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Dr. Alejandro Herrera, Director Instituto Dominicano de Aviacin Civil on behalf of the Government of Dominican Republic ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 2.1 Adoption of Agenda The Chairperson will inform the Plenary that the agenda was prepared by the Secretariat and the Officers taking into account the Recommendations and instructions given at ICG/CARIBE EWS-V, as well as the relevant parts of the IOC Rules of Procedures. She will also inform Delegates that the Officers suggest one amendment to the agenda, to replace under agenda item 5.1 the presentation on the experience of Bridgetown (Barbados) with a presentation on a Tsunami Manual for Port Operators developed for the Caribbean. The agenda will be then approved as is or with the above amendment and other changes as decided by Delegates. 2.2 Designation of the Rapporteur The Chairperson will request Delegates to propose candidates for Rapporteur of the meeting. As customary the meeting is requested to choose one rapporteur for each of the three languages of the meeting (English, French and Spanish) 2.3. Conduct of the Session, Timetable and Documentation The Chairperson will note that interpretation is available in French, English and Spanish. She will inform the Plenary that in order to facilitate the proceedings of the meeting a Timetable has been prepared by the Secretariat in coordination with the Officers and the local organising committee. At this point she may wish to offer the floor to the local host to provide logistic details above the field trip and welcome dinner. The Secretariat will be solicited about the logistics for working groups and plenary. The chairperson will then open the floor for comments from delegates on the Timetable, contained in Document ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/1 Prov. Provisional Timetable (English only). The Timetable will be approved as is or with the amendments decided by Delegates. In order to smooth the work of the session and facilitate the generation of recommendations and agreements the plenary will be asked to set up intra-sessionnal Working Groups to address some of the major issues addressed at the meeting. At the time of writing this Annotated Agenda two intrasessionnal Working Groups could be suggested: CTIC Work Plan Implementation Plan & Budget REPORT ON INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IOC Executive Secretarys Report The Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBE EWS, Mr. Bernardo Aliaga, will present the report of the Executive Secretary on his behalf. He will refer to document ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/5 He will report on actions led or coordinated by the Secretariat in 2010-2011, including SOP trainings held in the Indian Ocean, Africa and Haiti, post-event initiatives conducted after the 27 February, 2010 Earthquake and Tsunami in Chile and after the 25 October 2010 Sumatra Tsunami that affected the Mentawai Islands. In addition he will mention the projects to reinforce tsunami early warning in Oman, South America and Haiti and the risk assessment and awareness project in the Makran zone. After his report the Chairperson will open the floor for comments from Delegates. ChairMANs Report The Chairperson of ICG/CARIBE EWS, Dr. Lorna Inniss, will present the report of the Chairperson. She will refer to her activities of representation and promotion of the ICG/CARIBE EWS in several fora related with Disaster Risk Reduction in the Caribbean. After her report the Chairperson will open the floor for comments from Delegates. CARIBE EWS Secretariat Report The Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBE EWS, Mr. Bernardo Aliaga, will present the report of the Secretariat. He will refer to document ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/8 ICG CARIBE EWS-V Recommendations Status Report. A copy of the full list of Tsunami Warning Focal Points (TWFP) and Tsunami National Contacts (TNC) will be distributed to the delegates, which has been fully checked before the CARIBE WAVE 11 Exercise. After his report the Chairperson will open the floor for comments in view of the report of the ICG/CARIBE EWS to be submitted to the 25th session of the IOC Assembly. As well under this item the floor will be offered to Mr Cesar Toro, Secretary for the IOC Sub commission for the Caribbean Sea and adjacent regions (IOCARIBE) to report on IOCARIBE activities. REPORT OF the CaRIBEAN TSUNAMI INFORMATION CENTER (ctic) The Chairperson will open this item by recalling Member States that ICG-IV recommended that Member States identify funding for CTIC activities within their annual regular budgets (Recommendation ICG/CARIBE EWS IV.6) and that ICG-V agreed to address