strategy or adopt the MIM Communication Strategy as the IODE Communication Strategy. The Group had welcomed the substantial progress of the SCOR/IODE/MBL WHOI Data Publication Project (see also agenda item 5.2.4). The Group had recommended that the SCOR/IODE/MBL WHOI data publication project should be continued with a focus on promoting data publication in the ocean research community. Regarding cooperation of OBIS with MIM, the Group had recommended that a marine information management expert should be a member of the SG-OBIS in order to e.g. provide guidance related to the citation metrics (as a performance measure) of OBIS-related publications, media, and other knowledge sources. The Group had noted the excellent progress of MIM activities in Africa, through ODINAFRICA, but regretted the decline in entries in OceanDocs by some of the ODINs. This was associated with a lack of funding by IODE for ODINs in 2012. Referring to the proposal to establish an IODE Clearing House for Data and Information Practices (see agenda item 9) the Group offered to further investigate this initiative as a GE-MIM project, in close collaboration with the SG-OceanDocs. The Group, acknowledging the importance and success of IODE Data and Information Products such as OceanExpert, OceanDocs, OceanDataPortal, OpenScienceDirectory, OBIS, as well as its partner IAMSLIC Aquatic Commons, recommended that the IODE OceanKnowledge Platform Pilot Project should be established to bring together in an interactive, interoperable and dynamic environment all IODE Data and Information Products. The Group adopted Recommendation MIM-XII.2 (see Annex). The Group also adopted its work plan for the next inter-sessional period as Recommendation MIM-XII.4 (see Annex). ANNEX: GE-MIM-XII Recommendations Recommendation MIM-XII.1: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JOINT IODE/IAMSLIC GROUP OF EXPERTS ON MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM) Recommendation MIM-XII.2: THE IODE OCEAN KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM PILOT PROJECT (OceanKnowledge Recommendation MIM-XII.3: REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE NATIONAL COORDINATORS FOR MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Recommendation MIM-XII.4: ACTION PLAN FOR THE GROUP FOR 2013-2015 Recommendation MIM-XII-1 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JOINT IODE/IAMSLIC GROUP OF EXPERTS ON MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM) The IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recognizing that the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) is non-profit volunteer association of individuals and organizations having an interest in library and information science, especially as these are applied to the recording, retrieval and dissemination of knowledge and information in all aspects of aquatic and marine sciences and their allied disciplines; Recognizing further that there exist substantial synergies between the objectives and activities of IAMSLIC, the objectives of the IODEs Group of Experts for Marine Information Management and the IODEs marine information management programme activities; Recalling the establishment of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management by IODE-IX (New York, 9-18 January 1984) through Recommendation IODE-IX.4 (IODE's role in marine information management); Convinced that joint work between the IODE programme and IAMSLIC in the field of marine information management will be mutually beneficial to both Organizations and to the marine research community as a whole; Recommends establishing the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management with the following Terms of Reference: Advocate marine information managers as essential partners in the knowledge cycle, that includes observation, management, sharing and product/service provision, contributing to the marine related decision making process; Advise the IODE Committee on the policy, development and further implementation of an effective international system for scientific and technical information about the marine environment by keeping user requirements under continuing review and ensuring that these requirements can be met adequately; Identify the policy, technical and financial issues involved in the development and implementation of marine information systems, and make recommendations concerning their solution; Develop activities and information products to improve the capability of the marine information management community, particularly within developing countries, to benefit from and participate in marine information systems and keep the marine information management community informed on how