ࡱ> #` 2_bjbjmm Qpa4Bjjjh6kLlB*zm.o^ooorrr$+hyqq@yyooPypo8oyՑS onm jc}$(:ћ0b~.trtv| xrrrdrrryyyyBB& $,JLBB& JLBBB World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project National Sub-Project for Fiji (CIFDP-F)Assessment Questionnaire Users / Stakeholders Requirements and Capacity for effective and durable National Coastal Inundation Warning and Mitigation System December 2012 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project National Sub-Project for Fiji (CIFDP-F) Preamble The purpose of the following questionnaire is to solicit needed information for the execution of the Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project in Fiji (CIFDP-F), relating to: Insight into capacities of the various partner agencies and stakeholders that have some responsibility in managing inundation hazards in the coastal areas; Understanding the roles and responsibilities of these partners and agencies; Identifying stakeholder and users perspectives and requirements where CIFDP can be supportive. It is very important that we receive as much of this information as possible before our initial on-site meeting (Stakeholders Workshop, 18-21 February 2013, Nadi, Fiji) to assist with planning the implementation of CIFDP-F. The information obtained from the questionnaire responses will form an important basis for discussion during the Stakeholders Workshop. We have attempted to develop a comprehensive set of questions for this purpose and recognize that it is likely that no one person or group will be able to respond to all of these questions. However, if you could provide concise, specific answers to as many of these questions as possible it would provide significant benefit to our upcoming meeting. If you feel that there are others who are better suited to providing answers to certain questions, please identify them; you may also wish to pass on this questionnaire to those others for response to specific questions. In terms of the specificity of the answers, it is much more helpful to us to find out what specific kind of information is available (historically and real-time) and the duration of its availability than to receive a general reply that some information is available. We would also encourage you to include references to specific events, examples, situations, meetings, etc in supporting your answers to the questions. We have prioritized the questions in order of our perceived importance to our overall effort, so we recommend that responders focus on the earliest questions first. However, it would be greatly appreciated if the entire questionnaire could be completed, since all of this information will be very helpful to us. We encourage you to provide your responses, through a consultative process where needed, electronically to the WMO Secretariat by 5 February 2013, via email: To: Dr Boram Lee (blee@wmo.int) Cc: Mr Laurent Fouinat (lfouinat@wmo.int) If you are unable to submit by 5 February, please bring your responses directly at the Workshop. Val Swail, Don Resio and Linda Anderson-Berry On behalf of the CIFDP Steering Group Contact Information  Question 1:   (a) Please provide the name, position and contact information of the person or persons completing this questionnaire (b) Please identify or confirm the National Points-of-Contact (government and/or NGOs) who we can work with for coastal inundation and mitigation activities in your country. Mitigation activities include coastal inundation warning and emergency response and preparedness, and education and outreach, and research and development. Typical agencies involved in these activities are the national emergency response agency, meteorological services, and universities or other technical agencies operating inundation and/or sea level networks or conducting numerical modelling or other engineering studies related to coastal inundation. Existing Response Not identified Authority and Coordination  Please outline Fijis situation regarding Authority and Coordination. Below are some questions that should be considered in providing a description. Legal framework Question 2:   Does Fiji have laws which designate specific government agencies to provide science-based warnings to specific government agencies, disseminate public warnings instructing the public to take or prepare to take actions, and to provide appropriate emergency response after a destructive inundation episodes to the affected coastal communities? Please briefly describe these, listing the laws or administrative rules or similar legislation, the agencies designated, and their roles and responsibilities. Can you please provide detail about the responsibility and authority for the issue of flood warnings and the management of the flood hazard in Fiji as it is now described under the new legislation Existing Response The Natural Disaster Management Act 1998 (D2) and Amendment 11/2005 makes provision for formulation and implementation of disaster management policies and structures at a national and divisional level Revisions of this Act were drafted in 2009 and were due to go to the Solicitor-Generals Office for vetting. The legislation refers to the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP, currently version 1995 being revised,) which outlines responsibilities across government for warnings, response and recovery for natural and man made hazards. Certain agency responsibilities during disasters are covered by their own acts, such as