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Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.Jy+00f(fL 5@ 2OUTLINEIntroduction Objectives of ODS Pilot project Key Deliverables of ODS Pilot project Challenges faced in the ODS Pilot project Objectives of the ODS Workshop Issues preventing the ODS Process from meetingoriginal timelines for proposalresolution. Expected Outcomes for the ODS process " 8 Introduction   The Ocean Data Standards (ODS) Process was the outcome of the Forum on Oceanographic Data Management and Exchange Standards that was held January 21-25, 2008 in Oostende, Belgium. The meeting recommended a formal process to submit and publish standards. " ,>  < 9! The Forum agreed that a standard process must: Adopted standards only after testing (where this makes sense) Be open and transparent Create standards with broad support Provide free and easily available documentation Be simple and require limited resources to support Provide simple communication with community Must permit evolution The meeting reviewed processes of ISO, IHO, IOOS, QARTOD, NASA, WMO, DMAC. It proposed the ODS process supported by IODE and JCOMM\/Z ZZ/&O4  E+ Introduction - Standards Process!!($   YThe standards that are produced by this process are intended primarily for the use of the marine meteorological and oceanographic community. If they have wider applicability, they may be submitted to appropriate international standards bodies, such as ISO. However, after recommendation, their use will be widely encouraged within IOC and WMO.:"%IODE-JCOMM Standards Process Overview&&!%  F,Process Description $((The overall process is presented in the figure above. There are a number of steps in the process and a number of individuals and groups that have roles to play. Much of the activity related to submission and approval of the standard will take place electronically. There will be face to face meetings of the team responsible for guiding submissions through the process, but approval is not tied to this meeting schedule. PG-Process Description!The process from submission through evaluation may result in a recommended standard for IOC and WMO member/member states. The documentation of the proposal and comments generated through the review are available through the Ocean Data Standards website http://www.oceandatastandards.org .,"yf 0H.Process DescriptionThe entire process is intended to be limited to a maximum of no more than 8 months. Although the timing described in this document should result in a decision more quickly than this, there may be some time expended in identifying individuals to take part in the review. I/Process DescriptionfThere are expected to be circumstances of proposals sufficiently well prepared and tested or of an application of an existing international standard. In these cases, there is a fast track process that can be taken. The determination of whether the proposal meets fast tracking criteria occurs early and allows for a more rapid determination of suitability. gZgJ0 /Polling of individuals and member/member states is an important part of the process. It is through such polling that it will be clear if there is wide spread support for a proposal. Polling will be conducted electronically, with a set period for response. No response will be interpreted as unopposed. ;#!Step 1: Submission of a Proposal  "   <$Step 2: Internal Review =%Step 3: Expert Review "( >&Step 4: Community Review( ?'Step 5: Recommended K1Recommendations on ODS process((1) The ODS process cycle should typically be between 12-24 months. (2) The standards dealt with by the IODE/JCOMM Standards process should be limited to oceanography and marine meteorology only. (3) The meeting was not conclusive on whether proposals could be submitted only by national/international groups or also by projects, individual institutions etc. (4) The meeting further recommended that IODE/JCOMM should be pro-active in considering the need for certain standards rather than only wait for submissions as this would avoid that projects limited in time would create their own practices rather than submit a proposed standard. (5) The meeting recommended establishment of close collaboration with other organizations such as GEOSS to widely advertise and promote the adopted standards. (6) The IODE Project Office should be used to support internal discussions, including setting up a voting/polling system. "P@( Conclusion 0   bCommunity participation necessary for submitting standards. Process is very important but must engage community. Standards are useless if not implemented. Standards will evolve with changing needs. Using standards will have strong, positive impact on making data interoperability and exchange. Go to http://www.oceandatastandards.org for more informationZ& " = " &"F&      0,M""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %   0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PX     @ ` ` p>> J(    6  `}  T Click to edit Master title style! !  00l  `  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0@s ^ `  X*  0w    Z*  0~ ^ `  Z*f  0A?"   0P~ " P Workshop on Ocean Data Standards 23  25 April 2012, Oostende, Belgium Iz  TA޽h ?Picture2"@` 3380___PPT10._k Default Design   0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> $(    6  `}  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0Ę  `  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0 ^ `  X*  0 ^   Z*  0ب ^ `  Z*H  0޽h ? 33D<___PPT10..^0ye Custom Design 0 zr0  (     0Hk P   k P*    0k    k R*  d  c $ ?  k  0|k  0 k RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  6Hhk _P  k P*    6kk _  k R*  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.@   0  p(  px p c $l̾>p  H p 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.+D=' = @B +:  0  :(  r  S k `  k   S k  k "H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.e<  0 <(  ~  s *$k `  k ~  s *k ` k H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.5N`/  0  (  ~  s *k  k   6k   Introduction - Standards Process!!$   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.8Nph  0  $(  $r $ S (k` k  $ s \k0e0e #" 0e `}  k H $ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.6`8;  0 RJ(  x  c $k`  k   0pk@ p z>Proposals submitted, according to the template, to the IODE-PO ?0 ?f  0k) BStep 1 0 f  0k BStep 2 0 f  0nki P  BStep 3 0 f  0,3   BStep 4 0 f  0t5 BStep 5 0 f  B5Ԕ"`  nProposal submission"0 f   B<:Ԕ"`` @ iInternal review"0 f   BL<Ԕ"`   g Expert review"0 f    BԔ"`   jCommunity review"0 f   BԔ"`@  e Recommended" 0  f    0T\@  v:The proposal is recommended for wide use in IODE and JCOMM ;0 ;f  0\o @   eThe review is open to the community to determine fitness of the proposal with results within 3 months f0 ff  0@   _Expert team conducts a technical review of fitness of the proposal and responds within 3 months``f  0/@ p KETDMP conduct review of fitness of the proposal and responds within 15 daysLLfXB  0D>@XB  0D>0 XB  0D>  XB  0D> pH  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.<+D=' = @B +$  0 ($(  (r ( S h$ `}   r ( S H%0  H ( 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.P;$  0 ,$(  ,r , S + `   r , S ,   H , 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`L[$  0 0$(  0r 0 S " `   r 0 S -   H 0 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.P@@@XB  0D3>@@0 XB  0D3> @@ XB  0D3> @@p/  0/p` z Open to any IODE / JCOMM member/member state (s) of IOC and WMO or groups Submissions also considered from other groups that have interests in the management of marine meteorological and oceanographic data. The scope of proposals should be related to collection, management and exchange of marine meteorological and oceanographic data between IOC and WMO member / member states. The emphasis is on improving the interoperability of data. Must use process template Submit to IODE-PO for placement on ODS web siteZ  3)3"3K  3J3<  )" KI  @`XB @ 0D> H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.<+D=' = @B +  0 2*(  x  c $@K     0\@ $ KETDMP conduct review of fitness of the proposal and responds within 15 days L0 Lf  0j3C"?P @Step 10 3  0nP BStep 2 0 f  0i PP  @Step 30 3  0D P  @Step 40 3  0P @Step 50 3   B~3ԔP lProposal submission 0 3    B պԔ"``P@ iInternal review"0 f    BPԺ3Ԕ P  e Expert review 0 3     B(޺3Ԕ P  hCommunity review 0 3    Bhݺ3Ԕ@P  c Recommended 0  3  XB  0D>@@@XB  0D3>@@0 XB  0D3> @@ XB  0D3> @@p\  0@` J 4Ensure proposal is complete and clear Evaluate if purpose is clear, sufficient description, well written, weaknesses, addresses a pressing issue, wide applicability Responses will be collated by the IODE-PO based on above-mentioned structure, and reviewed by the chair of ETDMP. Comments placed on private side of ODS web site Results may be: Fast tracked will be moved directly to step 4  Proposed status. Moved to step 3 ( submitted status) Proposal amended by submitter based on received collated comments. Proposal not considered. FW  W33H qN 4   @`XB @ 0D> H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.