they might best have access to such systems through the application of new technology; Provide expertise to, and participate in other organizations, programmes, projects and activities where a marine information management component has been identified; Foster collaboration between the marine information management community and other knowledge managers such as data managers, informaticists and archivists to create new knowledge systems. Encourages IOC Member States and IAMSLIC to nominate experts having expertise in marine information management to the Group of Experts. Further requests that a progress report be submitted regularly to the IODE Officers, the IODE Committee and the IAMSLIC Executive Board. Recommendation MIM-X11.2 THE IODE OCEAN KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM PILOT PROJECT (OceanKnowledge) The IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Acknowledging the importance and success of IODE Data and Information Products such as OceanExpert, OceanDocs, OceanDataPortal, OpenScienceDirectory, OBIS, as well as its partner IAMSLIC Aquatic Commons, Noting the ongoing efforts in initiating and maintaining the products and the need to expand their utilization, Noting further the rapid development of social platforms that integrate multiple knowledge sources, such as the Virtual Open Access Agriculture and Aquaculture Repository (VOA3R), and the availability of related open source applications, Recommends the establishment of the IODE OceanKnowledge Platform Pilot Project to bring together in an interactive, interoperable and dynamic environment all IODE Data and Information Products, with Terms of Reference attached as Annex A, Recommends further the establishment of the IODE Steering Group for the IODE OceanKnowledge Platform Pilot Project with Terms of Reference attached as Annex B. Annex A to Recommendation IODE-GEMIM-XII.2 Terms of Reference of the IODE OceanKnowledge Platform Pilot Project Objectives of the Project The OceanKnowledge Platform will offer the user a single access point to various linked IODE information and data products such as researcher profiles, publications, data, learning objects, etc. and will furthermore facilitate social networking between specialized research communities. The strategic goal of the IODE Ocean Knowledge Platform Pilot Project: Combining multiple inter-linked IODE (and partner) Data and Information knowledge sources and making them discoverable and accessible through a single access point with social networking functionality; Linking IODE (and partner) Data and Information Products through semantic web technologies; Promoting IODE (and partner) Data and Information Products within the ocean research and observation community; Duration The duration of the Project will be two years. Financial Implications Staff time (Project Office and Participants) and the cost of meetings of the Steering Group, if required (i.e. approx. US$ 20,000/meeting) Annex B to Recommendation IODE-MIMXII.2 Terms of Reference of the Steering Group for the IODE OceanKnowledge Platform Pilot Project Objectives The SG-OceanKnowledge shall: Develop the work plan and timetable for the Pilot Project; Identify, install and test the required technologies; Promote the system to its target user communities and obtain feedback; Evaluate results of the Pilot Project; Based upon the experience obtained and the evaluation, develop a detailed proposal for a sustained IODE/OceanKnowledge project, including identification of required resources; Submit the proposal for an IODE/OceanKnowledge project to the 23rd Session of the IODE Committee Membership The Project will be managed by an IODE Steering Group for IODE OceanKnowledge, initially composed of . Recommendation MIM-X11.3 REVISION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE IODE NATIONAL COORDINATORS FOR MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Recalling that the 7th Session (2002) of the IODE Group of Experts recommended (Recommendation MIM-VII.1) the nomination of IODE National Coordinators for Marine Information Management, in addition to IODE National Coordinators for Ocean Data Management, Recalling further that the 9th Session (2007) of the of the IODE Group of Experts recommended a revision of the Terms of Reference of the IODE National Coordinators for Marine Information Management, Noting the increased convergence between marine information management and data management in areas such as data publication and data citation, as well as knowledge integration, Recommends the revision of the Terms of Reference of the IODE National Coordinators for Marine Information Management as follows: Act as a point of contact for marine librarians