the Police Act. Under the NDMP 1995 current responsibility rests with MRD Seismology Section to provide information and advice to National Disaster Management Council (NDMC) on matters pertaining to earthquake, tsunami and landslide. FMS are listed as being responsible for issuing cyclone warnings under the plan. The draft 2006 Fiji National Disaster Risk Management Arrangements (NDRMA), the revised version of the Fiji NDMP 1995, lists tsunami as a hazard with the potential to create emergencies or disasters in Fiji. It names the agency responsible for development and regular testing of the early warning system for tsunami as MRD with support agencies FMS, Fiji Islands Disaster Management Authority (FIDMA, currently known as NDMO), Fiji Navy, Fiji Police Force, and the Fiji Islands Maritime Safety Administration (FIMSA) (D17). Fiji is considering engaging another consultant to complete the review of the NDMP 1995 and the plans draft replacement (the 2006 Fiji National Disaster Risk Management Arrangements). National Platform for Disaster Reduction Question 3:   Does Fiji have a National Platform or other mechanism for guiding disaster risk reduction in general? Existing Response Emergency Committee Preparedness Committee Mitigation and Prevention Committee. All hazard Divisional Emergency Operations Centres (DivEOC) and District Emergency Operations Centres (DEOC) exist. Question 4:   With respect to inundation in coastal areas, for example, has Fiji established a National Warning and Mitigation Coordination Committee or some other coordination mechanism? This will certainly include warning systems for tropical cyclones but may also include warnings for non tropical cyclone related coastal inundation. Existing Response FMS hosts the TCWC and is an RSMC well developed TC warning services supported somewhat by Australia and New Zealand need to understand more about warnings related to coastal inundation; i.e., Total Water Level. Question 5:   Does Fiji have similar coordination mechanisms at the community level? (eg Local Disaster Management Committees) Existing Response Not identified Question 6:   Who (types of persons and agencies) are members of this Committee? Existing Response Not identified Question 7:   What authority does this Committee have (decision-making, policy-making, advisory (if yes, to whom), independent reporting to one agency, etc? Not identified Regional Cooperation for Early Warning Question 8:   Does Fiji participate in any regional partnerships for assessing and responding afterward inundation related disasters? If yes, please describe. Existing Response Not identified Warning Response and Emergency Preparedness Emergency Warning Response Procedure Question 9:   What criteria are used by the designated emergency authority to determine whether an evacuation should be issued, i.e., how is the science-based warning message translated into public guidance? Existing Response Tropical Cyclone Gene and exercises such as Pacific Wave 06 and the Tsunami Emergency Response Tabletop Exercise 2007 have been effective tools to identify strengths and improvements required in Fijis disaster preparedness and emergency response system. However, a plan for implementing the identified improvements required is not evident. An informal approach is taken to implement the identified improvements. There is a need to further engage with local government such as Suva City Council (resources and knowledge of localities). Question 10:   How is that information disseminated to the public? Are there sirens, or other emergency broadcast methods for immediately broadcasting warning messages? Are these all-hazard; or specific to a certain hazard,? If an early warning notification system exists to alert communities, please briefly describe. Existing Response Not Identified Question 11:   Are there emergency plans for coastal inundation whatever the cause, with evacuation plans and/or signage indicating evacuation routes to safety, evacuation centres, refuges or higher ground? Existing Response The NDMP 1995 details the functions of groups at national, divisional and local level. The plan includes a Rehabilitation section. This plan has been reviewed and will eventually be replaced by the Fiji NDRMA (current version October 2006,). Under current arrangements the NDMO and NEOC (when activated) are responsible for emergency response, with support of other agencies. All hazard DivEOC and DEOC exist. However, in some instances, these are not fully implemented. Plans are required for Districts and Divisions. The NEOC SOPs have been finalised but the National Disaster Management Plan and Act need to be finalised before the SOPs are able to be effective. NDMO currently has 12 staff. Authority designated to the NDMO by the NDMC. Evacuation is organised through the NEOC. If a Disaster is declared the NDMC officials like Fiji Police Force and RFMF can have special powers relating to the protection of life and property (including forced evacuation). NDMC arrangements at the district and local government level are in place, but not fully implemented. Communication with evacuation agencies to mobilise during an event requires improvement. Tsunami evacuation exercises have been conducted in Suva leading to the development of some preliminary evacuation plans and routes for Suva Outer islands with tourist resorts are also vulnerable and no concrete plans exist for the safe evacuation or otherwise