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Background The Ocean Call at the Inauguration of the 50th anniversary of IOC/UNESCO and the 43rd Session of its Executive Council (Paris, 816 June 2010 IOC/EC-XLI/3, Annex IX-B), urged the IOC Member States to finance and undertake capacity building programmes with an increased priority in programmes in coastal and ocean management, ocean sciences and ocean technologies that will provide safe, healthy and sustainable environments and reduce poverty through the promotion of effective and efficient marine stewardship. In response to The Ocean Call the Indian delegation at 43rd Session of IOC executive council stated that the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India will set up a training facility for capacity building in operational oceanography at INCOIS, Hyderabad (IOC/EC-XLI/3, Annex IX, item 7.3). This proposal aims at setting up a permanent training facility for capacity building for operational oceanography. Rationale for the Training Centre The operational oceanography has come to an age in the western countries, but is at infancy in the east, especially in African and Asian countries griddling the Indian Ocean. Not many countries, except India has the capability to forecast the state of coastal waters in advance as well as to identify the potential fishery resources using satellite data. Neither, they have the capability in forewarning and mitigating the natural hazards. At present no training centre, especially in Africa or in the Indian Ocean rim region, is offering training in operational oceanography that will prepare the marine scientists to meet the challenges of nowcasting and forecasting the seas around them for the better management of resources. The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad (an autonomous body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India) is a dedicated centre for operational oceanography and the only institute in the region providing operational ocean information and advisory services over the past ten years. The growing dependence of mankind on the ocean for food, energy and recreation demands nowcasting and forecasting the behaviour of oceans. The nowcasting and forecasting of oceans in turn demands the systematic integration of long-term routine measurements of the seas, oceans and marine atmosphere and rapid interpretations and dissemination of information to end users. The operational oceanography integrates the scientific knowledge spread across vast array of disciplines and skills to nowcasting and forecasting the behaviour of oceans. The proposed training centre in operational oceanography mainly envisages the capacity development on ocean observations using insitu and satellite platforms; data reception, processing in real time, use of the data in modelling, making nowcasts and forecasts and to dissemination to the end users at shortest possible time. Rationale for the Training Centre in India The ocean sciences in India have a history of over six decades. Spread over, about thirty academic and research institutes, India has a wealth of experts specialized in various fields of marine science including mathematical modelling. Recognising the importance of ocean sciences and technology and its potential in harnessing the ocean resources, Government of India, rightly established Department of Ocean Development in 1981 and later elevated as Ministry of Earth Sciences to deal with all aspects of Earth Sciences. At present, the yearly investment made in the field of ocean sciences and technology by this ministry is well above USD150 million. Currently, the Ministry of Earth Sciences owns four ocean class and two coastal research vessels. National Institute of Oceanography, another government-funded research institute, but not attached to the Ministry of Earth Sciences, also owns one ocean class and one coastal research vessel. These multi-disciplinary research vessels are valuable assets for capacity building and such facility is rare in Asian Indian Ocean-African region. India also has dedicated ocean remote sensing programme and expertise in various fields of satellite oceanography. The Oceansat-I provided continuous data on ocean colour at 360m resolution during 20002007 and the Oceansat-II launched in September 2009 is providing high resolution data on ocean colour and sea surface winds. Moreover, India has setup an extensive in situ observation network in the Indian Ocean that includes Argo floats, moored buoys, satellite tracked drifters, XBT lines, sea level gauges, HF radars, ADCP moorings, etc. The expertise in the fields of multi-disciplinary ocean science, remote sensing, observational network, mathematical modelling all serves the crucial requirements of a training centre in operational oceanography. The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad is a dedicated centre for operational oceanography. Over the past 10 years, INCOIS provides advisories to fishermen on potential fishing grounds, short-term forecasts on ocean state (waves, currents, sea surface temperature, tides, etc.) generated using mathematical models. INCOIS also acts as the National Oceanographic Data Centre. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IODE/IOC/UNESCO) also designated the data centre at INCOIS as the NODC. Further, INCOIS is serving as Argo Regional Data Centre (ARC) for the Indian Ocean region as part of the Argo Programme. This data centre acquires, processes, quality checks, archives and disseminates data obtained from different types of instruments (in situ as well as satellite based) specifically to serve the operational requirements. INCOIS has established the most advanced computational and communication facilities for data reception in real-time from insitu and remote sensing platforms, processing and running the operational modelling activities. The state of art National Tsunami Early Warning Centre established at INCOIS in 2007 is successful in providing the timely early warnings to India and Indian Ocean rim countries. As part of INCOISs commitments to international organizations, INCOIS has organized more than a dozen training programmes on its own or in collaboration with IOC and POGO. All of them specifically aimed at the capacity building of scientists/engineers/young researchers drawn from various countries. In addition to conducting meetings and training programmes, INCOIS also hosts the secretariat of IO-GOOS. Proposed Courses and Accreditation The training centre will offer a range of courses, from short-term to long-term courses. The long-term courses will range from background core courses to operational courses. The Training Centre will seek collaborations with recognized Universities through MoUs in order to design the long-term courses and for accreditation purposes. These courses aim at the development of much needed manpower to man the oceanographic institutes. The syllabus for these courses will include the core aspects of operational oceanography like quantitative data analysis techniques, mathematical modelling and data assimilation. Indias offer to host the Training Centre India, through its Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), will establish the international training at INCOIS in Hyderabad. The Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India will bear the cost of setting up of infrastructure, including land and building, and the operational cost including the salary of Indian faculty. The other cost, mainly, the travel and per diem for international trainees and the salary for international faculty will have to be borne by IOC or Member States interested in sponsoring the faculty or trainees. An approximate budget of Rs. 1500 million (approx. US$ 34 million) will be considered by MoES over a five-year period to build the necessary infrastructure (faculty building, international guest house and hostel, canteen facility, recreation facility, etc.), its maintenance, salary for the skeletal manpower, travel costs of guest faculty and trainees/students from India. Building the envisaged infrastructure will take approximately three years from the final approval of the project and allocation of budget. However, the capacity-building activity (short-term courses) can start within 10-12 months time after the final approval using the infrastructure currently being upgraded at INCOIS. Formal Arrangements The Training Centre, while legally an Indian facility, will operate under the IOC umbrella as a contribution by India to the capacity-building objectives of the IOC. The Training Centre complies with the IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity-building (IOC/INF-1211) which focuses on self-driven initiatives, and that the Centre will contribute substantially to the regions capacity building requirements of several IOC programmes such as GOOS, Tsunami warning and mitigation. The Training Centre will cooperate with IODE and will focus on establishing parallel arrangements with the IOC Project Office for IODE. The facilities, objectives and programme of the proposed Training Centre and the IOC Project Office for IODE are very complementary in nature. The proposed centre would also be a key regional focal point for the IOC's global and regional (through IOC Perth) capacity development objectives, under the IO-GOOS framework. It would benefit Indian Ocean rim and island communities. For example, the centre would provide a vehicle whereby the considerable advances being made through the Indian Ocean Panel of GOOS/CLIVAR in respect to ocean observations (through IndOOS), associated characterization of coupled ocean-climate processes and modelling thereof could be made available to IO-GOOS stakeholders. The same would apply to the related and emerging SIBER programme (Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Research) The Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, through INCOIS will establish the Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean) in Hyderabad and support it with necessary manpower and infrastructure. Formal arrangement between India/INCOIS and IOC through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is proposed after obtaining the approval of the Assembly.     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 8 Paris, 3rd June 2011 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-sixth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 22 June5 July 2011 Item 7.2 of the Provisional Agenda Proposal to Establish an International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 8 Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 8 Page PAGE 3 IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 8  0n     ) - G I h q x y |    = ? 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