<+D=' = @B +5  0 LD(  x  c $     0쵺`  _Expert team conducts a technical review of fitness of the proposal and responds within 3 months `0 `f  0أ3C"?P @Step 10 3  0  ` @Step 20 3  0(i `P  BStep 3 0 f  0\8 `  @Step 40 3  0̺ ` @Step 50 3   BM3ԔP lProposal submission 0 3    B.3Ԕ`P@ gInternal review 0 3    BbԔ"` P  g Expert review"0 f     Bx+3Ԕ P  hCommunity review 0 3    Bê3Ԕ@P  c Recommended 0  3  XB  0D3>@XB  0D>0 XB  0D3>  XB  0D3> pb  0$ʪ   Moderator appointed to guide process ensuring all discussions reach conclusion and there is consensus. Task Team on ODS (ETDMP) assembles expert team to conduct review. Draw team members outside ETDMP, for adequate technical background representation. ODS Task Team then works with the expert team to develop appropriate review criteria to guide the discussions. Comments placed on private side of ODS web site. The IODE-PO establishes website for expert team discussions. Team votes and results may be: >75% support to go to step 4 OR written review of deficiencies and chance to revise Re-evaluation of proposal and result may be: >75% support to go to step 4 OR no further consideration.  T - ; 3T3-393z$ CI J o3 >   @`XB @ 0D> H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.<+D=' = @B +  0  (  x  c $|R`     0S0 q eThe review is open to the community to determine fitness of the proposal with results within 3 months f0 ff  0$Y3C"?0 @Step 10 3  0]0 @Step 20 3  0(Ai 0P  @Step 30 3  0D 0  BStep 4 0 f  0H0 @Step 50 3   BD3ԔP nProposal submission"0 3    B3Ԕ`P@ iInternal review"0 3    B$3Ԕ P  g Expert review"0 3     B Ԕ"` P  jCommunity review"0 f    B\3Ԕ@P  c Recommended 0  3  XB  0D3>@XB  0D3>0 XB  0D>  XB  0D3> p  0`p  Community notified by email, CL, web site announcements on  proposed status. Full on-line forum for public comments. Moderator guides process ensuring all discussions reach conclusion and there is consensus. Invite experiments or testing of proposal. All IODE and JCOMM member / member states polled with one vote per member. If vote is >75% support then go to step 5 If not, then: Invite a revised proposal No further consideration Suspend proposal to allow more testing (3 month deadline) then vote again.F ~ 3~34 B, L  @`XB @ 0D>@ H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.<+D=' = @B +D  0 [S0 (   x   c $l      0`  v:The proposal is recommended for wide use in IODE and JCOMM ;0 ;f   0H3C"?0 @Step 10 3   0t0 @Step 20 3   0xi 0P  @Step 30 3   0T| 0  @Step 40 3   0T 0 BStep 5 0 f   Bl3ԔP lProposal submission 0 3    B3Ԕ`P@ gInternal review 0 3    BP3Ԕ P  e Expert review 0 3     B3Ԕ P  hCommunity review 0 3    BԔ"`@P  e Recommended" 0  f  XB   0D3>@XB   0D3>0 XB   0D3>  XB   0D> p   0D  6zIODE-PO notifies community by email, CL, web site announcements on  recommended status. Provision of all information on public web site Encourage all IODE / JCOMM members to implement as rapidly as possible Establish registry to record when organizations have implemented. The chair of IODE and the chair of the DMPA will prepare appropriate resolutions on the use of the recommended standard to be submitted to parent bodies for ratification. bY   Y    @`XB  @ 0D>P H   0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.<+D=' = @B +$  0 <$(  <r < S    r < S P   H < 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.HR  0 @R(  ~  s * `     s *L`   "xdH  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.:N`ZK 0  *(  x  c $>  r  S t `    H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.+D=' = @B +  0 t((  t^ t S     k t c $xk  0  k  H t 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10. 0 0((  ^  S       c $$  0    H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.r0=E'C"%1 3$E8fGIO!jyVKEpVLE_qaceg  K *(  ` Bhttp://www.oceandatastandards.orgDhttp://www.oceandatastandards.org/Bhttp://www.oceandatastandards.orgDhttp:/Oh+'0d `hx  Slide 1JICA-06JICA-0655Microsoft Office PowerPoint@0lV@ g3@f hGh;  ,T%&" WMFC <8?@ABCDIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81ʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# 0___PPT10 n___PPT9PH4637($?  %3 STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Chalies Sun and the GTSPP team:>Zb" Z>bF   I  g  )         P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary fl  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~?     @ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;>kABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}Root EntrydO)@c; =Pictures`Current User5SummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(K-DocumentSummaryInformation8/www.oceandatastandards.org// 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LT   "#bS 129=>?@ABCDIJKLMNOPQRS/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81ʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# 0___PPT10 ___PPT9($?  %  STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2Internal ReviewRThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4 Expert ReviewN3E+ Introduction - Standards Process!!($   YThe standards that are produced by this process are intended primarily for the use of the marine meteorological and oceanographic community. If they have wider applicability, they may be submitted to appropriate international standards bodies, such as ISO. However, after recommendation, their use will be widely encouraged within IOC and WMO.:"%IODE-JCOMM Standards Process Overview&&!%  F,Process Description $((The overall process is presented in the figure above. There are a number of steps in the process and a number of individuals and groups that have roles to play. Much of the activity related to submission and approval of the standard will take place electronically. There will be face to face meetings of the team responsible for guiding submissions through the process, but approval is not tied to this meeting schedule. PG-Process Description!The process from submission through evaluation may result in a recommended standard for IOC and WMO member/member states. The documentation of the proposal and comments generated through the review are available through the Ocean Data Standards website http://www.oceandatastandards.org .,"yf 0H.Process DescriptionThe entire process is intended to be limited to a maximum of no more than 8 months. Although the timing described in this document should result in a decision more quickly than this, there may be some time expended in identifying individuals to take part in the review. I/Process DescriptionfThere are expected to be circumstances of proposals sufficiently well prepared and tested or of an application of an existing international standard. In these cases, there is a fast track process that can be taken. The determination of whether the proposal meets fast tracking criteria occurs early and allows for a more rapid determination of suitability. gZgJ0/Polling of individuals and member/member states is an important part of the process. It is through such polling that it will be clear if there is wide spread support for a proposal. Polling will be conducted electronically, with a set period for response. No response will be interpreted as unopposed. ;#!Step 1: Submission of a Proposal  "   <$Step 2: Internal Review =%Step 3: Expert Review "( >&Step 4: Community Review( ?'Step 5: Recommended K1Recommendations on ODS process((1) The ODS process cycle should typically be between 12-24 months. (2) The standards dealt with by the IODE/JCOMM Standards process should be limited to oceanography and marine meteorology only. (3) The meeting was not conclusive on whether proposals could be submitted only by national/international groups or also by projects, individual institutions etc. (4) The meeting further recommended that IODE/JCOMM should be pro-active in considering the need for certain standards rather than only wait for submissions as this would avoid that projects limited in time would create their own practices rather than submit a proposed standard. (5) The meeting recommended establishment of close collaboration with other organizations such as GEOSS to widely advertise and promote the adopted standards. (6) The IODE Project Office should be used to support internal discussions, including setting up a voting/polling system. "P@( Conclusion 0   bCommunity participation necessary for submitting standards. Process is very important but must engage community. Standards are useless if not implemented. Standards will evolve with changing needs. Using standards will have strong, positive impact on making data interoperability and exchange. Go to http://www.oceandatastandards.org for more informationZ& " = " &"F&      0,M""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0/8 %   0  p(  px p c $l̾>p  H p 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.+D='  = @B +:  0  :(  r  S k `  k   S k k "H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.ex  0 x(  ~  s *kP  k   6k  T Introduction   H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.8Nph  0 <4(    s *k ` k "H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.5N`/$  0 0L$(  Lr L S  P    r L S '  `   H L 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.c@z$  0 @$(  @r @ S  T `   r @ S y   H @ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`  0   H(  Hr H S X `   H s  0e0e #" 0e `    H H 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`of$  0 D$(  Dr D S  `}   r D S P, `  H D 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`Z7r828 vL@vNJ4 tzO V=(  ` Bhttp://www.oceandatastandards.orgDhttp://www.oceandatastandards.org/Bhttp://w ՜.