the issue of Member States financial contributions to the CTIC in the ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI. The Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBE EWS, Mr. Bernardo Aliaga, will be requested to introduce this item recalling the procedures followed to establish the CTIC. In this regard, Mr. Aliaga will recall that the CTIC is being established thanks to a three-year funding agreement between UNDP Barbados and the OECS Subregional Office, the Government of Italy and the Government of Barbados, under the framework of the project Enhancing Resilience to reduce vulnerability in the Caribbean. The Government of Barbados will be offered the floor to report on the activities of the interim CTIC. The Chairperson will then offer the floor to Member States to elaborate about funding for CTIC in the mid and long term. Reports from UN AND NON UN ORGANISATIONS The ICG has been successful in developing a wide and inclusive partnership policy. Several UN and non-UN organisations have accepted to become Permanent Observers to the ICG and will be invited under this agenda item to make oral statements or presentations for the benefit of the increase cooperation with the ICG. Expected interventions are from: CDEMA UNDP Barbados WMO After each presentation a short time will be available for answer and question sessions. STATUS of OTHER ICGs This item will be presented by Mr. Bernardo Aliaga, Technical Secretary for ICG/CARIBE EWS. He will summarise the status of other ICGs, particularly ICG/IOTWS, ICG/NEAMTWS and ICG/PTWS. After his report the floor will be open for comments from Delegates. A presentation about the Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 may be also delivered under this agenda item. National Progress Reports At the time of writing this Annotated Agenda 8 Member States: Aruba, Bermuda, Colombia, Dominican Republic, France, Guatemala, Saint Lucia, UK (Anguilla) have submitted National Reports. Delegates will be requested to make a short presentation on the actions and status of their national tsunami and other coastal hazards warning systems, followed by questions and answers after each presentation. Interim Advisory Services Report (PTWC) Dr. Chip McCreery will present a Report from PTWC on the interim services provided to ICG/CARIBE EWS. The floor will be open to comments from Delegates after this report. Issues dealing with the ICG/CARIBE EWS-II/11 Communications Plan for the Interim Tsunami Advisory Information Service to the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions may be raised under this agenda item. WORKING GROUP PROGRESS REPORTS Delegates will be requested to comment/decide on the recommendations of the Working Groups and to either confirm or modify its Terms of Reference, extending its mandate until ICG/CARIBE EWS-VII and nominating national experts to the Working Groups as necessary. Working Group 1 Progress Report: Monitoring and Detection Systems, Warning Guidance This agenda item will be presented by Mr. Emilio Talavera (Nicaragua), Chairperson of Working Group 1. He will refer to document ICG/CARIBE EWS-V/9 Working Group 1 Report. Working Group 2 Progress Report: Hazard Assessment This agenda item will be presented by Dr. Aurelio Mercado (USA), Chairperson of Working Group 2. He will refer to document ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/10 Working Group 2 Report. Working Group 3 Progress Report: Warning, Dissemination and Communication This agenda item will be presented by Mr. Rafael Mojica (USA) Chairperson of Working Group 3. He will refer to document ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/11 Working Group 3 Report. Working Group 4 Progress Report: Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience This agenda item will be introduced by Mr. Juan Luis Guzman (Venezuela), Chairperson of Working Group 4. He will refer to document ICG/CARIBE EWS-V/12 Working Group IV Report ESPECIAL INVITED LECTURES: COMMUNITY-BASED TSUNAMI WARNING SYSTEM Under this agenda item, the Chairperson will refer to the Recommendation ICG/CARIBE EWS-IV.4, which urges Member States to consider the recommendations of the Best Practices on Tsunami and Coastal Hazards Community Preparedness and Readiness in Central America and the Caribbean workshop, held in August 2008 in Panama. In this respect, representatives of Dominican Republic are invited to present their activities in the area of Miches in Dominican Republic with focus on the development of their community-based warning systems. Also under this item it is envisaged a presentation of the Tsunami Manual for Port Operators. POLICY MATTERS 6.1. ESTABLISHMENT OF A CARIBBEAN TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER [Recommendation ICG/CARIBE EWS-II. 3 and V.2] The