ࡱ> #` 2Vbjbjmm IHJJJ`\ ` h 4" { { {h{4|2*}|^XXXacccccc$ ht\ r@rr>r6Rara: "! }  {v60ǞZl-` -pX dvڅ,lXXX܎"XXXrrrr22d2&YD!222Y !"tX World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project National Sub-Project for Fiji (CIFDP-F)Assessment Questionnaire Technical / Infrastructure Requirements and Capacity for the Establishment / Implementation / Maintenance of an effective and durable National Coastal Inundation Warning and Mitigation System December 2012 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project National Sub-Project for Fiji (CIFDP-F) Preamble The purpose of the following questionnaire is to solicit needed information for the execution of the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project in Fiji (CIFDP-F), relating to: Insight into capacities of the various partner agencies and stakeholders that have some responsibility in managing inundation hazards in the coastal areas; Understanding the roles and responsibilities of these partners and agencies; Identifying stakeholder and users perspectives and requirements where CIFDP can be supportive. It is very important that we receive as much of this information as possible before our initial on-site meeting (Stakeholders Workshop, 18-21 February 2013, Nadi, Fiji) to assist with planning the implementation of CIFDP-F. The information obtained from the questionnaire responses will form an important basis for discussion during the Stakeholders Workshop. We have attempted to develop a comprehensive set of questions for this purpose and recognize that it is likely that no one person or group will be able to respond to all of these questions. However, if you could provide concise, specific answers to as many of these questions as possible it would provide significant benefit to our upcoming meeting. If you feel that there are others who are better suited to providing answers to certain questions, please identify them; you may also wish to pass on this questionnaire to those others for response to specific questions. In terms of the specificity of the answers, it is much more helpful to us to find out what specific kind of information is available (historically and real-time) and the duration of its availability than to receive a general reply that some information is available. We would also encourage you to include references to specific events, examples, situations, meetings, etc in supporting your answers to the questions. We have prioritized the questions in order of our perceived importance to our overall effort, so we recommend that responders focus on the earliest questions first. However, it would be greatly appreciated if the entire questionnaire could be completed, since all of this information will be very helpful to us. We encourage you to provide your responses, through a consultative process where needed, electronically to the WMO Secretariat by 5 February 2013, via email: To: Dr Boram Lee (blee@wmo.int) Cc: Mr Laurent Fouinat (lfouinat@wmo.int) If you are unable to submit by 5 February, please bring your responses directly at the Workshop. Val Swail, Don Resio and Linda Anderson-Berry On behalf of the CIFDP Steering Group Contact Information  Question 1:   (a) Please provide the name, position and contact information of the person or persons completing this questionnaire (b) Please identify or confirm the National Points-of-Contact who we can work with for coastal inundation activities (name address, phone, fax, e-mail). Typical agencies that might be expected to provide technical and scientific expertise and be involved research and development in support of operational coastal inundation warning systems may include meteorological and hydrological services, universities or other technical agencies operating inundation and/or sea level networks or conducting numerical modelling or other engineering studies related to coastal inundation. Existing Response Not identified Data  Question 2:   Do you operate or have access to data on bathymetry, topography and Digital Elevation Models (DEM)? What is the resolution of these data bases? What is the source of the data, e.g. dedicated survey, GEBCO, etc.? When were these databases last updated? Are these data shared openly? Existing Response Not identified Question 3:   Do you operate or have access to water level (and/or sea level) measurements? Please indicate the locations of any such measurements. Are these data available in real-time or only in delayed mode? What is the time resolution of the observations? Are these data shared openly? Existing Response Not identified Question 4:   Do you operate or have access to streamflow measurements? Please indicate the locations of any such measurements. Are these data available in real-time or only in delayed mode? What is the time resolution of the observations? Are these data shared openly? Existing Response Not identified Question 5:   Do you operate or have access to surface meteorological measurements, including pressure, wind and rainfall? Are these data available in real-time or only in delayed mode? What is the time resolution of the observations? Are these data shared openly? Existing Response Not identified Question 6:   Do you operate or