+,0t    On-screen ShowKMD-5' ArialTimes WingdingsDefault DesignCustom DesignSTATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.OUTLINESlide 3Slide 4 Introduction(Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme &Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme Report of the Expert ReviewReport of the Expert Review 2Report of the Expert Review 3Summary of the Expert Review Brief Response from the authors#Detailed Response to Expert Review&Detailed Response to Expert Review..2&Detailed Response to Expert R_,ZJICA-06JICA-06Step 1: 129=PQRSTUVW/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0Aags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wR9S8E+ Introduction - Standards Process!!($   YThe standards that are produced by this process are intended primarily for the use of the marine meteorological and oceanographic community. If they have wider applicability, they may be submitted to appropriate international standards bodies, such as ISO. However, after recommendation, their use will be widely encouraged within IOC and WMO.:"%IODE-JCOMM Standards Process Overview&&!%  F,Process Description $((The overall process is presented in the figure above. There are a number of steps in the process and a number of individuals and groups that have roles to play. Much of the activity related to submission and approval of the standard will take place electronically. There will be face to face meetings of the team responsible for guiding submissions through the process, but approval is not tied to this meeting schedule. PG-Process Description!The process from submission through evaluation may result in a recommended standard for IOC and WMO member/member states. The documentation of the proposal and comments generated through the review are available through the Ocean Data Standards website http://www.oceandatastandards.org .,"yf 0H.Process DescriptionThe entire process is intended to be limited to a maximum of no more than 8 months. Although the timing described in this document should result in a decision more quickly than this, there may be some time expended in identifying individuals to take part in the review. I/Process DescriptionfThere are expected to be circumstances of proposals sufficiently well prepared and tested or of an application of an existing international standard. In these cases, there is a fast track process that can be taken. The determination of whether the proposal meets fast tracking criteria occurs early and allows for a more rapid determination of suitability. gZgJ0/Polling of individuals and member/member states is an important part of the process. It is through such polling that it will be clear if there is wide spread support for a proposal. Polling will be conducted electronically, with a set period for response. No response will be interpreted as unopposed. ;#!Step 1: Submission of a Proposal  "   <$Step 2: Internal Review =%Step 3: Expert Review "( >&Step 4: Community Review( ?'Step 5: Recommended K1Recommendations on ODS process((1) The ODS process cycle should typically be between 12-24 months. (2) The standards dealt with by the IODE/JCOMM Standards process should be limited to oceanography and marine meteorology only. (3) The meeting was not conclusive on whether proposals could be submitted only by national/international groups or also by projects, individual institutions etc. (4) The meeting further recommended that IODE/JCOMM should be pro-active in considering the need for certain standards rather than only wait for submissions as this would avoid that projects limited in time would create their own practices rather than submit a proposed standard. (5) The meeting recommended establishment of close collaboration with other organizations such as GEOSS to widely advertise and promote the adopted standards. (6) The IODE Project Office should be used to support internal discussions, including setting up a voting/polling system. "P@( Conclusion 0   bCommunity participation necessary for submitting standards. Process is very important but must engage community. Standards are useless if not implemented. Standards will evolve with changing needs. Using standards will have strong, positive impact on making data interoperability and exchange. Go to http://www.oceandatastandards.org for more informationZ& " = " &"F&      0,M""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0/8 %$  0 @$(  @r @ S  T   r @ S y   H @ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`  0 *" H(  H H S X `  "xd H s  0e0e #" 0e    H H 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`of:  0 @P:(  Pr P S pi  `}     P S إ 0   "@@@@`H P 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.f}r:  0 D:(  Dr D S  `}    D S P,0  "@@@@`H D 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`Z7:  0 PT:(  Tr T S  `    T S H  "```H T 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.fh$  0 p\$(  \r \ S Dm `}   r \ S  `  H \ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.gK$  0 `X$(  Xr X S  E `}   r X S T `  H X 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.gIr,L0Zb" Z>bF   I  g  )         P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wR9S8""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0/8 %rV |V|S %( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0Apf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %I STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of SeaDataNet Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Chalies Sun and the GTSPP team:>Zp" Z>pF   I  g  )         P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wR9S8""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %  0 *" H(  H H S X  "xd H s  0e0e #" 0e    H H 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`of  0   (  x  c $>  H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.+D=' = @B +r|"zM4 |S &( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` \X?   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVW/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %k STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )         P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wR9S8""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %  0 *" H(  H H S X  "xd H s  0e0e #" 0e    H H 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`ofrϧM4 S )( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` dZB   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWY/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %  STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9S8""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %0  0 d0(  dx d c $  `    x d c $P    H d 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.iVrT: T )( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWieview..3&Detailed Response to Expert Review..4&Detailed Response to Expert Review..5#Thank You for Kind Your Attention!  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titlesngdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` dZB   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWY/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %  STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9S8""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %r8 &T 2( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` dZB   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWY/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %) STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9Brief Response from the authors (The key issue of this proposal is the two level scheme with the simple level 1, which suggests ONLY quality flags (unlike many other schemes where quality and other technical flags are mixed at the same level). Specific flags and tests are to be at level 2. It looks like all reviews have agreed on the two level scheme and addressed their questions to level 2. We will add the requested examples, of course, but this will be merely an example, while the well-documented list of the recommended flags for level 2 has been planned for GEBICH IODE joint work and consultations with other major programs and leading groups proposing flag schemes. Both joint meetings and online work has been already planned. We believe that the proposed two level scheme makes possible fruitful cooperation of different programs, rather than arguing on who s scheme is better. As every scheme is good for its program, we are to come at the higher level trying to successfully join efforts of different groups and programs and to end up with a scheme that is accepted and implemented by different groups, programs and organizations.YPYS8""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %$  0 p\$(  \r \ S Dm `}   r \ S `  H \ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.gKr&RY9 &[T H( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` t^N   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWYZ[\]/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %? STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9Brief Response from the authors (The key issue of this proposal is the two level scheme with the simple level 1, which suggests ONLY quality flags (unlike many other schemes where quality and other technical flags are mixed at the same level). Specific flags and tests are to be at level 2. It looks like all reviews have agreed on the two level scheme and addressed their questions to level 2. We will add the requested examples, of course, but this will be merely an example, while the