Chairperson will introduce this topic recalling for Member States that according to Recommendation ICG/CARIBE EWS-II.3 the Group decided to establish a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center to be located in the region. Also, through Recommendation ICG/CARIBE EWS-II.12 it agreed to actively plan to take over the full responsibility for the system with a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center in the region at least by 2010. She will then recall that at the ICG-V in 2010 welcomed and appreciated Venezuelas efforts and technical advances for the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center, welcomed and appreciated Nicaraguas efforts and technical advances for the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center and welcomed and appreciated the United States efforts for establishing a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez in Puerto Rico, USA and hiring its Manager as the first step of the U.S. phased contribution to the establishment of a Caribbean Tsunami Warning Center (Recommendation ICG/CARIBE EWS-V.2) The Chairperson will then offer the floor to Member States to report on progress made in the establishment of a CTWC. The Chairperson will open the floor for comments/decisions from Member States on the next steps needed for the fulfilment of this recommendation. 6.2. REPORT OF THE CARIBEAN TSUNAMI EXERCISE (CARIBE WAVE 11) [Recommendation ICG/CARIBE EWS- V.3] The Chairperson will introduce this topic recalling that the CARIBE WAVE 11 was conducted on 23 March, 2011 and 34 Member States participated. She will then offer the floor to Dr. Christa G. von Hillebrandt-Andrade (USA), CARIBE EWS Task Team Leader CARIBE WAVE 2011, to present the report and the findings of the post exercise survey performed by the ICG. She will refer to Document ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/13. The Chairperson will open the floor for comments from Member States. UPDATES TO THE CARIBE EWS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN This agenda item will be introduced by the ICG/CARIBE EWS Technical Secretary. He will refer to document ICG/CARIBE EWS-III/13 and IOC Technical Series 78, CARIBE EWS Implementation Plan. An intra-sessionnal Working Group is expected to produce an updated Implementation Plan and report on it under this agenda item. The Chairperson will open the floor for comments from Member States. PROGRAMME AND BUDGET FOR 2012-2013 The Chairperson will offer the floor to the Chairperson/Rapporteur of the sessional commission established under agenda item 2.3. to deliver the conclusions and recommendations of the sessional group. The Chairperson will open the floor for comments from Member States. NEXT MEETING Confirmation of date and place of ICG/CARIBE EWS-ViI The Chairperson will introduce this item. She will recall that at ICG/CARIBE EWS-IV there were no offers for hosting the Seventh session. As well, she will recall that the group agreed to target March 2012 for the Seventh Session. The Chairperson will open the floor for Member States considering hosting the Seventh Session of the ICG/CARIBE EWS in March 2012. With this information Delegates will be requested to confirm date and place for ICG/CARIBE EWS-VII. target date for ICG/CARIBE EWS-vIiI The group will be requested by the Chairperson to decide on a target date for the Eight Session of the ICG/CARIBE EWS. Member States may at this stage mention their willingness to host this session. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Under this item there are the following matters that could be raised: A presentation of a Public Awareness video about the Caribbean Tsunami Warning System developed by the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Programme of USA A presentation about a joint initiative of UCAR/MET and the ICG for a Caribbean tailored tsunami web based training. ADOPTION OF DECISIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CLOSE OF THE MEETING     -  PAGE 6 - Limited Distribution ICG/CARIBE EWS-VI/2 Prov  Santo Domingo, 26 April 2010 Page 1     й|n`U`G@<hV huhhHh5\mH sH h5=5\mH sH hHhH5\mH sH hHh76Y5\mH sH hHh,5\mH sH h(jVh5\mH sH h&#+5\mH sH h&#+5\mH sH htJ 5\mH sH hsh&#+5\mH sH h&#+5mH sH hsh&#+5mH sH h,h&#+5mH sH h76Yh&#+5 h&#+5 hE5 h,5  q s $ 7G$a$gd<$ 70G$^`0a$gda$$$ & F 7<G$a$gd76Ygd$a$gdtJ $a$gd&#+gd&#+$a$gd=N>  5 q s u v | \ ]  3 4 O P f g k v  ! ûwpia\XTh&#+h"0 h5h76Yh5 hRhR huhh]8;ha$\mH sH h]8;h{\wmH sH h]8;hkHEmH sH h]8;ha$mH sH h]8;h}\mH sH h]8;h}mH sH ha$mH sH ha$hRmH sH h}mH sH h0mH sH h0h0mH sH h0hRmH sH hRh]8;h s ] 4 P g n ~ul~lh^hgdHh^hgd&#+$$ & F 7h<G$^hgd76Y$$$ & F 7<G$a$gdR$ 70G$^`0a$gd{\w$ 70G$^`0a$gd}$ 70G$^`0a$gda$$ 70G$^`0a$gd0 ! 3 I M , - . 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