have access to weather radar information? Please indicate the locations of any radar installations. Are these data available in real-time or only in delayed mode? What is the time resolution of the observations? Are these data shared openly? Existing Response Not identified Question 7:   Do you have access to meteorological or oceanographic information from satellites? If so, please indicate which satellites and what information you receive. In particular, do you have access to satellite scatterometer wind data and altimeter wave and sea level information? Are these data available in real-time or only in delayed mode? What is the time resolution of the observations? Are these data shared openly? Existing Response Not identified Question 8:   What are the major obstacles faced by Fiji with respect to the use of satellites for hazard monitoring, data collection and exchange? If they are not used, please specify why (lack of technical expertise, lack of funds, lack of equipment) Existing Response Not identified Operational Forecast Products  Question 9:   What operational forecast products produced by others (e.g. RSMC, ECMWF, NOAA, etc.) do you have access to and utilize in the production of your own forecasts? Existing Response Not identified Question 10:   What operational forecast products do you produce for use by the national user community? What form do these products take, either guidance products or more formal requirements? Are these disseminated as numerical products, graphical or simple text? Existing Response Not identified Question 11:   Do you operate or have access to numerical models relevant to coastal inundation forecasting, including numerical weather prediction models, storm surge models, wave models, hydrological models, and the coupling of these models? If so, are you satisfied with the results? Existing Response Not identified Question 12:   What models, if any, do you use for prediction of tropical storm track and intensity? Existing Response Not identified Post-Impact Science Surveys  Question 13:   After a damaging coastal inundation, does Fiji carry out post-event data surveys to assess damage and inundation level/extent? Existing Response yes Question 14:   If yes, what organization(s) usually carry out this task? What types of data are collected (e.g., structural and non-structural physical damage, inundation, emergency response, public perceptions of hazard and response)? Existing Response Local risk assessments have been completed for at risk communities Some high resolution bathymetry and topography data exists, however, some gaps exist and need to be addressed.,WRT Tsunami this information can be found in the Fiji Islands Inventory of Geospatial Data and Options for Tsunami Inundation & Risk Modelling. Question 15:   Do you have information on past inundation events, including the extent and depth of flood waters, as well as meteorological and oceanographic information for the event? Have post-event studies, including modelling, been carried out for any historical events? Existing Response Not identified Question 16:   If yes, please provide references to those studies. Existing Response Not identified GIS Use  Question 17:   Are geographic information systems (GIS) used as a decision support tool during emergency response? Existing Response Not identified Question 18:   If yes, are Fijis building inventory, critical infrastructure, demographics, emergency response and evacuation, bathymetry and topography, and hazard or risk data layers available for GIS applications? Existing Response Not identified Research Expertise  Question 19:   Does Fiji have active researchers in coastal inundation forecasting and related topics? What is the nature of that research, e.g. modelling studies, sensitivity analysis, etc.? How are the results disseminated, e.g. journal papers, internal reports, etc.? Can you provide a bibliography of recent relevant studies?? If yes, please describe recent activities. Existing Response In the tsunami context a number of regional and international agencies have also undertaken scientific research including New Zealand Geological Survey, PDC, GA, SOPAC, and Canterbury University etc. Question 20:   Does Fiji have a government-sponsored research organization that can provide products or services to strengthen your coastal inundation warning system? Existing Response The NDMP 1995 outlines disaster risk management in an all-hazards context. The NDMC and committees, NDMO, National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) and related agencies are all charged to deal with disasters in a multi-hazard framework, which includes tsunami International Cooperation  Question 21:   Does Fiji currently cooperate with any neighbouring country when forecasting, evaluating and monitoring tropical cyclones and monsoon lows in real-time, or for warning services, or other mitigation activities? If yes, please describe recent activities and the nature of the cooperation. Existing Response RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee Question 22:   Are there international agencies, or through bi-lateral or other assistance, any countries, universities or other technical