well-documented list of the recommended flags for level 2 has been planned for GEBICH IODE joint work and consultations with other major programs and leading groups proposing flag schemes. Both joint meetings and online work has been already planned. We believe that the proposed two level scheme makes possible fruitful cooperation of different programs, rather than arguing on who s scheme is better. As every scheme is good for its program, we are to come at the higher level trying to successfully join efforts of different groups and programs and to end up with a scheme that is accepted and implemented by different groups, programs and organizations.YPYS8"Detailed Response to Expert Review##(We are pleased to know that the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is generally favored by the reviewers. We have also accepted the comments and criticism by the reviewers. Some of the reviewers' questions have been answered by adding or reworking the text of our proposal. Yet, some of the reviewers' questions are answered in this document because the proposed standard is to be reasonably concise or the raised question, though important, is off the scope of our proposal.U=%Detailed Response to Expert Review..2&&$First of all, at the present stage we are seeking adoption of the proposal as a quality flag standard, rather than a standard for the list and technical implementation of tests for data quality evaluation and procedures for data processing. We have found that none of the schemes reviewed satisfied the criteria of providing information on both data quality and data processing history. Besides, mapping one flagged data set to another quality flag scheme often results in information loss because the existing quality flag schemes have been developed for specific projects and tasks, rather than general oceanographic data exchange. The major advantage of the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is that truly quality flags are at the first level, while the list and results of various tests and data processing history are at the second level. Following the reviewers' suggestions and comments, we have added additional explanations for both the primary and secondary level quality flags.PV<%Detailed Response to Expert Review..3&&$Briefly, the primary level is simple and strictly limited to data quality with unambiguous definitions of flags. It provides quick access to quality information to assess the fitness for purpose of the data. The flags at the first level are explicitly qualitative, can be analyzed numerically and the monotonically increasing scheme enables selection based on a minimum quality level. The scheme supports quality flag inheritance, especially useful when data are filtered and/or some derivatives (for example, the water density) are calculated. It should also be emphasized that unambiguous data filtering and easy quality flag inheritance are becoming increasingly important aspects of data processing when more automation and pure machine-to-machine interaction as part of marine observing systems is expected and becomes crucial. None of the existing schemes makes it currently possible. The second level provides information on data processing history and information on the applied quality tests, thus justifying the quality flag applied at the primary level. The level two flags make it possible to combine quality flagged data sets of different origin saving the existing information on the performed tests and/or applying new tests at later stages of data management.PW;%Detailed Response to Expert Review..4&&$VSome examples of mapping the proposed two-level scheme to existing quality flag schemes of ODV, WOCE, GTSPP are suggested in the proposal. Actually any existing quality flag scheme can be mapped to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss because the truly quality flags are mapped to the first level and all other tests and signatures of data processing are mapped to the second level. Thus, any conflicts between the established programs and projects which are using different quality flag schemes are actually impossible because any existing flag scheme can be transformed to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss. Moreover, several data sets with different quality flag schemes can be merged into one data set with the proposed two-level quality scheme preserving quality flags of all initial data sets. Thus, the proposed scheme provides a possibility for different programs and projects to communicate, rather than conflict. This is specifically true, when data from different research domains (for example, physical and biological data) are to be merged into one data set.WPWX>%Detailed Response to Expert Review..5&&$While the proposed standard is universal and free of basic conflicts with the established programs and projects, as it can be mapped with any and even several of them, the work on practical implementation of the second level has been scheduled for the GEBICH IODE work. An example of implementation of the proposed scheme is added to Annex B of the proposal. Yet, this is merely an example of one possible implementation, rather than an officially recommended procedure. When the standard for the quality flag scheme is accepted, consultations and meetings with the established programs and projects will be started in order to clear up the technical implementation issues of the second level quality flags (there are many viable implementations). Those discussions will likely yield a minimum recommended set of quality tests and data processing history flags, as well as agreement from curators of major data collections for the routine utilization of the proposed scheme.P""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %$  0 p\$(  \r \ S Dm `}   r \ S       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|~  H \ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.gK$  0 `X$(  Xr X S  E}   r X S T  H X 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.gI$  0 p$(  pr p S  }   r p S  `  H p 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.jp$  0 l$(  lr l S , }   r l S ?`   H l 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.jp1$  0 h$(  hr h S 4   r h S O  H h 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.j/$  0 t$(  tr t S 0 }   r t S    H t 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.kp<r([R ĤU@Ht> [̱X H( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` t^N   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWYZ[\]/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g41d1d%2 0~ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %? STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9Brief Response from the authors (The key issue of this proposal is the two level scheme with the simple level 1, which suggests ONLY quality flags (unlike many other schemes where quality and other technical flags are mixed at the same level). Specific flags and tests are to be at level 2. It looks like all reviews have agreed on the two level scheme and addressed their questions to level 2. We will add the requested examples, of course, but this will be merely an example, while the well-documented list of the recommended flags for level 2 has been planned for GEBICH IODE joint work and consultations with other major programs and leading groups proposing flag schemes. Both joint meetings and online work has been already planned. We believe that the proposed two level scheme makes possible fruitful cooperation of different programs, rather than arguing on who s scheme is better. As every scheme is good for its program, we are to come at the higher level trying to successfully join efforts of different groups and programs and to end up with a scheme that is accepted and implemented by different groups, programs and organizations.YPYS8"Detailed Response to Expert Review##(We are pleased to know that the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is generally favored by the reviewers. We have also accepted the comments and criticism by the reviewers. Some of the reviewers' questions have been answered by adding or reworking the text of our proposal. Yet, some of the reviewers' questions are answered in this document because the proposed standard is to be reasonably concise or the raised question, though important, is off the scope of our proposal.U=%Detailed Response to Expert Review..2&&$First of all, at the present stage we are seeking adoption of the proposal as a quality flag standard, rather than a standard for the list and technical implementation of tests for data quality evaluation and procedures for data processing. We have found that none of the schemes reviewed satisfied the criteria of providing information on both data quality and data processing history. Besides, mapping one flagged data set to another quality flag scheme often results in information loss because the existing quality flag schemes have been developed for specific projects and tasks, rather than general oceanographic data exchange. The major advantage of the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is that truly quality flags are at the first level, while the list and results of various tests and data processing history are at the second level. Following the reviewers' suggestions and comments, we have added