of residents. Update May 2009 - Suva City Council has agreed on evacuation routes and billboards and TSUNAMI signage to communicate these evacuation routes to the community in low lying areas of Suva. International signage will be used. NDMO is currently looking for funding. Question 12:   When an evacuation is issued, is the public required by law to evacuate or is it an evacuation advisory only? Existing Response Not Identified Question 13:   Are there procedures or criteria for when it is safe for responders or the public to return? Existing Response Not Identified Question 14:   Are warnings effective and timely? What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with the current marine warning systems that you utilize in your organization? Existing Response Not Identified Response Procedure Drills / Exercises Question 15:   Are your emergency response procedures tested or exercised to improve the response through better planning and preparedness? If yes, please describe how this is done, who is involved, and whether it is done regularly. Existing Response To assist with continuous improvement of the Fiji hazard (notably tropical cyclone) warning and response systems regular exercises are conducted. Consideration of Critical Infrastructure Question 16:   Have you identified critical infrastructure and lifeline support facilities (hospital, ports and marine facilities, land transportation, energy utilities, telecommunications, etc) and made plans to ensure minimal government services after a natural disaster? Existing Response Not Identified International Cooperation Question 17:   Are there any international agencies, or bi-lateral agreements or other assistance arrangements (such as FRANZ), any countries or other institutions that are you working with, or who are providing services to strengthen your coastal inundation warning response? If yes, please indicate who and describe the assistance. Existing Response Not Identified Evacuation Issues Question 18:   How much lead time is required for safe evacuation of your population centers? In other words, how many hours, or minutes, in advance of coastal inundation must an evacuation advisory be issued in order for the message to be disseminated to all affected populations and for all affected populations to then evacuate safely? Existing Response Not Identified Question 19:   Have inundation evacuation maps, evacuation routes, and evacuation signage been developed for any part of Fiji? If yes, please indicate where and how they were assembled. If no, does Fiji plan to do this in the future? Existing Response Not Identified International Cooperation Question 20:   Are there international agencies, or through bi-lateral or other assistance agreements, any countries, universities, or other institutions that are you working with: YesNoTo develop materials or the deployment of information to the relevant institutions and/or the publicIf yes, please indicate who and describe the assistance. To strengthen your structural and non-structural inundation mitigation activities at the local levelsIf yes, please indicate who and describe the assistance. Existing Response Not Identified Public Awareness and Preparedness, and Education Capacity Assessment Question 21:   Have you assessed your existing disaster management system for coastal inundation, and identified the requirements of individuals and institutions for training and capacity building; in terms of: Local government disaster preparedness and emergency response, for natural hazards generally and coastal inundation specifically (e.g. existence of local emergency operations centers, local emergency operations centers) Community and ordinary citizen disaster preparedness and emergency response. In other words, is there public awareness of coastal inundation hazard and risk? Existing Response Not Identified Question 22:   How have you ensured, or will you ensure, that the information given to ordinary citizens during a warning for coastal inundation is understood and then acted upon in an appropriate and timely manner (for example, by meetings, mass media, schools, drills, community activities, etc)? Please include future plans to increase or sustain the awareness and preparedness, if any. Existing Response Not Identified Question 23:   Are there any community-level education and preparedness programmes for natural hazards - specifically storm surge associated with tropical cyclones and coastal inundation? If yes, please describe how the awareness preparedness was achieved (for example, through brochures, education, meetings, etc). Existing Response Not Identified Community Participation Question 24:   Do local authorities engage in community-level, citizen-based, stakeholder participation in developing and deciding risk avoidance and mitigation activities? Existing Response Not Identified Question 25:   Is community-based, risk based decision making used? In other words, at the community level, are inundation mitigation and emergency response decisions based on knowledge of the known local risks and the potential impacts of coastal inundation on the specific community? Existing Response Not Identified Question 26:   Informed people at the community level may be the ones best suited to make decisions for their own communities on the risk level they are willing to tolerate or retain, and the risk level they want to transfer to someone else. Can you please provide details