institutions that you are coordinating, working with, or who are providing services to strengthen your coastal flood monitoring, evaluation, warning capabilities? Existing Response Not Identified Question 23:   Are there international agencies, or through bi-lateral or other assistance, any countries, universities, or other technical institutions that are you coordinating, cooperating with, or who are providing services for conducting multi hazard and risk assessments, and/or numerical modelling? Existing Response Not Identified Question 24:   Do all agencies, partners and stakeholders with a role in warnings for coastal inundation adhere to existing standards and protocols in data collection, evaluation, and warning communication with international standards and protocols utilised by global system, to ensure interoperability? Existing Response Not Identified National Organization  Question 25:   What are the important organizations, both government and non-government, for the research and development of technologies used in a coastal inundation early warning and mitigation system (detecting, monitoring, and measuring inundation level)? Existing Response Not Identified Question 26:   What roles will they play? Please specifically include the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the National Meteorological Service and the National Disaster Management Organization, or their equivalent monitoring, warning evaluation, and warning dissemination agencies. These, in fact, may be the same as those that comprise your Coordination Committee above. Existing Response Not Identified\ Priorities  Question 27:   What are your priorities for implementation of an effective inundation warning and mitigation system? List topics and specific activities under each topic, in order of priority (urgent, short-term, long-term), and indicate target groups (national, province, community, individual). Examples of topics include assessment, warning, emergency response/ preparedness/ awareness, public, government or technical capacity building, etc. Existing Response Not Identified Question 28:   What major activities are currently taking place to address these priorities? Existing Response Not Identified National Flood Warning Center  Question 29:   Does Fiji operate, or intend to operate, a national or regional flood warning centre to monitor and warn of flood events, including those occurring in coastal areas? Existing Response Not Identified Question 30:   If yes, please provide information on the system (data networks, evaluation methods, and message dissemination processes). Existing Response Not Identified Question 31:   Does the warning centre have staff that is always present in the operations centre 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a -week, or are staff on an on-call basis through automated processes which notify the on-duty staff through a phone message or pager. Existing Response FMS is staffed 24/7 NDMO - coordinates emergency response - has no current on call arrangements. They plan to move towards a Duty Officer arrangement Warning Alarm Infrastructures Question 32:   Do Fiji warnings and emergency management authorities use alarms and other types of paging systems to notify staff of major weather or ocean events that may cause coastal inundation? Existing Response National broadcasts through Amplitude Modulated (AM) and Frequency Modulated (FM) radio stations are the main means of dissemination of national warnings to the Fiji community during waking hours. Television is also used. All major population centres are covered by AM and FM radio. Remote communities are covered by AM. Most households have a radio. Radio stations are 24/7 in most cases but some stations may go into pre recorded modes overnight. VSAT exists in the Lau Group. Police stations in the community are 24/7 contact points for communication. HF and VHF) predominately voice only radio systems exist, linking key agencies including FMS, NDMO (including District Offices), Ministry of Health, Royal Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), Fiji Police Force, TFL, Power Authorities and MRD Seismology Section. Although there is no dedicated disaster frequency NDMO have two HF channels to Divisions and Districts and FMS has three meteorological channels used formally for disaster communication. After hours Fiji plans to use tsunami warning sirens (a project for remotely operated siren system for Suva is underway), Fiji Police Force sirens and broadcasts from mobile units, SMS National broadcasts, RFMF sirens and communication means, Navy ships alerting systems and the National Fire Authority (NFA) (if necessary) to warn the population. Harbour Master, Navy and TFL will be responsible for marine warnings. Traditional Lali drums may be used in remote communities and face to face contact by Fiji Police Force and other response agencies may be undertaken. FMS has an internet site but tsunami warnings or advisories are not currently posted. Question 33:   Are these dedicated notification systems, or do they use commercial services? Existing Response Not Identified Question 34:   If so, who is notified, and does this include both warning