and marine information managers in their country, in order to liaise with the IODE community (via the GE-MIM) on matters of importance to MIM; Act as a communicator of IOC activities and initiatives to the national MIM community and beyond; Provide assistance and support to the GE-MIM on IODE programme activities at the national or international level; Establish a national working group that will create a national network of marine related libraries/marine information centres for their country or participate in existing related networks; Highlight and identify issues and participate in discussions of national importance relating to MIM with the GE-MIM and the national MIM community (such as capacity building and professional standards, technological innovations and policy, communications and collaboration, national and international MIM resources); Liaise with the IODE national coordinators for data management, the NODCs and SODCs, taking into account the role and expertise of marine information managers in data management; Provide reports to the IODE Committee (or IODE Officers), highlighting needs and issues that should be addressed by GE-MIM, for consideration by the IODE Committee or IODE Officers. The Committee or IODE Officers can then instruct the GE-MIM to deal with these needs and issues; Participate in Sessions of the IODE Committee. Invites IOC Member States to nominate experts with relevant expertise in marine information management, Urges IOC Member States to promote active collaboration and coordination between data and information managers as well as their equitable participation in IODE Committee meetings and projects. Recommendation MIM-XII.4 ACTION PLAN FOR THE GE-MIM FOR 2013-2015 The IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management, Having reviewed its completed and on-going activities since its tenth Session, Being aware of the resource constraints (staff and funding) under which IOC and its IODE are operating in terms of the UNESCO Regular Programme, Expressing its appreciation for the considerable extra-budgetary support provided by IOC Member States to the IODE programme, Stressing the importance of Marine Information Management (MIM) as an important activity of IODE towards improving access to marine information, Adopts a plan of action for the inter-sessional period 2013-2015, as given in the Annex to this Recommendation. Agenda itemParaDescriptionBy whom By when3.18The Group tasked the Secretariat to design and distribute certificates for IODE National Coordinator for Marine Information Management Secretariat 1/3/133.19attention should be given to monitoring programmes and outcomes of international library and information conferences to identify emerging issues and technologies that are of relevance to marine information managers.: - The Group decided that this should be coordinated with IAMSLIC. It was noted that publications, issues, initiatives, events or conferences of both national and international nature should be considered. - The Group also recommended to seek contact with other library associations such as SLA, CILIP. - In order to ensure MIM training is in sync with current curricula the Group further recommended to seek contact with university courses of library and information science. In this regard the need was stressed to communicate actively with the IODE national coordinators for MIM through an email list. This list could include both the IODE NCs for MIM and IAMSLIC members. - The Group recommended that IODE NCs for MIM (who are not IAMSLIC members) should be invited to subscribe to the IAMSLIC mailing list. - The IAMSLIC invited experts were requested to discuss this proposal with the IAMSLIC Exec and, if there is agreement, provide subscription information/instructions to the IODE Secretariat. It was recalled that the list of IODE NCs for MIM is available through  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/nc-mim" http://www.iode.org/nc-mim All GEMIM members All GEMIM members All GEMIM members IODE Sec + M.K+S.T See above Inter-sessional Inter-sessional Inter-sessional 1/3/20133.112The Group welcomed this initiative and urged the inclusion of MIM in the terms of reference of the new (PERSIAN GULF) ODIN, if established.IODE SecAs needed3.115The Group noted that Vimeo allows the following metadata fields: Title, Description, Tags, Credits. The Group decided that it is necessary to clean up the metadata for all 328 videos. The Group decided that the following rules should be used to fill the fields: Create an Album for each course and Title as: OTA name of course - YYYY/MM - venue code: Oostende, Hyderabad, For each lecture: Title: title of lecture Description: link to OceanTeacher