ࡱ> '` O6bjbj"9"9 @S@S}*DPPP Z fffD666t*:zp8<t$N:P:P:P:P:P:P:$>h@t:f48t:ff4:4^^^ffN:NN:^^flff  d<6L*':<:A"AT , LAf!"<t:t:j:$bu_uffffff World Meteorological OrganizationIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO) JOINT WMO-IOC TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE METEOROLOGY (JCOMM)  FORMTEXT FOURTH SESSION  FORMTEXT Yeosu, Republic of Korea,  FORMTEXT 23 to 31 May 2012 JCOMM-4/ FORMTEXT INF. 5 DOCVARIABLE "Doc number" \* MERGEFORMAT Submitted by:WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryDate:15.05.2012Original Language:  FORMTEXT EnglishStatus: FORMTEXT DRAFT 1DRAFT 2 ASK Text10 " " \* MERGEFORMAT  PROVISIONAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS A In numerical order Doc./ INF./BM. No.TitleAgenda ItemSubmitted by1Opening of the Session1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary 2.2(1) Provisional agenda  2 WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary2.2(2)Explanatory memorandum relating to provisional agenda 2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary3Report by the Co-presidents of the Commission 3WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary4Review of decisions of the Governing Bodies of WMO and IOC related to the Commission 4WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary5.1GOOS-GCOS requirements for climate observations 5.1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary5.2Operational requirements and WMO Rolling Review of Requirements 5.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary5.3Requirements for integrated data products 5.3WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary5.4Climate Services 5.4WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary6In Situ and satellite observing systems 6, 6.1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary6.2Instruments and methods of observation 6.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary6.3Coordinated technical support for observing programmes (JCOMMOPS) 6.3WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary6.4Future priority for the Observation Programme Area 6.4WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary7JCOMM Data Management Programme Area: Achievements and future priorities 7WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary7.1Standard setting and Documentation 7.1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary7.2Marine climatology 7.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary7.3Data management Practices Achievements and future priorities 7.3WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary7.4WMO information System (WIS) and designation of Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPCs) 7.4WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary8.1Forecasting systems and services 8.1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary8.2Supports for Disaster Risk Reduction, particularly in coastal zones 8.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary8.2(1)Supports for Disaster Risk Reduction, particularly in coastal zones: WMO Disaster Risk Reduction Programme 8.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary8.3Safety-Related Marine Meteorological Services WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary8.4Quality Management 8.4WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary8.5Future priority for the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area 8.5WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary9Capacity development and technology transfer 9WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary10Review of technical regulations of interest to the Commission, including Guides and other technical publications 10WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary11Relationship with programmes and bodies of WMO and IOC, and external organizations 11WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary12.1WMO and IOC strategic planning and the JCOMM Strategy 12.1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary12.2Future work programme and operating plan 12.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary12.3Review of previous Resolutions and Recommendations of the Commission and of relevant Resolutions of governing bodies of WMO and IOC 12.3WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary12.4Establishment of groups and expert teams12.4WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryINF.1Material arrangements for the Session -WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryINF.2Revised procedures for the Session and documentation -WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryINF.3Draft workplan -WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryINF.4Voting at the JCOMM Session -WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryINF.5Provisional list of documents -WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryINF.6List of Abbreviations and Acronyms -WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryINF.7Provisional list of participants -WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 4Review of decisions of the Governing Bodies of WMO and IOC related to the Commission 4WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 5.2Operational requirements and WMO Rolling Review of Requirements 5.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 6JCOMM Observations Programme Area Progress and Activity Report 6WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 6.2Global/Regional Coordination for instrument issues - RMICs 6.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 7Data Management Programme Area, including information systems and data exchange 7WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 7.1Standard setting and documentation 7.1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 7.2Marine Climatology 7.