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The programme endeavours to give these students the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge required for participation in the global debate on the use of the ocean (HYPERLINK "http://www.geosci.usyd.edu.au/uos/"http://www.geosci.usyd.edu.au/uos/). It is limited however to shipboard on-the-job training. UoS is a partnership between the IOC, several universities in Australia, the University of Tokyo, the Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute, Tongji University China, the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans Canada, the National Institute of Oceanography Goa and the Indonesian Research Centre for Marine Technology. Together these institutions make up the Asian Pacific Neighbours Consortium. The UoS programme is funded by grants from the Toyota Foundation in Japan, the Australian Earth Systems Science Network, the ARC Network for Earth System Science, the Geoscience, the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research Australia and some other sources. The programme uses various research vessels operating in the region and represents a unique regional opportunity for shipboard training in marine sciences. The UoS participates annually in one to three research cruises. In 2005, during the two-week period in June-July twenty (20) students who came from ten countries (Australia, P.R. China, East Timor, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Sri Lanka) got “hands on” practical experience in marine data collection on board the French R/V Marion Dufresne. The UoS cruise in February 2006 focused at a research program of Geoscience Australia in the Tasmanian Sea, again on board the Marion Dufresne. Nineteen (19) students came from 7 countries (Fiji, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand). Most were PhD and MSc students and early career scientists. The students had lectures on seafloor mapping, ocean productivity, paleoclimate, oceanography and deep sea drilling results. At a Conference Day the students gave oral presentations of their research projects. While on watch, the students were trained in various oceanographic techniques including: piston coring, dredging, CTD, XBT, magnetometer, gravity meter, plankton tows, seismic reflection profiling, multibeam mapping and navigation. The 2007 (October-November) cruise operated from the New-Zealand R/V Tangaroa (2300 t) in the Tasmanian Sea. Twelve students came from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Spain and Sri Lanka. In 2008-2009 eighteen (18) students from 8 counties (India, China, Malaysia, Iran, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore) participated in the programme onboard the German research vessel the Sonne. The three 4-week long cruises (October 2008 to January 2009) focused on sea floor mapping and sampling of an area of Indian Ocean off the west coast of Australia. The overall scientific aim of the three surveys was to collect data to assist in understanding the petroleum prospectivity, geological setting and environmental significance of the study areas. The students were trained in the use of multi-beam sonar, sub-bottom profiler, magnetic and gravity instruments. The UoS was supported by the IOC, UNEP/GRID Arendal, the Australian Earth System Science Network, Geoscience Australia and universities in the Asia Pacific Region.   Ё Я а ђ ѓ і - . 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