course page Tags: oceanteacher, marine information management, MIM, librarian Credits: instructor Surname, Firstname link to OceanExpert record for that person; IODE OceanTeacher;  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org" http://www.iode.org  HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanteacher.org" http://www.oceanteacher.org It was noted that all OceanTeacher videos are combined under the channel  HYPERLINK "https://vimeo.com/channels/oceanteacher" https://vimeo.com/channels/oceanteacher (74 videos) In each OTA course (Moodle) a link needs to be added to the Album in Vimeo for that particular course. It was noted that the field length of the Title field is 150 characters.Claudia Delgado, 1/9/20133.126The Group requested to ensure that a GE-MIM expert is included (as observer or invited expert) in sessions of the GE-OBIS and called on the OBIS Secretariat to take this into account when planning the first Session of the GE-OBIS.3.128The Group recommended that ODIN MIM Coordinators approach the ASFA Board referring to the substantial archives of grey material available in their libraries. Local experts could visit national institutions with portable equipment to undertake the scanning. The Group invited the ODIN coordinators present at the Session to report on this subject. Ms.Linda Pikula attended the ASFA session in Morocco and presented a proposal for a joint digitization collaborative initiative. Richard Pepe recorded this as a recommendation. The Group was informed that Mr Pepe had meanwhile retired. There was no further communication on this topic between the ASFA and IODE secretariats. Due to the absence of Ms Noble (GE-MIM member and ASFA Board member) no further information was available. Ms Kalentsits reported that IAMSLIC had successfully submitted a proposal for digitization of documents (the work was subsequently implemented by FAO, Fisheries and Aquaculture Branch Library) and would submit another proposal in 2013. The Group called on member states participating in ODINs (and who are also ASFA input centres) to prepare and submit digitization proposals to the ASFA Board. The Group noted that due to the venue of the 2013 ASFA Board (Peru) the cost of sending a GE-MIM member to the meeting would be high. 3.145The Group requested Ms Pikula to make the list available to the IODE Secretariat for possible inclusion in the ODINWESTPAC web site and to assist with the identification of IODE national coordinators for MIM in the WESTPAC regionL. Pikula1/2/20133.153The Group recommended that regular (e.g. every two years) assessments should be made of the career progress of former students. The Group also stressed the need for former trainees to report back on their activities as trainer, possibly through online surveys.C. Delgado Every 2 years as from 20133.154 the Group requested that the ODIN coordinators should carry out the regular surveys on former students (and on their training activities). The Group decided to develop some guidelines on the assessments. The Group also called for success stories which could promote OceanTeacher and assist with future mobilization of funds. ODIN coordinator GE-MIM31/12/20133.156The Group recommended that a formal contact should be established for the ODINWESTPAC repository.IODE Sec1/3/20133.161The Group decided that the [OceanDocs Policy Document]document should be published in the IOC/INF series and instructed the Secretariat to do the necessary. IODE Sec1/5/20133.168The Group also recommended that ODINAFRICA investigates whether a web crawler could extract content.[from the African OceanPortal web site]ODINAFRICA Sec1/4/20133.171The Group recommended to distribute the [Contribution of Information Managers to Marine and Coastal Atlases ]document to the ICAN steering group. (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.iode.org/ican" http://www.iode.org/ican P. Simpson1/3/20133.172The Group re-iterated the need to include a MIM expert in the regional African Marine and Coastal Atlas team as well as in national marine atlas teams.A. Keita to contact AMA1/3/20133.172The Group, taking into account the proposed establishment of the IODE ICAN Project and its Steering Group, recommended including a MIM expert in the SG-ICAN.L. Pikula to contact SG-ICAN Chair1/3/20133.176The Group invited IAMSLIC members and other marine information management and related experts to actively contribute to OceanTeacher as lecturers.S.T, M.K and L.Pikula to discuss topics, then consult IAMSLIC community1/4/20133.2.282The Group instructed the Secretariat to keep contacting Mr de Villon for the inventory.