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As ocean scientists deploy new technologies to observe these dynamic ocean processes, the impacts of human activity are becoming increasingly obvious and of growing concern. Rising sea level, melting ice sheets, ocean acidification, dead zones, harmful algal blooms, coral bleaching, fish stock and ecosystem declines are all being experienced with impacts at local and global scales. There is also increased likelihood of major changes in ocean circulation, weather and climate associated with the oceans capacity to deal with human-induced forcing. Human well-being is and will continue to be influenced by the health and functions of our oceans. Ocean scientists are increasingly being called upon to provide data and impartial scientific information to support all levels of management, a challenge that requires more and better-coordinated efforts towards observing and understanding oceans and coastal seas throughout the globe. To date, largely independent observing systems have evolved to meet the needs of particular disciplines and end users the majority of these focus on ocean physics. The time has come, however, to integrate and coordinate disciplinary efforts because: (i) many of the problems facing the world today are interdisciplinary in nature; and (ii) the level of resources available for ocean observing necessitates leveraging each requires development of requirements, observations, data/product management, modelling and international collaboration. To address these issues, a number of national and international ocean agencies sponsored a conference (OceanObs'09, HYPERLINK "http://www.oceanobs09.net/"www.oceanobs09.net) in Venice in September 2009 attended by representatives of ocean observation programmes worldwide. Based on impressive progress displayed by the many groups at the Conference and the desire to work collectively, the sponsors commissioned a Task Team to develop an Integrated Framework for Sustained Ocean Observing. The Task Teams objective was to take lessons learned from the successes of existing ocean observing efforts, and outline a Framework that would guide the ocean observing community as a whole to establish the requirements for an integrated (from physics through biogeochemistry to ocean biology and ecosystems) and sustained global observing system, to include the variables to be measured, the approach to measuring these, and the way in which their data and products will be managed and made widely available. The Task Team agreed that Framework processes should be organized around essential ocean variables (EOVs), rather than by observing system, platform, programme, or region. The group also agreed that implementing new EOVs would be carried out according to their readiness levels, this allowing timely implementation of components that were already mature, while encouraging innovation and formal efforts to improve readiness and build capacity. Systems engineering approaches are presented in this paper to provide a common language and consistent handling of requirements, observing technologies, and information flow among different, largely autonomous, observing elements. The Framework takes advantage of existing structures, promotes a collaborative system with voluntary participation, and seeks to support self-funding and self-managing elements that together will provide more than the sum of their individual efforts. The Task Team recommends establishment of a governance model that would drive optimized collaboration and integration across the many observing system elements and communities. This comprises: A Framework Steering Group, made up of representatives of the international sponsors of OceanObs'09 and leaders of Ocean Observing Panels (i.e. representatives of Physics, Biogeochemistry and Biology communities delivering the core elements of the Observing System), would promote alignment of existing structures and oversee creation of any new committees/bodies that may be required to support new elements of the observing system. They would also support effective links across the elements of the Framework, to ensure that in concert they deliver much more than the sum of their parts, and in so doing drive the desired integration. Three Ocean Observing System Panels for Physics, Biogeochemistry and Biology, would be responsible for development of EOVs, articulation of best practice, assessment of readiness levels, development of implementation strategies and coordination of activities across local, national, regional and international communities. The panels would pick up from the work of the Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), the Panel for Integrated Coastal Observations (PICO), and the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP) where appropriate. Ocean Observing System Implementation Teams would support specific activities