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The Moroccan National Institute of Geophysics as an institution responsible for the National Seismic Monitoring and Alerting initiated some efforts in recent years on tsunami risk evaluation and in the accomplishments of some actions towards the implementation of an effective Tsunami early warning system. The Tsunami risk assessment was made in collaboration with the University of Lisbon. first steps towards the establishment of an Tsunami warning system was initiated in the framework of the Euro- Mediterranean NEAREST project in collaboration with neighbouring countries Portugal and Spain, mainly the sharing of seismic data in real time between the three countries. ING has also deployed in the Atlantic littoral a digital tide gauge transmitting data in real-time for monitoring sea level. This facility will be extended to three other gauges in the next 2 years and in a configuration minimizing the time of warning. Like seismic data, those of tide gauges network will be also shared in real time with Portugal and Spain for a regional sea level monitoring. ext of Tsunami early warning system (TEWS) development at ING-CNRST The high level of Tsunami Hazard on the Moroccan coasts, hazard knowledge well defined based on historical data and modeling studies. the high level of exposure and vulnerability given the concentration of population, industrial and tourism infrastructures along coasts and lack of preparedness the lack of any tsunami hazard mitigation strategies and resources. the need for an early warning systems in the CNRST to complete the seismic monitoring and warning service provided to the authorities and population Necessity of establishing at least a tsunami early warning system in a progressive way by deployment of real time tide gauge network beside the existing national seismic network and as part of an international cooperation Perspectives of TEWS development - Extension of the number of shared real time seismic stations between Morocco, Spain and Portugal ( End 2011) 2 - installation of two other digital real time tide gauges on the Moroccan Atlantic coast (2012) 3 - Installation of a fourth digital real-time tide gauge on the Mediterranean coast (2013) 4-Integration and real-time sharing of tide gauges data between Morocco, Spain and Portugal (starting 2012) 5-continuation of development within a framework of international cooperation procedures for tsunami detecting and warning triggering (starting 2012) 6 - working for the establishment in the medium term and at a regional cooperation Oceanographic Observatory (DART ?) yz      ) 1 G J K S  " * @ L k r 45~̾h0_oh\o5\mH sH h0_oh0_o5\mH sH h0_ohh5\mH sH h0_oh#5\mH sH "h0_oh#5CJ\aJmH sH "h0_ohh5CJ\aJmH sH h#5B*\mH phsH :z{|Dvw & FgdZ & FgdZ & FgdZgdZ & FgdZ $h^ha$gd\o $h^ha$gdhh^hgdZDEvw mn9:JKLôssssssas#hZhZ5B*\mH phsH hZhZB*mH phsH hZhZB*phhZhZ5B*\phhZhZB*phhZhZ5B*\phhZhZB*mH phsH #hZhZ5B*\mH phsH h&5B*\mH phsH h0_oh\o5\mH sH h0_oh#5\mH sH    no:;KLgdZ ,1h. 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