[ of publications prepared after French Scientific research cruises] IODE Sec1/2/20133.2.283The Committee proposed that the over 4000 institutions referred to in the OceanExpert database should be linked to the SeaDataNet EDMO codes. Mr Kakodkar was requested to investigate this. The number of institutions is 5122. Mr Kakodkar informed the Group that, IODE had contacted SeaDataNet group and discussed collaboration for linking EDMO with OceanExpert Institutions, but we did not receive any fruitful response. SeaDataNet wanted to discuss this more within their group and with IODE. The Group requested that the GE-MIM Chair should also be involved in the further discussions with SeaDataNet on this topic.A. Kakodkar1/2/20133.2.285The Group recommended however that OceanTeacher videos (Vimeo files) should be made available on CD/DVD upon request.C. DelgadoAs needed3.2.286The Group invited IAMSLIC to evaluate the need for a revision of IOC Manuals and Guides No. 30 Volume 1 and, if necessary, identify authors.M.K + S.T1/7/20133.2.286The Group considered IOC Manuals and guides No. 30 - Volume 2 as a suitable candidate for a revision taking into account the experience with ODINAFRICA and other ODINS during the past 20 years. Secretariat + ODIN coordinators1/12/20143.2.286The Group considered IOC Manuals and guides No. 30 - Volume 3 as a suitable candidate for a revision, taking into account adopted standards, persistent identifiers for individuals, e-repositories, data publishing, OceanExpert, etc.A. Kakodkar1/12/20133.2.286The Group decided that IOC Manuals and guides No. 30 - Volume 4 manual is no longer relevant as most of the directories have disappeared. The Group invited Ms Taylor to identify any current substitutes.S. Taylor1/7/20134.1.92The Group recommended that the newly established SODCs actively and systematically collaborate and seek cooperation from the library at their host institution, taking into account that libraries have a role and skills in data management in the area of ocean data management policy and planning, controlled vocabularies, data publication/citation, data discovery/access/mining, data preservation and client training. The Group recommended further that this should be included in the terms of reference of the SODCs.SODCs, IODE committeeIODE-XXII4.194The Group stressed the need for the marine library community to be pro-active in defining its future role and recommended that this topic should be discussed jointly with IAMSLIC and should result in a position paper. GE-MIM, IAMSLIC 2013Early 2014 (1st draft paper), then IODE-XXIII4.299The Group recommended that the first Session of the joint GE-MIM should be held back-to-back with the 2015 IAMSLIC Annual Conference to test the format. It was noted that GE-MIM Sessions are normally held prior to an IODE Committee Session and then followed by an IOC Assembly but the Group considered that establishing the joint GE should be a priority.IODE Sec + IAMSLIC10/20154.2101The Group agreed that IAMSLIC will seek interest from its membership for either long-term or short-term membership and identify their members of the Group accordinglyS.T+M.K15/7/20134.2102the Group recommended to submit the summary report of GE-MIM-XII to the IAMSLIC President prior to the 2013 Conference to enable experts to come forward. The Group also stressed the importance for GE-MIM members to commit time and effort to the work of the Group, which always includes inter-sessional tasks.IODE Sec1/3/20134.2107The Group decided that Membership in the GE-MIM is open also to freshwater librarians. IODE Sec + IAMSLICn/a4.2109The Group decided that priority will be given to marine science librarians but, dependent upon the availability of funds, freshwater librarians can participate in OceanTeacher Academy courses as students. Such decision could be made on an ad hoc basis. Participation of self-funded students is welcomedOceanTeacher + IAMSLIC (advertising)continuously4.2115The Group recommended that the new MoA should be discussed by email between the IAMSLIC President, GE-MIM Chair and IODE Secretariat, taking into account that the current MoA is expiring in December 2013 and the new MoA should be signed preferably before end of December 2013IAMSLIC Pres., Chair GE-MIM, IODE Sec1/5/2013 (discussions) 31/12/2013 (signing)4.5126The Group decided to revise the MIM Communication Strategys implementation plan and included this item in the work plan. Ms Goodman and Ms Simpson offered to revise the document for review by the membersJ. Goodman P. Simpson1/9/20134.5127The Group further recommended that: For each event planned by a project, information on the event is sent to the IODE Secretariat prior to the date of the event (at least 1 month in advance). The IODE Secretariat will then post the information on the IODE