additional explanations for both the primary and secondary level quality flags.PV<%Detailed Response to Expert Review..3&&$Briefly, the primary level is simple and strictly limited to data quality with unambiguous definitions of flags. It provides quick access to quality information to assess the fitness for purpose of the data. The flags at the first level are explicitly qualitative, can be analyzed numerically and the monotonically increasing scheme enables selection based on a minimum quality level. The scheme supports quality flag inheritance, especially useful when data are filtered and/or some derivatives (for example, the water density) are calculated. It should also be emphasized that unambiguous data filtering and easy quality flag inheritance are becoming increasingly important aspects of data processing when more automation and pure machine-to-machine interaction as part of marine observing systems is expected and becomes crucial. None of the existing schemes makes it currently possible. The second level provides information on data processing history and information on the applied quality tests, thus justifying the quality flag applied at the primary level. The level two flags make it possible to combine quality flagged data sets of different origin saving the existing information on the performed tests and/or applying new tests at later stages of data management.PW;%Detailed Response to Expert Review..4&&$VSome examples of mapping the proposed two-level scheme to existing quality flag schemes of ODV, WOCE, GTSPP are suggested in the proposal. Actually any existing quality flag scheme can be mapped to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss because the truly quality flags are mapped to the first level and all other tests and signatures of data processing are mapped to the second level. Thus, any conflicts between the established programs and projects which are using different quality flag schemes are actually impossible because any existing flag scheme can be transformed to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss. Moreover, several data sets with different quality flag schemes can be merged into one data set with the proposed two-level quality scheme preserving quality flags of all initial data sets. Thus, the proposed scheme provides a possibility for different programs and projects to communicate, rather than conflict. This is specifically true, when data from different research domains (for example, physical and biological data) are to be merged into one data set.WPWX>%Detailed Response to Expert Review..5&&$While the proposed standard is universal and free of basic conflicts with the established programs and projects, as it can be mapped with any and even several of them, the work on practical implementation of the second level has been scheduled for the GEBICH IODE work. An example of implementation of the proposed scheme is added to Annex B of the proposal. Yet, this is merely an example of one possible implementation, rather than an officially recommended procedure. When the standard for the quality flag scheme is accepted, consultations and meetings with the established programs and projects will be started in order to clear up the technical implementation issues of the second level quality flags (there are many viable implementations). Those discussions will likely yield a minimum recommended set of quality tests and data processing history flags, as well as agreement from curators of major data collections for the routine utilization of the proposed scheme.P""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %r > X H( / 0DArialngs0(#2 0"DTimesngs0(#2 0 DWingdings0(#2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` t^N   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWYZ[\]/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81mʚ;Y7ʚ;g44d4d%2 0ppp@ <4dddd 0# r0___PPT10 2___PPT9 4637?  %? STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. D " P fff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( RThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There is no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. SZSM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9Brief Response from the authors (The key issue of this proposal is the two level scheme with the simple level 1, which suggests ONLY quality flags (unlike many other schemes where quality and other technical flags are mixed at the same level). Specific flags and tests are to be at level 2. It looks like all reviews have agreed on the two level scheme and addressed their questions to level 2. We will add the requested examples, of course, but this will be merely an example, while the well-documented list of the recommended flags for level 2 has been planned for GEBICH IODE joint work and consultations with other major programs and leading groups proposing flag schemes. Both joint meetings and online work has been already planned. We believe that the proposed two level scheme makes possible fruitful cooperation of different programs, rather than arguing on who s scheme is better. As every scheme is good for its program, we are to come at the higher level trying to successfully join efforts of different groups and programs and to end up with a scheme that is accepted and implemented by different groups, programs and organizations.YPYS8"Detailed Response to Expert Review##(We are pleased to know that the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is generally favored by the reviewers. We have also accepted the comments and criticism by the reviewers. Some of the reviewers' questions have been answered by adding or reworking the text of our proposal. Yet, some of the reviewers' questions are answered in this document because the proposed standard is to be reasonably concise or the raised question, though important, is off the scope of our proposal.U=%Detailed Response to Expert Review..2&&$First of all, at the present stage we are seeking adoption of the proposal as a quality flag standard, rather than a standard for the list and technical implementation of tests for data quality evaluation and procedures for data processing. We have found that none of the schemes reviewed satisfied the criteria of providing information on both data quality and data processing history. Besides, mapping one flagged data set to another quality flag scheme often results in information loss because the existing quality flag schemes have been developed for specific projects and tasks, rather than general oceanographic data exchange. The major advantage of the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is that truly quality flags are at the first level, while the list and results of various tests and data processing history are at the second level. Following the reviewers' suggestions and comments, we have added additional explanations for both the primary and secondary level quality flags.PV<%Detailed Response to Expert Review..3&&$Briefly, the primary level is simple and strictly limited to data quality with unambiguous definitions of flags. It provides quick access to quality information to assess the fitness for purpose of the data. The flags at the first level are explicitly qualitative, can be analyzed numerically and the monotonically increasing scheme enables selection based on a minimum quality level. The scheme supports quality flag inheritance, especially useful when data are filtered and/or some derivatives (for example, the water density) are calculated. It should also be emphasized that unambiguous data filtering and easy quality flag inheritance are becoming increasingly important aspects of data processing when more automation and pure machine-to-machine interaction as part of marine observing systems is expected and becomes crucial. None of the existing schemes makes it currently possible. The second level provides information on data processing history and information on the applied quality tests, thus justifying the quality flag applied at the primary level. The level two flags make it possible to combine quality flagged data sets of different origin saving the existing information on the performed tests and/or applying new tests at later stages of data management.PW;%Detailed Response to Expert Review..4&&$VSome examples of mapping the proposed two-level scheme to existing quality flag schemes of ODV, WOCE, GTSPP are suggested in the proposal. Actually any existing quality flag scheme can be mapped to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss because the truly quality flags are mapped to the first level and all other tests and signatures of data processing are mapped to the second level. Thus, any conflicts between the established programs and projects which are using different quality flag schemes are actually impossible because any existing flag scheme can be transformed to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss. Moreover, several data sets with different quality flag schemes can be merged into one data set with the proposed two-level quality scheme preserving quality flags of all initial data sets. Thus, the proposed scheme provides a possibility for different programs and projects to communicate, rather than conflict. This is specifically true, when data from different research domains (for example, physical