of local risk assessments that have been carried? Existing Response Not Identified People-Centered Mechanisms Question 27:   Do NGOs, such as the local Red Cross/Red Crescent Society, play a role in the receipt and delivery of inundation or multi-hazard early warnings to people at the local level? If yes, please describe their role and activities. If no, is there an interest in involving these organizations as an early warning mechanism that carries messages from national authorities to communities and into households - please specify which organizations. Existing Response Not Identified Question 28:   Do non-government, people-centered, community-based organizations, play a role in the early warning preparedness and community outreach and education to people at the local level? If yes, please describe their role and activities. If no, is there an interest in involving these organizations as a preparedness mechanism to reach communities and households - please specify which organizations. Existing Response Not Identified Education Modules of the National Inundation Hazard Focal Points Question 29:   (This is a question for designated national coastal inundation hazard focal points.) Do you have a Coastal Inundation Education and Public Outreach Programme, in currently in place or planned for the future? If yes, please describe and provide implementation time line if planned. Existing Response Not Identified Question 30:   (If yes to Question 29) Please describe and provide implementation time. How does the plan address the different stakeholders (e.g., risk managers, media, schools)? Are natural hazards related to coastal inundation, such as tropical cyclones, storm surges, waves and heavy rainfall, covered in this programme plan? How are educational materials distributed to the stakeholders and the public? Existing Response Not Identified Question 31:   Are there training programmes for the media on: Coastal inundation hazards, mitigation, warning, and preparedness? If yes, please describe . Other hazards and their vulnerability? If yes, please describe. Existing Response Not Identified Question 32:   Does Fiji need general educational modules, training sessions, or training materials that can be used to raise public awareness by your organization or other major stakeholders involved in coastal inundation mitigation in your country? Existing Response Not Identified Question 33:   Would Fiji require further assistance for education programmes, in terms of: YesNocustomizing these materials to be appropriate to your countrys culture, demographics, and infrastructureIf yes, please indicate who and describe the assistance. developing or conducting seminars or workshops that will engage as partners different national agencies in your country?If yes, please indicate who and describe the assistance. (For instance, topics might include emergency operations centers and government preparedness; school children education; roles of gender, media, government leaders, energy and communications (cell phone) utilities in emergency response and preparedness; guidelines for boaters; etc.)  Question 34:   Would Fiji benefit from seminars or workshops that engage as partners different regional agencies? If yes, please suggest topics or target audiences for which you would like to see seminars or workshops. For example, would Fiji be interested in participating in regional training activities to strengthen the linkages of key organizations involved in the Early Warning Process (Technical agencies, Media, Risk Managers, etc.)? Existing Response Not Identified Other Outreach Programmes Question 35:   What types of outreach programs have been conducted and who conducts them (government, NGOs, etc.) ? For example, public awareness briefings, technical training or education, informational material (printed brochures, video, computer, etc), materials targeted for children, decision-makers, general public or targeted segments of the populations, indigenous populations. Existing Response Not Identified Question 36:   Are there any memorials, museums, interpretative signage or other public reminders of past INUNDATION impacts to Fiji? Or, do you have plans to establish such reminders? (If yes, please describe.) Existing Response Not Identified  In the context of CIFDP, Coastal Inundation is defined as a natural event of an unusual water level elevation causing damage to communities in coastal zones i.e. flooding caused by storm surges, waves, heavy rainfall and other related oceanographic/meteorological/hydrological events, either separately or in combination.  Mitigation in the context of the Coastal Inundation Forecast Demonstration Project refers only to the operational inundation forecast and warning system and not the broader scope of mitigation activities including infrastructure development, risk assessment and planning.  For some questions, existing responses are identified from previous assessment reports for Fiji, including the Tsunami Capacity Assessment (March 2008). They are provided here in order to assist understanding the purpose of the question, and in the meantime, information needs to be checked and updated. Please also introduce/describe recent development as to the existing responses, as appropriate.  Please provide your answer to this question in consideration of the Questions 25 to 28 of the Technical Questionnaire.      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