web site calendar; For each event implemented by a project, a brief summary (news item) on the event should be sent to the IODE Secretariat (not later than 1 week after the event). The IODE Secretariat will then post the information on the IODE web site; For each event implemented by a project, the report of the event will be sent to the IODE Secretariat (not later than 1 month). The IODE Secretariat will then post the report on the IODE web site. The report will also be added to OceanDocs; For each of the above the IODE Secretariat will send an email to the IODE community (IODE group mailing list); The same process can be applied for new products or services released by projects. All + IODE Sec As needed4.5128The Group recommended that IODE should develop a Communication Strategy or adopt the MIM Communication Strategy as the IODE Communication Strategy. Chair GEMIMAt IODE-XXII4.6130The Group noted with regret that the suggestions for amendments of the last draft made by Ms Simpson had not been taken into account in the version prepared for IODE-XXII. The Group requested Mr Reed to amend document taking into account the submitted amendments.G. Reed15/2/20134.6142The Group suggested that the Cookbook should be published as an IOC Manuals and GuidesIODE Sec + L. RaymondAfter next meeting of project (publishing)4.8.1143The Group recommended that the SCOR/IODE/MBL WHOI data publication project should be continued with a focus on promoting data publication in the ocean research community.IODE Sec + SCOR + WHOI MBL + BODCongoing4.8.3147The Group recommended that a marine information management expert should be a member of the SG-OBIS in order to e.g. provide guidance related to the citation metrics (as a performance measure) of OBIS-related publications, media, and other knowledge sources. IODE/OBIS Sec, SG-OBISAs needed5.1.1161The Group called for improved communication between the ODINAFRICA project office and the IODE Project Office. The Group also called for better communication between the ODINAFRICA MIM coordinator and the GE-MIM members during the inter-sessional period.ODINAFRICA Sec, IODE Sec, GE-MIMcontinuously5.1.1162The Group welcomed the creation of a new ODINAFRICA web site which would be launched shortly. The Group called on the ODINAFRICA project office to maintain the site more actively than the previous site and to add more MIM sourcesODINAFRICA Seccontinuously5.1.2165The Group regretted that the proposal submitted by ODINECET to the Elsevier Foundation was not approved but encouraged ODINECET to continue seeking funds for digitization projects.ODINECET31/12/20135.1.3172The Group requested the IODE Project Office (Mr Aditya Kakodkar) to address the OceanDocs technical issues mentioned and to provide the necessary assistance to resolve them.A. Kakodkar30/6/20135.1.3174The Group recommended that a new proposal for the export/import of records from/to OceanDocs from/to ASFA should be submitted to the 2013 ASFA Advisory Board, but called for a proposal that would be more focused on ASFA interests. In this regard the Group requested the GE-MIM Chair to contact the Chair of SG-OceanDocs to discuss this matter further, and for the SG-OceanDocs prepare a revised proposal, circulate it to the GE-MIM members for feedback, and recommended that Mr James Macharia (Kenya) + Saida Messaoudi (Tunisia) possibly assist with clarifying the new proposal at the 2013 ASFA Advisory Board, following its submission to the ASFA Secretariat by the IODE Secretariat.Chair GE-MIM, SG-OceanDocs, J. Macharia + S. Messaoudi + IODE SecBy ASFA Board 20135.1.5183The Group welcomed the development of a regional repository based on DSpace ( HYPERLINK "" but regretted that it contains only Chinese publications. The Group recommended that ODINWESTPAC focus on bringing in materials from other countries in the region. The Group also requested the ODINWESTPAC coordinator to inform the Chair GE-MIM of the details of the planned meeting, to be held in 2013.Chair to contact Prof LinIODE-XXII5.2185The Group recommended that IODE national coordinators for MIM as well as IAMSLIC members should create or update their OceanExpert record to include specific skills. The Group recommended that the expertise field should be used. The Group further recommended that IAMSLIC create a mentoring page that will link to OceanExpert and OceanTeacher. The Group recommended that ODINs should create a mentoring page that will link to OceanExpert and OceanTeacher.Members IAMSLIC ODINs30/6/2013 30/6/2013 30/4/20135.3187The Group recommended that detailed statistics on course participation by country should be included in future reports for the SG-OceanTeacher and IODE Committee meetings. The Group