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 7.3JCOMM Data Management Practices: Achievements and future priorities 7.3WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 8Achievements and future priorities of the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area (SFSPA) 8 (8.1 - 8.5) WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 8.2Progress with the WMO Disaster Risk Reduction Programme and Work Plan and mechanisms for implementation during the 2012-2015 inter-sessional period 8.2WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 8.4WMO Quality Management and development of competency requirements for meteorological and hydrological personnel 8.4, 9WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 9JCOMM Capacity Development Principles 9WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 10Review of Technical Regulations of interest to the Commission, including Guides and other technical publications 10WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 11Relationship of the Commission with programmes and bodies of WMO and IOC, and external organizations 11WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 12.1A Strategy for JCOMM 2013 - 2016 12.1WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive SecretaryBM. 12.3Review of previous Resolutions and Recommendations of the Commission and of relevant Resolutions of the governing bodies of WMO and IOC 12.3WMO Secretary-General and UNESCO/IOC Executive Secretary B BY AGENDA ITEM Agenda ItemDocuments 1 OPENING OF THE SESSION - INF. 1 INF. 2 INF. 3 INF. 5 2 ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION  - -2.1Consideration of the report on credentialsINF. 72.2Adoption of the agendaDoc. 2.2(1) Doc. 2.2(2)-2.3Establishment of committees--2.4Other organizational matters-- 3 REPORT BY THE CO-PRESIDENTS OF THE COMMISSION Doc. 3 - 4 REVIEW OF DECISIONS OF THE GOVERNING BODIES OF WMO AND IOC RELATED TO THE COMMISSION Doc. 4 BM. 4 5 SCIENTIFIC AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS - -5.1GOOS-GCOS requirements for climate observationsDoc. 5.1-5.2Operational requirements and WMO rolling review of requirementsDoc. 5.2BM. 5.25.3Requirements for Integrated Data ProductsDoc. 5.3-5.4Climate servicesDoc. 5.4-5.5Others 6 IN-SITU AND SATELLITE OBSERVING SYSTEMS Doc. 6 BM. 66.1JCOMM OPA implementation goalsDoc. 6BM. 66.2Instruments and Methods of ObservationDoc. 6.2BM. 6, BM. 6.26.3Coordinated technical support for observing programmesDoc. 6.3BM. 66.4Future priority for the Observation Programme Area (OPA)Doc. 6.4BM. 6 7 Data management, including information systems and data exchange Doc. 7 BM. 77.1Standard setting and documentationDoc. 7.1BM. 7, BM. 7.17.2Marine Climatology, including New Marine Climate Data SystemDoc. 7.2BM. 7, BM. 7.27.3Data Management practicesDoc. 7.3BM. 7, BM. 7.37.4WIS and designation of DCPCsDoc. 7.4BM. 77.5Future priority for the Data Management Programme Area-BM. 7 8 MARINE METEOROLOGICAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC SERVICES AND FORECASTING SYSTEMS - -8.1Forecasting Systems and ServicesDoc. 8.1BM. 88.2Supports for Disaster Risk Reduction, particularly in coastal zonesDoc. 8.2, Doc. 8.2(1)BM. 8, BM. 8.28.3Safety-related Marine Meteorological ServicesDoc. 8.3BM. 88.4Quality ManagementDoc. 8.4BM. 8, BM. 8.48.5Future priority for the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area (SFSPA)Doc. 8.5BM. 8 9 CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Doc. 9 BM. 9 10 REVIEW OF TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF INTEREST TO THE COMMISSION, INCLUDING GUIDES AND OTHER TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS Doc. 10  BM. 10 11 RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER PROGRAMMES AND BODIES Doc. 11 BM. 1111.1Programmes and bodies of WMO and IOC--11.1.1 Other WMO Technical Commissions and Programmes--11.1.2 Other IOC Programmes--11.2Organizations and bodies--11.2.1 UN system agencies--11.2.2 Non-UN system organizations and Programmes--11.2.3 Industry and commerce--11.2.4 Other-- 12 JCOMM PROGRAMME AND PLANNING - -12.1WMO and IOC Strategic Planning and the JCOMM StrategyDoc. 12.1BM. 12.112.2Future work programme and operating planDoc. 12.2-12.3Review of previous resolutions and recommendations of the Commission and of relevant resolutions of the governing bodies of WMO and IOCDoc. 12.3BM. 12.312.4Establishment of groups and expert teamsDoc. 12.4-12.5Date and place of the fifth session-- 13 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL WORKSHOP - IMPROVING MARINE AND OCEAN DATA PRODUCTS FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: THE ROLE OF JCOMM - - 14 ELECTION OF OFFICERS - INF. 4 15 CLOSURE OF THE SESSION - - _____________________  All the documents for the JCOMM-4 session will be made available on the web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.jcomm.info/jcomm4doc" http://www.jcomm.info/jcomm4doc. In order to avoid wasting paper, which will also mean a reduction in the carbon budget of the session, hard copies of the documents will be sent to participants only on request. During the session, each delegation will receive a single print version of each new document in the required language. Participants are encouraged to work with electronic documents and are therefore requested to come to the meeting with their laptops which can be used to access these documents at all times.     JCOMM-4/INF. 5, p.  PAGE 4 JCOMM-4/INF. 5, p.  PAGE 6 B By agenda item JCOMM-4/INF. 5, p.  PAGE 7 B By agenda item JCOMM-4/INF. 6, p.  PAGE 5 JCOMM-4/INF. 6, p.  PAGE 6 Agenda itemDocuments JCOMM-4/INF. 6, p.  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