and biological data) are to be merged into one data set.WPWX>%Detailed Response to Expert Review..5&&$While the proposed standard is universal and free of basic conflicts with the established programs and projects, as it can be mapped with any and even several of them, the work on practical implementation of the second level has been scheduled for the GEBICH IODE work. An example of implementation of the proposed scheme is added to Annex B of the proposal. Yet, this is merely an example of one possible implementation, rather than an officially recommended procedure. When the standard for the quality flag scheme is accepted, consultations and meetings with the established programs and projects will be started in order to clear up the technical implementation issues of the second level quality flags (there are many viable implementations). Those discussions will likely yield a minimum recommended set of quality tests and data processing history flags, as well as agreement from curators of major data collections for the routine utilization of the proposed scheme.P""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %r$> CX H( / 0DArialngs0 ٴ2 0DTimesngs0 ٴ2 0 DWingdings0 ٴ2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` t^N   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWYZ[\]/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81uʚ;Y7ʚ;g44d4dA2 0ppp@ <4dddd 0ش z0___PPT10 :___PPT94 637?  %@ STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. B " Pfff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( mThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There also indicated that there was no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. nZnM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be adapted to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9Brief Response from the authors (The key issue of this proposal is the two level scheme with the simple level 1, which suggests ONLY quality flags (unlike many other schemes where quality and other technical flags are mixed at the same level). Specific flags and tests are to be at level 2. It looks like all reviews have agreed on the two level scheme and addressed their questions to level 2. We will add the requested examples, of course, but this will be merely an example, while the well-documented list of the recommended flags for level 2 has been planned for GEBICH IODE joint work and consultations with other major programs and leading groups proposing flag schemes. Both joint meetings and online work has been already planned. We believe that the proposed two level scheme makes possible fruitful cooperation of different programs, rather than arguing on who s scheme is better. As every scheme is good for its program, we are to come at the higher level trying to successfully join efforts of different groups and programs and to end up with a scheme that is accepted and implemented by different groups, programs and organizations.YPYS8"Detailed Response to Expert Review##(We are pleased to know that the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is generally favored by the reviewers. We have also accepted the comments and criticism by the reviewers. Some of the reviewers' questions have been answered by adding or reworking the text of our proposal. Yet, some of the reviewers' questions are answered in this document because the proposed standard is to be reasonably concise or the raised question, though important, is off the scope of our proposal.U=%Detailed Response to Expert Review..2&&$First of all, at the present stage we are seeking adoption of the proposal as a quality flag standard, rather than a standard for the list and technical implementation of tests for data quality evaluation and procedures for data processing. We have found that none of the schemes reviewed satisfied the criteria of providing information on both data quality and data processing history. Besides, mapping one flagged data set to another quality flag scheme often results in information loss because the existing quality flag schemes have been developed for specific projects and tasks, rather than general oceanographic data exchange. The major advantage of the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is that truly quality flags are at the first level, while the list and results of various tests and data processing history are at the second level. Following the reviewers' suggestions and comments, we have added additional explanations for both the primary and secondary level quality flags.PV<%Detailed Response to Expert Review..3&&$Briefly, the primary level is simple and strictly limited to data quality with unambiguous definitions of flags. It provides quick access to quality information to assess the fitness for purpose of the data. The flags at the first level are explicitly qualitative, can be analyzed numerically and the monotonically increasing scheme enables selection based on a minimum quality level. The scheme supports quality flag inheritance, especially useful when data are filtered and/or some derivatives (for example, the water density) are calculated. It should also be emphasized that unambiguous data filtering and easy quality flag inheritance are becoming increasingly important aspects of data processing when more automation and pure machine-to-machine interaction as part of marine observing systems is expected and becomes crucial. None of the existing schemes makes it currently possible. The second level provides information on data processing history and information on the applied quality tests, thus justifying the quality flag applied at the primary level. The level two flags make it possible to combine quality flagged data sets of different origin saving the existing information on the performed tests and/or applying new tests at later stages of data management.PW;%Detailed Response to Expert Review..4&&$VSome examples of mapping the proposed two-level scheme to existing quality flag schemes of ODV, WOCE, GTSPP are suggested in the proposal. Actually any existing quality flag scheme can be mapped to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss because the truly quality flags are mapped to the first level and all other tests and signatures of data processing are mapped to the second level. Thus, any conflicts between the established programs and projects which are using different quality flag schemes are actually impossible because any existing flag scheme can be transformed to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss. Moreover, several data sets with different quality flag schemes can be merged into one data set with the proposed two-level quality scheme preserving quality flags of all initial data sets. Thus, the proposed scheme provides a possibility for different programs and projects to communicate, rather than conflict. This is specifically true, when data from different research domains (for example, physical and biological data) are to be merged into one data set.WPWX>%Detailed Response to Expert Review..5&&$While the proposed standard is universal and free of basic conflicts with the established programs and projects, as it can be mapped with any and even several of them, the work on practical implementation of the second level has been scheduled for the GEBICH IODE work. An example of implementation of the proposed scheme is added to Annex B of the proposal. Yet, this is merely an example of one possible implementation, rather than an officially recommended procedure. When the standard for the quality flag scheme is accepted, consultations and meetings with the established programs and projects will be started in order to clear up the technical implementation issues of the second level quality flags (there are many viable implementations). Those discussions will likely yield a minimum recommended set of quality tests and data processing history flags, as well as agreement from curators of major data collections for the routine utilization of the proposed scheme.P""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %$  0 @$(  @r @ S     r @ S   H @ 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.`r(DL2 DEX H( / 0DArialngs0 ٴ2 0DTimesngs0 ٴ2 0 DWingdings0 ٴ2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` t^N   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWYZ[\]/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81uʚ;Y7ʚ;g44d4dA2 0ppp@ <4dddd 0ش z0___PPT10 :___PPT94 637?  %@ STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. B " Pfff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( mThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There also indicated that there was no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. nZnM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be changed to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and marine meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9Brief Response from the authors (The key issue of this proposal is the two level scheme with the simple level 1, which suggests ONLY quality flags (unlike many other schemes where quality and other technical flags are mixed at the same level). Specific flags and tests are to be at level 2. It looks like all reviews have agreed on the two level scheme and addressed their questions to level 2. We will add the requested examples, of course, but this will be merely an example, while the well-documented list of the recommended flags for level 2 has been planned for GEBICH IODE joint work and consultations with other major programs and leading groups proposing flag schemes. Both joint meetings and online work has been already planned. We believe that the proposed two level scheme makes possible fruitful cooperation of different programs, rather than arguing on who s scheme is better. As every scheme is good for its program, we are to come at the higher level trying to successfully join efforts of different groups and programs and to end up with a scheme that is accepted and implemented by different groups, programs and organizations.YPYS8"Detailed Response to Expert Review##(We are pleased to know that the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is generally favored by the reviewers. We have also accepted the comments and criticism by the reviewers. Some of the reviewers' questions have been answered by adding or reworking the text of our proposal. Yet, some of the reviewers' questions are answered in this document because the proposed standard is to be reasonably concise or the raised question, though important, is off the scope of our proposal.U=%Detailed Response to Expert Review..2&&$First of all, at the present stage we are seeking adoption of the proposal as a quality flag standard, rather than a standard for the list and technical implementation of tests for data quality evaluation and procedures for data processing. We have found that none of the schemes reviewed satisfied the criteria of providing information on both data quality and data processing history. Besides, mapping one flagged data set to another quality flag scheme often results in information loss because the existing quality flag schemes have been developed for specific projects and tasks, rather than general oceanographic data exchange. The major advantage of the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is that truly quality flags are at the first level, while the list and results of various tests and data processing history are at the second level. Following the reviewers' suggestions and comments, we have added additional explanations for both the primary and secondary level quality flags.PV<%Detailed Response to Expert Review..3&&$Briefly, the primary level is simple and strictly limited to data quality with unambiguous definitions of flags. It provides quick access to quality information to assess the fitness for purpose of the data. The flags at the first level are explicitly qualitative, can be analyzed numerically and the monotonically increasing scheme enables selection based on a minimum quality level. The scheme supports quality flag inheritance, especially useful when data are filtered and/or some derivatives (for example, the water density) are calculated. It should also be emphasized that unambiguous data filtering and easy quality flag inheritance are becoming increasingly important aspects of data processing when more automation and pure machine-to-machine interaction as part of marine observing systems is expected and becomes crucial. None of the existing schemes makes it currently possible. The second level provides information on data processing history and information on the applied quality tests, thus justifying the quality flag applied at the primary level. The level two flags make it possible to combine quality flagged data sets of different origin saving the existing information on the performed tests and/or applying new tests at later stages of data management.PW;%Detailed Response to Expert Review..4&&$VSome examples of mapping the proposed two-level scheme to existing quality flag schemes of ODV, WOCE, GTSPP are suggested in the proposal. Actually any existing quality flag scheme can be mapped to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss because the truly quality flags are mapped to the first level and all other tests and signatures of data processing are mapped to the second level. Thus, any conflicts between the established programs and projects which are using different quality flag schemes are actually impossible because any existing flag scheme can be transformed to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss. Moreover, several data sets with different quality flag schemes can be merged into one data set with the proposed two-level quality scheme preserving quality flags of all initial data sets. Thus, the proposed scheme provides a possibility for different programs and projects to communicate, rather than conflict. This is specifically true, when data from different research domains (for example, physical and biological data) are to be merged into one data set.WPWX>%Detailed Response to Expert Review..5&&$While the proposed standard is universal and free of basic conflicts with the established programs and projects, as it can be mapped with any and even several of them, the work on practical implementation of the second level has been scheduled for the GEBICH IODE work. An example of implementation of the proposed scheme is added to Annex B of the proposal. Yet, this is merely an example of one possible implementation, rather than an officially recommended procedure. When the standard for the quality flag scheme is accepted, consultations and meetings with the established programs and projects will be started in order to clear up the technical implementation issues of the second level quality flags (there are many viable implementations). Those discussions will likely yield a minimum recommended set of quality tests and data processing history flags, as well as agreement from curators of major data collections for the routine utilization of the proposed scheme.P""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %:  0 @P:(  Pr P S  `}    P S  0  "@@@@`H P 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.f}r:  0 PT:(  Tr T S ` `    T S   "```H T 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.fh$  0 p$(  pr p S Y}   r p S Z  H p 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.jp$  0 h$(  hr h S (~   r h S 0  H h 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.j/r$P yUW) ]UX H( / 0DArialngs0 ٴ2 0DTimesngs0 ٴ2 0 DWingdings0 ٴ2 0@ .  @n?" dd@  @@`` t^N   "#bS 129=PQRSTUVWYZ[\]/Xb$5xϰ֬O%BdYR$IVX*\;Y 0AApf3@81uʚ;Y7ʚ;g44d4dA2 0ppp@ <4dddd 0ش z0___PPT10 :___PPT94 637?  %@ STATUS OF THE PENDING PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN 2010 AND 2011 Paul N. Oloo Oceanography & Marine Meteorological Services Kenya Met. Dept.P:0f(fL E@ 2OUTLINE Proposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange. Proposal No. 2010-01: Proposal to adopt the SeaDataNet common data index (CDI) metadata profile as a standard for oceanographic data exchange. B " Pfff Z9! The First proposal is at the Community Review stage. The Second Proposal was withdrawn by the authors at the Expert review stage.*Zff  8 xProposal No. 2011-01: Proposal to adopt a quality flag scheme for oceanographic and marine meteorological data exchange.0y" x$x O5 Introduction This standards proposal was submitted to the IOC Project Office for IODE by GE-BICH (The IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH) in February 2011.L2'Internal Review of Quality Flag Scheme $(&%( mThe Internal Review was conducted by the ETDMP members in February 2011. This took about two weeks. Two ETDMP members participated in the Internal review. They recommended that the standards proposal be moved to the Expert Review stage. They suggested that the primary codes of the Quality flag scheme were simple and easy to implement. The secondary level flags were difficult to implement because the quality information was represented by 3 or more digits and this might be problematic for existing formats to incorporate. There also indicated that there was no clear description on how secondary codes are set up. nZnM4%Expert Review of Quality Flag Scheme 4&($( The expert review report was based on the technical review by Patrice Cousineau, Integrated Science Data Management (ISDM), Fisheries & Oceans, Canada. Michle Fichaut of IFREMER, France (SeaDataNet representative). Julie Bosch, NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center/ Data Management and Communications (DMAC). Dr. Lesley J. Rickards, British Oceanographic Data Centre, UK (SeaDataNet representative). Bob Keeley from Canada Charles Sun and the GTSPP team:>Z" Z>F   I @ g  )     + P6Report of the Expert Review()The description on the application of the Primary level flag which is strictly limited to data quality is well documented including their relationship to other flag schema. Most of the reviewers favoured the Quality Flag scheme standard based on the primary level flags, because it is easy to understand and implement. The scheme does specify a finite list of primary-level quality flags that can be used. More explanatory text might be helpful for a couple of the flags. It needs to be clearly stated when to use a flag value. The concept of the multi-level flagging system, for purposes of data exchange would allow for general data comparisons and queries at a high level.Data delivery formats would have to be changed to accommodate two levels of QC flags. Afew draft examples of the scheme implementation needs