articulated by the Panels, and be the core drivers of community commitment and contributions to the Framework. Many of these teams exist already. The Task Team strongly recommends that the ocean observing community adopt, adapt to, and fully support the way ahead quickly, recognizing that additional changes can be made as needed through Framework collaboration and negotiation processes. The Framework recognizes that not all nations can or will contribute to all components of the Ocean Observing System. The recommended systems approach, based on agreed EOVs and common data management protocols, allows investment at local, national and regional scales to contribute to a global system, with broad benefits returned to all contributors. A Framework based on broad community collaboration will foster innovation and scientific discovery; improve communications and data sharing across the community; result in faster and better coordinated information to support both science and societal needs; contribute to capacity building and enhancement of ocean observations in developing countries; and finally increase confidence and support among sponsoring and funding entities. Key Concepts The Framework: Seeks to deliver an observing system that is fit for purpose, i.e. that: has an expanded capability to deliver needed physical, biogeochemical, and biological data to answer societal issues and scientific inquiry, is operated in a collaborative way on a set of principles and best practices, balances the need for research and innovation with need for stability, promotes collaborative alignment of independent groups, communities, and networks, and provides maximum benefit in a wide range of areas and in all countries from each observation; Articulates a systems approach for sustained global ocean observing, which: introduces Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) as the common language, defines a system composed of Requirements, Observations, and Data, proposes the concept and use of readiness levels, based on feasibility, capacity, and impact assessment, for each of these system components, and seeks to deliver a framework that works for coastal and open oceans; Fosters recognition and development of interfaces among all actors in the Framework; Establishes EOVs as the link between the system, and science and societal needs.  Within IOC's proposed reform of GOOS governance, the proposed GOOS Board could play this Steering Group role, but to be successful the Board would require strong representation/engagement by a wide range of partners. If the GOOS Board cannot play this role, a Framework Steering Group would need to be established as a transitory rather than a permanent body, its term dictated by the progress required to reach an agreed and functional governance structure.     ICG/CARIBE-EWSII/WD__ Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXIV/2 Annex __ Page PAGE 3 Restricted Distribution IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 9 Paris, 20 April 2011 Original: English INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Twenty-sixth Session of the Assembly UNESCO, Paris, 22 June5 July 2011 Item 6.1 of the Provisional Agenda A Framework for Ocean Observing: executive summary IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 9 Page PAGE 2 IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 9 Page PAGE 3 IOC-XXVI/2 Annex 9 1PZ^@ A R T l n   - .   -9:qEF+,RSTfg赮h>h1 0J(jh>h1 Ujh>h1 UhVh6+h1  h>h1 h>h1 B*phh1 ^JaJh6+hQ>>*^JaJhQ>^JaJh>h1 6^JaJh>h1 ^JaJh>h1 >*^JaJ/A - . / H ~~~%gdQ>gdQ>gd1 gkd$$IfTlV<024 laT x$Ifgd1 :' )**FHdeFG $Mm """"## #####)$1$|$$$$$$%!%(%)%+%,%Q%X%q%r%|%%%%%h>h1 5 h6+5hV h1 56jh>h1 0JUh1 h6+hi0h1 56 h>h1 h>h1 56H """""###)$|$$+%q%%O&&&:' ) ) ) ))))gd1 %gdQ>"gdQ>gd1 gdQ>%%%%%%+&N&O&P&&&&&8'9':';'<'='S'Y'''(() ) ) ) )))))))+)-)3)4):);)<)=)>)?)P)ʹhkth1 aJh1 0JaJmHnHuhbh1 0JaJjhbh1 0JUaJ *hbh1 aJhbh1 aJjh(Uh( hK.h1  hy|h1 hQ>jh1 0JU hSS#h1 h6+ h>h1 h1 /)))).)>)?)S)c)d)e)))))))$ & `0p@ Pa$gd1 "$ 2`0p@ dPla$gd1  $ 7a$gdQ>  gdQ>gd1  r gd1 P)R)X)Y)_)`)a)b)c)d)e)})))))))))))))))켸}t}ia}}L(jhLT^h1 U^JaJmHnHuh1 ^JaJhr-h1 ^JaJh1 5^JaJhLT^h1 5^JaJhQ>5CJ$^JaJ$h1 5CJ$^JaJ$h\nh1 5CJ$^JaJ$hLT^h1 ^JaJh1 h/h1 aJh1 0JaJmHnHuhkth1 0JaJjhkth1 0JUaJhkth1 aJ *hkth1 aJ))))*=*>*?*@*A*B*C*D*woooooo$a$gd1  `0pP ^ gd1  # `0p@ P ^ gd1  # `0pEP ^ gd1  & `0p@ P ^ gd1   `0pP ^ gd1  )))) ****)*<*=*>*?*B*D*E*I*L*f*g*i*********󽲪|xqxdZdMhBhh1 CJ^JaJh1 CJ^JaJh\nh1 CJ^JaJ hh1 h1 h#h1 >*CJ^Jh3Ah1 5CJ^Jh#h1 CJ^Jh3Ah1 CJ^Jh1 ^JaJhLT^h1 ^JaJhLT^h1 \^JaJh1 CJ\^Jh1 5CJ^JhLT^h1 5^JaJh h1 CJ\^Jh h1 5CJ^JD*g*h*i*****************+"gdQ>$a$gd1 <^<gdQ>  r <^<gdQ> r gd1 gd1  gd1 gd1  D%gd1 *****************************+ֶ鲥vlvha hSS#h1 h(h1 CJ^JaJh\nh1 CJ^JaJhQ>h1 0JCJ^JaJ%jhQ>h1 0JCJU^JaJhQ>h1 CJ^JaJh1 !h4$0JCJ^JaJmHnHuhBhh1 0JCJ^JaJ%jhBhh1 0JCJU^JaJhBhh1 CJ^JaJhQ>CJ^JaJC 0 00&P 1hP:p1 . 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