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SeaDataNet is undertaken by theNational Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs), and marine information services of major research institutes, from 31 coastal states bordering the European seas, and also includes Satellite Data Centres, expert modelling centres and the international organisations IOC, ICES and EU-JRC in its network. Its 40 data centres are highly skilled and have been actively engaged in data management for many years and have the essential capabilities and facilities for data quality control, long term stewardship, retrieval and distribution. SeaDataNet II will undertake activities to achieve data access and data products services that meet requirements of end-users and intermediate user communities, such as GMES Marine Core Services (e.g. MyOcean), establishing SeaDataNet as the core data management component of the EMODNet infrastructure and contributing on behalf of Europe to global portal initiatives, such as the IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP), and GEOSS. Moreover it aims to achieve INSPIRE compliance and to contribute to the INSPIRE process for developing implementing rules for oceanography. SeaDataNet started on 01 October of 2011 and is a four year project. IODE is participating as a sub-contractor of IFREMER. The cooperation between SeaDataNet and IODE is related with: a) SeaDataNet standards will be submitted to the JCOMM/IODE Ocean Data Standards process (responsible HNODC), b) Two training courses will be held for the uptake of upgraded standards and data management procedures and in the implementation and configuration of new infrastructure components. The training material will be integrated in the OceanTeacher system (responsible RBINS-MUMM with IOC-IODE), c) Interoperability Solutions with global portals, such as IOC-IODE Ocean Data Portal and GEOSS (responsible RIHMI-WDC)     IOC/IODE-Off-2011/item 8.7 Page  PAGE 2  *+/1235BMTUV    2 4 ²τqaqaqh 65B*CJ^JaJph$h 6h 65B*CJ^JaJph h 65CJh?5OJQJ\hc hqCJ$OJQJ^Jhq5CJ$OJQJ\hc hq5CJ$OJQJ\h"Z5CJ$OJQJ\hqOJQJ^Jhq5OJQJ\hqh?hZh}h"Zh}h8!UV4  7$8$H$gdp 7$8$H$gd$a$gdq$$ & 0` P@1$7$8$H$a$gdqgdq$a$gdq4   ~  V W * + v w CDtu  QYl  [ĻhL hL ^JnHtH hL h^JmHnHsHtHhL hL ^JhL h^JhL h^JnHtHhL ^JnHtHhq^JnHtHh^JnHtH hh^JmHnHsHtH3[,;EFSXYijstǺǺǺ{w{w{h}hqhy-jhy-U hphhp^JnHtH hphp^JmHnHsHtHhphp^JnHtHhphL ^JnHtH hphL ^JmHnHsHtHhL ^JnHtHhL hL ^JnHtH hL hL ^JmHnHsHtH+ 7$8$H$gdp hphhy-hqh}0JmHnHu hq0Jjhq0JU1 0:pq|. 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