to be provided (or made available online) which would show a snapshot of a data set with its current quality annotation and that same data annotated with the proposed scheme. The practical applications would highlight the need for such a standard.6*" PPO 1  eV 0N3<Report of the Expert Review & 2(Although some reference materials are provided, they stressed on more details on the use of the secondary level flag in this proposal. Some numeric codes are not defined. It needs to state explicitly whether this is a QC flag scale for data values as opposed to complete profiles/time series or metadata, although there may be some metadata that could utilize these flags (e.g. latitude/longitude). Some guidelines should be provided to address the scope of what is expected for secondary flags. The proposal tends to be in conflict with established programmes and projects which are using different QC flag schemes (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, Qartod, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI, etc.), that are all based on the GTSPP QC flag scheme. As GTSPP is an IODE programme, with an updated manual published in 2010 by IODE which includes the GTSPP QC flag scale, they recommended consultation with them, in order to get their endorsement or proposed implementation. The Argo Data Management Team has spent a lot of time on QC procedures for real-time and delayed-mode data and the accompanying QC flags. It may fail to be implemented by existing programmes and projects. " P  a         Q7<Report of the Expert Review & 3(The proposed standard can be applied widely across IOC/WMO if developed cooperatively with member states and remains inclusive by considering the many different domains of oceanography and marine meteorology, but there are resource implications. In conclusion, the proposal is good and addresses a need. Most reviewers favoured a simple QC flag scheme that can be used for many types of data. Most of them were in favour of the primary level flag. However, further work is required to gain agreement with major data collections (e.g. Argo, GTSPP, OceanSites, CCHDO, SeaDataNet, IMOS, MMI etc) and assess implementation. Some further clarification would be useful for the second level of flags.  " Zd' IW  wT:Summary of the Expert Review(The expert review of the Quality Flag scheme standard was concluded in July 2011. Six experts with experience in oceanography and marine data management reviewed the document. They all agreed that the Quality Flag scheme standard was a good proposal. Therefore based on their views and comments, the QC Flag scheme from GE-BICH has been moved to Community Review, for them to assess the suitability of the standards proposal. However, they insisted on more details on QC Flags in the standards proposal and the need to work very closely with Argo, GTSPP, SeaDataNet, QARTOD, etc to assess implementation and application of the proposed standard. More clarification on the secondary level flags required.P, R9Brief Response from the authors (The key issue of this proposal is the two level scheme with the simple level 1, which suggests ONLY quality flags (unlike many other schemes where quality and other technical flags are mixed at the same level). Specific flags and tests are to be at level 2. It looks like all reviews have agreed on the two level scheme and addressed their questions to level 2. We will add the requested examples, of course, but this will be merely an example, while the well-documented list of the recommended flags for level 2 has been planned for GEBICH IODE joint work and consultations with other major programs and leading groups proposing flag schemes. Both joint meetings and online work has been already planned. We believe that the proposed two level scheme makes possible fruitful cooperation of different programs, rather than arguing on who s scheme is better. As every scheme is good for its program, we are to come at the higher level trying to successfully join efforts of different groups and programs and to end up with a scheme that is accepted and implemented by different groups, programs and organizations.YPYS8"Detailed Response to Expert Review##(We are pleased to know that the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is generally favored by the reviewers. We have also accepted the comments and criticism by the reviewers. Some of the reviewers' questions have been answered by adding or reworking the text of our proposal. Yet, some of the reviewers' questions are answered in this document because the proposed standard is to be reasonably concise or the raised question, though important, is off the scope of our proposal.U=%Detailed Response to Expert Review..2&&$First of all, at the present stage we are seeking adoption of the proposal as a quality flag standard, rather than a standard for the list and technical implementation of tests for data quality evaluation and procedures for data processing. We have found that none of the schemes reviewed satisfied the criteria of providing information on both data quality and data processing history. Besides, mapping one flagged data set to another quality flag scheme often results in information loss because the existing quality flag schemes have been developed for specific projects and tasks, rather than general oceanographic data exchange. The major advantage of the proposed two-level quality flag scheme is that truly quality flags are at the first level, while the list and results of various tests and data processing history are at the second level. Following the reviewers' suggestions and comments, we have added additional explanations for both the primary and secondary level quality flags.PV<%Detailed Response to Expert Review..3&&$Briefly, the primary level is simple and strictly limited to data quality with unambiguous definitions of flags. It provides quick access to quality information to assess the fitness for purpose of the data. The flags at the first level are explicitly qualitative, can be analyzed numerically and the monotonically increasing scheme enables selection based on a minimum quality level. The scheme supports quality flag inheritance, especially useful when data are filtered and/or some derivatives (for example, the water density) are calculated. It should also be emphasized that unambiguous data filtering and easy quality flag inheritance are becoming increasingly important aspects of data processing when more automation and pure machine-to-machine interaction as part of marine observing systems is expected and becomes crucial. None of the existing schemes makes it currently possible. The second level provides information on data processing history and information on the applied quality tests, thus justifying the quality flag applied at the primary level. The level two flags make it possible to combine quality flagged data sets of different origin saving the existing information on the performed tests and/or applying new tests at later stages of data management.PW;%Detailed Response to Expert Review..4&&$VSome examples of mapping the proposed two-level scheme to existing quality flag schemes of ODV, WOCE, GTSPP are suggested in the proposal. Actually any existing quality flag scheme can be mapped to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss because the truly quality flags are mapped to the first level and all other tests and signatures of data processing are mapped to the second level. Thus, any conflicts between the established programs and projects which are using different quality flag schemes are actually impossible because any existing flag scheme can be transformed to the proposed two-level scheme without information loss. Moreover, several data sets with different quality flag schemes can be merged into one data set with the proposed two-level quality scheme preserving quality flags of all initial data sets. Thus, the proposed scheme provides a possibility for different programs and projects to communicate, rather than conflict. This is specifically true, when data from different research domains (for example, physical and biological data) are to be merged into one data set.WPWX>%Detailed Response to Expert Review..5&&$While the proposed standard is universal and free of basic conflicts with the established programs and projects, as it can be mapped with any and even several of them, the work on practical implementation of the second level has been scheduled for the GEBICH IODE work. An example of implementation of the proposed scheme is added to Annex B of the proposal. Yet, this is merely an example of one possible implementation, rather than an officially recommended procedure. When the standard for the quality flag scheme is accepted, consultations and meetings with the established programs and projects will be started in order to clear up the technical implementation issues of the second level quality flags (there are many viable implementations). Those discussions will likely yield a minimum recommended set of quality tests and data processing history flags, as well as agreement from curators of major data collections for the routine utilization of the proposed scheme.P""Thank You for Kind Your Attention!##0 /8 %$  0 l$(  lr l S Xk}   r l S 8l`   H l 0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.jp1rV*! ,X