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Seventh TCP/JCOMM Workshop on Storm Surge and Wave Forecasting (Macao, China, 10-14 October 2011) Part A: The Overall Evaluation Please tick the boxes to indicate how well your expectations of the training were metBelow expectationMet expectationExceeded expectation General items to be evaluated: ( ( ( Workshop objectives Workshop content Workshop format Overall standard of instruction Training materials (handouts, visual aids) Workshop administration Workshop facilities (classroom, PCs, etc) Travel arrangements     Part B: Evaluation of Sessions and Instructors Part B: Evaluation of SessionsPlease tick the boxes to indicate how well your expectations of the training were metBelow expectationMet expectationAbove expectationDateTimeTitle of the SessionLKJ10a.m.1.2.1 Goals and objectives of the Workshop10a.m.1.2.2 Coordinating Operational Oceanography and Marine Meteorology10p.m.1.2.3 Storm Surge Watch Scheme & Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project10p.m.1.2.4 Challenges to storm surge and wave forecasting10p.m.1.3.1 Global/Regional products for wave and storm surge measurements, forecasting, and verification 10p.m.1.3.2 Operational aspects of wave and storm surge forecasting10p.m.1.3.3 Coastal hazard analysis and mapping for emergency management10p.m.1.4 National presentations on the current status of operational storm surge and wave forecasting11a.m.2.2.1 Wave products: focusing on access to available information11a.m.2.2.2 JMA storm surge model11a.m.2.2.4 Coastal inundation simulation11p.m.2.3 Application / Hands-on session (I)12a.m.2.3 Application / Hands-on session (II)12p.m.Technical Tour13a.m.2.3 Application / Hands-on session (III)13p.m.4.2.1 Groups' reports on the hands-on training13p.m.4.2.2 Public Weather Services and DRR aspects13p.m.4.2.3 Lessons learnt from the recent costal disasters14a.m.5.1 Coordination with the Urban Flood Risk Management project (UFRM) of the Typhoon Committee14p.m.5.2 Conclusion, findings and recommendation . Part C: Possible Follow-ups Please describe in one sentence the benefits you received from this workshop.  What new ideas, new skills or attitudes do you intend to implement back in your office?  For the items ranked below expectation under the previous Parts A and B, please give brief reasons.  What recommendations would you have to improve this workshop? %&'C C v и{pcYLY?Y jJhd*CJ^JaJ jKhd*CJ^JaJhd*CJ^JaJ jLhd*CJ^JaJhd*6]^JaJhd*^JaJmH sH hd*5\^JaJmH sH  hWhWB*\^JaJph hWhWB*CJ\^Jph3fhd*5CJ^JhWPJ^JaJnHo(tHhd*^JaJhd*B*CJ^JaJph hd*^Jhd*@P^JaJhd*@x^JaJ"#$%&'CDEFs^^$l-DM ]^la$$Il-DM ]I^la$4In$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQ]I^n4Il$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQ]I^l$l^la$l^l  |1|3|FG  ! w } $$Ifa$$IfgdW$n-DM ]^na$Il-DM ]I^l$Il-DM ]I^la$l-DM ]^l ^XXX$Ifkd$$Ifl\4"|04 laF $$Ifa$     6 e]Q]Q]Q]Q & F x$Ifx$Ifkd$$Iflz\4"|04 laF  c k |   / 0   ʶܶʶʶʶ觙~q`q hhWCJ OJQJ^JaJ hhWCJ^JaJhhW5\^JhhWCJOJQJaJhhW5CJ\^Jhd*PJ^JaJnHo(tH&jhd*U^JaJmHnHtH u"jhd*U^JaJmHnHuhd*^JaJmH sH hd*^JaJhWPJ^JaJnHo(tH#6 7 b c { | $$Ifa$$If x$IfgdW & F x$Ifx$If   / gb````^R $$Ifa$gdt$a$kd$$Ifl\4"|04 laF/ 0 $$Ifa$gdt $IfgdtFkdM$$Ifl:$$644 lap    qeeeeee $$Ifa$gdtkd$$Ifl\{~$ ..-644 lap(    t A55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^$I$.$.$-644 lap<   * t v z | ~       * 6 ,-/0128ὮὮԇὮԇὮ~ὮԇhhW^JhWhW^JhWCJ^JaJ'hhWCJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhhWCJOJQJaJhhWCJ^JaJo(hhW^JhWPJ^JnHo(tHhhWCJ^JaJ!hWCJPJ^JaJnHo(tH1t v x z | 5kd$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdt     $$Ifa$gdt $Ifgdt  * A55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< 5kd)$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdt ,-./ $$Ifa$gdt $Ifgdt/038A55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkdY$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<5kd $$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdt $$Ifa$gdt $Ifgdt8A55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd $$Ifluֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<89;<=>?@D !"#%&'()NOQRTUVZ}ӞӞʑhWPJ^JnHo(tH'hWhWCJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhWCJ^JaJhhWCJ^JaJo(hWhW^J!hWCJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhhWCJ^JaJhhWCJOJQJaJ689:;<?D5kd $$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdtD $$Ifa$gdt $IfgdtA55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd $$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<5kdI$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdt  $$Ifa$gdt $Ifgdt !$)NA55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkdy$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<NOPQRUZ5kd$$Iflֈ{~$$X^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdtZ $$Ifa$gdt $Ifgdt   DEGHJKLP-013Ŵ⫞ŴŴ⫞ŴŴŴŴŴhWPJ^JnHo(tHhWhW^J!hWCJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhhWCJOJQJaJhhWCJ^JaJo(hhWCJ^JaJhWhWPJ^JnHo(tH>A55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<5kd $$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdt $$Ifa$gdt $IfgdtA55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd9$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<    5kdi$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdtDEFG $$Ifa$gdt $IfgdtGHKPA55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<5kd$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdt $$Ifa$gdt $Ifgdt-A55, $Ifgdt $$Ifa$gdtkd$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<-./01495kd)$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap< $$Ifa$gdt3459fgijknq|| | | ||||||||||| |!|˼{sosososoe_eTe_hd*0JmHnHu hd*0Jjhd*0JUhtjhtUhd*6^JaJUhWPJ^JaJnHo(tHhd*5^JaJmH sH hd*^JaJ#hWhWPJ^JaJnHo(tHhhWCJOJQJaJhhWCJ^JaJo(hWhW^J!hWCJPJ^JaJnHo(tHhhWCJ^JaJ 9fghi $$Ifa$gdt $IfgdtijklnpA<:53$a$gdWkdY$$Iflֈ{~$$X$^I$.$.$-644 lap<pq$ nnl$If^n`la$$ nnl^n`la$$ & F nnl^n`la$$a$BCDEFGs^^^^$ nnl$If^n`la$$ & F nnl]^n`la$$ nnl^n`la$bkd$$Ifln^064 la GHIJKLMNwwww^ww$ & F nmnl]m^n`la$$ nnl^n`la$bkd$$IflnY064 la$ nnl$If^n`la$ wwww$ nnl^n`la$bkd$$Ifl|nY064 la$ nnl$If^n`la$ |||||||Pbkd!$$IflXnY064 la nnl$If^n`l$ nnl$If^n`la$$ nnl^n`la$$ & F nnl^n`la$      PAGE 1 PAGE 4 || | | | |||||||!|"|#|.|/|0|1|2|3|4|&`#$ ngd6 nnl^n`l!|#|$|*|+|,|-|.|0|1|3|4|hd*6^JaJhthW0JmHnHu hd*0Jjhd*0JUhd* (&P . 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