recommended further that detailed website statistics be included in future reports for the SG-OceanTeacher and IODE Committee meetings. This concerns the OceanTeacher homepage, the OceanTeacher Classroom, the OceanTeacher Digital Library and Vimeo sites.SG-OceanTeacher As needed5.3188The Group recommended organizing a 1-day training course prior to the IAMSLIC Conference. The Group asked the Chair to discuss the details: topic, practical arrangements and financial implications with the IAMSLIC 2013 Conference convenor and the 2013 Conference local host.Chair GEMIM, S. Taylor, C. Delgado,Start arrangements 1/2/2013to have course 19/10/135.3189The Group requested that IAMSLIC should link to MIM related pages in the IODE website, including OceanTeacher. The Group requested that IAMSLIC should advertise the courses as open to the entire IAMSLIC community (and not restricted to students from developing countries). The Group requested IAMSLIC to help with a list of possible listservs to advertise the OceanTeacher courses.M. Kalentsits1/2/2013; ongoing6.2.1193The Group requested that Mr Kakodkar takes over the technical management of OceanDocs immediately.A. Kakodkar1/3/20136.2.1194The Group recommended that the Steering Group for OceanDocs, at its virtual meeting, discuss the election of a new Chair.SG-OceanDocs2/20136.2.1195Referring to the issues mentioned by ODINCARSA-LA the Group stressed the need to communicate issues directly to the Steering Group for OceanDocs.Allimmediately6.2.2199The Group requested that the migration [of Aquatic Commons software] to version 3.3 be scheduled between July and October, without additional expenses to IAMSLIC.A. Kakodkar7-10/20136.3204The Group called on the ODINs to ensure that all national experts are included in OceanExpert and that records are updated annually.ODINscontinuous6.4209The Group requested the Secretariat to investigate moving forward on linking additional journal access through OSD and communicating its availability to the IODE community (possibly through the ODINs).IODE Seccontinuous6.5.1211The Group welcomed the [IODE clearing house for data and information practices] proposal. The Group offered to further investigate this initiative as a GE-MIM project, in close collaboration with the SG-OceanDocs.GE-MIM1/12/20136.5.2214The Group recommended that a training module could be included in OceanTeacher on this emerging technology [Visualizing geospatially enabled bibliographies: Using Google Earth and Geocommons] P. Simpson to contact Barb Butler + Jenni SchmittContact: 1/3/2013 Module/video/webinar 6.5.3220The Group adopted Recommendation MIM-XII.2 [OceanKnowledge Pilot Project]GE-MIM + partners4/2013-9225The Group recommended that the Thirteenth Session of the GE-MIM should be held in 2015 as the First Session of the Joint IODE/IAMSLIC Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (IODE/IAMSLIC GE-MIM) and that it should be held back-to-back with the 2015 IAMSLIC Annual Conference. In addition the Group recommended that, subsequent to the selection of members by IAMSLIC, the new Group should meet virtually (as an ad hoc Session) before IAMSLIC 2013 (20-24 October 2013). Financial implications: 2013: US$ 30,000 (Course during IAMSLIC Conference) 2014: US$ 20,000 (GE-MIM Session prior to IAMSLIC Conference) 2015: US$ 30,000 (Course during IAMSLIC Conference)     IOC/IODE-XXII/12 page  PAGE 6 IOC/IODE-XXII/12 page  PAGE 7 IOC/IODE-XXII/12 Page  PAGE 1 *+67>D   % & ' < = M N O c d n űmX)jh(!h(!CJOJQJU^JaJ/h(!h(!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHo(tH h(!h(!CJOJQJ^JaJ5h(!h(!5CJOJPJQJ\^JaJnHo(tH&h(!h(!5CJOJQJ\^JaJhT}h(!5OJQJ\h(!5CJ$OJQJ\h45OJQJ\heOJQJ^Jhe5OJQJ\+7   & $Ifgd(!l K$$$Ifa$gdT}l $$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gd(!$a$gde$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gde& ' 5 < = C N HYkdi$IfK$L$Tl40 64 laf4yt(!T$Ifgd(!l K$Fkd$IfK$L$Tl4s64 laf4yt(!TN O c y z 5Ykd$IfK$L$Tl40 64 laf4yt(!T$Ifgd(!l K$Ykd$IfK$L$Tl40 64 laf4yt(!Tn o p w x y z  ҼҫlҫҫlZOGC?hRhJhehe5h(!5OJQJ\"hT}h(!5CJOJQJ\aJ$h(!h(!@CJOJQJ^JaJ/h(!h(!CJOJPJQJ^JaJnHo(tH&h(!h(!5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h(!h(!CJOJQJ^JaJ+h(!h(!CJOJQJ^JaJmHnHu)jh(!h(!CJOJQJU^JaJ/jGh(!h(!CJOJQJU^JaJ 5Ykd$IfK$L$Tl40 64 laf4yt(!T$Ifgd(!l K$Ykd.$IfK$L$Tl4u0 64 laf4yt(!T `XSSSSgde$a$gdekd$$Ifl06  t0644 lapytT}$$Ifa$gdT}l   t %'u~ݿume]eh$ h%6h$ hL6h$ h[lb6h$ h6H*h$ he6h$ h6h$ hJ.6h$ h 86h$ h6h$ h"1k6h$ hS+6h$ hW*6h$ hk~6hkhJCJaJhJ hehe he5 h5hehe5hehRhRhRH*! v R }~[\  \ & Fgd& & FgdD & Fgd\D & Fgdi  & Fh^hgdgdW*gde$a$gdegdJ  ^ `gdJ   ^ `gdJ_9Yefkl|}~Z[ Ͽxnff^f^h$ h@6h$ h&6h$ h&6>*h$ hD6>*h$ hD6h$ hsaB6h$ h-D6h$ h\D6h$ h&6 h6h$ hD6h$ h; 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