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Some navies perform ad-hoc upper air soundings. 4950 soundings on GTS in 2010. 2. Delivery of data (data collection and exchange) VOS Obs in FM13 by Inmarsat-C or email to NMS then inserted on GTS. Timeliness of data is routinely monitored by the RSMC (UKMO). Delayed mode (QCed) data are submitted to the GCCs (UK and DE) in support of Marine Climatological Summaries Scheme (MCSS). Level of submissions by members is improving. Level of IMMT data collected has improved through the use of electronic logbook software. VOS metadata now extends to over 100 variables. Most countries are submitting metadata quarterly in XML transfer protocol. AU and NZ are the only non-EU countries submitting monthly as per a request at SOT-V to submit monthly Pub47 metadata. BUFR implementation is not well understood by VOS operators. ASAP Obs in HiRes BUFR, with vertical resolution of 20 sec (~100m), plus mandatory and significant levels. File size is about 10Kb Satellite communications are not completely reliable 3. Measurement standards and Quality Control VOS Obs routinely monitored by RSMC (for standard VOS) and RTMC (for VOSClim) against agreed standards. Monthly reports distributed to NMS and PMOs. Comprehensive set of real-time monitoring tools provided by Meteo France to check individual platform sensors against the French model and against buddy platforms. JCOMMOPS provides a range of monitoring tools and maps showing coverage and variables reported. PMOs perform regular inspections to maintain instruments performance and calibration. Barometer checks on ships are traceable to national and international pressure standards. ASAP Obs routinely monitored by Meteo France against agreed standards. The quality of reports in 2010 was generally of a high standard, with only a small percentage of erroneous data. 4. Logistics and resources VOS VOS underpinned by global PMO network. Resources to carry out the VOS functions are provided at the national level. PMO-IV (Orlando, 8-10 December 2010) was successful in promoting common standards and practices and strengthening international co-operation, e.g. buddy program. VOS-DP provided a resource platform and impetus for VOS start-up countries. ASAP ASAP ships typically require significant deck space for either a 10 or 20 shipping container. There might also be a requirement for open deck space for launching the balloon. Space might also be required in the bridge for the DigiCORA sounding system processor. Equipment maintenance is often limited due to the short berthing times in port. Soundings are performed by crew members, often with limited training. 5. Potential new technology (instrumentation, communications, platforms) VOS Numbers and types of AWS is increasing, but systems are expensive and transient nature of shipping makes ship selection and installation difficult. Email is becoming more popular as the preferred method to send obs from traditional manual VOS. Compression techniques are used, particularly from AWS with high reporting rates. Iridium comms is becoming more popular. ASAP 6. Capacity-building requirements VOS International training arranged by WMO every 2-3 years, with high level of SOT/VOSP support. PMO-IV in Orlando, December 2010. VOS-DP, an initiative of the DBCP/SOT (building on a suggestion from David Meldrum) will help countries initiate a VOS program using donated SVP-B as a simple deck AWS. VOS website contains comprehensive guides for VOS Programme Managers and PMOs. Website also includes links to monitoring tools, forms, a wide range of PMO resources for ship recruitment and ship inspections. ASAP 7. Ideas for the immediate way forward VOS Promote the new VOS classes and to upgrade to VOSClim class wherever possible. Agree on the VOSClim performance measures Raise awareness of the VOS start-up program (VOS-DP). Raise awareness of the PMO buddy program concept Raise awareness of the imminent introduction of BUFR and the ramifications for the VOS. Improve the staffing situation at JCOMMOPS. ASAP Promote ASAP in other areas of the world, easier said than done having been involved in the WRAP project. Implement the Data Targeting System (DTS) to deliver data in sensitive areas on request. UK Met Office and ECMWF conducted a DTS Trial in 2008. E-ASAP participated in the trail with moderate success, however overall the trial confirmed the capabilities of targeted observations. A similar program for upper air observations has existed in Australia for many years and is very successful.     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