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Membership: Franck Audemard, FUNVISIS, Venezuela Paula Dunbar -NOAA (NGDC) Antonio Rowe or Ricardo Arthur,-Barbados CZMU Rafael Augusto Jerez Wagner, ONAMET, Republica Dominicana Jeffrey Simmons, Meteorological Service, Bahamas Narcisse Zahibo, Universit des Antilles, France Jean-Marc Mompelat, directeur du SGR/BRGM Guadeloupe Valrie Clouard, directrice de l'OVSM/IPGP Rafael Ricardo Torres Parra, Centro de Investigaciones Oceanogrficas e Hidrogrficas CIO, Colombia Alex Martn Castelln Meyrat, INETER, Nicaragua Ms. Judith Ephraim, Sustainable Development Officer, St Lucia Rafi Ahmad, University of West Indies ---- Invited Expert Aurelio Mercado-Irizarry, Director, Coastal Hazards Center of UPRM ---- Invited Expert Carl B. Harbitz, Norwegian Geotechnical Institut ------ Invited Expert The following applies for the four working groups: Languages: English, Spanish and French Meetings: Meet intersessionally. Coordinator and Elections: Follow the rules of procedures applying to IOC Subsidiary Bodies. Chair and at least one vice chair who will be elected by the members of the working group for two years with possible reelection of one term in the same position. Members and appointment: Nominated by member states in accordance with the rules of procedures applying to IOC Subsidiary bodies. Technical experts can be invited at the discretion of the Chair. Calendar of Intersessional work should be determined by the working group at the working group meeting and included in the report. Duration of the WG: Two years. Reports: A final report has to be submitted two months before the parent body meeting and for each working group meeting within the two following months. Financial resources: At national expense. Amendments: As warranted by the working groups. Contact Details Working Group 2 Hazard Assessment Name and Contact DetailsInstitution, CountryEmailFranck Audemard Coordinador de Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra de Fundacin Venezolana de Investigacin Sismolgicas FUNVISIS Prolongacin Calle Mara El Llanito Caracas, Venezuela Tel: (58-212) 257-9985 Fax: (58-212) 257-9977FUNVISIS, Venezuelafaudemard@funvisis.gob.ve Paula Dunbar Physical Scientist NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 USA Tel: 1 303-497-6084 Fax: 1 303-497-6513NOAA (NGDC), USApaula.dunbar@noaa.gov Antonio Rowe or Ricardo Arthur Coastal Zone Management Unit Bay Street, St Michael Barbados. Tel: 228-5950; Fax: 228-5956Barbados CZMUarowe@coastal.gov.bb rarthur@coastal.gov.bb Rafael Augusto Jerez Wagner Oficina Nacional de Meteorologia Villa Duarte, Apt No 1153 SANTO DOMINGO Dominicana, Republica Tel: +1 809 788 11 22 Fax: +1 809 597 98 42ONAMET, Republica Dominicanagceballos@onamet.gov.doJeffrey Simmons Department of Meteorology Ministry of Transport and Aviation Nassau The Bahamas. Tel. No: 1-242-356-3734 Fax No: 1-242-356-3739Meteorological Service, Bahamasjws.met@batelnet.bsDr. Narcisse Zahibo Dept. de Physique Universite Antilles Guyane 97159 Pointe Pitre Guadeloupe (F.W.I) Tel: (590) 93 86 77 Fax: (590) 93 86 75Universite Antilles Guyane, France narcisse.zahibo@univ-ag.frJean-Marc Mompelat, directeur du SGR/BRGM Guadeloupe SGR : Service Gologique Rgional BRGM : Bureau de la recherche Gologique et Miniremompelat@brgm.frValrie Clouard, directrice de l'OVSM/IPGPOVSM : Observatoire Volcanologique et Sismologique de la Martiniqueclouard@ipgp.jussieu.frCapitn de Corbeta Rafael Ricardo Torres Parra, Centro de Investigaciones Oceanogrficas e Hidrogrficas CIOH Direccin General Martima de Colombia Responsable del rea de Oceanografa Manzanillo, Cartagena, Colombia Tel: (57) 53 6694104 Fax: (57) 53 6694104 Centro de Investigaciones Oceanogrficas e Hidrogrficas CIOH, Colombiartorres@cioh.org.coAlex Martn Castelln Meyrat Responsable de la unidad SIG Geo-Riesgos Geofsica INETER Bello Horizonte. Casa G IV 50. Rotonda 2c.sur, 2c.arriba, 1c.lago. Frente a clnica Mdicos Unidos Managua, Nicaragua. Tel. (505) 2514407 (casa) Tel. 8195547 (celular)INETER, Nicaragua HYPERLINK "mailto:casteyrat@hotmail.com" casteyrat@hotmail.com  HYPERLINK "mailto:alex.castellon@gf.ineter.gob.ni" alex.castellon@gf.ineter.gob.ni Aurelio Mercado-Irizarry University of Puerto Rico/Sea Grant Professor/ Marine Advisor Director Coastal Hazards Center P.O. Box 9013 Mayagez, Puerto Rico Tel: (787) 265-5461 Fax: (787) 265-5461Coastal Hazards Center of UPRM - Invited Expertamercado@uprm.eduRafi Ahmad Department of Geography and Geology University of the West Indies Mona, Jamaica Tel: (876) 927-2728 | Fax: (876) 977-6029University of West Indies, Jamaica - - Invited Expertrahmad@uwimona.edu.jmCarl B. Harbitz Project Manager, International Centre for Geohazards c/o NGI, P.O. Box 3930 Ullevaal Stadion N-0806 OSLO NORWAY tel +47 22 02 30 00 fax +47 22 23 04 48 Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway - - Invited ExpertCarl.Bonnevie.Harbitz@ngi.noMs. Judith Ephraim, Sustainable Development Officer, Sustainable Development Unit, Min. of Physical Planning & Environment, CASTRIES Tel. 758-451-7846 (w), 758-520-7914 (c), 758-450-9934 (h)Saint Lucia (NEMO) HYPERLINK "mailto:ephraimja@yahoo.co.uk" ephraimja@yahoo.co.uk  /0168YZdf}~- 8 ĸĂrbSC4ChpshpsCJaJmH sH hpshps>*CJaJmH sH hD.h6>CJaJmH sH hpsh6>5CJaJmH sH hpshps5CJaJmH sH h6>hdmH sH h6>mH sH h6>h6>5mH sH hdhdmH 4sH 4hdh6>mH 4sH 4hdh6>5mH 4sH 4h6>h6>mH sH hpsh6>5CJaJmH sH hpshps5CJaJmH sH h6>h6>5CJaJmH sH 01Z~- 8 ^ $Ifgdps $Ifgd6>$a$gd6> 8 ] ^ _ ` j m  D E a Ƿxmemem]m]mUFh`h`CJaJmH sH hpsCJaJh,CJaJhj]_CJaJhpshpsCJaJhCJaJmH 4sH 4huCJaJmH 4sH 4h,CJaJmH 4sH 4hpshpsCJaJmH 4sH 4h6>CJaJmH 4sH 4h6>h6>>*CJaJmH 4sH 4hpsh6>CJaJhWh6>CJaJmH sH hpsh6>>*CJaJmH sH hpshpsCJaJmH sH ^ _ ` l m  E v sssss[ & F $If^`gd` & F $If^`gdps $Ifgd6>jkd$$Ifl#H$ t0H$644 layt6> a e m v > ? 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