centre staff and emergency response officials? Existing Response Not Identified Coastal Inundation Warning Issuance and Emergency Preparedness Question 35:   Who is the designated agency for receiving and acting upon the coastal inundation advisory message from the official warning centre? Existing Response Response presents a particular challenge. Remote villages and islands have AM radio coverage and a radio in most households. VSAT in locations such as the Lau Group and 24/7 Police stations are also possibilities. This may facilitate dissemination of tsunami warnings to these communities in waking hours. However, further work is required to ensure communities can receive warning messages after hours through systems in remote centres such as HF and VHF radio operated by the Ministry of Health, RFMF and Police. Community education on the natural warning signs. Local communities know their village and are best placed to plan their response ahead of an event occurring NB tropical cyclone and tsunami. Adequate communications coverage via FM and AM radio as well as HF radio (primarily voice) systems. Iridium satellite phones are relatively common (Red Cross etc.) but are not normally switched on 24/7. They are used more as a communication back up. There is concern about the costs of satellite phones (for example, FSM has an old sat phone. $3USD per minute. Pre-paid with a post pay option). A central database of numbers is not held. Scope for improvement by development and use of dedicated HF frequencies, HF e-mail and SMS. Communication with field officers post a disaster or emergency requires improvement. Question 36:   Does this agency issue public evacuations? If not, who are the responsible agencies? Existing Response Not Identified Question 37:   Are there marine warnings, and is there guidance or instructions for marine vessels, harbours and ports? Existing Response Not Identified Question 38:   Does the National Maritime/Hydrographical/Oceanographic/Meteorological Authority (NMHOMA) have a mechanism for warning mariners (e.g. communication system NAVTEX, access to INMARSAT Safety-Net)? Please specify current capabilities, and which organizations are involved- This is particularly relevant in the event of tsunami warnings. Existing Response Not Identified Question 39:   Does NMHOMA issue marine forecasts and warnings (e.g. storm and gale warnings, weather bulletins, etc) to the mariners and coastal zone users in their region, and how? (e.g. GMDSS fax, facsimile and radio, or other). Existing Response Not Identified Question 40:   Does NMHOMA follow the internationally adopted content and structure of warning messages? If not, do you need support to be able to comply with the established regulations? Existing Response Not Identified Question 41:   In light of the short time window for some rapid onset event warnings what are the strengths and weaknesses of the current warning mechanisms you utilize for issuance of warnings to mariners and coastal zone users? Existing Response Not Identified  In the context of CIFDP, Coastal Inundation is defined as a natural event of an unusual water level elevation causing damage to communities in coastal zones i.e. flooding caused by storm surges, waves, heavy rainfall and other related oceanographic / meteorological / hydrological events, either separately or in combination.  Mitigation in the context of the Coastal Inundation Forecast Demonstration Project refers only to the operational inundation forecast and warning system and not the broader scope of mitigation activities including infrastructure development, risk assessment and planning.  For some questions, existing responses are identified from previous assessment reports for Fiji, including the Tsunami Capacity Assessment (March 2008). They are provided here in order to assist understanding the purpose of the question, as well as to request an update, if any. Please also introduce/describe recent development as to the existing responses, as appropriate.      PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 CIFDP-F TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT  PAGE 2 2012 QUESTIONNAIRE CIFDP-F TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT Preamble 2012 QUESTIONNAIRE CIFDP-F TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT  PAGE 1 2012 QUESTIONNAIRE . . . . . . . . . ux}  ] ^ e f g u v w 𠔠}pgWG<h7-hC@CJaJh7-hC@CJaJnHo(tHh7-h7-CJaJnHo(tHh7-nHo(tHhC@CJ(aJ(nHo(tH,jhh0J+5CJ(UaJ(nHtHhCJ(aJ(nHtHhhCJ(aJ(nHo(tHhnHo(tHhC@@CJ KHOJQJjh(0J+CJUnHtHhCJnHo(tHhhCJnHo(tHhC@jh|hU*`f g u v w y | $Ifgdr*^gd7-W!QkdL;$$IflC0V'6$64 la<ytfS$&#$+DIfgd$If QgUVVVw x y     s e g    ɸ{{t{lt_Q_Q_QHhhnHo(tHhhhJ=CJnHo(tHhhhJ=CJnHtHhhhJ=o( hhhJ=hhhJ=nHo(tHhhh5 hhhhh5@CJ aJ &hh5@CJ aJ nHo(tH hr*5@CJ aJ nHo(tHh@CJ KHOJQJhCJnHo(tHhhCJnHo(tHhj;h|hUy  g {bG,$ *%x]^`a$gdh,$ *%]^`a$gdh ]^gdh! ]^gdQkdw$$IflC0Z#x(#64 laytfS$&#$+DIfgdr*   a889: d$Ifgd^gd$]^a$gdr*x]^gdh$]^a$gdh ]^gdh,$ *%x]^`a$gdh e j k x y _x3+WX789OP\ĽĪġof]hnHo(tHhh@#hh@CJaJnHo(tHhhCJaJhhhnHo(tHhhhhnHo(tHhJ=nHo(tHhhhJ=nHtHhhhh5 hhhhhhhJ=nHo(tH hhhJ=hhhJ=5nHtHhhhJ=5nHo(tHhhh5 hhh":OPQb+:;=?{yywwusyqe d$Ifgdi\?skdw$$If40 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